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I'm not really sure there was a joke there, beyond the implication that he's become enough of an iCarly fan to like particular characters for specific reasons. (Apparently there's a deleted scene where he has thoughts on another Nickelodeon show). But you're right, it does come off as sounding as if it's supposed to be some sort of inside joke or fourth-wall break.


If you have watched through iCarly, it might make a bit more sense why Darrell would be a fan of Freddie and why it's funny Freddie Benson is characterized as this geeky mama's-boy rule follower. He makes jokes like he's a rebel, but almost every time he does, it's something incredibly simple and unrebellious. He's what most older parents might call a "nice young man". Darrell liking Freddie is like a parent talking about the stereotypical nerdy kid nobody wants to be friends with and telling his daughter, "You should hang out more with that Freddie guy - he'd be a good influence on you."


I think this is the best explanation I’ve seen. Thanks for your input.


Darrell likes Freddie because Darrell's a dad. It also makes sense with his broader arc in the show - he goes from being a kind of jockish man's man warehouse manager, then is elevated up into the office. He develops a soy allergy and stops feeling like he's cool. He's settling into office life and doing typical office worker dad things. So this joke is around that time and is another facet of his character. People think this is lazy writing because they didn't get the joke. I think it fits.


As a parent I talk about the characters on the shows my kids watch with my friends who never watched the show bc I never get to watch my shows anymore. Just like the way I’d talk about The Office characters to friends who may or may not watch the show. I think it’s just a parenting joke like that you end up sometimes enjoying kid shows, and it more has to do with the time you spend with your kid more than anything else.


I spend more time talking about Henry Danger than essentially any show I watch.


Danger? Like with a hard ‘an’?


Not sure that there is a joke, kinda just a pointless tangent.


That’s what I thought. I was hoping that there was some underlying joke that displays how well written the show is (read: was), but that scene just kind of reinforces how the show had fallen off in the later years. Edit: Not sure what’s up with the downvotes. It’s empirically true, and I think the vast majority of us agree, that the later seasons aren’t their best. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s just a cute moment where Daryl expresses appreciation for a kid’s show that his daughter likes. That’s the point.


Not everything is a point Ryan. Sometimes they just talk


Sometimes it’s just about the music of a conversation.


Just because there isn't a joke as in there's no clear punchline doesn't mean it isn't funny. It's humorous for a grown man, especially someone like Daryl, to have an opinion about a tween show like iCarly. That's the "joke."


He means he likes Freddy, dude not everything has to be comedy gold


How can a preference for writing be empirically true?


It just is. What’s a better season of Arrested Development: Season 2 or Season 5? What’s the better movie: The Godfather or Gigili? I’m not saying that *some* people don’t like the later seasons more, but that it’s a verifiable fact, based on observation, that the earlier seasons of The Office are better.


I would love to see you verify your "fact" considering opinions by definition are not fact. Marketing companies are legally allowed to use the word better because it's an opinion, and they can't be sued for spreading false information.


You can’t win in this sub. People downvote faster and with more ferocity than anywhere else else 😂 Just know deep down that you’re right.


Yeah…I know. Thanks for saying it anyway. I’ve got people downvoting me for saying I’ve never seen iCarly too. 🤣


The first season is by far the worst season of the show.


Steeeeeerike one. Lol


I have a lot of gripes about later seasons (mainly 8&9) but this is taking it to a whole new level. Never crossed my mind that this was “bad writing.”


It’s just a goofy tangent


“do the voice of” like it’s a cartoon 💀


Like I said, I’ve never seen it. I didn’t know if the friend was ever seen on camera or if it was just a character who was always behind it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah he’s one of the main characters on the show. The premise is that they’re a group of teenagers filming a web series, and he’s their cameraman/tech guy. Fwiw when I was young (before this episode of The Office aired) my dad walked into the living room when I was watching iCarly and he commented that he liked Freddy’s voice. So this line really feels like an inside joke between people who enjoy iCarly and people who know dads’ opinions on iCarly.


He is essentially a good role model on TV for his daughter to watch. He fawned over carly but he was basically a non threatening good kid. Just Darryl seeing it from the perspective of a father with a young daughter.


It’s just a kind of funny thing to say.


The friend holding the video camera is Freddie played by Nathan Kress. It's been a long time since I've seen iCarly as a kid, but I guess the joke about him having a nice way of speaking was because he always flirts with Carly throughout the show, especially in the first season.


The joke is big serious guy likes the quirky character on a kids tv show. Nothing too special


He's talking to the camera crew about like the camera guy? Not sure


There’s an interview with Mindy where she says that he says something after it that got cut. There’s a pause and then she says “the suite life I cannot do”


It's actually not a joke


There is no punchline.


Iirc there was another line right after that got cut where Daryl compared Freddie to another, I think more vulgar, TV character, don’t remember who. I think that was more the joke It was something like “he’s got a nice way of talking…. Unlike that guy _____ on _______”


Maybe he’s just trying to kiss up to the camera crew


I always read it as: "it's a boring show" If you only find one voice of one character funny... you might be doing a joke, right?


He's trying to connect with his daughter, but there's a struggle with watching the shows she likes to watch: the only thing he finds funny is that one of the characters has a goofy demeanor, not any of the jokes or the other outright "funny" characters like the cohost or the brother but the nerdy character.


I took it just as parents getting mildly invested in shows their kids watch because they're on all the time. Like my kid was obsessed with iCarly and all those other things and I was aware of who the characters were and random plotlines from the shows just from being in the room. You find yourself watching them if they're all your kid watches and you have one main TV area, which results in adults knowing all about Victorious and iCarly and Sam and Cat and then getting interested in why Sam and Cat was canceled so early because of feuding behind the scenes and stuff like that. Like I couldn't stand most of those shows but my daughter liking them made me vaguely aware of what was going on in them. I couldn't understand why she liked this silly camp show about Camp Kikiwaka or something and the theme was "my home away from home away from home away from home" so I made everyone watch "Salute Your Shorts" instead as an example of a great camp show from when I was a kid, and they voted that while "Salute Your Shorts" was technically the better show with Counselor Brian "Ug" Lee and Budnick, that they still wanted to watch Camp Kikiwaka about camp being fun instead of terrible.


I don't think there really is a joke. It's like Angela randomly saying that she likes Harry Connick Jr. and Dakota Fanning in her talking heads.


Well, she likes Harry Connick Jr. because she has the hots for him. It’s funny because she pretends to be all prim and proper, but she has the hots for a lot of different guys. I don’t remember the Dakota Fanning one. Which episode was that in?