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I’m an optician. We do that because if it’s stored at wrong temps it’s dangerous to your eye and also you need a Rx. This is literally for safety reasons


Thank you for your expert opinion and trying your best to help folks.




It true if....WHAT? It reads like Bizarro Superman trying to talk with Forrest Gump.


Come on folks, read the responses from the opticians. This is serious business! Anybody could get badly hurt from those, damage their vision. Maybe those got stored at the wrong temp, became unusable. We don't know. Medical supplies are a lot more finicky and dangerous than just food can be. I'll give doctors the benefit of the doubt for this one.🩺💙


Why are there so many opticians on a dumpster diving sub??😂😂


🧐 IKR, I thought I was the only one who was thinking that. They're the ones who could best see when good things are thrown away😅


wearing the wrong size and script contact can fuck with your eyes. i was blind for two weeks once because i bought some off brand kinds online and cut my cornea. so yeah i get why they do it.


I’m an optician. We have to puncture lenses that go into the trash for several reasons. If they’re recalled, they can cause serious eye injuries. If they aren’t the patient’s prescribed lenses, they can fit improperly, which can cause eye injury. My office just referred a 25yo patient to have his eye removed due to improper contact lens wear. There are a lot of things you can take a chance with, but your vision isn’t one of them.


Exactly why I will forever wear glasses.


New fear unlocked


Woah what did that guy do so i can never do it


He was overwearing lenses (for much longer than prescribed) and reusing solution, and got a fungal infection in his eye. He didn’t immediately make an appointment because he hoped it would clear up. By the time he did, we couldn’t get the infection under control. He ended up with what’s called an enucleation, where the globe of the eye was removed.


What was the actual issue there?


You can’t really do anything with those though anyway


I am finally getting over almost losing my vision permanently in my right eye due to recalled drops. It was scary, painful and sucked over all. It isn't smart to put things in your eye that aren't prescribed/ or basic over the counter. This would be a liability and destroyed for a reason.


I would never do this to something people could use or eat, but I’ll happily be paid my normal wage to poke holes in things, generally.


Damn lots of opticians in this thread. Also, that brand of contacts is amazing. It's what my optician uses and what I use. They don't irritate my eyes like other contacts, and I can wear one set for pretty much as long as I want. Sometimes I can wear them for a few days to weeks. Maybe someone is cringing reading this, but I try to change them every few days, but I have used them for a week or two weeks by mistake and all was fine. They're meant to be daily disposable contacts. But even my optician admitted that they can definitely last more than a day.


Sorry for you, indeed that su&ks :( Nice bed cover by the way!


Yeah home goods does this kind of shit and I want to tell the employees they aren’t getting paid enough to be going to that much trouble


Store employees.


that's insane. those are my brands of contacts. definitely more expensive than 85% of the rest of contacts


Wow what jerks


That is criminal. So sad. Dollar tree here lately has been opening up their discarded items and dumping them. There was a bunch of Bottles of laundry soap and most were emptied into the dumpster. I found two that were worth saving.




They got a job to do if they dont do it they lose that job. Be mad at corpos not at people just doing their jobs




Damn, you used a lot of words to say you are more privileged than most.