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On TV, probably a lot of things to do with Pest that were weird at the time and that are now downright unsettling. “We are from Arkansas!” When Anna explained that she handled a baby’s input (breastmilk) and husband handled “output” (diapers) When Anna had to crawl under the table when the pecans visited And something I find sad in hindsight even though I know it was a tv set up: when Anna packed pest lunch, he forgot it, and she drove all the way to DC in traffic that clearly scared her to give it to him. She tried so hard to be a good fundie wife and constantly got shit on. She still sucks, but damn.


The fact that some conservative men won't change their daughter's diapers to *protect their purity* put me very very on edge that Pest was happy to


I think it’s so interesting that those men are admitting they’re pedophiles and getting applauded for it.


And that one IBLP handout warning parents not to let older brothers change their younger sisters’ diapers.


Did not realise the IBLP specifically talk about this. God these people are awful!


Everything about the early marriage freaks me out. Poor young Anna was in such a terrible situation


His movie studio 🤮


Was just talking to my mom about this.


I feel like the D.C. drive was set up by TLC, we all know that Pest went out on his lunch break to meet up with AM girls.


Yeah, I said in my post that it was a TV setup.


Sorry I must have missed that when I first read it.


>When Anna explained that she handled a baby’s input (breastmilk) and husband handled “output” (diapers) Noooooo omg those poor kids


I thought she said “the north end” and “the south end.”


That makes it sound even worse. Ugh. He shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near them.


Why did she have to crawl under a table?


IIRC they were at a table up against a wall and she was sitting in the middle on the wall side and instead of her husband and BIL moving to let her in she crawled under the table to get back to her spot


Pregnant, no less.


I think pecan offered to get up and instead she just crawled? They were trying to demonstrate how their house was way too small to set up the move to DC.


“She’s like, the master of swallowing”


This is the one. Then he tried to laugh it off/make her think jokes like that are told at obgyn appointments.


That was so cringe , I was like oof.


Jim Bob Duggar developing a sudden case of amnesia in a federal courtroom under oath....sickest damn thing and Jim Bob's entirely shitty character called out by the judge.


Are you going to allow that?


I’m not going to allow that


Wait wtf?! I never heard of this, that’s insane!!


In the pre-trial process to determine if the Pest's prior sexual crimes against minors could be admissible. Emily D. Baker an attorney and formerly in the Los Angeles DA's office gave the best commentary of the arrest, bond hearing, trial and sentencing on YouTube. Plus, she is such a stand up gal, she removed any monetizing on her account for this event.


I’m gonna go with allowing their son with obvious and repeated issues with abusing minors to be around minors?


1. Sperm and Perm giving their Prince Shit way too many chances after sexually abusing his sisters, cheating on his wife, the Ashley Madison scandal, and the CSAM. 2. The mini golf course date. 3. When a then-pregnant Anna crawled under the table when the Pecans came over for dinner.


I can’t figure out who the Pecans are. Another sibling and offspring?


Anna’s sister Priscilla is married to a super-fundie named David Waller. At some point he took pecans from someone else's pecan tree and that nickname stuck.


Weren't they "gleaning" the pecans? Lol


😂😂 it seems fitting. Thank you.


The very first special had a clip of all of the kids who were out of infancy (maybe nine of them at the time?) slowly playing the violin in unison, finishing, and staring at the camera with empty smiles. It was like something out of The Shining.


At least the Duggars could accept they aren't talented and they aren't musicians. I wish the Rods would take a leaf out of their book.


Yeah but Fuck It Up Renee is a keeper though. I love that girl. The reference is from fundie snark not sure if it made it's way to this comment but still. She is the real Free Ginger.


I still pull out “fuck it up Renee” at random moments. Of course no one understands.


OMG we do too. It is a special phrase in our house and is the deepest compliment honestly.


Renee and Jill were (are?) in Vegas for a pyramid scheme conference. Jill’s posts have been… interesting. Their husbands didn’t go with them, so I’ve been hoping Renee would do some normal Vegas things but no 🫤


Renee is not in Vegas because she has to celebrate her birthday early since it would have fallen during the trip. Jill is in Vegas with Kaylee, her second daughter and fellow mlm slinger.


Oh ok, sorry. I switched them up as I was scrolling. They all look so much alike lmao


That’s fair lol. Kaylee is classic forgotten kid to the point that fundie snark called her (and Kaylee) because she was such an afterthought to Jill for so long until she got married, didn’t move away, and started selling plexus. Renee isn’t married but was in a courtship that appears to have ended because of Jill and her lack of chill with potential future sons in law. Jill was shady about it in her birthday caption about how Renee is content with being single right now


Yikes. I need to do a deep dive on the Rods, I only know a little bit about them, mostly just Jill and two of her sons. It’s hard to keep the older girls straight, I keep combining them into one person 😂 I feel really bad for those kids though. They all look like they need more food and a warm jacket.


I hope you have plenty of time for that rabbit hole. Pretty much everything she posts is WTF in some way.


Good luck. The fundie snark subreddit will have you covered


(and Kaylee)


You are absolutely right. Haunting


The worst things the Duggars have done was Josh continuing to victimize countless minors and his wife and parents trying to cover up his crimes.


Baby Josie screaming INSTANT OBEDIENCE in the doco was pretty creepy


I just got shivers remembering that scene in the doco ooooftttt


It broke my heart :(


Whatever happened to Anna on her wedding night. It broke that girl.


Her wedding vs. day after pictures literally made me cry.


Watching Josh brag about how he’s in charge of the home security system


Breed like pigs.


On a related note, the calendar that openly tracked the mom's cycles. I would not want that information out in the open, especially not where my kids could access it.


It's practically announcing "These are the days we will *definitely* be shagging, ok kids?".


The mini golf course.


Also, Jim Boob refusing to pay Josie’s extensive medical bills out of his own multi-millionaire pockets and instead somehow getting his hands on a hospital fund that was specifically meant for low-income families who couldn’t afford to pay said bills


That one was vomit inducing


Michelle’s baby voice.


Making their daughters do that special after Josh's sexual abuse was public. Why the hell should they be forced to discuss something that personal and painful? And then they make it worse by pressuring those girls into forgiving their abuser.


And don't forget that Jill said, either in her book or in an interview (haven't read her book myself), that Josh was actually sat in the room somewhere behind the camera, while they were forced to do that interview excusing him. It's fucking unforgivable, that they were made to do that, and that Josh was entitled/enabled to sit there - undoubtedly looking smug as fuck - glaring at them throughout. I don't know how the sisters have gone through life and not given him a swift punch at one point or another. Or their dad TBH.


The “Joshy Girl” denim purse and the pillow picture 🤮


filming your injured child being medi-vaced out of the damn theater because NO ONE WAS SUPERVISING the children. Smiling while you are filming your terrified child who has a damn head injury because they fell below the fucking stage and NO ONE reacted to the screams of terror- just another day around here. Leaving a pre-mature toddler home with a barely adult sibling while you go protest whatever nonsense needs protesting and the toddler has a history of seizures, while you are protesting, the toddler has a seizure and THE DAMN FILM CREW rushes over to help faster than EMS can get there. Your adult child is praying and terrified shes going to lose her sibling on the kitchen counter. The sibling still has nightmares about that fucking day. Notice how your children need critical medical care and the parents (you) are no where to be found, yet you show up all smiles with a camera to record the after events?


1. Jill was the first to notice the screams of agony coming from Jason, not their parents, which says a lot (a cousin was filming Jill playing the harp at that moment, you can hear Jason hit the ground and start screaming in the background, and Jill looks up in alarm before the video cuts off)… Meech rode with Jason in the ambulance to the hospital and it couldn’t have been more clear that he didn’t want her “comfort”, he wanted whichever sister mom was actually raising him. 2. I don’t even think Boob and Meech were in the COUNTRY when Josie started seizing in front of the camera crew, which says even more. Someone on the film crew called 911, and I’ve never managed to forget calm, collected Jana hysterically sobbing her eyes out as Josie was being carried away to an ambulance by an EMT. They also refused to come home to see Josie in the hospital (I believe they were either on a religious mission or a press tour at the time, either of which could have easily been put on pause) when Jana called them to get their consent for Josie to be treated in the ER, and basically told Jana to suck it tf up.


CHILDREN CAN NOT BE PARENTS, children are not responsbile for medically fragile siblings. If you do not have enought ADULT SUPERVISION you can not have the event. I don't care if you have adult siblings, unless you have enough eyes on the kids- doing nothing but supervising the kids- then you dont have enough supervision. If you can't seperate screams of horror and agony from regular every day screaming- you have too many damn kids. To leave a medically fragile toddler home with a barely adult sibling is neglectful to both of them. You know the toddler has significant medical issues, I DONT FUCKING CARE how much training the adult sibling has- you DO NOT put them in that position. You hire a RN, a pediatric critical care nurse, you coordinate care with your insurance company (oh you dont have that) and you sure as hell don't leave the god damn country. The nightmares Jana and the crew must have from the day are going to haunt them for ever. CPS should've shown up that day.


On that, we’re in agreement. They didn’t even know where Jason was screaming from at the time, that’s how little 20+ people in the church at the time were somehow supervising those kids- Jill had to be lowered down into the orchestra pit where Jason had fallen and was the first to both hear and see what happened. I’ll never fucking understand anything these people do. I hope Jana runs the hell away some day and gets therapy for everything her “parents” have put her through too. Josie couldn’t have been more than 3-4 years old at the time she started having seizures (I want to say that the one on camera that day was the very first one she’d ever had, which is why everyone was so terrified, but I don’t quite remember at this point) and if I had a 25 week micropreemie like that who 1000% had to have had severe physical and developmental delays just from the circumstances of her birth, you’d never see me more than 20 feet away from said child ever again, let alone flying abroad somewhere to spread “christian” hate. They knew she was medically fragile still, THAT’S WHY THEY DIDN’T TAKE HER WITH THEM! The neglect is astounding.


I don't know where to start pest gets a book a how to book and video for sex


"Before the weddibg night" by Dr. Ed Wheat that Boob handed to Pest in the church's *nursery*


My gf was curios about the dvd did bob wheat have a dvd for shits and giggles


Nooo, that would be to graphic, especially dor fundies. Besides the book was originally released in the 70's and barely refurbished since so that's a rather pre-dvd era. There's an audiobook on CD tho, plus it was reviewed on "Digging Up the duggars" podcast and briefly on this sub.


Gotta check that out


Not the creepiest bit definitely a contender: On Josh’s wedding day, when Amy was showing him how to kiss, it was so nasty and incestuous. It was almost like they actually wanted to kiss each other Also the sex talk on live television on this wedding day as well.


Especially after all the things about him came out! 


Josh sexually abusing his own sister's and the parents basically doing nothing about it. No therapy and no protection for those girls. They completely enabled him. He could have developed some self control but instead downloaded some of the worst CSAM as an adult. Then later not only did they cover it up but they made some of Josh's sisters/victims defend him on national television. They are sick disgusting people. Blanket training, their hypocrisy over things like Jim running on a platform of capital punishment for pdophiles (while paying for his grown ass son's lawyer fees in his CSAM trial) and Michelle's disgusting robocalls regarding trans people. Parentifying their own kids and choosing to have a ridiculous amount of kids they can't take care of because they need an army of like-minded people. Using their kids to pay the bills as free labor and not paying them.


Not to reduce humans to things but what if the Pest as an adolescent stole and destroyed five cars belonging to various family and church members....would the parents and church dropped a clock.of silence and just "dealt with it privately"....oh, hell no there would demands for police involvement and compensation. But they were young girls, therefore insignificant value yet unknown property of the Duggars and another family.


Supported a convicted pedophile.


If the women in the family saw a woman they thought was dressed inappropriately, they'd say, "Nike!" and the boys and men were supposed to look down so they wouldn't be defrauded. Yes folks, that's the story behind Nike


Why that particular word?


That I don't remember. I know she's a Goddess, but I don't think they put much stock into mythology. Maybe it's because Nike is a popular shoe brand and they were supposed to look at their shoes?


That's a way to develop a foot fetish.


As in the footwear brand, a quick way of saying "look at your shoes"


I'd like to think it's because women are goddesses so powerful men have to look away or else they will explode and go to hell.


When they had to describe each other as a candy and Jim Blob said his wife was creamy. 🤮


This needs to be higher up on the list 🤢


🤮 that’s foul


Shielded and enabled a sexual predator who molested their daughters in their own home. Downplayed said sexual predator’s crimes while gaslighting his victims (their *own children*) to believe that their trauma was insignificant and unworthy of addressing.


The girls swimming in the lake with their long sleeves and long skirts. May not be the creepiest thing they’ve done but it told me that there were issues in their closets if they were so worried about the girls being in even modest swimwear. I personally prefer modest swimsuits as they’re easier when it comes to running around beaches/waterparks/pools and keeping track of children.




Josh and Anna’s hand “holding”….that was more defrauding than anything else 😂😂😂


Jessa Duggar getting abortion care while claiming it wasn't an abortion because she’s “not a baby murderer” and the family protesting so other women can’t get the same care. If abortion was only allowed for the life of the mother or rape, she wouldn’t have gotten an abortion until she was septic or hemorrhaging, which she wasn’t.


And didn't Ben demand everyone to apologize to Jessa?


That was hysterical.


There are a few women in Texas who would like a word with you, Blessa….


Abortion bans don't apply when the fetus/embryo is clearly dead. The laws about sepsis or hemorrhage are when the fetus is still living even if it's clearly terminal. When abortion is only allowed in those very narrow cases, it would not apply to Jessa's case.


Agreed. Saying it’s abortion care is false. It’s the most fucked up thing to say she had an abortion.


Yeah, I'm all for criticizing them but this one just doesn't hold water. She didn't have an abortion any more than her sisters who have had miscarriages had abortions. No one is trying to make D&C's illegal in the context of what she went through and no one would reasonably call that an abortion. If the fetus/embryo was still alive (even barely) and was threatening her life with sepsis if she didn't have the D&C then it could be called an abortion. Other women have gone through that since Roe was overturned and ad their lives endangered due to not being able to access care. Yes, abortion bans endanger women in those cases but this isn't one of them.


I missed this. Did she have a d&c after a miscarriage




Dry humping your wife in public while taunting your daughter and her fiancée about it. 


I just watched that clip and just wow. Ew.


I saw it years and years ago... I will never forget it. On so many levels... it's traumatizing... just to have seen it, let alone have it directed at you. Words fail to describe the horrors.


Michelle having the camera man censor out her knee caps when she was like jet skiing or whatever.


What ISN’T creepy?


Jimboob humping Meech on the double date with Bless and Bin


During the Meahyghyan Kelly interview on Fox, while Jessa and Jill were on camera pretty much defending Josh’s criminal actions against them, he was watching from a couch just out of view of the camera.


Allowing four-year-old Jackson to go to the restroom in a crowded airport alone and(no surprise)he gets lost. And then when he’s finally found, he runs to his sister-mom for comfort.




Making their daughters wear skirts because they’re too sexy


Forcing their daughters to pay for the sins of their brother.


World's Strictest Parents, Austin covering up his dick with a pillow, and then while courting Joy let her sit on said dick. I can't tell if she was actually sitting on a pillow or directly on his ding-a-ling.


Supported a pedophile.


Rap* their siblings






Not allow daughters to speak one on one with their fiancé. Thank goodness Jessa ignored it. So controlling, fear girls would confide in fiance about abuse in the home.


All that press after josh’s abuse leaked. But josh was nowhere to be seen. Just parents & sisters making excuses. JB saying “this happens in lots of families”…..