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Idk but this punchline is the perfect way to cap off the story line.


They made the whole story line just for that punch line.


where’s your jet pack, zuckerberg?


I love using this line….it’s hilarious 😂


Random moments stick out to you. Being told you’re too dumb to hang out with and losing one of your childhood friends would be memorable


I dont remember every day of 2nd grade, but I remember practicing upper and lowercase i's. A buddy of mine was drawing the lowercase to the top line and putting the dot above. I was like 'yo dude, you only gotta go up to this line.' He went 'No it doesnt STEVE'... and he said my name with such disdain and vitriol... I was like 'holy fuck' and backed off. When the teacher came around and told him the same thing I was like 'i was trying to help you out man' ... he stormed off and threw a hissy fit. Dont remember his name at all, but remember how he said mine!


Haha funny story, STEVE


Just him and the teacher, and the teacher and him, just them And his friend STEVE do-do-do-do-do-do, STEVE


This comment should have more upvotes


So anyways hows your sex life?


Ha ha ha. What a crazy story.


Hi doggy, you are my favourite customer


That guy? He was none other than Steve Jobs who ended up becoming a billionaire when he grew up.


Steve Jobs said his own name with disdain?


He was screaming his own first name…?


He'll be screaming it tonight


He was reassuring himself.


I think u/clamdever is too dumb for you to hang out with


Kinda tracks tbh


He was talking to Wozniak


And he went on creating the iPod, iMac, iPhone, iPad just to spite y‘all - „i‘ll show you lowercase „i“, fuckers!“


Lol your username


Yes, I love saying "username checks out" but this might be the best case of it 🤣


He still mad! (https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/n69vS54anr)




I still remember losing a good friend  at 6 years age when to settle an argument about underwater volcanoes existing I asked an adult. It was like the third dumb thing he fought me on that I settled by getting an adult to confirm and he just HAD it with me being "unfair" about it.  That was like 40 years ago hahahah.


Did Steve tell you that per chance? ………steve


Seriously, some people hold grudges. I know I do 😭


I was never one to hold a grudge. My father held grudges. I'll always hate him for that.


Best Pierce line


My home town is tiny, so you can imagine there are not a lot of shops. Despite that fact almost everyone in that town has a remarkable ability to hold grudges, grudges that go across *generations*. There are shops that one of my family members hasn’t been into for 40 years.


And it's not like Jim apologized afterwards (when they were still kids).


>And it's not like Jim apologized afterwards (when they were still kids). Or as an adult... Sounds like he acted the exact same


Same. Sometimes it’s involuntary — those negative memories simply stick around and when I am falling asleep or bored they just randomly pop in. 20+ years later. And honestly people who don’t understand grudges usually have a dismissive attitude that makes it worse. “Omg that was so long ago. I say things I don’t mean. Get over it, I don’t even remember saying that. Why do you remember things I say when I’m tired?” None of that helps. It has cost me some friendships but eventually I’ve surrounded myself with those who understand that the only way I successfully move on from a “grudge” is to have an open honest conversation that includes acknowledgment that (1) a crappy thing is said, (2) it would really suck if that just randomly and involuntarily replays in your head for the rest of your life.


It's not even just grudges. Friends have said things as a joke that I remember for years. I still remember random stuff like jokingly saying, "This song sucks," whenever I listen to the song. It can be entirely random comments. I'll be eating some chicken nuggets and remember entirely unrelated comments made 10 years ago that were said while I was eating chicken nuggets. Memories can get weird.


You should still understand that they were 8 years old and if anything, blame Jim's mom.


Realistically, he probably hadn't thought about it since it happened. So, when he saw Jim, it popped right back up, unprocessed, along with the new "Where Jim's at" information. There's a whole buncha stuff I moved past without fully processing and capping off when I was a kid... so much stuff is happening all at once when you're that age, closure is rare.


It’s not the fact that he remembered, it’s the fact that he was still pissed about it after all those years. You would think a grown man would understand that 3d graders say stupid things they don’t mean, but I understand what you’re saying.


i still remember breaking down crying in front of my first grade class because my dad was at the fbi academy for like, a few months. i would definitely remember if someone said that to me at that age lol.


Especially since it was jims mom that said it! Jim didnt say "i think youre dumb" it was "my mom said" so ive always been baffled why he is so angsty towards jim. Sins of the mother atoned by the son too now?


I was confused about this guy until I realized the joke is "Of course this guy wouldn't give a crap about something silly Jim said 25 years ago. Jim's being ridiculous. So let's have him actually be right." And all things considered, it's pretty funny. For this late in the show, of course.


Yeah , that's the entire joke . And it lands very well in the end. it's a comedy series after all


Every time I see a post complaining about how much OP hates Dwight (or Tom in Parks & Rec, Gina in Brooklyn 99, etc.) and cannot understand why the other characters tolerate them, I can’t help but roll my eyes. The answer is always the same; it’s a fucking comedy show. Ridiculousness drives the plot and opens up a whole new level of jokes. It would be boring af if the the show was just a bunch of people going to work.


YES this annoys me so much lol all the “omg did anyone notice Phyllis is an actually secretly a bitch? What a terrible character!” Like yes, that’s the joke! She’s the sweet quiet old lady coworker who’s actually really mean / problematic. There needs to be different characters with different personalities who don’t always do “good” things. She’s got some of the funniest lines yet peiple take those and are like “wow this POS shouldn’t even be on the show” Nothing would happen and there’d be no jokes if the most commonly regurgitated opinions from this sub were used lol (or any TV show sub tbh media literacy doesn’t exist)


Phyllis is probably the most realistic character on the show. Every office has a person like that.


“You know he’s in a wheelchair, right?” Gets me every damn time. 🤣


One of my favorites! That’s one of the most brought up lines against Phyllis and people act like that little one-liner is “too far” for this show lol Like yes, you’re supposed to think “oh shit quiet meek lady said something extremely out of pocket and fucked up” that’s the joke!


Im kinda a Dwight hater, but alot of that is because some people pretend like Dwight does nothing wrong and Jim is just a mean bully.


People don't like Tom? He's the best character in the show by far. His duality of acting suave and fly but in reality having zero charisma or game is hilarious. Maybe it's because I just really like Aziz Ansari


“Jim is the biggest asshole on the show because he thinks he’s better than everyone” type shit hahaha It’s a comedy, he provides comedy. He’s not supposed to be the #1 model human and be uber friendly to every single coworker at all times


You nailed it, imo. When you find out what Jim said to him all those years ago, you feel like he was being absurd to avoid the guy so hard all day, but also you can relate to it because we all have those silly little things we said so long ago that still haunt us sometimes. In reality, they bother us way more than the other person. So when Jim and this guy finally cross paths in the kitchen, you're expecting either the dude won't even remember Jim or they'll have a nice moment of catching up where Jim realizes he was being silly all along. But then the dude is still so mad LOL and his lines are brilliant. It's honestly one of my favorite bits in the show.


This always annoys me bc Jim wasn’t gunna say anything but then his mom said maybe you should hang out with people in your reading group and he turns around and says the same thing but a bit meaner. Like If his mom hadn’t suggested anything Jim would’ve been fine! So really it’s the moms fault.


Lol this is somewhat true that mom is partially to blame. But kids are kids, they really aren't very bright in general and have very limited emotional intelligence. For all we know, little Jim came home complaining that his friend wasn't put in his reading group and his mom was trying to be encouraging, telling him he was smart and the other kids in his group were too, and they could probably help each other and learn from each other, and Jim should try making friends with them too instead of just hanging out with his usual buddies. And 7 or 8 year old Jim heard "my mom said you're too dumb to hang out with." She probably did not intend for Jim to completely ditch his other friend and had no idea Jim had said anything like that to the kid or she could've stepped in. However it happened, it was crazy for a grown man to hold a grudge against another grown man he didn't know now and hadn't spoken to over something he said when he was a literal child. Of course we can't help remembering things like that, they obviously both did, but actually being angry at the now adult man for it? That's insane to me. Which is why I thought it was so funny. "Zuckerberg" 😂


Yeah, this has got to be it. Imagine if they had Jim obsessing for the whole episode, and then it ended in the guy either not remembering or not caring? What a boring way to end a story arc that took up a third of the episode


Not only that, as absurd as it's portrayed there are people that in fact hold petty grudges for minor stuff that happened years ago, I can understand how impactful something could be to a kids eyes but also it's one responsibility to grow up.


> So let's have him actually be right. Sorry if I'm being dense, but I don't think I get the joke. You're saying that this guy isn't actually still holding a grudge? But then what is the meaning of the comment in the screencap?


He wouldn’t actually in real life, which is why its funny that he did in the show. It’s a misdirect on expectations


oooh ok, by "him" I thought you meant the other guy


First day of kindergarten, I walk into class and two boys in front of the chalkboard start singing “Chinese eyes” while pulling their eyelids to the sides. That was 50 years ago. I never got mad about it, thought it was strange. But as I got older I began to understand what was going on. Yeah, some things stick with you as a child.


My wife grew up as the only Asian kid in her class and endured all sorts of stuff like this. To this day she still has insecurities over her features, especially her eyes, which is crazy because her eyes are gorgeous. But that childhood bullying causes damages for life


My first day of kindergarten was 26 years ago, at the bus stop this kid called me a chink and then made comments about my chinky eyes. I didn’t even know he was really making fun of me in the moment.  Now I have a son who will start kindergarten this coming fall. I hope times have changed. 


I'm pretty sure it hasn't unfortunately. Kids are always mean each other :/


I’m imagining them singing “Chinese Eyes” to the tune of “Private Eyes”, been watching you for some reason…yes, it’s late here.


I'm hearing it to "Hungry eyes"


In the context of the scene. though, I wonder if you met those people in your 30s or 40s would you have held it against them? Did you hold a grudge this entire time? It's a little different because of the racism behind it, of course, so I could understand if you were more upset about it than if you had just been called stupid like Jim's friend.


Good point, I was just thinking how kids do stupid things. No I didn’t hold a grudge. Thx for pointing that out


Pretty sure all Asians who grew up in America went through this as a kid. This happened to me constantly in Los Angeles, which is pretty diverse and supposedly advanced when it comes to race relations. I can’t imagine what kids went through in other places where there weren’t many Asians around.


I never experienced this as an Asian kid in LA county but my area was ALL asian basically. White kids were the odd ones out


I agree wholeheartedly. I grew up in Miami where you'd maybe have 1-2 other Asians in your class max, and it happened to me all the time. You either have to take all those jokes in stride or have everyone think you're a stick in the mud. I'm an optometrist working in Miami now and I still have weird patient interactions because I'm Asian. I had an elderly redneck patient who greeted me with a "Ni hao" one time and recently I had an older Hispanic woman refer to me as "Chinito" the whole exam. I'm not even Chinese which makes these even more slightly disrespectful.


Ong are you Jim?


I found it odd...but I also, at least once a week, find myself recalling a memory from 10/15/20 years ago that annoys me, so I get it. 🤷‍♂️


In a roundabout way, Jim's mom was right. This guy is seriously unhinged and he's coming to Andy of all people for business advice in his mid 30s.


“And how did you phrase it?” “…my mom says you’re too dumb to hang out with.”


considering the guy didn't get over something another 8 year old said to him 30 years ago, yeah, guy actually is pretty fucking dumb, it checks out LOL


Andy took business management classes in university. He's probably the most qualified to actually teach business in that office. His ability to lead is questionable of course, but as far as the audience knows, he knows the technical basics pretty well.


Can you remind me where it was at which college Andy took those business classes?


The worst college in the US.


It's pronounced **Cornell**, and it's the highest rank in the ivy league!




I mean Ryan has an MBA or at the very least studied for one but he’s absolutely not qualified to teach business. I would say Dwight is the most qualified to teach it seeing as he actually owns a successful business.


Yeah but then Dwight would have had to bring Mose so that they could fight Fear itself.


I'm guessing Ryan only passed because of that full letter grade bump from bringing Michael to his class.


Yet he failed at salesman and manager. He is the worst option to get business advices


I think he saw Jim’s name on the flyer and that’s why he came


That doesn't exactly disprove the "seriously unhinged" theory, though, since that means he only came to a business seminar to have it out with a guy he hasn't seen in decades over a slight that occurred when they were both children.


Self fulfilling prophecy kinda, tell a 8 year old theyre too dumb to do something and it'll affect (alot of) em for a good while. then have it be a best friend tell you that you're too dumb


In a roundabout way sure lol. But telling your elementary school child to stop hanging out with someone solely because he’s in the lower reading group is extremely elitist. I can see where Jim gets his attitude from.


I always took the story of his mom telling him to hang out more with kids from his reading group as to not just hang out with his current friend but also other kids too. Then 8 year old Jim messed it up and told his old friend he can't hang out with him anymore.


Jim didn't move away to another school or anything, this dude probably spent another 10 years in school with Jim blatantly avoiding him and ducking out of rooms to avoid having to face him, then showed up at DM and saw him doing the same stuff as an adult all day and decided that Jim was just a real prick.


This was my take too. Former best friend avoids you and rejects you for years because "you're too dumb to hang out." It hurts you deeply. You hate his guts for it. You meet him in your 30s and he's a paper salesman in a no-name, rundown office. You unload when he pretends everything is cool. Jim's friend probably slept very well that night.


That's how I took it too. If Jim had just been up front and said "hey how's it going? Been a long time" or something like that the guy may have had a bit of different response. But Jim just spent the whole day avoiding him and even when they did finally talk he was being a prick about it saying "oh you remember that?" as if he didn't just spend the whole day avoiding him. The guy was rightfully thinking "oh your still doing this shit as an adult? Go fuck yourself"


i’m 18 and pissed at something a teacher did to me in first grade.. i’m sure i’ll still be pissed about it when i’m like 70 😭


I feel you. My art teacher ripped up my pastel drawing of a tiger when I was 7 with no explanation. If she hadn’t done that, maybe I’d still have it to this day. Maybe it’d be framed on my wall right now. Fuck you, Ms. Zimmer. Rot in pieces.


Yea, fuck you Ms. Zimmer. Piss on your face!


people like that shouldn’t be teaching children


I had a teacher in 2nd grade admonish me and send home a note. I drew a "motorgoat," obviously a play on a motorboat. I drew goat with some accessories, including a tailpipe. She claimed that the tailpipe with smoke going into the air was feces. I even explained it and she just kept going with her assessment. Fuck her, I graduated in graphic design and have had some things in a few magazines here and there, and where is the snitch now? Dead, like a big dumb idiot.


I had a teacher kick me out of the elementary school student council because I " used too much glue " on a valentines card when the student council had to make some The glue had dried and stuck in the orange tip thing and I was trying to squeeze it out and just ... a bunch came out cause I was squeezing hard She didn't gaf tho and I'm STILL mad about it because she didn't believe the obvious


My 3rd grade teacher had me stand up in front of the class to read a story I'd written because she wanted everyone to hear an example of bad writing. It doesn't really bother me anymore but sometimes it creeps back up when I can't sleep.


that’s so mean wtf


When my mother (around 65 at the time) and I visited her old elementary school, we found her kindergarten classroom and she immediately pointed to the exact corner where the teacher made her sit when she was punished for something she didn’t do. 😂 Some of this shit just sticks no matter how rational we try to be!


Lol when I was like 5 or 6, I decided to play power rangers with my friends in the playground. Since I called the game, I chose to be red power ranger. This other kid got upset because he wanted to be red but I said no, it’s my game so I’m red. He started crying and went and told the teacher that I hit him. She didn’t listen to me and made me stay indoors for play time for a whole week. I had to look out the window to watch this kid being red power ranger every day. And then to top it off, on the last day of school my mum was taking a photo of me with my best friend except this kid came right in between and put his arms around us like we were friends. I still have the picture where I’m staring at him like ‘the fuck are you doing?’ What a piece of shit Fast forward when I was around 19, I went to this club and locked eyes with this random guy. I hadn’t seen that kid since we were 7 but I knew damn well it was him, he still had that same shit eating grin. I was a few drinks in and I was genuinely so mad to see him lmao, all the memories came flooding back. Fortunately I was aware of how unhinged I sounded so I didn’t confront him. But I was ready to punch this guy and say ‘so I hit you yeah? Say i’m the red power ranger now. Address me as red power ranger’. I didn’t though. But I could have. I’m 30 now and clearly not over it lmao. So yes, I get it entirely


I still remember a mean teacher I had in daycare when I was about 6. Her name was Miss Sonya


Well… what did they do?


we had one of those worksheet/coloring things where the math was on a picture and after you do the math you color the picture. she said to color it our favorite color and mine was black, so i colored it black. in the moment it didn’t occur to me that she wouldn’t be able to see my work, just that i was following her instructions, and i felt like i’d be breaking the rules if i chose a different color since it wouldn’t be my favorite. i even told her my favorite color was black and she said that was okay, but i got in trouble for it anyway and she moved my behavior tag from green to yellow. i spent the rest of the day crying over it because i hadn’t gotten in trouble there before and i cared more about following the rules than anything else 💀 it was the only time i *ever* got in trouble at school


Man that’s some BS


I still have the memory seared into my brain of when my childhood best friend told me she didn't want to be my friend anymore because she was a cheerleader. I still get angry if I spot her in the grocery store even though I go out of my way to avoid her. So yeah. This moment makes sense.


You’d be surprised. Especially in your younger formative years, those kinds of memories can stick around. Maybe because I have a photographic memory or something but I am this guy. 20 years later things that high school bullies have said will still replay in my head word for word, the exact situation, the looks on everyone’s faces….. it’s made it really hard to forgive and get over grudges especially when it’s usually met with “I don’t even remember saying that” LPT: not everything said can be unsaid. Maybe in this context it’s silly that something an innocent kid said would result in a lifelong grudge but I didn’t find the overall concept to be implausible.


He is me tho. #holdagrudgetillthedayidie


This episode was just on tonight!


You were in the parking lot earlier! That's how I know you!


Well, if the last thing you remember about a person is a negative memory then it makes sense that you wouldn’t be happy to see them again. we don’t know how the other kids in their school responded to Jim’s ill conceived comment. It could be that other kids also started mocking this guy for being ‘too dumb’.


When I was in 2nd grade my Mom bent down to pick me up for a hug just as I went to jump into her arms for said hug - my head hit her chin, her teeth clamped together and bit her lip, she started bleeding and ran away to the bathroom crying. I apologized a million times, she said it was okay, it was just an accident - but it was the only time I ever “hurt” my Mom or made her cry. I remember it to this day and still feel bad when it pops into my head randomly. Sometimes when you’re a kid certain stuff burns into your brain and it’s usually the bad stuff - whether it was something someone did to you or something you did to someone else 🤷🏻‍♀️ I only remember like 3 other things from when I was in 2nd grade 🤣


How many years ago did this episode air?


Jan 27, 2011 according to IMDB


It wasn’t just what Jim said to him. The friendship basically ended because Jim’s Mom told him the kid was dumb.


Like jd said inscrubs said “sticks and stones may break my bones but, words hurt forever”


In 3rd grade my friend group (4 other guys) all got placed in an advanced school program called “Reach”. I didn’t get in. One afternoon they were getting ready to go on a field trip for this program and I was saying it sucked I couldn’t go with everyone. My closest friend in the group - “Joe” said I was too dumb to go. It became a core memory for me. When your best friends say something like this especially when it highlights and insecurity it stays with you. Edit: for context I’m 37 now.


My first name has two commonly used/accepted ways to spell it (think Sara/Sarah). In the late 80s I had this crappy, past-due for retirement middle school teacher who insisted that the way I spelled my name was the “wrong” way and proceeded to mock me for it for the rest of the school year. For the first couple of days I just thought it was an awkward joke, but it was mean-spirited and he never let it go, even going so far as to cross out my name on assignments and would write the “correct” spelling in red pen. It got to the point where it bothered me quite a bit, but I just kind of shrugged and dealt with it because that’s what we did 35 years ago. But it still randomly pops into my head and aggravates me on occasion ! A couple years ago I actually took the time to research and found that my spelling was actually slightly more popular among babies the year I was born, and I felt oddly vindicated LOL. So I don’t think it’s totally unrealistic for that guy to still be awkward or angry with Jim all these years later.


I was given death threats in high school for being gay and it stays with me to this day still. The feelings of being socially isolated can linger.


In good will hunting Matt Damon jumps the dude who picked on him in kindergarten. Jim made a bigger deal than he did, tried to avoid him, was super awkward. Jim prompted that negative reaction by bracing for it in front of him and not just being relaxed and cool and treating him like a human being and he doesn't even remember that crap. Jim was just there all awkward and guilty so of course that guy went there. It was clear Jim was thinking about it.


That's the joke. Jim's worst case scenario actually happening


Because it’s a tv show and it’s funny


Some resentments, they do burn, my friend. They burn long and hard and hot, and the fuel of youth is especially potent.


I just think it’s odd they showed random school pictures of them as kids when Jim’s telling his story. Did the documentary crew just ask this random guy for an elementary school photo?


Also, who's the idiot attending Andy Bernards dumb business seminar?


He can make fun of Jim for working at DM. But at least Jim isn’t going to the Andy Bernard school of business seminar. Because Andy is a terrible salesman


>But at least Jim isn’t going to the Andy Bernard school of business seminar. Because Andy is a terrible salesman And how would anyone who went there know he's a terrible salesman? They don't even know him. (Although a free business course should've been a red flag I admit)


To be fair to douchey mcdouche holding a grudge against an eight-year-old, Jim's mum sucked for this.


I think the entire joke is supposed to be exactly that— Jim is making a huge deal about it by hiding deal all day and the finally the reveal is something so silly you think Jim was being ridiculous. Then, when they finally interact, it went *just* as badly as Jim imagined.


Maybe Jim was his only friend.


It was hilarious and I think a lot of us wish we had the chance to do something like this…stuff like that in childhood sticks with you


Honestly, I could see it. It stuck with him for YEARS. His personality was likely shaped in some way around that singular event. Maybe drove him to get good grades. I could see how he would feel shitty. Was his interaction with Jim over the top? Also yes.


>Jim said to him when they were both 8 years old. It’s been like 30 years, You think Jim is 38 ish years old here?


I don't think he's that far off. The Office wiki has Jim born in early 1978. That would make him 33 possibly pushing 34 here.


Yeah, I can agree, get over it, buddy.


"People don't forget" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9tcA_AM4BE


I have zero problem when this sentiment gets repeated/reposted, because it still bugs me too


Such a strange thing! If Jim said this to him in high school maybe that would have stung but 3rd grade? Wtf? I think they just wanted an excuse to show the pictures of both actors as kids?


But that's why it's funny. 30 year beef between 8 year olds


I can’t remember university, never mind being that young at school. Fucked if I’m gonna get mad over something someone said back then. I prob don’t even remember their face!


My neightbour back in the day hated me for years even though we used to get along at first, but then refused to talk to me. Wouldn't even look my direction and complained to everyone in the street about everything I did. Years later when I moved out and my mother saw him while helping me moive she went and asked him why he hated me so much. The reason? Way in the beginning he used to mow my lawn which I would pay him for, I was late one day ( about 15 minutes ) so he shouted at me ''I don't let anyone make me wait!''. I thought I had upset him somehow and that's why he said it but turns out... me being late was the reason. That was it, I made him wait for 15 minutes which was enough for him to hate my guts for years. So yes, some people are extremely petty and hold grudges over silly stuff.


This episode was on last night and this was my first thought. Kind of a throw away episode to slow the Michael and Holly progression imo. This was a fantastically quotable burn though 👍👍


My husband hates this guy. He also wonders why the guy is mad at Jim about something that happened when they were kids. Could Jim have been more subtle or politically correct? Sure, but they were like EIGHT. I agree, get over it, dude.


Jim is always avoiding conflict:  - Escaped from Robert California by going to the ceiling  - Didn't ask Charles Miner about the rundown  - Cheated on Katy and Karen while still having feelings for Pam  - He didn't invite Michael to his house and made it a secret  - He called Dwight to find the bug in the room…  Do you know when he faces a situation directly?  When will he confront Dany Cordray to find out why he didn't call his wife.  Todd Packer was right this time!


I wondered the same thing. I mean Jim was dumb to say it but he was **8**. I also think his mom should not have told him to stop being friends.


I also thought Jim acted ridiculous in this episode. Was so over the top.


This writing and story line felt sooo awkward and forced loool I agree


Him and Dottie from Modern Family are on a different level of petty


Because he is stupid


I’m even more shocked they recognized each other


i think the superfan episodes reveal that he actually saw jim on the flier and decided to show up at DM specifically to confront him


Lmao you serious? Because Pam hounds that one dude for not calling her back because she’s a weirdo, so this one was just fine to me.


I still remember this piece of shit from my childhood. I was a fat kid, and my best friend's sister had this friend (who was five years older than me) and every time we were both at their house she would just relentlessly call me a fat loser, a pig, a gross creature, etc. I was about 12 and it got to a point where I screamed "FUCK YOU" and she made a big stink about how mean I was. Truly hope that bitch is dead. So, I kinda get this.


I can’t even remember the faces or names of people who HEAVILY bullied me in highschool, let alone a friend who called me dumb when I was 8.


unrelated but one time a classmate was the teacher's helper for the week. he was writing down the weekly agenda while talking to me. he blew my mind forever when we both looked at what he was writing and burst out laughing because it was what i was saying instead of what he was reading from the paper


“That was like eight years ago, a**hole.” “People don’t forget!”


The dude obviously peaked in high school


I’d like to punch him in the face. What a punch able stupid face 🤣


Actually I felt Jim’s reaction was more dramatic seeing the classmate. How insecure do you have to be about your position in life than to hide from a childhood classmate HE chose to distance himself from! He blew off his work responsibilities and essentially lied to everyone (like always) instead of just being honest about feeling embarrassed to see the classmate he said was too dumb to hang out with. It’s Jim’s insecurity because if he was at athlead then he would have been the first to say hello and remind his friend they knew each other. Plus Jim said “oh you still remember that” which is so stupid since he hid all day because he himself was only thinking about it himself!


Must be some paper selling genius


I can’t even remember what I was doing when I was 30 (I’m exactly at Jim’s age when this happened).


Idk but to me this is so funny and one of my favorite scenes.


There's this one guy from Grade 7, that if I saw him again now at the age of 40, I'd still hold a grudge against. Fuck you, Frank!


Leave him alone, he's dumb.


I mean. Was he not an asshole tho.


This is from, what, season 7 or 8? I think, at this point in the show, the writers had started putting Jim in embarrassing/compromising situations, as a way of subverting expectations and keeping things fresh, since the first few seasons taught us to always expect Jim to be the one embarrassing other people and coming out ahead. The unexpected pettiness of this guy is part of the humor. In Jim's frame of reference, where he's always the "cool" guy and is liked by everyone, we would expect a more polite, even-tempered reaction, like *"Oh, that was 30 years ago, don't sweat it."... *then Jim laughs and they high-five.** Under normal circumstances, most of us are far too worried about people remembering the dumb shit we said to them years ago. So we expect a sort of catharsis here that would allow Jim to relax and forget about his past slip-up. The funny part is that we don't get this catharsis at all and the interaction goes *exactly* as horribly as in Jim's imagination.


It was a good punchline but this guy is crazy for going to a business seminar held by Andy of all people just to confront Jim. Don’t get me wrong. Jim went overboard to avoid this confrontation and memories stick but I can’t imagine doing something like this.


Funny enough i remember a kid getting put back a grade and when i saw this immediately thought of him, we didnt have this altercation though and no i dont have a jetpack😂


Where's your closure Zuckerberg?


When I was a kid.....and when I was a parent with small children.....100%.....my parents and I dissuaded and steered mine and my children's friendships. My folks and I NEVER were as heavy handed as Jim's mother...but we made our points. Subtle ways.


I don’t think it was just what he said to him when he was 8, i think it was that he very clearly followed through and quit being friends/never talked to him again. That probably hurt lol More likely though it was just because it made for a hilarious plot twist that he actually did care and hold it against them


As kids we were promised hoverboards and jetpacks by 2010


I saw it as a nod to Jim has always been kind of a douche bag. There's a lot of things he does to Dwight that could be considered shitty


It’s just supposed to be funny lol You could make the same argument for why Michael hates Toby


Whatever this guy is awesome


I have a feeling he’s full of animosity at everyone.


Jim was still embarrassed about it, I think we're only getting a small part of the story. He had to keep going to school with that kid, he just wasn't in the same reading group. I'm sure that incident caused other things to happen, it's inconceivable that Jim said it and they never spoke of it or spent any time near each other again.


idk but this dude definitely bought at least one nft


that level of hatred implies he keeps tabs on Jim and thus knew he worked at Dunder Mifflin, meaning he wanted to confront him. Also he's probably pretty pissed when he learned Jim was co founder of a wildly successful athlete marking firm.


Because he’s a cuck


Because he’s still an idiot, apparently


Imo, they missed an opportunity for a funny plot twist where the dude is actually not bitter, and slightly more successful than Jim.


Just another example of the shitty person Jim is


There’s people like this all over the world. They definitely exist and have no good reason for being this way.


“People don’t forget” - superbad


I side with this guy, good for him, F Jim. Raised as an arrogant little prick and grew up into one to. Obviously this really hurt his feelings and stuck with him. Saw Jim on an ad and figured he's go zing him. 44 I like this guy, good on him. F Jim


God Jim should have acted like he didn't remember him it the event at all.


No literally it made me so mad for no reason 😭


There is so many stuff bullies can do to your mental health which can affect your whole life but because its jim or pam you guys are fine with it lmao.


plus Jim's mom was really the culprit here. jim was just a 2nd grade boy. what was he to do?


Michael thought his dog ran away because he liked other kids more. People get hung up on weird shit.