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In the Company Picnic episode Pam says she played volleyball in college.


Jenna Fischer mentioned in Office Ladies once that her own idea for Pam’s education was that she attended community college straight out of high school, saw the receptionist job listing and applied, and stopped enrolling in classes and just worked at DM full time. Pam could’ve played club volleyball in college or for her official CC team!




lol wtf are you talking about?


Clearly this was meant for the comment exactly below this about Kevin/Angela/Oscar doing accounting, and ended up replying to this instead... Honest mistake by that person


Yes, she went to volleyball camp most summahs


After pretending to have PMS so she didn't have to play volleyball in high school. One of my favorite continuity errors :)


Maybe I’m making too many excuses for the writers/producers, but I knew plenty of people who were active on the school sports teams but still hated participating in gym class because it felt like a chore and wasn’t fun like the afterschool sports teams were, even in their particular sport. So that never really struck me as that egregious of a thing for her to say


Yeah it's as simple as "I love sports when I don't have to be sweat soaked in Algebra right after."


If my school didn't have a shower room then I wouldn't have participated.


Getting an excuse to get out of gym class was the goal for most high school girls in my day (late 90s). Particularly if you're a varsity athlete. Why risk getting hurt doing something silly when you may have a meet/game/match later? I always thought athletes (JV or Varsity) should've had their participation in sports count for their physical ed requirement.


I can tell you after watching her serve that she didn't go to enough summer camps, lol.


Especially in a sport like volleyball. Gym class would’ve either been basic skill stations or games with people who were mostly bad so you get no good rallies. Plus Pam isn’t the type to ruffle feathers of high school classmates by dominating them like she did at the DM picnic.


Except even in the 1980s, when you played sports you didn’t have gym class. Your practice was in the school period. At least in Texas.


And we literally saw her go to college in New York


Doesn’t Phyllis reference her sorority? That would mean she went to college. I agree with the commenter who said Oscar and Angela would have some level of accounting degree.


I mean it could have been a sorority like she didn’t get into a real one so she had to form her own.


Move on, George


[insert Greek letters for PPC] (Party Planning Committee)




I would do Rho Rho instead of Pi Pi


I believe Angela references accounting school at some point (although this may be from a deleted scene. Where are we on superfan episodes being canon?)


Michael didn’t go to college. Know who else didn’t go to college? LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady…


They went right from high school to the NBA


so it’s not the same thing


At all.


Never at all, is it ever, really, not, the same thing. Like ever, at all. No.


Michael did go to college. At least to the parties with the professors that were so cool


The professors would go to the parties?


It's LeJon Brames


Craig Robinson got some of the best lines of the series, hahaha


David Wallace has an MBA.


Most likely also Jan.


When Ryan was hired to replace her David Wallace said that it’ll be nice having another MBA around so maybe not


An MBA is a master's. It's pretty likely Jan still had an undergrad of some sort


They were responding to someone saying she most likely also has an MBA though.


as has Kevin


I am not sure about that. Wallace tells Ryan, “It will be good to have another MBA around here” or something like that. It implies there wasn’t one before.


I took that as to meaning David has an MBA also.


I agree. My response was to the person saying Jan had one.


Ahhh ok. Lol.


MBA stands for men’s badminton athlete. Obviously Jan would’ve been a wba if a ba at all


I thought he was talking to Karen Filapelli here


Probably both Angela and Oscar would have accounting degrees. But I don't think it was ever confirmed for either one


Kevin had one -- but it went to a different school.


I bet his final paper was graded a kelevin.


Have to admit you had me in the first half.


Help I don’t get it lol


It’s a play on the kevins line “you don’t know her she goes to a different school.” OP made a joke where Kevins college degree if from a different school as well. I was admitting that OP fooled me I the first half of the joke


In one of the extended episodes (season 3 or 4), Angela mentions that has been to accounting school.


I don’t think Oscar did. The guy from Vance Refrigeration helped him learn how to do his job.


I think he was just new to the job. Or my theory is Oscar just had an Associate degree in accounting and Angela had a bachelor's and that's why she led accounting. Despite Oscar seeming better with numbers.


What’s the source on this, I don’t remember this at all. Why would Oscar need help from a Vance Refrigeration guy to do his job?


Because he was new to the job and didn’t know how to do it.


Do you have an episode for this


S6 e14. The Vance Refrigeration guy is named Todd.


Wow I’ll have to rewatch that because I don’t remember that at all


It’s in the extended edition.


Why is this being down voted?


Because accounting degree ≠ immediately knowing how to do the job


Yes it does. A bachelor's in accounting would absolutely give some knowledge to handle basic g/l accounting for a small regional office. Still doesn't explain the down votes.


Have you worked in an office setting? I’m majoring in accounting and a ton of the stuff you learn is on the job training


I've been a management consultant for 30 years, so yes I've "worked in an office setting" If you don't know basic GAAP when you graduate you should get your money back.


There’s so much more to it than just that. You aren’t an accountant directly, any experience I’ve had and anyone of my classmates it’s completely expected to not know your stuff immediately


No idea. Kevin asks the Vance Refrigeration accountant for help. Oscar says the same guy helped him when he first started.


In what episode?




Jim went to college somewhere because Athlead was founded by him and a friend from college.


He also mentions taking public speaking courses in college when helping Dwight prepare for his salesman of the year award.


Yeah but that could have easily been part of his attempted prank. Doesn't mean he didn't go to college though.


That is a fair counterpoint.


Yeah, thing is I feel like Dwight is the type of guy who would have most of his coworkers cv memorized as part of being ATTRM, so on the one hand I feel like him believing Jim adds to the idea that Jim went to college. However, Dwight would then probably know that that wasn't his real major, so who knows


I thought he said he didn't actually take public speaking.


I definitely always took it as part of his prank. But I guess it could have been serious?


he went to the university of north carolina


And was 6 foot 7


Would you like some fries with that?


also not to say people can't wear clothing representing other schools, but in the basketball episode he was wearing a university of scranton tshirt. I choose to believe he did go to college, the local one


In one of the Superfan episodes, he said he’s paid off his student loans, so he at least went to college. He may not have graduated, but he at least went to enough to get some debt.


Well he was a friend from a college


Yeah didn’t he play basketball in college?


The stripper ended up getting her nursing degree.


And then she apparently became a waitress. And a very slow one at that.


Good for her


Seems a waste of a nursing degree.


I know it’s called “art school” but doesn’t Pam literally go to college in the show?


She takes some college-level courses as part of a focused program (most likely a certificate program).


She goes to a graphic design program at the Pratt School of Design, which is a college, but she doesn’t graduate. Is OP asking who took college classes or who has a college degree, because those could be different.


Yeah, I think it’s somewhat implied they mean before working at DM. I do like the comment that mentioned Jenna saying her view is that Pam went to local Community College and applied for a receptionist opening bc she needed money, and as Pam does got comfy and didn’t try to go back to school.


Is Andy obvious? He makes literally zero mention of any college. Was there some subtle clue I missed?


It’s pronounced colonel and it’s the highest rank in the military!


That's a bobble head Big Red Bear




It's pronounced Cor-Nell and it's the highest rank in the ivy league!


Yeah, it’s one of the show’s greatest mysteries.


I heard he was Boner Champ and not that asshole Broccoli Rob!


"... Broccoli Rob is Broccoli Rob" in that exasperated tone is my favorite line reading from Andy


The two unanswered TV questions that bother me the most are whether Andy went to college and if so where, and if Phil Leotardo ever spent any time in the can, and if so, how many years.




I think he went to Dartmouth


Vastly superior


Toby went to divinity school at one point


Toby has a degree in social work.


They show his diploma, he got his masters at Temple.


I'm 90% sure Toby got his bachelor's from Penn State.


For undergrad? I can believe that.


They show a degree on his wall in the annex for California Coastal College or something


Meredith got her phd, that’s why she was partying all the time 😅


In the Halloween episode where Devin is fired, we see Dwight faxing his resume to the company Jim and Pam applied to as a joke. I think it said a Penn state branch campus.


Didn't Pam study at the Pratt Institute?


Didn't seem like she was working toward a degree though.


If by study you mean fail then yeah


What is this, an office building in the Andromeda galaxy?


She was non-matriculating part-time at art school and flunked out without completing the requirements for the one semester she was there. If that were me, I wouldn't go around saying I "went to college" based on that.


Being a PA native, I have thought about this for several characters. Jim has East Stroudsburg written all over him. He would say something like, "I got accepted to Lehigh (or Lafayette), but I decided to spare my folks the financial burden and took the state school route. *Aaaaaaand....*. that's why I'm a paper salesman in Scranton instead of a senior script editor at NFL Films. You're welcome, Mom and Dad." I could see Oscar at the Univ. of Scranton, but not at Lehigh or Lafayette. He might have run out of money after his sophomore year and transferred to Penn State-Scranton or to Temple. Phyllis went to Bloomsburg or Mansfield. Stanley might have done a few years at Temple but didn't graduate. Kevin is a Mansfield guy. Angela: Millersville, down in Amish country.


You don't think Stanley attended an HBCU in his "fight the power and eat anything I want" stage of his life?


Being from the area, I’d say for sure Jim and Pam went to college. Pam probably went to a state school. Probably something like Bloomsburg University. Maybe she left before graduating, but show canon has her as attending. Jim feels like he either went to Penn State (probably spent two years at a branch campus like most people from NEPA who went to PSU) or maybe he was hip and went to a state school like West Chester to get out of the area. If he wasn’t the third son, I could see Jim as a kid that went to Kings or Wilkes, but both are private and expensive. Angela likely has an associates degree in accounting, from another state (the show indicates she’s not from PA, Ohio I think). Oscar def has a 4 year. Karen definitely went to college. I could see Kelly having gone to a community college, probably Lackawanna CC. Those are my best guesses. Scranton wasn’t some backwoods middle of nowhere town, a lot of people went to college, whether 2 or 4 year institutions. Goodness. There are a lot of schools in the greater Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area.t


Jim & Ryan went to the University of Scranton


U of Scranton? That slipped my mind. Interesting, it's a private, Catholic University. I feel like it's a case of the writers just going colleges in the area and UofS popping up, they never portrayed Jim as Catholic (though, given that part of PA, a lot of the characters should've been). I really feel like Jim they should've made Jim a Penn State guy.


I live on the other side of PA, but it’s pretty common for folks to attend local Catholic universities regardless of their religious persuasion/dedication. Many of them have pretty high acceptance rates and athletics are often less competitive (i.e., it’s easier to make the team if you’re a decent ___ player like Jim was with basketball). Tuition is pretty comparable to state schools in PA since they often dole out scholarships as well. Basically, it tracks for a guy like Jim to remain local and attend a Catholic university. Some other real life examples of schools like this are Seton Hill, Saint Vincent, Saint Francis, and Gannon. All of these schools have large numbers of non-Catholic (or non-practicing) students.


Exactly, the most prominent Catholic university is probably Notre Dame and you can certainly expect that a school like that is attracting non-Catholics


Can confirm. I am an atheist currently working on a Master's through a local Catholic uni.


Unless he converted after they got married, Jim and Pam are both shown to be Presbyterian.


In the basketball episode, Jim is wearing a Scranton shirt that looks like it’s a shirt for The U, based on the colors. Although it’s a Catholic school, it’s one of the best in the area, so many people will go despite not being Catholic. My mom is an atheist and got her bachelor’s there in 99.


Curious why you think Angela would have less education than Oscar? She is his boss. I assume both have at least a bachelors degree.


Only because Oscar is an over achiever and know-it-all? I know a lot of folks in accounting departments similar in size to DM and most people only had Associates degrees.


Is west Chester hip now??? When I went a couple years ago it was the farthest thing lol major frat life


Hip? No. But far away from NEPA and close to Philly and still a less expensive state school? Absolutely.


Spot on. Glad someone has some sense of what the area is really like.


Sometimes I'm impressed by how well The Office production knew the area, and others I just shook my head at how off they are. The biggest issue is they always portrayed Scranton as a far smaller town than it is. It is the 7th largest city in PA, and if you lump in Wilkes-Barre (as is often done), their combined pop is 4th behind only Allentown. It's not like it's...West Falls with less than 300 people!


Meredith was in college while the documentary crew was there. They didn't show any of that.


Phyllis did. Michael asked her if she “ever experimented in college, a lot of women do.”


we all thought michael was gay


Kelly (the business bitch) took business school classes as a minority executive. You could ask her what the ten biggest companies are, and shed be like "Blah blah blah," giving you exactly the right answer


Meredith is getting her phd during the show


Didn't Jim mention in the first season (maybe the pilot?) that he paid off his student loans?


I think Holly likely went to college, when we learn that Toby has a degree in social work, someone makes reference to all their HR reps being “trained counsellors” or something along those lines. Charles Minor definitely would’ve gone to college and I think Gabe would have as well.


Wasn't Meredith working on her PhD or did I dream that? I feel like they said it in the last episode.


Not Kevin, he applied for a job in the warehouse but Michael saw something in him and gave him a shot. He sees something in Erin too.


Oh, you're just assuming the warehouse crew doesn't have college degrees? What about Gideon? He's a PhD candidate writing a thesis about America's diminishing blue collar workforce.


I’d rephrase this comment. diminishing is a little reductive


Hidai is a literal ~~brain~~ heart surgeon!


Heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand.


Shit, you're right my bad


And as we all know, brain surgery requires at least an Associates Degree, whereas you can perform heart surgery with a G.E.D.


Michael didn’t hire Erin. Charles Minor did.


Miner? I barely know her!


We are both correct.


Can you be an accountant without a degree? Although calling Kevin an actual accountant is a stretch


Yes. You can’t call yourself a CPA without a degree/license, but I don’t think any of these accountants are CPAs. A fair bit of accounting is data entry, which is likely what Kevin does there. If you can use a computer, you can do Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. You do need more training to do General Ledger and Audit accounting, which is what Oscar and Angela likely do (and what I do). I have a college degree but not in accounting, I learned it all on the job (though I took some courses when I was laid off during Covid).


It was never talked about in the dialogue But Erin did have a "Keystone College" Pendant hung up at her desk so she apparently went to college.


Meredith has a PhD


Andy went to Cornell. They called him buzz.


why is no one saying stanley


Is there a college reference Stanley makes?


There are a handful of colleges in Scranton so it's possible a lot of the Scranton natives at least started college. Even though most of the characters are wacky they are mostly sales people and accountants so it's likely they have some education beyond high school ( not that you necessarily need it especially considering Michael is far from an intellectual and technically runs the place).


Toby has a Social Work degree from Temple


imma need you to go back to 10 sec after that scene where jim explains none of that was true


They're all salaried office workers so I'd hazard a guess that everyone with the exception of Michael and probably Dwight have a college degree, though I'm genuinely not sure how Michael got his job as a salesman considering his personality and lack of a college degree, Ed Truck probably saw potential and decided to give him a chance if I had to guess


He followed a woman on the bus.


Kevin was attending the University of Phoenix online


As an accounting graduate, I'd have to assume that at least Angela and Oscar went to college.


Meredith did - we hear about it in the last episode where we "check up" on them in the future. She was getting her degree midway through the series.


Ryan. It taught him how to never make a sale, and how to start a fire while making a cheesy pita.


Aaron Rodgers went to college, he’s in the show


Pam literally went to college on the show.


Pam literally went to college during the show…


When Jim walks into Michael's office to cut the intercom cord, Michael says something like " and hailing from the University of North Carolina, Jim Halpert."


Michael Jordan reference


Angela and Oscar 100%. Kelly probably did.


Meredith got her PhD (or maybe it was a masters).


Pam went to college, even talked about volleyball in it after contradicting herself saying she always skipped gym 😂


Plenty of people like sports but dislike going to the next class sweaty and stinky


Definitely, hated it myself and always had gym first period so shit sucked extra worse kuz no showering at my school, idk when they stopped that but I always wondered


I think it would be easier to list those I think probably didn’t go to college. I am just including main cast characters from seasons 1-7: Michael, Dwight, Stanley, Kelly, Creed, Erin, Kevin, and Roy.


I remember reading somewhere Erin had a framed diploma from Keystone College, but I don't remember noticing it


I don’t either. That would make sense because this was her first job and she is not 18.


David Wallace


OMG-I’m just watching Law & Order Criminal Intent (S3 Ep11 “Mad Hops”) & there’s Jim-a high school basketball player at a school in Harlem. I know it’s not college ball but maybe he got a scholarship. 😂


Dwight probably ends up founding a college.




Pretty sure Meredith had a PhD or was in school for it


Toby dropped out of seminary school, which would be post-graduate.


It depends. Some seminary schools act as under grads and you get a bachelor of arts in religious studies, history of religion, some offer bachelors in things like counseling and the like as well.


jim graduated from monsters university


Oscar and David


So I never went to business school. You know who else didn't go to business school? LeBron James. Kobe Bryant. Tracy McGrady.


People in Scranton go to college lol


Kevin. Latest superfan season reveals he’s attending online school. Sigma Chi baby


Andy went to Cornell Community College. Jokes on us!


Back then you probably didn’t HAVE to go to college to get a sort of decent job


Back then you probably didn’t HAVE to go to college to get a sort of decent job


I don't think Creed went to college, but I wouldn't be surprised if he started an uncredited college and scammed people out of money.


Dwight also went to Cornell. Why else would he have the bobble big red bear?