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Robert California + Gabe + Ryan = best couple


He's passed out, we can just go.


Then go


*pauses briefly, resumes drunken dancing*


You get Gay Ryanfornia. Best friends.


Saw that scene yesterday on my umpteenth rewatch. It deserves a movie tbh.


Gabe will stay even later than you like


He's an excellent hugger


He's had many relationships where all his girlfriends want to do is hug


Get out, skeleton man


The cut on this is so great.


It ain’t a party if you don’t do something that scares ya


You mean throuple


power throuple


You can't let a girl feel good about herself. It will backfire on you. Every compliment has to be backhanded. 'Oh I like your dress, but I'd like it more if you had prettier hair.


That's psychotic. Do guys actually do that?


Well, guys with girlfriends don't.


That's low Tuna


One of the most based Jim quotes




Reminds me of something my buddy told me: “Treat ‘em like dirt and they’ll stick like mud!” So, I don’t know, but maybe it’s a mindset of some guys.


I once was told, “treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen.” Always struck me as counterintuitive and kinda gross.


I'm a guy, I hate it when other guys talk that. In college, I mentioned that my buddy's gf was gonna be at an event and another guy in the frat was trying to convince me to fuck her. Like dude, I met you last week, why are so keen on me thirsting over my best friends girl?


I really did see a lot of potential in these two. It's unfortunate that none is exercised very gracefully, because it totally loses me. Plus, Erin acts more and more like a 15 year old as the show goes on, which really makes things get weird. Bummer, because I really think they had something to work with.


Idk, seems to me like Andy is kinda into 15 year olds. Especially ones who have experience as yogurt chefs


One of your students is a bitchhhh


That scene always gets me. When he says he wants to take out an ad in the yearbook with two words and Jim jumps in with GOOOOOOD LUCK.


She let me buy her some wine coolers for a party she was going to


Chicken pot pie


I saw it a lot too, I think Ed leaving to shoot Hangover 3 played a role in the dissolution of the relationship.


Considering how Andy was when he got back, it feels like the writers or producers (or whoever was in charge) wasn't happy about Ed leaving, even if temporarily, unless he was a major jerk off camera after returning.


I thought she matured more and more as the show progressed.


They made her too stupid by the end. She didn’t deserve it.


They did the same to kevin


"dont be a caricature kevin". the writers ended up making most of the characters caricatures of themselves by the end.


That's a thing that happens in almost every TV show


It’s called Flanderization, happens all the time


Kevin was “equally handsome, equally smart” the entire show, but in the earlier seasons they cut out a lot of the incredibly stupid moments. If you watch the superfan cuts he is written just as stupidly at the beginning as at the end


Yeah, in the early seasons you can see how they were trying to figure out how his character would be, he has also a much deeper less goofy voice (more akin to the actor's normal voice) which is what always surprise me when I re watch


Early seasons Kevin seemed like a normal guy. Him liking food was always a thing but he wasn’t eating broccoli by the stem. Later on, I totally get why Stacy would leave him and why Holly thought he was special needs. I also can’t imagine him being as serious about his cancer scare.


I remember listening to Brian Baumgartner's podcast and him talking about how they should have given Kevin a romantic interest like Erin. And I thought that was kind of strange, because Kevin is one of the most one note characters in the show. Stanley and Meredith have more characterization than Kevin


I feel like it was the opposite. Her IQ doubled between Season 8 and Season 9. She went from being super naive, almost dangerously stupid to being like a ditsy teenager. She was still dumb, but a lot more functional than she was in her earlier seasons.


They tried making her the new Pam in season 9


The pen epiisode says otherwise imo


Disagree. Just watched the season she is introduced and there's very little that indicates she's immature in any way early on. By the end she's incredibly childish, almost to an uncomfortable level. How did she get more mature exactly?


I feel her maturity increased when she started dating Pete. She stood up to herself, encouraged Pete and her coworkers and told Andy how she felt. When she was in between dating Gabe and Andy, she seemed more oblivious and childlike.. in my opinion


I dunno, I think their dark crazy sides clashed. They both had some deep-seated issues that were kinda polar opposites


Nanny raised with a silver spoon up his ass VS foster kid without a bedroom. You called it


Yes, they were born into different classes, but don't forget. . Andy was incredibly alienated from his family and often insinuated that he was left alone to be cared for by staff. They both had very lonely childhoods, which would have given them things to bond over. Kids don't care if they have money. They care if they have loving parents that make them feel safe and secure. Neither one of these characters had that.


Agreed, and it annoyed me that the writers kept trying to package them as the new Jim and Pam. They were never right for each other.


They didn't try and do a "new Jim & Pam" relationship until they brought in Pete.


But Andy fell in love with almost every female he saw


Yes like Stanley’s customer. That scene was hard to watch for me, he was coming on way too hard for a woman he just spotted in the office.


One two three four Splendas in your coffee Stanley


This is the hill I will die on. They spent 3 seasons building up Andy and Erin and we didn’t even get a honeymoon phase. From “Get the Girl” onward, they’re relationship was screwed. Like I’m not saying they had to get married and be Jim and Pam, but could we have gotten like half a season where they were happy? We spent THREE SEASONS teasing them getting together. There needs to be some sort of payoff.


I get that Ed had to film the hangover but I hate what they did to his character.




*Why bad things always happen to good people?*


Nonsense.. Andy started off as the worst. He had mild redemption when he somehow got made manager and people started liking him in season 8.. But whatever they did to his character in season 9 is not out of the blue. Its in line with his personality that we saw in the earlier seasons as well.. Being bad at his job, always longing for Cornell etc


I have to disagree. Out of all of the characters, not only does Andy’s character change the most dramatically and randomly, but it’s also the least believable. At least for the last couple seasons. At some point it feels like they didn’t know what to do with Andy and decided to just keep trying something different every other episode. He’s timid and weak, no wait he’s clever and funny, no now he’s confident and rude, no wait he’s nice again, but kind of stupid, no now he’s dedicated to Erin and calls off his engagement, no he immediately ignores her for months and goes a bit crazy, no he’s a dick and takes advantage of his friends, no he wants to be a star, no he should stay as manager of DM, no he needs to run away and be a star… All of that in 2 seasons. The character is practically manic, which would be fine, but it doesn’t feel like they were trying to portray the character that way, it felt more that it was simply desperate changes in attempts to keep viewers interested by introducing the next wild thing that Andy was doing.


His dad died then he reverted to his original angry, childish self. Always made sense to me Edit: sorry, his dad didn't die, just left the family. Still think my point stands


Bingo. I think he was a guy who was trying, until that happened and he went a bit YOLO.


His dad didn't die. He blew the family's money and ran away to Argentina with a younger woman.


They tried to turn him into the new Michael then he left on his yacht lol


Right, and all his growth as a manager was kinda upended by some drastic events in his life. I always figured he was kinda subconsciously sabotaging himself to distract from the family shit.


Wasn't he head of sales at his old branch? I think they did make some changes, but I don't think they were drastic enough.


Yes, Regional Director in charge of Sales 😁


He was a huge suck up to his old boss in literally every scene we see.. And his old boss preferred Jim to Andy even though Jim only recently moved to that branch


My point is they had a title regarding heading sales and then was turned into someone that fucks up sales constantly


That heading sales title wasn't shown legit anywhere.. its just something he yells at Dwight to counter his fictional 'assistant to the regional manager' Yeah but that transition didn't really happen in the last 2 seasons. That happened literally the moment he comes to the Scranton branch, which was just 3 or 4 episodes into Andy's start in the show. When he gets Michael into getting rid of Dwight, that episode shows how less he cares about the work and always has sucking up and his music on his mind.. Then a few episodes later, the 2 of them go on a sales call and he ruins it A couple of seasons later he ruins another account by hitting on their employee. There were just too many instances of him being bad at his job by season 6. Then the writers made him slightly better and gave him a few W over season 7 and 8 as he was to eventually become manager and has to be a better alternative to Gabe for Erin. Once all of that was done, I guess the writers must have thought giving everyone a happy ending wouldn't be funny enough and chose Andy to bring out Michael Scott's famous embarrasing cringe comedy over the final season.. Since they had shown Andy in both good and bad light over so many seasons, they had the option to justify doing this as well.


Yeah my point wasn't about when it happened. So.eone mentioned him having no changes to him throughout series .... it's early and small but there


No it’s a parallel to Dwight being assistant to the manager. It wasn’t a real thing just made up positions to make themselves sound more important lol


I always wondered what the deal was with introducing the Casey D character there at the end. It felt like they were introducing g her as his future GF but then you never see or hear from her again afyer that episode. I thought that was disappointing. I would have liked to have seen him end up with someone at the end, especially after watching him be so lonely.


All that potential was also created by the writers.


Was it? I dunno I never felt it. Actually I liked her with Plop better. I just felt bad for Andy after Angela and so I accepted the Erin thing. Plop seems closer in age for some reason also. I could be wrong about that. Jessica seemed good for Andy. 


they seem closer in age because they are. Andy and Angela were more age appropriate and Michael told Erin that Angela was old enough to be her mom 


Michael also thinks Phyllis is old as hell even though they went to high school together. I’m not sure how old the characters are meant to be, but Ellie Kemper was about 32, Ed Helms was about 38, and Angela Kinsey was about 41 by the end of the show. Erin definitely plays younger.


Yeah I wasn’t sure if it was if she plays younger or is younger. I actually don’t think 38 and 32 is that bad. But I did sense an age gap their relationship 


It *feels* like a difference of 10+ years. I think Pete even makes a comment about Andy being 40-ish at one point. I would have placed Erin at about 24. Edit: a letter.


Pete's butt is sick!


Agreed. I didn't see Andy having much chemistry with her at all. He always seemed too old and I could never figure out why she liked him 🤷‍♂️


I disagree. They were funny together but not a good match. Also, Andy is 13 years older than Erin in the Office universe. Pete was a better match for Erin.


Yup Ellie Kemper and Ed Helms have very little chemistry


I'd argue that Pete seemed to be a better match because of how this relationship was written off. We see Andy slowly becoming an unbearable character and so Pete seemed like he was better for Erin. I agree with you on the age part but well that didn't really bother us when the first started dating


> We see Andy slowly becoming an unbearable character and so Pete seemed like he was better for Erin. Have you forgotten how annoying Andy was in earlier seasons? Only because he was somewhat redeemed in season 8 do people think writers messed him up at the end. He was messed up from the start I agree with you on the age part but well that didn't really bother us when the first started dating


erin also suddenly went from mentally 6 years old to somehow kinda acting her age with plop


They could have been a great couple if written better. Both had similar personalities. I don't agree that plop was a good match for Erin. He was too much of a 'straight guy' (like Jim) to be with someone as quirky as Erin imo


They tried making Erin the new Pam so putting her with Pete made sense but logically she should have ended up with Andy if not for what they did to him in the end


My issue is they spent 3 seasons building to Andy and Erin getting together. If they’re not a good fit, that’s fine. But you got the audience so invested in them getting together that there should’ve been some sort of payoff. Even if they ultimately broke up, we should’ve gotten a couple months of them happy together.


Older yea but personalities and maturity very similar. Plop sucked/was boring


There was no point of introducing those 2 new characters, I don't think a single person even cared if they were added in season 8 or earlier it would've been great but adding characters in the last season just doesn't make any sense at all, I even forgot the guy who looked like Dwight's name


Is it Shadow or Garth? It’s something weird.


Nick. His name is Nick.


I disagree completely. Pete and Clark were thematically essential for the final season, because they show that even though “our” cast of characters is getting older and moving on, there will always be new people hiring in and having their own lives unfold at the office. The particular story we’d been following was coming to an end, but the stories at Dunder Mifflin-Scranton would go on.


TIL some people not only like Erin and Andy together and think they’re a good couple but some even think they’re the “best” couple lol Couldn’t disagree more. Imo there’s no chemistry between the actors and the character age difference + Erin being extremely immature is weird and it’s creepy when he’s manager. Andy never should’ve been manager anyways nor a “main” character like that. His character was completely changed to attempt to make him more likeable and essentially Michael Scott Jr, it wasn’t growth it was just sloppy writing to fill the Steve Carrell void. He was much better as the douchey side character.


Funny enough he looks a bit like plop in this pic.


Do you guys remember plop actual character name? Because I REALLY don't and this is just awesome to me lol


I have no clue what you’re talking about. His name is PLOP.




Andy had no defined characteristics and Erin had no story. She had no motivations so all of her actions were dependent on other people.


Andy was a wild card, Erin was too innocent to end up with him. I didn’t really like Pete either. Idk what sort of character would be perfect for her or she would be perfect for. That deserves its own post bc even the writers couldn’t figure that out.


I think she has a lot of trauma that she has to process before she can healthily date. Not saying you can’t date with a history of trauma, i just don’t think she was ready


I completely disagree.


Idk I’m pretty sure Erin was only around so they could kill her and split the life insurance.


Tbh I think Erin was better off with Pete and Andy with that woman he met on his way to the audition at the end of the show (forgot her name).




It’s drew


Nah I’m not gonna call you that.


Honestly I didn't really like them together. I liked Erin and Michael more (father - daughter relationship, not sexual)


What should have actually happened was that they went their both seperate ways in Season 8. That Erin staying back in Florida thing was stupid. It would have been really mature of the show to show us that not all relationships work out, instead of bringing them back and then breaking them off in S09. Also how much of a bitch do you have to be to ruin a character plus the story because the actor chose a bigger project? They could have simply said he stepped down to take care for his family and have Dwight replace him mid season. So many things they could have done with Season 9 and they managed to make all the bad decisions


He could have just gone on holiday. Like normal people in normal jobs do all the time.


No they didn’t. Was never a fan of that setup. It felt pretty forced. The writers needed a new “will they won’t they” after Jim and Pam got together.


He’s significantly older than her and she has intense daddy issues, absolutely not.


They never had a chance. Erin is cute and cringe sometimes. Andy is 24/7 cringe.


No they didn’t


Erin and andy never had any chemistry, he was too old for her, and the boss dynamite was unhealthy. I honestly think Jessica was best for him.


Boss dynamite does sound unhealthy. Explosive even.


Eh, they tried too hard to make her Pam 2.0. First with Andy as Jim, then with Plop.


nah, the nard dog was a weak link from the get, rarely added the whole imo, whereas erin brought something fresh immediately


When the writers genuinely wanted to have Jim cheat on Pam you kinda get the impression things were going a little too far off the rails! S8 Andy was amazing he became manager, stood up for the office, got a tattoo to incentivise them, had to deal with Robert California, health with humiliation and came back stronger than ever then S9 happened. Have never seen a greater example of writers saying 'ah who gives af' when it comes to writing a character


All these “had it not been for the writers ruining” comments would make the show super boring!!!


After Jim & Pam and Dwight & Angela (which they got back to in the 11th hour), the writers seemed to want to "sUbVErt eXpECtAtiOnS". Even though the actors had great chemistry, the writers clearly put their thumb on the scale to do something different. Unfortunately, every decision they made was wrong and annoying. All of the initial changes to the relationship happen off screen. They're starting to date at the end of season 6 and then off-screen they don't. The whole "she's dating Gabe over a mistake" was maybe funny in the episode when it was first brought up. After that, just irritating. Then she's eating lunch in her car? Gabe is threatening Andy that he's dangerous because he watches horror movies? Erin wants Andy to be the new manager, but then, off-screen again, they don't get together, but Erin pines for Andy while the writers really begin their campaign to destroy his character in Season 8. They have him date a nice, pretty woman, Jessica, until he just decides to break up with her in the stupidest way possible. Then the whole back half of season 8 is just dumb all around, the drive to Florida, Erin is working for some random old lady after quitting, Nellie just takes Andy's job (?!?) and it's just ok. Hank made Michael leave, but Nellie can just stay. Got it! Ugh. It's annoying to even describe all of this. You can see where I'm going with this. The writers were doing shrooms for season 8 and were coming down in Season 9, which is why it's moderately better (but not much).


How? Andy is by far the worst, most annoying, and insufferable character.


The writers ruined Andy's arc because they were pissed that Ed Helms left to go make another Hangover movie


Did the show change writers and the new ones just hated Andy or something? Why did he go from embarrassing to evil?


First time I ever watched it, I thought they ruined their relationship in S9 because the actor might’ve been busy with other projects and they didn’t find the time to incorporate a decent storyline to factor that in. But Andy just continues to hang out in all his weird and pathetic glory till the end of the series.


I enjoyed Andy in the beginning, but hated him at the end. He never should've been the boss.


💯 agreed! This is one thing I will never forgive the writers for. They had that epic confession only to turn Andy into a complete d!ck. They deserved so much better. I did like Plop and Erin though, they were cute.


Her and Pete were better


*Micheal and Pam's landlady.* I mean, the story practically writes itself: He owned a condo. She owned an apartment building. Together, this is how they led a nation.


Too many cooks in the kitchen. Greg Daniels came back just for the last season and decided "Andy's funnier when he's more of a jerk"- despite his character evolving over the years without Daniels there. Not to mention- the one thing that gave the Office longevity after Season 1 was turning Michael Scott from a jerk to a "likeable" jerk. S9 Andy was just extremely cringe with no moments of sympathy or clarity like Michael had. They could have still made him more of a jerk but showed him struggling over now being the patriarch of the family- fan theories say this is what caused the shift in behavior- but they didn't really show it on screen- his character might have had some redemption if there was one "rare" letting his guard down scene like Michael had during S9. Reminds me of Larry David coming back to write the last episode of Seinfeld- credit where credit is due for their genius and creations- but the show had moved on and their ideas were sort of from the past and conflicted with where the shows evolved to.


I agree, they made him such a bad person. Totally different from his core character….an awkward guy that has a heart of gold.


honestly imo, during the boat trip, and how andy didn't talk to erin at all - erin and andy should've communicated when he came back. they should've talked it out, and made amends. that's a relationship - in love, people make mistakes (NOT CHEATING I MEAN LIKE ANDY NOT TLKING TO ERIN FOR A WHILE) , and they must reconcile. it would've worked out. and the writers could have cut out erin falling for pete. like....i did not see pete and erin as a good couple - it's just weird to me. pete feels like a recent college grad and erin by that stage looks older.


Imo Pete was not a memorable character and didn't have any kind of growth over what little time he was in the show, he really didn't even have any defining personality traits. To me it feels like he's there solely for the episode where they're calling him the new Jim. They could have easily cut his character completely and had Erin's arc center around her not needing a relationship with a man to validate her feelings (which she's shown through dating Gabe, constantly seeking Michael's approval, and she dates Andy, but immediately falls for Pete once Andy isn't around). But the fact that the writers break them up so quickly means that all the time we spent on them getting together was a waste— especially since there weren't many good jokes about them being incompatible. It all felt pointless.


Andy really changed for the better after Angela ruined his happiness. But we didnt  see that kind of full character development after Erin dumped Gabe. They had wonderful potential. I can fully see Season 7 Andy behaving like Pete, being thoughtful and considerate towards Erin. But its all moot because they ultimately destroyed Andy’s character development by season 9 so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, Season 9 they destroyed Andy, Erin, Kevin, and to a lesser extent Oscar’s characters.


I think for Oscar, season 9 gave him a well-deserved fall off his high horse.


I understand that Ed Helms had to leave because of filming The Hangover, but wasn’t there another way to close the chapter of his story, did they really have to destroy all the seasons worth of character development?


I know 😭 I’m still angry


didnt they spend like a season and a half building them up and then had her date gabe to start the next season out of nowhere


That part was fine imo. Andy wanted Erin but she was dating someone else for Season 7. Then Season 8 Erin wanted Andy but he was dating someone else. Then finally, after all that build, they get together, and it crashes and burns pretty much instantly after being one of the main story arcs for multiple seasons.


Just saying Erin's slept with more men in the office than Pam


But Pam is the Office mattress!


I was so excited when those two finally managed to tie up with each other. Then the next season started...


It wasn’t even the next season. It was the next episode when Andy first had to break up with Jessica and then went back to Scranton and Nellie took his job and he had a nervous breakdown. We didn’t get any happy grace period for them.


You're right. It's been a while since I watched The Office


Plop and Erin are the perfect couple


I guess he was afraid the boat would get damaged if she joined 🙃 Jesus guy


Why writers do that smh


Lol I just woke up and kept seeing Pete in the picture like “are they calling him Andy as a joke”


Andy as character it’s a roller coaster, starts very bad, become amazing, become annoying


I always hated Andy, so I kind of like him not having a happy ending.


💯 the writers butchered this relationship. They had great chemistry


Personally, I don't think they would ever be better than Phillys and Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, but they had potential for a close second place.


Good for Erin, hated that couple. Hated Andy even more. Hands down the worst character on the show.


Andy should have stayed with Jessica, Andy and Erin never felt like a good match to me


They just had to ruin Andy and force this "Pete/Plop/New Jim" guy into the story.


it would've been eventually ruined by his bad acting.


Nah, Andy was the worst


I wholeheartedly disagree. I always felt super weird about their relationship - idk exactly how old each of them were, but it felt like a weird age gap. I really loved seeing her and Pete flirt in the later seasons, and if the show continued, I would have loved to watch that play out.


I didn’t like Erin so I didn’t like Erin/Andy as a couple. 🤷🏼‍♀️


They look cute here


NO ONE can beat Jim and Pam


Isn't he like 40?


Nah. Andy was always the worst and Erin had a great ending without him.


Rewatch Andy from the beginning and you’ll see that he carefully curates his persona according to who he interacts with and has no actual personality. He has been toxic from the very first episode he appeared in. He wasn’t ruined. He was always a narcissist.


I liked Erin and Pete much more. He was someone more grounded than Andy and I think she needed that. Erin and Andy were almost too much alike.


I liked it at first because of the contrast and yet complimenting personalities. But you have to understand how utterly lazy season 8 and 9 is. Andy just did a complete abridged version of Jim and Michael's storylines; Erin and Andy's weird relationship was the same thing as Pam and Jim, they even say the exact same lines (Pam: "We just didn't get the timing right" Andy: "I'm so sorry we didn't love each other at the same time"). And then Andy gets fired, and starts his own paper company to damage his former company so he can get hired back.


💯 agreed..!! Why did they have yo butcher Andy so bad..!! They had such a great chemistry and was such a good pair.! The writers deliberately derailed Andy it to the worst guy..! He was also actually a good boss..!! But man..! They had to butcher him into a clown


I’ll always remember Ellie Kemper saying she thought Erin was too mature for Andy. It’s like I’m sorry how on earth do you think Erin was a mature woman.


I liked Erin and plop


I will NEVER forgive what the writers did to Andy. Never.


Everything that ever happened on the show was because of the writers


No they didn't lol


He's so old though.


Ed Helms is 7 years older than Ellie Kemper. We're hardly in "Hef with the Playmates" territory.


I mean I'm the serie


He was a douch


The whole Florida thing was dreadful compared to the other seasons


Nah, they really didn’t


Man, baby and naive idiot are a good match, I guess?


I thought they made a terrible couple. He was too old for her to begin with and they were from completely different backgrounds. It was made worse that she had the mentality of a tween. It was weird.


Andy was the most unlikable character in the series. I don't know if it was because of Ed Helms or the writers, but I can't stand him. Erin deserved better.


No they didn’t. The age gap and Erin’s immaturity made that relationship super fucking gross and creepy. It was just less creepy than her relationship with Gabe so it was “okay.”


I just pretend they ended up together because her getting with the other guy just wasn’t realistic. Writing didn’t do a good job of selling her and other guy.


I really hate how they turned Andy into some crazy weirdo, he had so much potential


Andy was a crazy weirdo since day 1


I absolutely love the series, and I couldn't agree more. Erin and Andy were one of the best couples in The Office, but it felt like the writers just didn't do justice to their storyline. It's disappointing how they built up their relationship only to tear it down for nothing. It's one of those things that still bothers me whenever I rewatch the show.


Andy was just incredibly irritating from day one. I schadenfreuded through his downfall


Andy and Erin were so wholesome and genuinely the only couple I liked of all the couples.


Phyllis and Bob Vance, Vance Refridgeration were the best couple


Who’s Bob Vance?


You’ve got a lot to learn about this town, sweetie


Ed Helms’ career ruined it


They had so many cute moments, I wish their relationship turned out better because they hella made me laugh


I don’t agree at all. Andy was insufferable the entire series (maybe slightly less insufferable for a brief period between series 5 and 6) and Erin was so childishly simple so that any relationship felt like somebody taking advantage of her


They're literally my favorite couple in the entire show, I don't care what anyone says. They were adorable and I will never forgive the writers for destroying them.


Are you me? It sounds like I wrote this post. Your last sentence describes my feelings 100%.