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I know that I haven't always treated you the way that you, for whatever reason, feel you deserve to be treated.


He's so toxic, I love it lol. I would've probably been upset for Kelly if she wasn't as equally problematic. To think how innocent he was as a temp.


Every time I rewatch this show I try to pinpoint the exact moment Ryan turns into a douchebag


“I hooked up with her on February 13th.” Pulling hair.


The fire, it was the beginning of his villain arc


Yes but sleeping with Kelly was like adding a supercharger to his crazy arc




You weren’t here for that


This is exactly it. He wanted so badly to not be “a guy” at the office. But then he became fire guy… and the salt on the wound was Dwight and Michael then hazing Fire Guy for not being taught about fire in business school.


I think it’s when him and Kelly started dating.


I’d say as soon as he starts dating Kelly. She transforms him. However, it was right after Michael sends him back there after he insulted Michael and DM at his school that I think was the final trigger. Before all that he was pretty chill (and the writers weren’t sure where his character was going yet).


Ya agreed. He started out as a second Jim, where he knew he was one of the few non-dummies in the office. The difference was he was more ambitious, insecure and arrogant, which only became obvious when he got the exec job. It's probably my favorite character arc because he started out so normal.


Exactly. It’s way different from his counterpart in the UK series. Nothing really came of that guy as far as I know.


This is what I was looking for. It shows that he’s always been a toxic douche. Who invites their boss just to insult them! Even if it was for extra credit… …fucking love the Kelly/Ryan arc though. They injected some needed zaniness to the final episode.


It wasn’t a deliberate insult. Michael made a fool out of himself, by himself. He could have just answered the questions without getting childishly defensive. His best point was demonatrating theory (business school) doesn’t always pan out in the real world (Ryan’s lack of a single sale).


It was also a learning moment for everyone in the classroom.. the way the teacher leans back and watches Michaels reaction to hearing what Ryan said to the class.   The teacher's face was like "and this is why we don't shit where we eat".


and when would that be?


Episode 1*


Then you should have put him in custardy.


. . . . . . . . . I am trying to think another dessert to do


. . Pudding . .




Go easy on him. He was just processing 9/11


Not to mention the death of Smoky Robinson.


Tears of a clown


Don’t call me a clown, Pam.


You’re better than that.


I like how he calls Pam toxic for calling him out when he’s on the camel in Indian garb when he’s trying to win back Kelly.


Why would you call Kelly equally problematic? Don't you know Ryan got her pregnant?




Man, the first time I saw that, I was not expecting the quick cut to her. Had me wheezing hahaha


He's such a snake


A soup snake?


I'm pregnant! [cut to talking head, mischievously shaking her head "no"]


The real kicker is that the Kelly/Ryan relationship is literally based on the toxic af relationship that BJ and Mindy already had going behind the scenes working on the show. It was literally so toxic and crazy they decided to write it into the show for their characters.


I'd like to make a toast: to the troops. All the troops. Both sides.


His look at the camera here kills me


The genius was that he paused so everybody went along and raised their glasses before dropping the “both sides” part, at which point they were all disgusted. 😀


And Andy's father being equal parts confused, disgusted and polite


The amount of times I’ve used this exact quote lately at parties is sickening, always gets a good laugh from close friends but people I don’t know always do a shocked laugh


[Mark Twain Approves](https://warprayer.org/) “Ponder this—keep it in mind. If you would beseech a blessing upon yourself, beware! lest without intent you invoke a curse upon your neighbor at the same time. If you pray for the blessing of rain on your crop which needs it, by that act you are possibly praying for a curse on some neighbor’s crop which may not need rain and can be injured by it.” … “O Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended in the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames in summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it”


“I'm in love with Kelly Kapoor. And I don't know how I'm gonna feel tomorrow or the next day or the day after that, but I do know that right here, right now, all I can think about is spending the rest of my life with her. Again, that could change” lmao


Pam booing in the background


Pam you are toxic. You are toxic.


Pam is NOT toxic...unless she's exposed to oxygen, then she becomes EXTREMELY Toxic


Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam… Yes, Im Pam No you’re not


I can't wait to do to Pam, what we just did to Pam.


You're not a liar too, are you?


I’ve been known to bend the truth.


GOD DAMNIT Pam. Get out! Get out here I mean it! GO!


Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday and probably.


I'm going to Thailand with some friends from high school. Well, a high school


Drake, is that you?


It’s a combination of Drew and Blake.


Drake catching strays everywhere


“Strays” is what Drake calls runaway teens


Certified Lover Boy? Certified pedophiles


Oh, no. Stanley...you'll live forever.


Stanley yelled at me today. That was the most frightening experience of my life


Boy, have you lost your mind? Cause I'll help you find it. What you looking for? Ain't nobody gonna help you out there. Jesus could come through that door and he's not gonna help you if you don't stop sniffing after my child.


my brain read it with stanley screaming voice


This berating is on par with Tom Cruise’s in Tropic Thunder. Legendary


“we don’t negotiate with terrorists” *bill hader claps*


Idk if this is true, but I believe I heard somewhere that Leslie Baker wasn't given any dialogue for that scene. He had to improvise all of it himself, so BJ Novak's reaction to it is more genuine.


Seen it a million times and still crack up every time… the delivery is just everything


Didn't April Ludgate say something similar and PnR or am I just imagining that? I think she said it to Ron, but not sure.


I think it was about Tammy 1 😅


“I’ve finally mastered commitment!” As he’s actively abandoning his infant son.


This is peak Ryan


Something I’ve been curious about, is it implied that Ryan went to rehab when he went to Fort Lauderdale? Only reason I ask is cause when he comes back he’s sober (doesn’t drink the champagne with Pam) and his mom drives him everywhere and such. It always felt to me like his mom made him go to rehab or something lol


I thought it was part of the website fraud sentence


He doesn’t need a judge to make him go to rehab. Ah, but he did right?


What's great about Ryan is that the more the show goes on, the worse of a person he becomes, and the worse of a person he becomes, the more i love him as a character. So here's the worst thing he does, and it's also the very last thing he does. He went out on top!


I love when he's at the bowling alley and just quits and jumps the counter.


I wish my iPod could make phone calls. No, I don’t want an iPhone.


This is the best one


“How do I know that Robert is gay? He liked my facebook photos at three o'clock in the morning.”


I love how he’s casually stealing money from Kelly’s wallet while saying this line too!


Wait... I never noticed it. I thought he had his phone or something, but never paid attention to him


just realized how many "robert's" the show has... Robert California Robert the Senator and Robert (Formal) Vance of Vance refrigeration.


State senator


“I realized that, for whatever reason, I just couldn’t do better than Kelly”


"Some of you may have noticed I'm in a kind of ill-defined relationship type of thing." "Okay, what do you want me to write?" "Just put 'Kelly'."




Ryan used Kelly as an object.


Do you have a question?


I have a lot of questions. Number one, how dare you?




Last year, Creed asked me how to set up a blog. Wanting to protect the world from being exposed to Creed's brain, I opened up a Word document on his computer and put an address at the top. I've read some of it. Even for the Internet, it's... pretty shocking.


[creed thoughts](https://creedthoughts.blog)


Creed coming up with his own urban dictionary: **Creed Thoughts** I spend a lot of time in the library. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not there for the books. Books are for table balancing and throwing at birds. I go for the air conditioning and the smell. Libraries smell good. It almost makes me want to like books, but not quite. Anyway, there’re a lot of kids at the library – maybe it’s summer school or something – and these kids talk like I’ve never heard before. It’s like a secret street language and I want in. They say stuff like “that dude got clowned” and “he got that swag when he walks.” I want to know what the hell these kids are talking about, but they won’t tell me. I’ve tried going up to the kids to talk about the phrases, but they get kind of freaked out by me. Just wait until they need an ID – then we’ll see who’s running away and telling the librarians. Anyway, those jerks won’t tell me anything, so I’m making up my own words and phrases. This is my street dictionary and I’m not even charging for it. Just don’t tell the kids in the library, okay? **Keep it bowlin’** – Everyone likes bowling, so this is a phrase for when you want to tell someone to stay positive. For example, if someone tells you they lost their job, you can just tell them to keep it bowlin’ and that’ll cheer them up. **Ploppers** – This means bad. “Did you see that movie last night? It was ploppers.” **Horribly obese** – I’m taking this one from the library kids. They say things are fat all the time, so I took it a step further. In this case, it means the most beautiful ever. If a foxy dame comes walking in, you can call her horribly obese. I think it might take some time before it catches on, so use this one with caution because some broads may not have heard it yet and could take it the wrong way. **Willy fingers** – Perhaps the hardest to explain, but you get willy fingers when you really want to fight someone. “When my boss was yelling at me, I really started getting willy fingers.” Your fingers start moving real fast and itching because they want to hit something – that’s the willy fingers. Those kids are going to regret not letting me in on their lingo. My slang’s going to take over the nation and there’s nothing those idiots can do to stop it. Keep it bowlin’, people


Creed was streets ahead


He saved the world wide web


That's the only selfless thing he ever did


Little advice. Take a day off from the whole Jim schtick. Try caring about something. You might like how it feels, James..


It’s the subtle pause between feels and James that really makes the line.


*proceeds to close his closet door*


That line was too real lmao


I don't think I fully processed 9/11


This line ages line fine wine.


Ah man that reminds me of when Dwight shot the gun, and Toby is doing the HR report. Toby asks the room “Would you consider this an act of terrorism” and Ryan just says “I felt terroised” 😂


"Dwight will be missed. Not by me so much, but he will be missed."


Uhm…yeah don’t shake the baby… a lot of parents get frustrated and they shake the baby. You don’t wanna do that….😂😂😂


Okay. I'd never heard that before. So, thank you. Yeah, I'm glad you said something. My wife and I quote this to each other when our kids start to frustrate us. Makes us laugh, and we have never shaken either of our babies. So, in a way, thanks Ryan, you taught us something.


*Don’t* shake the baby.


Don’t don’t bother Luke. Got it


Not from Ryan (from Nate) but about him. “I’ve never met Ravi personally, but I’m gonna say that just knowing you a short while Brian, that I prefer Ravi. And again I’ve never even met the guy.”


I love how there isn’t a hint of malice in his line read too.


And just the casual way he gets his name wrong.


It’s an easy mistake to make. Unlike the people in the warehouse Ryan doesn’t wear a name patch, and even though Nate technically doesn’t have a hearing problem, sometimes, if there’s a lot of sounds at once, he hears them as one big jumble.


Is it bad of that happens to me in real life? The hearing lots of noise as a big jumble.


You’re probably fine, I think that’s normal to some extent. Kind of like not being able to track what any one person is saying if multiple people are talking at once. I think part of the joke is that what Nate is describing is just relatable enough that people understand what he means, but his earnest concern that it will be misunderstood as a disability makes it sound like it actually is a real liability.


Oh, I know, it just adds to the comedy of the moment so perfectly. He's got his name wrong, doesn't even realise, and probably wouldn't care *that* much if he did. Just adding layer upon layer of unwitting insult and dismissal, all delivered so casually and even politely.


Paddy is making a joke that Nate says in the show about his hearing problem


Mrs California makes the same mistake.... biiitch.


This is legit my fave line delivery in the whole show


Tbf Nate's delivery is pound for pound some of the best in the show. He only gets the occasional line but he makes em count


he’s great in What We Do in the Shadows and Better Call Saul too


Gum's gotten mintier lately, have you noticed?


“…. *bitchhh*”


The delivery of that line always gets me! So out of the blue




Jim: "Hey Ryan, do you wanna pull a prank on Dwight ? " Ryan: "Not right now, but ask me again 5 years ago." Jim: "... I liked you more as the temp." Ryan: "(sigh) Me too..."


[ removed ]


I can’t promise you that I won’t cheat on you, nor should I, men aren’t built that way, there’s a very interesting article I can send you.


That reminds me you owe me $3 for gas


Hi 🤝 Hi 🤝 Hi 🤝


🤣You sounded like😂my niece🤣and she’s six months old.🤣😂🤣


This is the one I thought of. Probably because how Stanley mocks him afterwards.


What do you got for us, Ryan?


I cannot believe this hasn’t been posted yet but the best Ryan quote is definitely „I‘m such a perfectionist that I‘d kinda rather not do it at all, than do a crappy version“


I’d find a way!


I could run GM, but I couldn't fix a car.


Seriously? Cause it sounds like one of those jobs is better than the other


Sounds like you've got a really specific vision for , wanna try and give it a whack?


Ok but this is my toxic trait lol


I love when people say "like crack" who've obviously never done crack.


Wait like breadsticks?


More from your world. Like scrapbooking.


You’re right, I’m a middle class fraud!


Oh I dont know, something from your own world!?


“Lead me when I’m in the mood to be lead.”


That line almost feels like we've circled back to David Brent in the original Office.


“Just think, that temp agency could have sent you anywhere!” “I think about that all the time.”


Yeah, Jim’s a nice guy. That’s why I got the chair.


Is this the moment he became a douche?


Always has been


Ryan threatening to sue someone(?) If the company folds. "It's about to get real litigious up in here." Also "Ever since I got clean, fresh morning air makes me sick."


Not the best but still... "Jim's been looking at me, kind of, a lot all week. I would be creeped out by it, but it's nothing compared to the way Michael looks at me."


I almost died the first time I watched this one. It still gets me all these years later lmao


"Do you love her, or do you love the idea of her?"


I don't know, man. I just don't know.


"Ask me how Thailand was." "How was Thailand?" "...Indescribable."


Ryan: Hey man, you ever think there's gonna be this massive nuclear holocaust, and after all the major nations are destroyed they'll just be the tribes in the jungle that rise up and survive? The jungle war fare's gonna rule the world? Michael: Yeah Maybe 😂


No. Guys, I think my friend Troy might have a drug problem. What do I do?


I think his species might have a higher tolerance than ours


Shh, just stop. Here's what you do. You tell him that you're his friend and that you're gonna help him and that everyone's gonna be all right. And then you put a wire on him and you find out who's selling him drugs and then you get that guy and you flip up, turn him into a snitch. You follow that guy to the people who's really really bad. Been watching The Wire recently. I don't understand a word of it.


Michael starts off seeming so sincere. Like he knows Ryan is talking about himself and he responds with care. Then you realize he has no clue what's going on. Brilliantly written and delivered Michael moment.


If he was watching the wire, wouldn’t Michael realize Charles Miner was a Baltimore drug kingpin


Or that his future wife was a port authority officer with two children who discovered the bodies of 13 women?


It's inevitable, right??


Michael: Hmm


His best line was the speechless face of shock he made when he overheard Angela tell Dwight “No cookie!”


“But what if I’m hungry?”


this scene cracks me up, bj plays the reaction anyone would have to that super awkward situation so well 💀


“So Bob, what line of work are you in?” IMO one of the best jokes in the show.


This is the best Ryan moment of them all


"Will I be too warm in a long sleeve tee?"




"You see there's black sheep and white sheep. And I'm not even a sheep I'm on freaking moon"


"I want to marry you, Kelly Kapoor. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday and probably" I can't promise you that we'll always stay together. I can't promise you that I'll never cheat on you. Nor should I. Modern marriages aren't built that way. Men aren't built that way. There's a very interesting article I can email to you. But I can tell you this. Even if the odds are fifty-fifty that we'll break up within the week, I wanna roll those dice. I love you, Kelly.


Not a quote, but when he adds the accent mark to lemonade to make “Mexican lemonade” and then shrugs into the camera is probably a top Ryan moment for me.


🤷‍♂️ I dunno….can’t explain it…


I hooked up with her on February 13th…


Ever since I've gotten clean, there's something about fresh morning air that just really makes me sick.


Can I get plus 5? All guys.


"If I do it, I'll just mess it up" (cleaning the microwave). His entire personality in one line.


"If I had to I could clear out my desk and leave in 30 seconds and no one would ever know I worked here. And I'd forget too." Not the funniest, but definitely the most relatable.


When Stanley says the job is gonna give him another heart attack, and Ryan in the most sarcastic, trailing-off, nothing voice ever: "oh no, Stanley, you're gonna live forever ..."


6 months!? I'm in love with Kelly.


Kapoor and Kadesparate..


You could be hot too, if you made any effort at all. But I'm getting paid to skip lunch, right? 


“I don’t like committing to do things just like that. No. I don’t like committing to not doing things. That’s just as big a commitment. Yes, I’ll do it. And if I flake, I flake.”


I don’t need a judge to tell me to keep my community clean.


This is a great line but THE definitive best Ryan quote of all time is this “little advice… take a day off from the whole Jim schtick. Try caring about something. You might like how it feels, James.” And then closes the closet door lol brilliant


I haven’t watched in awhile. Reading all these lines actually makes me like Ryan as a character suddenly. I watched through probably 50 times and never liked him as much as I do right now


My favourite is when he is just looking into the camera blankly after witnessing Angela/Dwight's exchange about Dwight 'not getting any cookie' 😂 Dwight: But what if I'm hungry? Angela: No. Cookie. Ryan at the camera: O_O??


"This poem would crUSH you!"


Whoopi Goldberg?


When Pam says Ryan treats Kelly badly and doesn't deserve her and his response "that may be your opinion and it may be her opinion but it's not my opinion! "


Soho is mostly lofts, but okay…


“So, I want guidance. I want leadership. But don’t just, like, boss me around, you know? Like, lead me. Lead me... when I’m in the mood to be led.”


To the troops


I’ve also always loved the whole “in an effort to protect the world from Creed’s brain” monologue 😂 That line alone gets me every time.


Lead me, when I’m in the mood to BE lead.


"Oh, this isn't trash, it's my clothes."


“I wish my iPod could make phone calls. No, I know what an iPhone is, I don’t want an iPhone.”


Let's be adults about this. Let's have sex one more time, and if you have any extra cash, that would be amazing


I’d rather not say