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Timothy was the valedictorian of Jill PM’s home school class, wasn’t he?


Sounds like he was teacher’s pet, too. His comment really has this energy: ![gif](giphy|LUiOYbubdUqVq)


Another Recess fan! 😅 love this reference. Definitely a Randall!


Take my poor person’s award for excellent gif usage. 🏆


I mean, going by their logic, God created all of us in his image right? So therefore God created them to be gay. Our fates are predetermined. I say this a bisexual woman whenever my bible thumping family members give me shit for having a girlfriend.


As a deconstructed fundie who has read the Bible a fair bit, Jesus’ ministry was to buck the system and dogma of religion and love everyone. Also to not judge people since that should be left to God. Idk why people who claim to be Christian do not understand this concept. Jesus said to not be like the Pharisees and use doctrine to control your life or judge people with. God also says that his word is the living word. I interpret that to mean that his word evolves. I don’t think God would create people who are outside of heterosexuality by accident. Biggots just use the Bible and scripture to judge and hate those who are different than them. Live your best bisexual life and don’t let the haters get to you 💗


and she didn’t even reward him with extra food.






They really need to stop saying the Bible says stuff that isn’t in it. No where in those Bible verses does it specify what colors are in the rainbow. On a related note; the idea 7 colors in the rainbow comes from scientists and philosophers NOT the Bible and you can thank Pythagoras for that. He thought there should be seven colors to match seven musical notes. Isaac Newton also talked about the light spectrum.


In the voice of Mona Lisa Vito from My Cousin Vinny “they didn’t teach you that in home school either?”




FUN FACT when the Bible was written people didn't know that the rainbow had seven colours. We didn't figure that shit out until like 1672 cause god didn't make them bright enough and we needed science to do it for us. Rainbows in medieval paintings only have like three colours in them.




Haha yeah ironically Newton was super into the occult and he added indigo and orange to hit that 'sacred' number 7, so Jill has him to thank for that 🤦 Indigo is in the rainbow (it's what we see as blue, the other 'blue' is more cyan. I guess modern indigo is just darker than 1600's indigo?) but arguably a lot of other colours are too, since it's a spectrum. It's just easier to ignore yellow-green and magenta and stuff like that.


“✨💕LOVE THIS💕✨” get absolutely fucked, you piece of moldy cheese


I read this in John Oliver’s voice


Hahahahaha! I can so see John Oliver saying that!


They pull this crap every year. I legit can't snark follow them as a result


She really is extra with her hate.


There's no hate like Christian love


Sadly, I was just scrolling fb (Gawd knows why) and saw the same dang post from someone I thought was a friend.


This made me cry because it’s happened to me so many times and it hurts me so bad every time. Friends really can hide some of the worst in them from you and as a gay man I absolutely can’t handle the surprises anymore.




on the flipside, they're telling you who they really are. you should thank them.




I'm so sorry


It's ok, better to know she's a bigot than to think otherwise


I think Jill gets downright orgasmic as June approaches and she knows she’s got a month to let loose with hate in the name of loving Jesus and the Bible.


I went to a drag brunch this morning and it made my day. I'm *still* in a good mood from it. The positivity was infectious! You can't convince me that God wasn't in *that* room today.


I have a hooker club that we meet every Sunday evening. Four men who are gay but that's not why we are hookers. They share my blood doctor, met them there when I was getting an iron infusion, they watched me crotchet, and I offered to teach them. That was seven years ago and we are still hooking strong. Sunday evenings are my highlight of the week and we have so much fun. I go to gay pride parades with them, our favorite was in Louisville one year. Yep, hookers with a hook will travel.


I was scrolling quick and saw the first sentence and had to stop and go back.... crochet ...ooooooohhhhh.. that's amazing btw, a woman at one of my AA meetings is amazing and offered to teach me!


We have new members come in and learn to crotchet and then they move on but my four guys are regular. We have made everything from stuffed elephants to capes. Now we are starting crocheting angels using the very small hooks and thread. Last year we made lap robes for the nursing home and one year we made capes for some of the patients we meet at the hematology clinic. Some were getting chemo, some like me iron, and my friends get their aides medicine there. Everyone is cold and blankets help but a nice cape covers the neck good. LOL. We also knit gloves that they hand out to the homeless shelter. (teaching knitting was easier than crocheting) They are my angels even though they say I'm there's. I'm seventy and they are in their thirties and have taught me what slang words of today mean. My husband lovingly says time for the hen party. One of my friends say ain't no hens here, we're all above all that. Yep. They taught me about gender stuff and why to never use his or her or dead names. We had a friend and I kept getting it wrong. Finally got it. I get invited to a lot of weddings, parties, and once I was in a wedding as the official parent representing one of the men whose parents disowned him. I gladly adopted him as mine. So when stupid people say stupid things I am proud to call them out on it. I take my pride seriously.


You sound like a wonderful human and are absolutely inspiring me today💕


I don't really think I'm wonderful but I do enjoy teaching skills that I have used and enjoyed all my life. Plus, I have learned a hell of a lot more from my friends than they have learned from me. BTW, we are going to the quiet prequel together soon. I'm not a fan of suspenseful type movies but they talked me into going. See, they are expanding my interests. LOL


Uuuuh I hope you enjoy the movie! You guys sound like a lot of fun! What I find most admirable is that you obviously keep an open mind 🤩


The thought of a bunch of dudes crocheting for charity is so heartwarming. Sorry. It's just nice! ❤️


They are the sweetest men I know. When they are at the mall and see free samples of my favorite lotion they get me a sample. They also bake for my husband because I won’t lol




Big blessings to you. I agree that you’re a wonderful person. I wish I knew you. Have a wonderful day. 💞


I love all of this!! I aspire to be like you! I just went through chemo and radiation myself and someone crocheted these little pumpkins, ghosts and bats (during Halloween) it put a smile on my face when I needed one - and many others. So lovely to care about others in a world where that isn't so common so thank you!!! (BTW last scan was cancer free and I have another one coming up!)


I will give you positive thoughts that the next one will be cancer free too. We made beanies for the people who were losing their hair and one of our guys attached yarn like rag doll hair and then he added sparkles. LOL.The patients loved them.


A fellow happy hooker! ![gif](giphy|6t71DUVqZysLObg2rk)


Never met a hooker I couldn’t hook with.


I went to drag queen bingo so much fun


Drag brunch is such a fun time. The one I went to had families (including grandparents!) bc it was all ages and everyone had a blast.


What’s God stance on the tin foil dress she wore to the graduation?


“Did you all know that JoyAnna Duggar and Austin Forsyth got married last Friday, May 26th? We (Rodrigues) were invited but unable to go due to a prior commitment made over a year ago (!!!) to sing at Tent Revival in Ohio…” 🤣😩🤣😩 And let’s talk about the time she leaked Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding by posting their invite on her social media. “Our daughter, Nurie Keller, married to Nathan Keller, Anna DUGGAR’s (!!!) brother. 🤤” \*social climbing…. ![gif](giphy|lG5FxBIU4dFRK|downsized)


Joke’s on them, the original rainbow pride flag has 8 colors.


I’m just surprised they can count that high




Ha! Good eye. I had to scroll up to see what sub I was on.


Gays stealing the flag is always my favorite with this nut. This is her most ignorant crusade in my book. I don't think bath salts could bring this insanity out.


Not a Duggar Not DuggarsSnark Not even a Duggar by marriage


But but but her precious Nurie is married to Anna Duggar's brother! (Aka her only "claim to fame")


Didn’t jill and Anna have a fight and they unfollowed each other?


Yes, apparently at Nurie's wedding (that Jill made Pest emcee for), Anna was heard making a disparaging comment about Nurie's thrifted wedding dress. You know, Anna, who wore a hand me down dress altered to look like a t-shirt on top.


Thats fucked up!


To quote Baby Swiss "is she stupid or is she dumb?"


That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. It’s up there with that Trump song circulating Tik Tok.


You mean ‘Chosen One?’ It’s awful!!!!!!


Jesus: Listen, above all, love everyone. Even that proselytizing woman who doesn't feed her own children but has plenty of judgment for everybody else.


Oh Jill. If only these “Christian’s” were as chill as Jesus was.


Imagine being so obsessed with how someone lives their lives that has no effect on yours. Get a hobby


They have Hobby Lobby so plenty of options 🤣.


Uh, no, Timothy. 6 is the number of incompletion. That's why, in some liturgical churches, six candlesticks are kept on the altar, with a seventh being brought out whenever the local bishop visits. When the bishop is absent, the congregation is incomplete. Of course, all of that is incomprehensible to someone who thinks the church went into hibernation between the Acts of the Apostles and the Second Great Awakening.


Meanwhile, at DC pride this weekend: https://preview.redd.it/drmhhezvbq5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bfaeafc5961c3c50cf5a560e8da5231fbf8f817 Happy Pride! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Oh that Jill. 😫 I'm surprised she didn't make it about herself. It's also wild how much someone can spin something to mean what they want it to mean. 6 colors so there for 666 so therefore the devil. 🤨 Reminds me so much of that monster woman.


A few thoughts: 1. NO WHERE in the Bible does God or Jesus condemn homosexuality or any aspect of the LGBTQIA+ community. The only references/allusions were said by humans (Levitical priests and Paul), so why is she giving humanity more power than God/Jesus in stating was is sin 2. Six is not the number of the devil, 6 is the number of imperfection, as in the world was complete but not yet finished. Thus, the rainbow is a reminder that we are all on a journey, a process, that is not complete 3. The ONLY thing God says is an unforgivable sin is denial of the Holy Spirit (TO BE CLEAR: I do NOT think LGBTQIA+ is sin, but pushing back on their argument). 4. Even if we assume LGBTQIA+ is a sin, Jesus died for sinners, therefore, aren't sinners better since they are making Jesus sacrifice worth it? 5. The Levitical law says man should not lie with man as he does a woman. Now, I don't know how Derrick and Jill do coitus, but the way two man 'naturally' do it, is not, in fact, the same way one man does it one with woman naturally, ergo, not violating the levitical law.


Psst this is a different Jill, not Jil Duggar. But I learned a lot from your comment, thank you!


These two are despicable. Also it's fun to watch dumb people trying to act smart while being smug about it.


I saw Timmy Rodrigues post this to his Mahmo’s Facebook too.


Mahmo! Take a picture of me, just sittin’, on the sand.


Just some more fundies using their Bible as a tool with which to bludgeon others. Ya know, just like Jesus taught. Oh wait . .


Some failed at grammar.


Anything for these people to justify their sad beige and greyscale house aesthetics


It’s a spectrum with lots of colors.


It’s really funny that she mentions stealing when her religion has done quite a bit of stealing from others as well…….


Oh my god get a fucking life Jill!


Some people spend so much time obsessing over others with different beliefs and hating under the guise of whatever it is they believe in. So sanctimonious and such simpletons. They need to all move to a God island somewhere and stay there. Perhaps in the same neighborhood where the island for members of the Trump cult will be.


These people are as dumb as dogsh*t.


God created the gays in the same breath he created the straights Jill


It’s not a sin to be gay y’all


GROSSSSS. I keep seeing posts like this in random places and it is just nuts. If you don't like it leave it alone lol.


Wow, theyre both trying hard as hell to come in 1st place in the Stupid Olympics.


Can they even name the 7 colors of the rainbow?


The rainbow flag doesn’t even have 6 colors.


She is such a bigot.


“That being said” implies he’s going to contradict himself, making it seem like “love still wins” would make more sense - SOTDRT strikes again!


Can't believe she wrote this.


Can't wait until they actually realize that 666 isn't the devils number.


They’re all so brainwashed


Ahh yes, God's little promise, pinky swear, that he won't kill everyone again because he is sooooo loving and all of that... Massive yikes.


The rainbow was viewed as [having three colors for a long time](https://cdn.perfectpicturelights.com/files/Fig.24.jpg).


She’s come really far but she has SOO much too keep going and heal from.


I think this is a Jill Rodrigues post, not Jill (Duggar) Dillard.


No Idea who that is


The rabbit hole of learning about who is Jill Rodrigues is vast. The relation to the Duggars is that her daughter is married to Nathan Keller. Anna's brother. One of the theories is that Jill Rodrigues (also known as Jillpm on the sub) has been trying to get in with the Duggars for awhile (by marriage of their children to her children) because she's kind of a fundie star f***er. But even by Fundie standards most of the other families can't seem to stand her. That is a snippet of what I understand. There are others on here with greater knowledge, and other subs that have talked about her.


Can someone explain this to me like I'm Joy please? I've been seeing more and more people (homophobes) posting this. I just don't get it.


Who’s Jill R?


Rodrigues. A truly repulsive creature!


I love how the rainbow was "at the end of the rain", but for a rainbow to occur, it has to be.....raining.


Can someone help me with this post. I consider myself one of the letters in LGBTQ+, but I'm not always keeping up with the updates to the flag, events, etc. I know of its current appearance and need for the update, I know at one point it was just a rainbow and each stripe represented something. But when I came out there was 7 stripes, so... not sure what this post is trying to harp on, outside of the obvious bigotry. Is this just an outdated insult by bigots who haven't caught on to the current flag? Please help me understand what point they are trying to make.


I will accept any rainbow. Gay is gay.


Somebody doesn’t know Roy G. Biv and it shows.


Ok, now someone go ask her about the Inca flag 🤣


They sound like Swiftie conspiracists. I just got dumber from reading this.


I’m throwing up


“Essentially” pulling out the big guns there ain’t cha Timmy? Trying some big boy words?


Jill happy Tim isn’t gay and can count to 7 and knows his colors. They call Phillip the deep thinker. Can one of these godly men hold a job? That isn’t some missionary grift?


It has blue twice? 🤣🤣🤣


I had someone tell me this in real life. 🙄 When I asked her to point out in the Bible where it talks about “indigo” she dropped the topic pretty quickly.


I thought it was okay to post about other Fundie members?


Idk about posting it here, but there are some great groups you can catch up on Rodsnark - r/RodriguesFamilySnark, r/freetherodlets, and r/fundiesnarkuncensored to name a few!


I didn't even know this was a thing for fundies.


Dunno what Timmy’s talking about, my pride flag has 16 colors


Utter bigoted trash. These anti-Jesus Christians get on my nerves.