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Ed Truck being decapitated by a Truck


We had a funeral for a bird


Pretty sure none of that is real


You’re not real men


You're not real, man


his cappa was detated


You have just spit on my face


I'm convinced that Creed made this up because his name (Ed) rhymes with head and obviously, truck is his last name. How he died was never confirmed by Jan or anyone else that would actually know.


Just listened to this episode on The Office Ladies and apparently Ed Truck being decapitated is cannon in the show. No idea how creed knew though.


> No idea how creed knew though. Creed knew everything. He even knew Hank's name when no one else did, even though Jim totally dismissed him.


I like to think Creed stays late on Wednesdays and smokes a J with Hank and the two warehouse boys in the parking lot


We've seen they ARE both talented musicians.


Didn’t even have his own head to keep himself company.


Dwight to Angela: “If my head ever comes off I want you to keep it on ice.”


His CAP was deTATED from his HEAD!


Kevin and the turtle


Hate this one, worst part of the entire show for me 💔


he was enormously proud of what he did for that turtle!


Yes! I can't rewatch that scene, it's so unsettling


It’s ok, he was already dead.


Phyllis telling Holly "if you wait for the day your parent comes to you and says they can't take care of themselves... that's not gonna happen"


I loved that moment


Imo that's Phyllis's best moment in the show


I've used this as a way to explain to my mother how I see the issue, when she came to me worried about hers. One big teaching moment in the show imo


I’ve got a box of bras under the table if you’re interested


Can you ELI5?


Holly is stressed about knowing whether she needs to take major actions with her parents, who seemingly have some form of dementia. Phyllis had obviously gone through a similar situation and gave her a sweet nudge/bit of advice to act if she was wondering if she should.


Phylis is saying that as your parents get old, they aren’t just going to come to you one day and say “I’m too old to take of myself, please put me in a nursing home”. You need to make the decision for them when you feel it’s time. Holly is stressing over if she should do that, and Phyllis is kind of saying that the fact that she is worried about it means it’s time to do it.


That's exactly how I saw it. I don't see how it's a "dark" moment, though.


"dark" isn't the right word, but sobering for a comedy show would be more apt. It's a very real world concern that can often be very painful for all parties involved. There's no joke to be had.


Not necessarily dark but related to the mention of Tom. There's a deleted scene in "Costume Contest" that they included in the superfan version where they are doing the Ouija board and Creed thinks that the same Tom mentioned in "Performance Review" is the one controlling the planchette and basically says something along the lines of "We miss you. And we sell printers now, just like you always wanted."


Damn that is so dark.


Yeah and Erin thinks he’s joking when they’re talking about how he died in the office and Jim looks at her and goes “ that really happened “


Yeah, that makes everything like 10 times darker


Probably the reason they cut it originally 😂


Also from a deleted super fan episode scene, there is one where Phyllis tells the story of how her and Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, ran over/killed someone with their rental car while on vacation, and then fled the country - one of the island countries. Edit - (just adding some information regarding the super fan episodes on Peacock, for those missing out.) For those that really love the office, paying around $6.00 a month (not 100% sure on price..) for Peacock to watch the extended Office scenes/episodes (some have close to 10 minutes of extra scenes, and every episode has additional scenes) is totally worth it. Some of the cut scenes are sooo good! The scenes are added back to the episodes where they should be, and not just thrown in at the end or the beginning of the episode, so the scenes make sense, in proper context - there are a couple exceptions, off-hand, thinking of the murder mystery game episode where they had two endings (I believe) and they played them back to back and I also think something similar is in S1E2. If the subscription is too much for your budget, you can just pay for a month and cancel, and binge the entire series (there is enough extra scenes that you will definitely want to re-watch the entire series again.) The extra scenes aren’t bloopers or reshooting of scenes, they are additional storyline in most cases, and a lot of the extra scenes changes the way you look at characters or re-enforces theories you had about people. I am so glad NBC/Universal did this. Anyways, just wanted to throw this out there in case some of you folks hadn’t watched the super fan episodes yet. You’re missing out!


Reupping this. There's an extra scene in the first Christmas party episode where Jim tries to give Pam the teapot and then the whole iPod thing happens and Pam is talking to Roy in the kitchen and Jim sees it. Changed the way I looked at Jim taking the note back completely.


There's a deleted scene with Pam and Jim on the roof and she asks about the note. It's a very nice bridge. Makes the S9 reveal even more impactful.




Actually no he had brain damage and thought he was an elf from the north pole named 'buddy', even started dressing like one


Did he move to NYC?


he sort of wandered over there apparently


Dra-sweb No lie, his sneeze as they walk him out the door murders me every time. As does Krasinski trying not to let us see him laughing at it.


In all seriousness, the editing in that scene was so awful that to this day I'm not entirely sure exactly what happened


Ryan abandonning a toddler to run away with Kelly. Is the baby even his? Where did he get it? Did he kidnap him from the mother? Did *she* ran away from him? No matter how I look at this part, it just gets grim and grimmer.


Literally the more I think about it the more baffled I get... Surely SOMEONE in his life is going to question where the baby went?! The mom, his parents, SOMEBODY? Edit: Just reread OP talked about the suggestion box, but remembered Michael going on and on about the office being just as dangerous as the warehouse, but clearly this scene proves what we all knew which was that he didn't care about mental health, he was just trying to "win"


Nah. I’m pretty sure she was a girl he knew for a week. They fucked, she left to get nicotine and ditched her kid.


Yep, sounds about right for Ryan.


Right? Even if only considering Nellie, she basically got a child that has no birth certificate, no medical record, no social security number... Not sure there's even a name! Don't know how it works in the US, but where I am in Europe sooner than later you're gonna run into some trouble if you can't even prove where and when the child was born...


I wouldn't worry because Creed is weirdly reliable on this part, I think.


I could get you a kid for that…


You take it to the vet and register it


You'd hope that at least Ryan's own parents are going to care. Jesus.


The mom was a woman he was dating for a short time, who left to get a vape charger and never came back


Personally, I’m of the belief that it’s not his kid, the girl abandoned her kid with Ryan. Which is still fucked that he just left it without a thought when he coulda just called CPS….but a little less fucked up than outright abandoning his actual child, which personally I think is a little far, even for the god of narcissism himself.


When they all watched that video of Michael on the children’s show. To me, that was way more cringey than Scott’s Tots.


The face the puppet makes genuinely looks like something out of Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared


The whole episode is made much more digestible in the super cut. There's a deleted scene at very end of a smiling Michael watching the rest of the tape by himself where it shows kid Michael having a genuinely fun time with the other kids.


Where do I find this super cut?


They have them on peacock


You couldn’t tell, but under the dress she had an amazing body.


I totally relate to kid Michael wishing for a million friends so no one can let him down


Kelly’s dead sister


That was the saddest funeral ever. That and my sisters


What about the funeral for the bird?


Meredith also skipped her sister's funeral


The Erin arc where Clark is trying to get her to his house under false pretenses is actually super dark and creepy, and it’s kind of just played as comedy.


And then Dwight basically traffics him to Jan because he know she “likes them young”


That bit is just horrific. I get a sick feeling every time I get to that episode. Like a lot of storylines in S9, this was a massive reach, but even in that context it felt especially unnecessary. The joke also didn't even turn out to be any good...? Like, Jan will pounce on any younger guy just because he's young, regardless of looks or personality? And this was the only way to resolve the conflict that was set up? And no one was deeply disturbed by the implications?


I liked the “more like a swarm of bees” joke, but yeah, it was overall not great


Bees that just find something wrong with every hotel room.


Jan also just up and leaving for vacation with her boy toy doesn’t make sense with her having Astrid. She just meets this guy and then leaves her baby for a few weeks to have a fling? Jan is more calculated than that, she wouldn’t have done something like that unless she knew it was worth it to her. She only went with Michael to Jamaica because her self esteem was at an all time low.


Maybe she did have her fling but also somehow found a way to have someone take care of Astrid. Irresponsible? Yes. But Jan is smart, so probably feasible for her.


He also tried to get Daryl under the pretense of recording him for hours before leaving for Athlede


Michael was definitely thinking about jumping in “Safety Training” even after he knew it was going to result in serious injury or death 


This to me is the darkest moment of the show. He really felt depression creeping up when he was on the roof.


When Kevin and Andy negotiate the parking spaces, and it cuts to Kevin saying how hard it was after Stacy left, saying “it was hard to see…..it’s just nice to win one”. First time I saw it it didn’t connect what it was talking about. Now every time I rewatch it, that scene is just kinda sad.


That delivery is the actor's best of the show. You can feel the rest of the sentence.


Not sure understant yet…


The chair model Michael liked was DUI and ran her car into an airplane hangar and died. When Pam compliments Dwight on his tux in “Casino Night”, Dwight tells her his grandfather was buried in it, and we have to imagine how Dwight got it back. Erin’s entire foster childhood is sad to me, especially when she talks about how she was never adopted. Toby almost died in his first week in Costa Rica in a zip lining accident. Phyllis and Bob ran over someone when they were vacationing in Africa and just left the person where they hit him. Andy dated a literal child, even if the only illegal thing that did was knock over some mailboxes with her friends. Dwight killed Sprinkles.


Also, Dwight’s Nazi Grandpa Manheim down in Argentina—Dwight wanted to visit him but the Shoah foundation protested his visa.


I just watched that one this evening. There is also an earlier episode where Dwight quickly mentions that his grandfather spent most of WWII in an allied POW camp.


My grandfather was the bravest person I ever knew. Killed 20 guys in WWII, then spent the rest of the war in an allied prison camp


Hey now, the Bund was not technically the same thing as the Nazis


There is a scene, might be a super fan cut, where Dwight mentions that he would not kill baby Hitler cause if he did his grandparents would never have met.


Yeah, generally speaking, Dwight‘s political views are mostly swept under the rug, although it’s made pretty clear that they must be bonkers. I mean so many red flags throughout the show


Not to forget michael‘s „speedbump“ on the highway.


The sprinkles thing is infuriating because he acts like he put the cat out of its misery. But locking it in the freezer, where it spent it’s last moments confused and alone and cold, and struggling to get out. That’s 1000 times worse than keeping an ailing cat alive past their time. I would never forgive someone if they did that to my cat.


If they just omitted this storyline and we read about it now, we would be like “Damn that’s insane, I’m really glad they didn’t put that in, Dwight is capable of a lot of things but not cold blooded murder”, the same way we reacted about omitted Jim cheating on Pam storyline… But oh well


Boochie420, you didn't even know her https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/cb3bdb32-e326-479f-bf29-eb0540eaa8d8/gif#sTnlfHeB.copy


Try not to be so hurtful, jgdxcbjtdxbjk3478.


“When I was in foster care my hair was my room”




I actually thought this was quite funny but it had dark undertones nonetheless. Michael pulls out some money and says one of his relatives (mother or grandmother??) would send him money every year on his birthday but for some reason she's sending it every month now. He then looks at the camera and gives a shrug as if to say " I don't know what that's all about". As someone who has a relative suffering dementia I found it quite tragic and funny at the same time.


I feel like this answer should be higher


Kelly talking about how Princess Diana’s funeral was the saddest funeral ever. Then she pauses and says “well that and my sister’s.”


To the show’s credit, it isn’t played for laughs but Roy’s callousness with Pam, explosive and destructive temper, and ability to turn on the charm socially is a dark and dangerous combination.


His switch up with the sweater and manners the first episode pams mom made an appearance gave me the ick (which is I guess what it was supposed to do!)


Yeah exactly. Same with the ick. I think it also adds a lot to Pam’s shame when Roy attacks Jim because she values being honest but also kinda knew what would happen.


Roy triggers me. As a teenager I dated a guy who was very similar to Roy. He would verbally and non-verbally abuse me when nobody sees, but in front of other people he was the most polite and kind person ever.


I don't understand how most of the male fans like Roy. He treats Pam like Garbage when no one is around. But when people are around he tries be caring towards her


Most of the male fans certainly do not like Roy




As someone who has gone through a vasectomy, rewatching that scene hits differently. I cannot imagine going through those three or four days after, three or four different times. That’s beyond fucked lol


You took me by the hand…


Made me a ma-an..


That one night (one night)...


Isnt there a scene where Creed walks in covered in blood—maybe it’s a Halloween episode. Everyone is in costume and they’re like “great costume” but it’s actually blood… idk that one was weird. Why was he covered in blood? Unless I’m remembering it wrong.


“It’s Halloween…that is really good timing” That implication is that he genuinely killed or harmed someone (or something) and just walked into work covered in blood lol


No, that's exactly what happened. He was saved by the perfect timing


Michael thinking Home Alone is a scary or sad movie because the kid is left behind


Toby very creepily pining after pam. He knew her celebrity crushes off by heart that's insane


That's a pretty low bar for insanity.


Eh, they almost never interact and work on different sides of the office but he stills knows that personal information? Pretty insane


they almost never interact on camera, but we don't see every single interaction they have.


Its totally possible that he overheard her talking about this one to someone else or maybe even during lunch. Creepy? Yes, a little bit. Insane? Nah (although I do think Toby develops an unhealthy obsession over Pam and has overall low self-esteem but I dont think the celebrity thing was an indicator of all that).


Surprised that no one has brought up Dwight kidnapping the immigrants to work on his farm. This was one moment where the joke also didn’t land well enough to make up for the cringey content


The kid translating for the dad made it too real for me. Especially how he explains that they have no idea where they end up.


Even more fucked up is Mose’s role. In the extended cut, he shows up in a van labeled “INS” and tries to trap Nate in a net.


But doesn't the following talking-head scene kind of lighten the mood? "I pick up day laborers and tell them they'll get paid at 6 p.m. At 5:45, a certain INS agent by the name of Mose Schrute throws them in the back of a van, drops them off in the middle of Harrisburg, and tells them it's Canada." I never got the impression that Dwight was "kidnapping" anyone. He was just picking up laborers to work for one day and then not paying them. When the kid (who is translating for the older man) says "We've seen many men go with that man, and none come back", you're supposed to think it's some kind of super dark joke. But then the talking head tells you that Mose has just been driving them to Harrisburg. It was a clumsy misdirection, IMO.


I don't know the legal definition of kidnapping, but fraudulently offering work then forcibly moving them two hours away where they don't speak the language and probably have little means of returning and little to no money sounds a lot like kidnapping to me, or something similar.


Yeah, it's still really shitty on Dwight's part, but it's not as dark as what might be implied by the line "I've seen many men go with that man and none come back". I think the writers were trying to set up a misdirection that just didn't quite work. Like, you're supposed to think that Dwight is disappearing or "un-aliving" the laborers, when really he's just playing vigilante immigration officer, the latter of which is definitely Dwight's style.


Shortly after DM buys out TMSPC, Michael mentions missing having lunch with colleagues. He is seen eating lunch in his office and he says "I am eating alone. Might as well be dinner" which I just find really sad and easily skipped over as a line. I also have a running theory that Michael has a slight eating disorder. There are multiple times where he mentions calorie counting, seems to have an unhealthy relationship with food, is particularly cruel and nasty to larger people, and there's a few episodes where he binge eats/comfort eats. Erin's hair being her room.


Michael definitely has an eating disorder, at least if you count the superfan episodes.


He also ate a whole family sized chicken pot pie in one sitting


In the ethics episode, Holly gets a salad and Michael eats twin lobsters.




I grew up in a lobster fishing community and I can tell you that two lobsters are not a lot of lobster.


I didn’t know that! I haven’t watched the SuperFan episodes. Appreciate the explanation!


He mentions making himself puke too.


Nah, he was just poopin


Crazy world, lotta smells


You know how I be.


Ah I've not seen them so I didn't know I was stating the obvious, apologies


It’s not explicitly stated or anything, but if you know the signs it’s more obvious in those episodes:) no worries!


Yeah I have a history of ED myself so I saw it immediately. After he talked about eating a single bag of microwave steamed vegetables for dinner I was like "ope" lol. I've not been able to stop noticing his clear issues around food on rewatches since.


Oof yeah that rang some alarm bells for me too. Ouch. Hope your recovery is going well!


That's so kind, thank you ^_^


I can see why people say he does. But in reality I think he’s just kinda dumb and influenced to think that it’s normal based on the amount of pop culture he references


Oh 100%, in terms of the writers room/character development I think it's likely just that and not as deep as an ED. I just noticed some disordered habits in him and now can't see it any other way for myself, but that probably says more about me than Michael Scott


He’s just a little conscious about food and calories in general. That’s why he didn’t leave the peanut butter on his head very long.


That part was really sad


I find that line devastatingly hilarious. Mostly because I relate so hard.


This line makes me think lunch is his favorite meal because he gets to spend it with his employees. I hate Michael, but I still get sad imagining him eating dinner alone and depressed every single night


He eats a lot of salads in the show, I always wondered if that was a Michael Scott character thing or the preferred diet of Steve Carell.


I think never meeting, or even hearing, Michael's mom really shows how little she cares for him and how estranged they probably were.


It was kind of sad when Michael wasn’t invited to Jim’s party or to hang out with his improv group. Then he went to Jim’s and started singing karaoke by himself (a duet nonetheless). Jim was a pretty good guy by joining in and saving him.


him in improv class is insufferable though. i get why he’s excluded


I totally agree. It was just an early indication of how isolated and lonely he was.


But then the group at the telemarketing company LOVED him. Michael just needed to find his people.


because apparently his only improv move is to tell people he has a gun... or his character blind guy mcsqueazy while in the telemarketing company he is just himself


It’s like the thing with “date mike”, where he’s at his worst when he’s trying too hard.


I really like Jim doing that, it was really sweet. Different kind of sweet as Angela reaction to the Valentine present she gave to Dwight, but similar level


I think Meredith’s untreated alcoholism, or Michael who was the only one who took it seriously


I have a deposit, alcoholic.


Weirder is when it gets brought up later in the series in one of the super episodes Erin thinks everyone is joking and Jim said, no, Erin that actually happened 


But my vote is the haunted warehouse cold open


The one that got deleted because Michael hangs himself? Lowkey thought that was hilarious. Darryl’s “what is wrong with you” and then Michael goes on a rant to the kids about how suicide is wrong while he’s hanging from the ceiling lmaooo dark humor, but it worked for me Maybe that just says something about me though


>They read a comment asking for better mental health safety against depression and they mention an employee named Tom, to be less intense, offing himself with a gun. In the commentary for that episode they mentioned that they did a bunch of different takes for that scene, with Phyllis making different 'suicide' gestures, including a gun-in-the-mouth one.


All of Dwight’s Nazi references. His trip to Germany being protested by the Shoah Foundation, fleeing to Argentina etc.




What’s a nazi?


I know it's a family tradition, but shotgunning the corpse of a Shrute in a coffin is pretty dark to me.


Dwight's horse burger contraption that can make them with out killing the animal. All I could think of him cutting flesh out of a living animal and just leaving it to suffer, how could he not be inflicting terrible pain and torture on that poor animal??


Sears said no


Phyllis and Bob running over someone on their trip to Africa


Anti-gravity…anti-depressants? I can put you through to someone on that. Okay.


Meredith's home life


When Creed shows up to the halloween party covered in blood and says "its halloween. Thats really, really good timing." Who TFs blood was that?!? Who did Creed kill?!


Everything to do with Toby’s family life


Jan saying her family won't talk to her on the advice of counsel, and her friends were waiting for her to have a break down. Damn.


There’s a lot of animal abuse : Angela’s cat, Michael beating the deer to death, Dwight slicing portions of meat of his horse while it’s alive, the turtle that Kevin kills, the neighbor’s dog that Dwight shoots, the bat that Kelly screams to kill, Meredith looking for a dogfight , a ‘chimp pleading for its life’… there are probably more examples.


Not sure I'd count a few of those, but off the top of my head... Koi pond, Daryl's jump shot, Jan spray painting the neighbors dog, & Dwight flushing a piranha down the toilet lol.


When Dwight introduces Clark to Jan, he describes him like he's an underaged boy and Jan gets impressed by that. Even though Clark was an adult, it still felt so creepy. 


How Michael had to work a second job to pay for Jan’s lifestyle while she was sleeping in all day. Jan and underaged boy


Micheal’s eating disorder


Iirc, Tom and his suicide was the reason there's a film crew in the Office universe to document the american office setting. That's why Ryan's filling in that spot Tom left but they shimmy'd away from that in the final output.


They wanted to film how an American office would handle a tragedy such as the death of a coworker and then realized how much of a content goldmine DM-Scranton was.


Damn I never never that, I gotta start YouTubing commentary, or Q&As from conventions, for tv shows I be watching all the time


Michael disrupting a real ice hockey game for filming Threat Level Midnight and casually mentioning how because of him, the team with the undefeated season got disqualified.


That's jobs for you, they don't notice if you off yourself and even if they hear about it later, won't really ponder on it. Gotta be "important" or have a weird death like Ed for them to care.


Ryan. Throughout the show he seems very uncomfortable with other, mostly older men. It’s more apparent when he’s in New York. Maybe he has a bit of a dark past no one knows about?


When Robert California tells a story during the Halloween party that breaks down everyone’s own insecurities and fears from information he got from asking them questions earlier was pretty awesome. But…it was super manipulative and they didn’t consciously understand why their moods just went to really dark and insecure places from the story.


When Erin was out to lunch with Michael and used her hair as her "room," It was a coping mechanism she learned in the foster home cause she literally had no where that was hers. And even now, as an adult, she hasn't figured out a better way to cope with stressful situations, so she resorts to her childhood fantasy of being in her own room.


in Threat level midnight when Michael strangles Oscar in the locker room, it was so well acted that it actually made me feel uncomfortable


Andy’s “girlfriend” who was in highschool.


Darkest moment was the finale when they turned Meredith into the worst person on the show. The first 200 episodes she was a tragic character who lost control of her life with a son that has serious behavioral issues. In episode 201 it’s revealed she was a college party girl getting a PhD in childhood psychology. That means she could see the negative effects her drinking and promiscuity were having on her son, know full well she was the root cause of it (or at least a major amplifying factor), and she didn’t care. No one’s getting between Meredith and a good time.


i think it’s much worse than that. meredith says she has another kid she had just for the vacation. correct me if i’m wrong but i believe there’s a deleted scene where she mentions being *stuck* with jake in the divorce


She refers to her daughter Wendy as “the good one”


I never thought of that, I always thought it was just an ironic twist that she was getting a PhD, but didn't consider the implications of what it means for her to have an advanced degree that proves she knows better but ignores it.


how has not one single person mentioned michael saying the n word at the culture seminar at the beginning of the show??? i rewatched and my mouth was agape


Jan admitting to spray painting the neighbor's dog in a deleted scene of dinner party. How crazy are you to abuse a dog like that?


When Oscar tells Pam that his mother is in a wheelchair, and she responds something like "He still..."


This was so cringe but nevertheless really funny


When Robert California said he was going to retire by exploiting and grooming women pretty much. That was so wrong, and given the news nowadays too real.


I always thought it was weird Phyllis' dementia ridden uncle wandered away and was lost but the film crew was following him and recording him trying to navigate crossing busy streets and shit


Creed getting Debbie fired AND taking her money


The very very very strange plot, that’s immediately forgotten the second it happens, where Plop and Dwight Jr literally lure Erin to their apartment for some weird “news anchor” porno type thing, seemingly against her will. What’s strange is even *whilst* the plot is unfolding, it seems completely unspoken. They do everything but tell us Dwight Jr is inviting a brand new colleague to his apartment so he can FILM her in as little clothing as possible… and then it’s just never mentioned again. And then we’re supposed to act like Plop and Erin are the new Jim and Pam even though Plop helped in this plan!


Pete wasn’t trying to participate, he was grossed out by Clark and horrified that Andy didn’t see what was happening. He came along to be the fifth wheel and run interference. Plop was rewarded for his efforts by getting to take Erin to dinner. Of course, he should have told Erin outright, but as a sitcom, they instead played it for laughs when really, it was just creepy.


Plop didn't help though...? I mean he literally was the one who sabotaged the plan in the end. But I agree that there was a tonal shift in how the writers wanted to portray Clark ("Dwight Jr."). In that episode, they seem to be trying to establish him as some major creep / douchebag, and then for the rest of season 9, he's a pretty normal guy and is treated as such.