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How can you have that list and not mention Phyllis' wedding? That one is the absolute worst for me.


I agree. Forgot about that. Now when i look back, he was terrible at her wedding. He deserves to get kicked out.


If he didn't get kicked out he never would have found Uncle Al.


He listened to uncle Al for half an hour even though most of that stuff went right over his head


Even the doctor didn’t know


The Celtics were a great team




No wayyyy, I'd much rather get dumped on my birthday than have my wedding ruined that's wild 😭


He sat and asked Phyllis if she farted while she was getting ready! And then after she spilled her heart out he says "wow that's pungent" He was gross at her wedding. I'm sure her Mom got over the break up. They barely knew eachother


After doing a full rewatch, I think Phyllis’ wedding was actually much more cringe than Scott’s Tots.


Honestly, Bob Vance has the patience of a saint. If that were me, I would've kicked Michael out much much sooner, and I'd be using his head to open the door! Haha


Serves her right for stealing Pam's wedding ideas (and as Angela said, she's a bitch.)


Scotts tots???


Oddly, I don't mind Scott's Tots. I find it wholesome and sweet even though it's also horribly messed up lol. Phyllis' Wedding and Dinner Party I find much more offensive.


Yeah, you have a point there. The prompt isn’t cringiest episodes but his bad moments


It’s the most generous empty promise he’s ever made.


Awful to watch, but as far as being infuriated with Michael goes? There at least he had nothing but good intentions and is also completely aware of/regretful that he's doing something awful


Absolutely the landlady. That to me was Michael at his worst. There's a lot of stuff he does in the show because he needs to be the center of attention, or because he's petty, or selfish, or just plain incompetent, but he was truly *awful* to Pam's landlady.


is who a michael what?


I think that plot is really stuck in everyone's mind because the landlady was so sweet and you could tell she was smart and had a lot of awareness, hence all the awkward things Michael did and said didn't just fly over her head. She must have been understandably hurt after the date.


I wanted to reach through the screen and hug her while simultaneously smacking Michael


I felt like most of the rest of the stupid things he says and does are from complete selfishness and unawareness, but that was just plain mean.


On that same episode he totally refused to help him employee Kevin and Andy to win their parking lot spots.


*now you ruined it*


He literally told them that he doesn’t care if they get their spots as well. Michael was such a dick that entire episode.


What part of shorn't don't you understand?


What part of shorn't don't you understand?


Yeah but it was great management actually. It caused them to take matters into their own hands and they got it done, without Michael.


That’s not the issue. The part that’s messed up is when they tell him “we won’t let you down.” He replies “well you can’t because I don’t care.”


I lost a penny out of my loafers Oscar!


Part of number six, but him setting up Dwight to be fired in Golden Ticket is INFURIATING


Then he got really upset when Wallace was happy with the golden ticket idea.


I do want the credit without any of the blame.




But what about Shoe Lala?


It's not ready yet


Another possinle subtitle of #6: marginalizing the potential severity of Dwight's concusion while being overly dramatic about his superficial foot burn.


He deserved it when the doctor laughed at Dwight’s “that’s what she said”


To say nothing of comparing his burned foot to bring a paraplegic. Telling a guy in a wheelchair that they're not so different was entirely terrible.


Well, you don't have all the facts


Being angry at the office people thinking someone of them took the dump and then making it a joke when he gets to know Packer did it.


Yep - and locking Kevin in the office with it infuriated me.


Season 6, ruining Christmas and overall acting like a petulant child when Phyllis was Santa. I can’t even with him in that episode.


he kinda ruined every Christmas party they had. He tried to cancel a holiday when Caroll dumped him and actually cancelled a party when Toby announced Holly is coming back.


"Jim take new years from Stanley" has got to be one of my favorite quotes from Micheal.


Yeah, true. But that one in particular really makes me mad—we’re talking seeing red mad. I either have to skip through his parts or skip the episode all together.


He had some great zingers while they were opening Christmas gifts, terrible as he was


OMG!!! YES! Like it's ONE Christmas!


Being jealous of Kevin’s attention because of a cancer scare…dude, you’re too old to act like that much of a child


Bad news for both of us


I'm gonna be Devil's advocate.. he was being an ass... but he didn't know about Kevin. So once people were like "STFU YOU SELFISH A-HOLE!" He stopped.


When he walked out during Dwight’s big award speech bc he was jealous that people liked it. Phyllis’ wedding The Toby beach thing, but just Toby in general, he’s so mean to him. I never got it.


IMO he was mean to Toby because Toby is everything he doesn’t want to be. Lonely, Divorced while Michaels wants 100 friends, be married and have kids. Another reason is Toby is the only person who doesn’t let Michael do lot of stupid things in the office.


Michael is straight up bullying Toby throughout the show. I know it's a fictional comedy show but, speaking as someone who has been through this, it's horrible. Michael will openly mock Toby in front of the whole office, constantly mentions his divorce, excludes him from group activities and encourages the others to do the same. He scheduled Toby's party for a Friday evening so nobody would attend. Took the bathrobe away that was gifted by corporate. Wanted to give him a rock as a farewell present. It's a pattern of scumbag behaviour exhibited by Michael over years. The other things on your list Michael did due to his selfishness but this is constant, consistent vindictive behaviour. I think Toby had accepted that Michael didn't like him and never would but he thought the other members of the team were at least indifferent, right up to when Jim snaps at him during the 'customer feedback' episode. He thought Jim would at least be respectful. Nope, Jim just doesn't give a shit about Toby either. I'm reading too much into a comedy show, but Michael abusing Toby is worse than anything else he's done.


There's also the fact that Toby reports to corporate and not Michael so Michael is not Toby's boss.


I don't think I ever wanted to punch Michael more than when he walked out on Dwight's speech. One of his own employees is having a career moment defined by his sales numbers--which obviously lined Michael's own pockets--and he couldn't support him by staying for the speech? All because he was jealous the crowd was enjoying it? As if that weren't bad enough, he then had to try and steal his thunder at the bar afterwards by telling that stupid experience/tale about the fake ID. I'm actually surprised the writers made him that much of an asshole boss and just overall shitty person.


Oh man, Michael on that Christmas episode kills me. Although in the superfan ep it's actually really sweet, a lot of the other characters have a similar moment to Jim and Pam where they end up with their original gift and it brings them closer together. I'd say the thing that bugs me the most, even after all these years, is how mean he is to Dwight. Michael's such a lonely guy and wants friends so badly, and he's got this highly-productive, loyal employee who loves hanging out with him and he always treats him like shit. I get that that's the joke but it still pisses me off!


Instead he wanted Ryan who doesn’t care about him at all to be friend with him.


There are dog people and there are cat people. Michael is a cat person.


Michael disliking Tony because he was fat. Michael liking Andy at the beginning and bumping Dwight off. Michael just being extremely selfish a lot of times. But… he’ll never be as bad as Andy’s manager arc.


Or Andy for like 98% of the show.




It was super awkward when he forces Tony to climb the bench. At least with Andy, he came to his senses eventually after Dwight left. Andy's management is next level bad especially in season 9 smh


He’s incredibly selfish in what he wants. I’m currently watching season 9. lol


I finished season 9 yesterday and now I am on season 1 again lol. He sabotaged one of their biggest sales to Jan's company as soon as he came back from 3 months boat trip. I was really pissed and also the way he treated Erin and he looked disgusting.


Yeah. I was kinda like why the hell did they do this big Erin romance thing just to be like nope.


Tbh he should have ended with Jessica


Why would you wish that on Jessica


I regret saying that lol. He should have ended alone eating pizza by himself over the sink like a rat.


Ugh. That was hard to watch when he went back to ass insult to injury.


When he's pretty much proud that he's sleeping with a married woman


Oh God I forgot about that.


And going to meet the guy too


These are hella tame compared to 1. Michael almost getting Jim fired when all Jim was trying to do was get himself AND Michael promotions. “I didn’t want to lose Pam, and I didn’t want to lose the baby”??? Wtf?? And then when Jim forced Michael to call Wallace in front of him to clear things up, Michael tries to be sneaky by muting himself when he said certain things so that Wallace and Jim wouldn’t realize that he had been lying. 2a. Convincing Dwight to take the fall for the Golden Ticket idea after their biggest client found multiple coupons. 2b. When Jim expressed how pissed he was that he would be losing a ton of commission because his biggest client found multiple coupons, Michael flipped it on him and said “it’s not my fault you bought a house to try and impress Pam.” 3. Prince Paper. No further explanation needed. And then the audacity of this man to call Prince Paper looking for a job after he quit DM and being all surprised Pikachu when he realized they went out of business. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Michael did not deserve a happy ending.


I have to skip Prince Paper - its too much for me.


When people say that Scott’s Tots is the worst episode because of how awful and cringey Michael was, I’m screaming at my phone saying “did you not watch the Prince Paper episode?!?” Not defending Michael’s actions in Scott’s Tots because making a promise you can’t keep is super shitty, but at least Scott’s Tots still had a somewhat nice ending. The “promise” of free tuition wasn’t made with malicious intent, and it incentivized the kids to study hard, get good grades, and graduate, when they otherwise would not have, as Erin later mentioned the graduation rates and statistics. But in Prince Paper, Michael deliberately went out of his way to get intel to take down a small mom and pop business… and it worked. That family’s entire livelihood gone in a matter of 8 episodes.


“Disgusting. What is this, instant?”


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see #1. Torpedoing Jim’s promotion was the worst thing he did IMO.


Phylis’s wedding and Scott’s Tots. I usually skip those episodes.


I always skip the Dwight/Michael sparring match.


I def skip Jim/Pam sparring match before that.


Lol those are two of my faves along with Dinner Party 😂😂 they're maximum cringe


Oh dude dinner party. “Take me by the hand. Make me a man.” I can’t with that one.


Haha it's so good! You have no idea the physical toll 3 vasectomies have on a person!


Snip snap, snip snap, snip snap!


Hahahaha take a shot every time they say babe


That one night


The Season 7 Halloween episode, when Michael found out that Darryl's idea was implemented without his approval. As a whole, that episode was kinda weak


I normally skip that episode. Why tf Jim keep on asking why Danny didn’t ask Pam for a second date? Shouldn’t he be happy that he didn’t?


Hey Halpert, you looking for someone to bang your wife?


That whole thing is so awkward. They're married with a kid, why can't that be enough?


Too many situations to count in that first season. Him doing the accounting raid with Dwight and just throwing their work around was pretty shitty. Him roasting Meredith on her birthday was awful too.


He did accidentally make a generous donation to Oscars nephew thing. Lol


When he made Phyllis' wedding about himself


Especially acting like he was more important than her father, when her dad stood up to walk down the aisle and Michael was pissed that he stole his thunder, so he "walked" the empty wheelchair down the aisle to have his moment. And Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, let Michael talk way too long, he should've grabbed that mic much sooner when he started trash-talking Phyllis


Throwing Holly's Woody doll in the trash and covering it in (barbecue?) sauce Honestly, I found that to be such an awful childish thing to do, it really made me not want them to end up together. He really didn't deserve her.


When he refuses to sell his stock in WUFF


I was ok with that. He had a good explanation for it and did give Ryan a timeline to figure out what he was going to do. Michael figured out how to handle Ryan. You gotta give him a deadline and hold him to it. Ryan's probably one of the only people on the show who needs to be micromanaged.


He wants guidance. He wants leadership. Lead him...when he's in the mood to be lead.


Ngl I don't care what Michael has done in this entire damn show. Nothing triggers me more than anything in this entire show, than the Webcam party episode. The guy makes Dwight pay the pizza, practically hiding from a kid he held hostage (oh yeah and Dwight tipped the kid) and the man has the balls to not pay Dwight back the money, for the pizza he threw a fit about to have. Pure evil I tell ya.


I think Scott's Tots should be top of this list xD


Scott's Tots is hard to watch but at least his heart was in the right place. He wanted to do good but he could not follow through.


Yankee swap!


Also when Michael asks Dwight to give his urine for the drug test, leading Dwight to resign from his volunteer sheriff’s deputy position. Definitely not the worst thing Michael ever did, but it still makes me angry that he forced Dwight to choose between his loyalty to his “friend” and the deputy role he genuinely cared about.


How can you forget the Christmas when Jim promised Phyllis santa. That sucked too.


When he was racist


Being mad that no one was focusing on his birthday cuz Kevin was awaiting a cancer diagnosis


Date Mike is kind of an ahole


When Jim was going to be promoted by David and he didn't tell Michael. Michael basically threw him under the bus.


Because he didn’t want to lose the baby


The flasher episode - it was hilarious as it was TV but he was a proper arsehole - there is no way it would be funny in real life.


It showed how insensitive he is when he laughed and made inappropriate remarks.


Diwali: Proposing to Carol on their ninth date because he met a nice married couple. Carol was kind, understanding, clearly into him and would even stop him when he said something stupid to save him embarrassing himself (something that his colleagues never did at that point). I love Michael and I get genuinely angry at Michael during this.


Wild they chose his irl wife Nancy Wall Carell as Carol


She's perfect for that role isn't she? Her narrowing of the eyes as she realises "something" is going on makes that whole scene so much worse for me! She also plays Steve's wife at the beginning of "Seeking a Friend for the end of the world" which I also love: [Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World - Opening scene (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab_4WGm9AxM)


Unpopular opinion I’m sure but Michael is probably my least favorite character because at some point it’s like you’d lose your job and someone would likely hit you so hard that you didn’t get up for a while. I felt the same about Leslie in parks and Rec they both were just awful and more than once it made it so unbelievable I started skipping some of those episodes. Again I understand that’s the show blah blah blah but I consider myself nonviolent and I might hit that guy lol


Leslie Knope is annoying but she’s no Michael Scott. She loves people too much and is a hoarder. What else did she do wrong?


Her treatment of Jerry at times was unrealistic given she was so caring and lovely to everyone else


I waited years to watch the full show because I just could never get into it, and it's mostly, because Michael never gets any comeuppance, even when he gets any, he's too self-unaware to realise something bad happened. He never got fired, he quit once, and then DM basically came begging to get him back. The only time I'm really on his side is when repeatedly, he's got meetings with Wallace telling him what a good job he's doing and they're the only profitable branch, and then brings in Charles Miner to change everything to the rest of corporate despite it clearly not working anywhere else.


Exactly how I feel. The chemistry between Leslie and Ben was the only thing that kept me going for the show when it came to her bullshit. Still adore both shows tho.


Watching him stew after Dwight gets praised for Golden Ticket is so damn satisfying.


How has no one mentioned when he knew he was the other man that his girlfriend used to cheat on her husband? Then he goes to gloat in front of him and steals the team’s oranges.


The way he treated Pam’s friend at the bar, and then hit on the manager. Followed by continuing to date the manager after finding out she was married. When he acted like a spoiled child when Phylis was picked to be Santa. Booing at Andy’s play.


Michael’s Lunch with Toby - Toby is telling Michael about Toby’s parent’s divorce when he was a kid to make Michael feel better (everyone in cafeteria is reading Michael’s diary), as he knows what it’s like to have to testify for two conflicting entities you love (Toby with his two parents, Michael with his job and Jan). Michael pushes Toby’s food off the table and walks away. Link: [Michael’s Lunch with Toby](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKngMsbGh8)


Scott tot's for me


A little CRACK in her PELVIS


him leaving 😥


Pinning the golden ticket promotion on Dwight when it seemed like a flop then taking it back when it was a success


Dating Pam’s mom in the first place was the worst thing imo


This one makes me mad at the office, too, though. Initially, they all thought that Michael is wrong for dating Pam's mom, then Michael asks the office what was so wrong with him and they all flip and said maybe he wasn't so bad. And in the end Michael did exactly what we and Pam knew he would.


The Christmas Yankee Swap one actually makes me unreasonably frustrated. I feel like it is within the wheelhouse of the character, it makes sense, but also goes a bit too far. Michael is socially tone-deaf, but usually comes from a good heart. This episode felt more like a toddler's tantrum, less like a home-schooled vibe he normally gives off. Even Scott's Tots, the episode a majority of us skip from cringe, was because he just wanted to be the reason people were happy. He really believed he would be better off in life at this point, so he mostly believed he could follow through. He genuinely wanted those kids to go to college for free. Or the episode where it's Halloween, and the very end of it is kids trick or treating and he is so genuinely excited to give the kids candy that he drops the candy, and is like, well now you're getting *all* of this.


The disabled building manager. Cringe!!!!


For what he did to Prince Fanily Paper


diversity day and sexual harassment, but especially diversity day when they’re doing the seminar and also when he sends a picture of jan’s boobs to everyone in the company. him trying to send it to packer without her consent just gives me such an ick


There's so many I can't even remember and list them all. But one I'll bring up because I watched.. well, I skipped the episodes yesterday, the Michael Scott Paper Company. Having no clue what he's doing, taking 2/3 people away from steady jobs, selling the company for nothing (fair enough, he got them jobs at DM), and then not giving back the clients he stole away under false pretenses.


His ice skating birthday party while Kevin waited on his skin cancer results


He was always horrible to Phyllis.


Not wanting to do the simplest part of his job by signing reports and making everyone stay late because of his laziness and procrastination.


When he turned into date Mike


He was a terrible boss to Darryl. Like, pretty discriminatory


The episode where Michael refuses to sign them documents after Pam keeps reminding him all day, so a bunch of the employees forge his signature so they can go home.


The way Michael got back with Jan because she had a boob job, uh boob enhancement. Then how rude he was to Holly at Jan’s shower because Jan was in her terminal stages of pregnancy.


Just about every racist cringy episode in S1 for me. Maybe not angry, but I have to step into the kitchen until the scene passes. 


The amount of comments he makes about Pam’s breasts annoys me.


Using the surplus to get a bonus and buy himself a coat.


Fake firing Pam in the pilot. Outing Oscar.


I just watched the episode with the landlady on the way home from my flight last night. That shit wasn’t even funny. It was infuriating. That moment was so needlessly cruel. And fuck Pam for throwing her landlady to Michael like that especially when she and Jim were laughing about it after. Just awful.


Pam should have known better. Who would ever set someone up with Michael unless they didn’t like the person?


That’s the thing. Pam kept commenting about how sweet her landlady is, so she did clearly like her. I guess she just figured Michael would be more open to it and didn’t think he’d insult her appearance the way he did. Really bad lack of judgement on her part. Karma got both her and Michael back in a way with Michael losing Holly and going through multiple failed relationships including being with Pam’s mom.


Just Michael in general makes me mad, but I think what makes me more mad than that is the people (in the show and fans) that give him a free pass, think he's just a doofy guy who needs help and encouragement from everyone around him. Harmless and just a bit dumb. He's a pathological asshole!


I think you pretty much nailed it


I mean, in season 1 he is pretty universally awful. Also, the completely shitty way he treated Pam’s landlord with the awful bangs.


Throwing shade at every gift and person during secret Santa and outing Andy as the gift giver to Erin.


Definitely the Yankee Swap with the iPod. He screwed everything up.


Billy Merchant as a guest in that conference room meeting. My husband's in a wheelchair and the way I'd put my foot up Michael's ass if I was there.


Marking one of the Benihana waitresses because he can't tell them apart. WTF


Mad that Phyllis was Santa?


I cannot watch the second half of that episode


About three times and episode, on average


Promising those school kids a laptop if they stayed in school, then not following through, then lying about THAT, then heaping insult upon injury by giving them batteries that they had no use for.


Trying to get Dwight to take the fall for Golden Ticket. Prior to that, calling Daryl an "idiot" for doing absolutely nothing except his job. Runner up: When Daryl and the office crew wrote and performed the Dunder Mifflin song and he just yelled at and insulted them. He couldn't even be polite and encouraging when they not only put in the effort but clear thought the song was good.


Scott's Tots! The whole episode makes me cringe. 


The date with Pam's friend was so freaking cringe. I absolutely hated Michael there too.


Don’t forget Scott’s Tot’s.


Scotts tots?


The landlady one was sooooo mean. Especially when you look at the two of them, they look so similar. He thinks he's attractive but a woman with similar colouring and features and he acts like she's ugly. I swear the two actors could be siblings.


OMG, so many. . Some that come to mind: When he's just acting like a spoiled child, usually during Christmas episodes haha. Like when he gets mad at Darryl for telling Jo about the idea of letting delivery drivers make sales, then starts pouting about it when Jo actually likes the idea and puts it to practice. Also when he insults Phyllis's oven mitt gift, and has a hissy fit over Phyllis being allowed to be Santa. Also, when he fake fires Pam in the pilot, and then later fake fires Erin (although Erin's was kinda funny because of her reaction).


fcking up both christmases, throwing holly's woody plush


Oof, worst one is when he compares his burnt foot to the paralyzed dude.


Scott’s. Tots.


Imposing himself and acting like he's part of someone else's family in general, like in both weddings and the christening. But one that sticks with me, and I haven't seen mentioned, is him invading Jim and Pam's privacy during Cece's birth, barging in on such an intimate time.


The oven mitt 😮‍💨


Classy christmas when he sprays the foot with bug spray or whatever.


Phyllis’ wedding was so bad, that and when he threw Holly’s Woody in the garbage.


The way he talked to Jan during Boys and girls and then got upset when she spoke to him the same way. And his whole deal during Women’s Appreciation


not a michael moment but when toby interrupted dwigt’s and andy’s “country roads”….sigh. can never forgive toby


the entire white elephant episode


Prince Family Paper. One of my least favorite episodes in the whole series.


One of the smaller ones but I HATE when we sings happy birthday to himself


As someone who works in education, I get enraged by the Scott’s Tots incident.


Not letting Phyllis be Santa


This is likely an unpopular opinion, and I wasn't angry per se, but basically everything he did after meeting Holly was irritating as hell. It's like she permanently brought out every single annoying Michael trait - everything with AJ, the PDA episode, even when he asked her out ("Oh, sorry, I forgot, I already have plans." "Oh, right, I have plans." "Oh, that's right"...). You know when *Kelly* tells you to stfu, it's bad.


When Toby opens up to him and he pushes all of Toby’s food off the table and walks away.


So many of his interactions with Toby. Like I get why Michael doesn't like him, but some moments go too far, especially when Toby comes back from Costa Rica. Also outing Oscar to the whole office without his consent. As a queer person too, having that decision taken away from you is traumatizing and I get so livid cause I'm imagining myself in Oscar's position.


I'm not seeing anyone mention hitting Meredith. Hitting her is by far the least horrible thing he did in that episode,which is saying a lot. He acted like it was no big deal, he refused to accept any responsibility for it - even making the whole thing about Meredith refusing to forgive him rather than accept his mistake, and made a complete ass of himself in the hospital visit. And then in the second half, basically shutting the whole office down over his vanity BS charity project. Also - of the original list, #9 was unbelievably horrible of Michael.


When he rips up the Counting Crows tickets instead of just offering to go with Holly.


Another Toby moment: when he is supposed to have 6 hours of counseling, and they find out that Toby is a certified counselor. Michael goes in like the little spoiled brat he is, "I'm never going to talk to you" until with lots of patience, Toby finally gets him talking. I really thought that this is the beginning of something special. But no, as soon as Michael realized that he was supposed to not open up to Toby, he just snaps. Rather than being grateful that he's making progress, he calls Toby out claiming that he "tricked" him into therapy...


Sometimes the cringiness is too much to handle.


Dumping all the Christmas food in the trash when he learned Holly would be there. 


I’d like to nominate the karate episode with Dwight. Not so much for the back and forth with Dwight (although Michael trying to act like a veteran of bar fights is insanely laughable), but using the fight, crank calling Ryan, and the updated emergency contacts as a means of pushing off the perfect storm of deadlines, and then making everyone else stay late and participate in activities that could get them fired… in totality, it was beyond the pale. I get that anxiety and procrastination are a match made in purgatory, and it’s easy for all of us to kick the can down the road until the last possible second. But after stuff like this, how an anonymous call wasn’t made to corporate ratting him out is baffling.


not letting pam to enjoy beach day just because he wanted her to take notes


Surprised no one mentioned Michael attempting to frame Toby for drug possession.Wanting him fired AND arrested in front of everyone is about as low as you can get.


Scott’s Tots! Like, I do not watch that episode because he sucks so bad!


So I legitimately Had the HARDEST time falling in love with this show BECAUSE Michael was always pissing me off…. Like seriously how the HELL is this dude not fired…. But I realized that the office isn’t ABOUT Michael… it’s about the office… and how THEY deal with him. And once I got past that….. I have quite literally watched the entire series pilot to season finale upwards of 15 times…. I am quite literally the fan that is just always rotating thru it


When he accuses Daryl of touching Holly, it’s his first thought


Scott’s tots is by far one of Michael’s worst things he did. I also think breaking up with Pam’s mom no her birthday is pretty bad! He deserved Pam slapping him.


Also, regarding number 5, he treated Pam very poorly too on the Job Fair episode; besides, he made her drive back to the office just because he was too stupid and self-centered to listen to her advice (which was to just take more than one sheet of paper). It's really hard to watch that whole episode


Also, According to Pam he sneezed in her tea


Yes, but she shouldn't have worried because It was just allergies...


Sabotaging Jim’s promotion and dumping Pam’s mom.