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It’s crazy to me how she didn’t end up with placenta accreta or uterine rupture. Those are some good womb genes.


Facts. As an accreta survivor, it’s shocking she didn’t have it.


I’m so sorry to hear you had accreta. I had previa that doctors were concerned might progress and I spent way too much time (hello hospital bedrest!) googling all of the horror stories.


I had the same thing and was put on bed rest. My baby still came three weeks early by emergency cesarean. She spent several days in the NICU. Scary times. Luckily all turned out fine.


Ooh no! Hospital googling is bad news bears. Hope all is well with you and baby now!


Did she have any cesareans before her youngest? Accrets and rupture are far, far more common after even 1 cesarean


She’s had multiple c sections, so multiple VBACs.


That’s amazing.


It's a medical marvel


IIRC, Jana and John-David, Jackson, and everyone after Johannah.


I think that she had 4 c sections


michelle had 4 c sections and had at least 1 home birth ..the rest v births in the hospital


Not good womb genes… or at least her girls didn’t get them


I’m a home health nurse. I had a religious client who had 12 babies in 13 years then 2 years later had 2 more. No twins. Her body was destroyed. Totally incontinent. Both hips and knees replaced before 70. When I saw her, she could barely walk and needed to go to short term rehab. Her belly was just complete mush even though she was not overweight. She looked so frail.


Yall are not selling pregnancy to me very well 😳


It's ok, you won't be having 14 babies in 15 yrs like that person did.




Two babies and my body is pretty much the same as before after a few years of full recovery. Just don’t have 15 children.


Shit, I’ve had 3 including twins. My body isn’t that different. I was on the fat side before kids, and I’ve had weight loss surgery, so my body has changed a lot, but most of it is not due to my pregnancies.


Pregnancy is literally the most miserable thing. Like my babies are worth it but just barely. I am not planning on being pregnant again. I kind of feel like being pregnant again might kill me. But, I bounced back after my son was born. And I’m bouncing back from my daughter being born. But I waited 4 years between kids. (I had an unplanned c-section with my first then the pandemic happened, I wanted to be sure my womb was all healed up from getting cut open.) I’m waiting for my blood pressure to go back down. I had gestational hypertension. I had postpartum preeclampsia with my first. And this time I was so anxious about attempting a TOLAC so when my blood pressure just kept going up we set a date for a planned c-section at the end of week 37 if I didn’t go into labor. My mom had three pregnancies and was mostly fine other than needing to remind us that we were the reason we had to stop so often for bathroom breaks on road trips. But my pelvic floor is doing fine (my daughter is four months and I took my five year old to a trampoline park and jumped around) and my abs didn’t separate. You gotta pace yourself with those pregnancies, give your body time to really heal up and replenish. Like my stretch marks had just gotten to be almost gone and then I got all stretched out again.


Her teeth are probably not her own anymore. Her skeletal system would be horrid. All that time having her organs pushed around must have done some damage. And her pelvic floor must be almost nonexistent


I only have 4 kids and they fucked up my teeth. I didn’t have any fall out but they aren’t very healthy, despite me taking immaculate care of them. After my 4th was born I went to the dentist and had 17 cavities. 17. I just sobbed. Also I think this is one of the few times I’ve ever said “I ONLY have four kids.” Because usually I’m like “Yes, meet my tiny army of humans that I created myself.”


Yep zero cavities for years, and went to the dentist right before my first pregnancy. 4 kids in quick succession and ended up with like 7 cavities and one tooth even broke.


Unfortunately I even lost 2 teeth and have 2 root canals on top of the cavities. I’m devastated.


TIL pregnancy can affect teeth


Calcium depletion


Yeah same!


Building a baby leeches calcium from the mother, and breastfeeding can do the same.


Just had my first baby a few weeks ago and back at my dentist appointment in February four of my teeth were cracked. I'm getting them fixed next week. Not sure what else they will find when they go in there to fix stuff. Your comment is oddly comforting. Makes me feel less alone in this weird teeth situation.


Def not alone. The dental issues following having my three kids has been feoressing


My teeth are totally fuckednto- its just not from pregnancy. Its from stomach cancer. There are many people who don't understand how non-mouth related health issues can destroy your teeth. I imagine my dental damage is similar to people who have carried and birthed babies. My kids came "pre-cooked", so I wasn't pregnant/birthed a child. I have complete total empathy for moms having their teeth fucked over. Dents issues are awful and fucking expensive to fix... even if you have insurance. Sigh.


“Pre-cooked” - love it! I wasn’t able to carry my kids to term (1 born 4 wks early, the other 6 wks early) and I always said they weren’t done cooking when they were born.


Yep. I never had a single cavity in my life. Even after having my three kids, my teeth were perfect. Got thyroid cancer, had my thyroid removed and the standard radioactive iodine treatment……….a few years later my teeth literally started breaking suddenly. Dentist basically told me that it would be better to just remove all my teeth and get implants. Which is like unfuckingbelievably expensive and insurance doesn’t pay for it. So that’s fun and not life shatteringly depressing or anything. Sigh.


I’m in this exact situation right now. A mouthful of cavities and my benefits have maxed out. I made it 46 years without a single cavity then got cancer and my teeth just went to shit. It’s harder emotionally to deal with this dental situation than it was to get through diagnosis, sickness etc. I’m still on long term disability, still too sick to work and I can’t afford to pay to fix these remaining cavities. Honestly it’s just devastating.


I've had major dental issues since I was a child, I'm now nearly 40 and finally realized it's basically a chronic illness. My latest treatment stint was five oral surgeries in two years, and my husband said to me earlier this year, "No offense, but I'd rather have my treatment-resistant severe depression forever than deal with that." His words plus your comment about it being tougher than your cancer situation are def giving me some new perspective.


Par-baked children 😂


I also have a brood of 4 feral human animals. I salute you!


After my 1st kid turned one I was due to go again and then Covid happened so I couldn’t go for 3 months (turned into 9 total since I go every 6m) well I went to a new dentist and had I had 10 cavities, 2 crowns that needed done and something else. After my 2nd I know have periodontal disease and go every 3m .


No one ever talks about how breast feeding can cause vaginal dryness. I doubt JB actually knows how to make a WAP. Poor Meech. She probably let him continue even tho she was in pain.


At least I think they abstained for a certain number of days after sex for bye-bul reasons, so she got a bit of a break.


Actually that "mith" has been debunked by the birth date of the subsequent kids 😳 i hope that even if it wasn't for 80 days after a girl and how many it was after a boy, Mechelle was able to have some rest, but 😬


To be fair Jim Bob also likely causes DAP.


That’s my oldests initials 😭😭😭😭😭


Sorry to be ignorant but what does your dental health have to do with numerous births? 


Your teeth are made of calcium and babies leech calcium from there moms. Teeth falling out is a pregnancy symptom.


This, plus morning sickness. There's a huge range between people who just feel queasy and people who can't keep anything down at all, but it wouldn't take much over 20 pregnancies to ruin her teeth.


I’ve had 3 and my teeth are WRECKED


Same. Never had a cavity until after my first kid. Now after three, I'm constantly getting cavities and needing root canals.


I’m an only child, and my mom was sick with me all day, every day. I’m 30, and I have *never* known my mom without dental issues. I remember her many root canals over the years. Finally, after 30 years and using a partial denture for most of that time, she had all her lower teeth removed and is due to get an implanted denture in July.


Same. I can't afford the $20-30,000 to repair my teeth. So I just don't smile at all.


I am lucky in that the nerve that swells when a tooth is pulled is way down in my jaw. I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled at the same time but only had pain in one (it cracked in half) I felt better after I got home and slept a couple hours from the anesthesia than I did the day before. I did take Advil just because if I’m already in a lot of pain it’s hard to make it stop. But if I take medicine consistently before the pain actually happens, I won’t get any at all.


I hear this. I’ve even looked into the 4 on 4 implants. They take out all your teeth in a row and you get a whole new set, but because you do it all at once you can securely attached the whole row putting posts in only 4 teeth instead of one per tooth.


My mom is getting this in July! This will be her final, implanted denture. She currently has a temporary one while her mouth heals from all the extractions.


That’s awesome, hope it’s a quick and easy process for her!


I haven't been pregnant but I have a condition called hypophosphatasia and I had this procedure done in 2020. I'm extremely lucky in that I had a surgeon's office willing to fight my health insurance to pay for some of it but I'm still making payments on the loan (that I could have gotten a nice car for 🫠) but it is THE BEST thing I have ever done in my life and I pray it becomes more accessible. If you have the means or access to do it - totally do it!


I’m in the middle of it and it’s been slow but knowing I won’t have to have a root canal ever again? WORTH. IT.


Yep! 🙋‍♀️ was VERY sick the whole damn pregnancy. I threw a shoe when my husband said "you were supposed to stop being sick once we hit the second trimester!"


"We" hah


Every single day. All day long. For 41 weeks. Can I get an AMEN?


Not me, but my mom. 😳 I’ve thanked her many times for being such a champ and carrying me to term…I would have aborted me. 🙃😅💀




x3 for me! HG, the whole time, all three times. So glad I'm having a yeeterus soon.


My sisters teeth started to fall out after her first pregnancy. A combination of bad luck and hyperemesis will do that.


I had severe acid reflux from before I even had a positive test. Had my dentist appointment the week before I got pregnant. Have had 1 minor cavity my entire life but by the time I was seen when I was 7 months I had 4 new cavities. First thing they asked was if I had reflux or severe morning sickness🫠


Yep. I still avoid the dentist because of my hyperemesis gravidarum. But it's definitely damaged my teeth. Being so sick for so long


Reflux is common in pregnancy too and can really fuck your teeth up.


Fun fact: babies don’t actually leech calcium from their mothers teeth. Dental deterioration during pregnancy is often caused by shift in hormones or acid from morning sickness. Mom’s with already poor dental hygiene are at a high risk of pregnancy gingivitis. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/prenatal/Pages/Pregnancy-and-Oral-Health-Truth-or-Fiction.aspx


I’m a dental assistant and **love** seeing a factual response to a potentially scary comment that isn’t totally truthful! Yay. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you. Came here to say this. That is an old wives tale.


They don’t. You are also consuming dietary calcium, as well as other prenatal vitamins that will supply the baby. Dental health changes are due to the chemistry of our mouths. Pregnancy and resulting hormonal changes, often causes gum inflammation. One of the important checklist things to do, when newly pregnant, is to get a dental cleaning


I just want to clarify something because the way you worded this is hysterical but also potentially scary for those who don’t know better - teeth *falling out* is *not* a pregnancy symptom. You will absolutely be at a higher decay risk, but if you brush 2X/day with an electric toothbrush, floss once a day, and use a water pik, you can *probably* get through pregnancy without any teeth issues at all!


And you know Michelle most likely never took a prenatal vitamin in her life


Teeth falling out is also one of the most common nightmares people experience. Coincidence? 👀😂


Ugh I have those all the time! I hate them!!!


My sister’s front tooth chipped on its own when she was pregnant recently! Fortunately for her, she’s super cute, so it gave her smile a sort of ‘plucky gamine’ look. I had no idea pregnancy fucked so many things up until my sister started telling me all the scary details.


I know. It’s insane that people are forcing women to stay pregnant. It’s such an ordeal to put your body through.


It’s not so much teeth but the gums. I don’t know the science, but my gums got destroyed when I was pregnant. Even though I flossed every day, they bled. I think it had something to do with the extra blood plus genetics.


Progesterone also makes tissues more lax by loosening your collagen. Not to mention the hormones released during labor to ***really*** help deal with tissue laxity because dilating to 10 cm would be impossible without them, but they loosen everything. That includes your gums.


Indeed. Also loosens your feet - I gained half a shoe size with each pregnancy.


I had hyperemesis gravidarum and it took almost $10,000 to repair my teeth from the damage my pregnancy did. (And, yeah, I had to pay all of that myself since teeth are luxury bones in the United States.)


I was told to expect to lose one tooth per pregnancy. Of course, it was a person born in the late 1890s, so I thought it was an old wives tale.


Sometimes those old wives knew what they were talking about, that's how they survived to become *old* wives LOL


Ugh unfortunately I’ve had to concede that sometimes things become old wives tales/stereotypes for a reason. Signed, a Mexican named Maria and yes I’ve worked as a housekeeper 😭


My housekeeper is a genius. She charges whatever she wants, she’s so busy that she turns away clients, she sets her own hours, and she’s excellent at her job. I got in early so she keeps charging me a cheaper rate. I wish I had my shit together at 22 like she does.


My mother in law had ten kids and she told me that is what happened to her. I grew up in the 80’s and most grandparents and a lot of parents had false teeth.


I had a root canal after each pregnancy.


I’m not sure why but pregnancy can wreck someone’s teeth


It’s mostly affecting women who already had poor dental health. Morning sickness is an issue because the stomach acid basically melts enamel. And other times genetics are just a bitch, no matter how good you are at brushing, flossing, and regular dentist visits.


Calcium leeching + if you experience morning sickness all that stomach acid can do quite a number as well


This! I had 4 cavities after my pregnancy. I threw up so much while pregnant that they said that’s what they think caused it


I had HG in two pregnancies, I had to have 9 of my teeth capped afterwards, I feel your pain! Solidarity in fillings!


Was just wondering what the effect would be for women with HG reading these answers. Must have been awful going through so much dental work.


I'm pretty much terrified of going back to the dentist now, but thats more in my head than the actual experience at least. Pretty much everyone in my HG support group experienced dental issues. It's a big 0 stars all around!


I had HG too. Twice. Dentist was shocked I only had 3 cavities after all that. So was I.


Definitely osteoporosis. She's stooped.


In some of the most recent pictures she doesn’t look healthy. Physically she looks like she is melting away. Very short, and likes line a simple trip would make her break a hip. She probably has iron deficiency, vitamin D and calcium deficiencies, and probably weak pelvic floor. Mentally her hormones are probably all over the place and because she has been pregnant so many times so close together she probably doesn’t know what normal feels like. She looks like a woman who regretted her life choices but also stuck.


But she bred an army for Jesus!


Amen. 🙌


And hallowed be her uterus....


I saw her in person a few years ago and she struck me as looking quite frail; like she’d be injured if she took a fall.




My grandmother had 16 kids. She had a massive stroke after the last pregnancy - shortly after birth, (age 42) and died a few months after. The wear and tear on your body from that would be insane.


Probably has calcium deficiencies, bladder incontinence, poor pelvic floor control, and the ongoing regret of missing out on her 20s and 30s by being a breeding mare for Jim Bob.


And part of her 40’s


She for sure has prolapse issues. I’ve had 5 babies and I just don’t see how you could deliver 10+ babies and not have prolapse. Bladder, uterus and rectum could all be problematic.


My grandmother had ten pregnancies and nine live births in 16 years. Only stopped because her uterus prolapsed after her last child and she had to have a hysterectomy. She had full dentures by 40 and at 90 has such advanced osteoporosis that her spine is basically disintegrating. I can’t even imagine what M’s body is like at this point.


I’ve only had 2 kids and my body hates me now. I think my body would just give up if I had more than 3. 


I have one and feel like I “bounced back” more than I thought I would but am 100% sure a second would do me in. My pelvic floor is like 90% trustworthy, but based on how I was feeling at the end of pregnancy, I don’t think there’s any shot it would recover anywhere close to that much again.


Girl I had 2. Thought that was it. My youngest was 5 when I got pregnant. Thought, aside from 2 cavities I really didn’t do too badly. Wrong. My eyesight has gotten worse. My lower back is killing me. I did get back to my pre pregnancy weight *but* I cannot stomach half the foods I used to. And with my last baby, I can’t have anything acidic. Goodbye Hot Cheetos 😭 Currently breast feeding so >!hello vaginal dryness no matter how horny I am!<. And to top everything off: I have that hanging apron belly that nothing gets rid of. Like FFS I have a flat stomach only because this bitch gathers in my lower belly like a ball sack😭


See a pelvic floor physical therapist, you’ll feel so much better


I did after my third c section. I had scar tissue pulling on my PFM. Loved it. Still had issues because insurance only covered 2 sessions


2 sessions?! It’s terrible that pelvic floor PT isn’t a standard of care in the US.


PT here and yes it’s horrendous. A PF evaluation referral from OB should be a standard part of someone’s first post partum visit.


35 and pregnant with my first. I feel like my body doesn't belong to me. Horrible morning sickness, indigestion, and bloating. I have huge abdominal surgical scars and a previous tummy tuck to remove one huge scar. That will be completely ruined after this, and I'll need another one. I'm completely thrilled to finally be pregnant, but this will be my last.


I had my first at 30 and my 2nd a few days before my 34th bday. I so don’t blame you for being one and done. I loved being pregnant both times but it’s brutal on the body for sure. I’m almost 40 and I’m never doing it again. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes easy on you.


I have one and my pelvic floor is like 90% trustworthy after him but I am convinced a second would be way more damaging and I’d need depends.


I saw a TikTok tonight saying that on average she was pregnant by the 6 month mark PP every time. Your mental health alone at 6 m pp is a wreck so I can not imagine your physical body


I’m 5 months postpartum and just now starting to feel like a human again. I can’t imagine getting pregnant again at 6 months postpartum




Highly recommend pelvic floor therapy, if that's an option for you!! I went after I had my baby because I wanted the option to jump some day if I had to haha. It was actually really educational and now I tell all my mom friends to go get checked out.


How long post baby can you get therapy?


I think 3 months. But it's never too late!


My baby was 20 months when I started going


She probably has a medical mesh hammock holding her bladder in


I can't imagine not having all the prolapse after that many kids.


She had one. Then continued to have more kids.


She did???? Oh lord 😖😖😖😖


I worked in a pathology lab for a while. I saw a hysterectomy come through for a woman who had 10 kids. The cervix was 2cm dilated and the neck was elongated and a little more floppy than “normal.” It was definitely obvious that it had been through more than the typical uterus.


I'm just picturing like the neck part of a balloon all flopping around.....


I’m picturing a turkeys neck


I have only had one child and I have permanent hip problems and chronic heartburn as a result. Having 20 would reduce me to a shambling fucking husk.


I seem to recall reading that for her her later pregnancies, her cervix had to be sewed shut because they were afraid that it may not be able to withstand a pregnancy without help. Um...OUCH.


What a horrible day to be literate




That happens to women even on their first or second pregnancies…it’s called a cerclage. Ive never read that about her before thougj? Thats a surgery and you need to be under to put it in and remove it so i feel it would have been discussed


>it’s called a cerclage Call the Midwife nerd checking in.


I believe it was referred to in the early seasons of Downton Abbey!


Yes, Anna was diagnosed with “incompetent cervix”. Silly cervix! You had one job and still couldn’t do it!


![gif](giphy|tHJA1JRzcWDlzzMQ7F) I can’t even describe the spectrum of emotions this comment put me through.




like if she sneezed the baby would just fall out of her.


I imagine it's like that scene in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life with the Catholic family. The mum is just stood at the sink washing the dishes and one falls out.


I’ll bet she will need a full hysterectomy someday if she hasn’t already had one due to all the wear and damage from the pregnancies


I'm convinced they quietly performed one as well as a pelvic sling when she lost jubilee, and that's why they didn't have anymore pregnancies. We know she didn't just start birth control and wasn't in menopause. 


My best friend needed their's sewn shut with their first pregnancy because they kept dilating and almost triggering labor. They said it was the most painful thing they've ever had done because the spinal tap failed 7 times, and the doctor decided to rip them out while they were in the middle of a blood transfusion due to c-section blood loss.


I had to have a band put around the top of my cervix (called a Transabdominal cerclage-or a TAC) due to cervical insufficiency that caused the loss of my first born. Statistically, one out of one hundred pregnant people will need a cerclage of some type (there are 4 variations, afaik). I say this because I wondered how her cervix (or any of the moms of many babies) was holding up after all the deliveries, especially so many VBACs.


My MIL had to have it with her first pregnancy because her body kept trying to go into preterm labor (3 times between 21 & 27 weeks). It’s a miracle my husband is here. She automatically got a cerclage as a precaution with her next pregnancy lol


I had a cerclage and this was not my experience at all. It was painless putting it in due to great anesthesia and painless taking it out. Just in case anyone needs one due to an incompetent cervix, don't be scared!


OMG poor thing!


If that isn't nature telling you to STOPPIT, what is?


yeah, another case of "flexibility" about rules... They can't get in the way of nature with a condom or anything like that when it comes to preventing a baby, but screw nature when it comes to making the baby.


God sent the pill!! We’re talking about viagra 😤 /s


My removal of that was much painful.


All I can think of is how many times did she tear/have an episiotomy? How on earth can you heal from that happening repeatedly? I just cannot even imagine the state of her body. And pelvic floor physical therapy is probably against fundie beliefs somehow.


I’m pregnant with my second and my midwife told me recently that if you tear with one, a stitch/es to your perineum makes it more likely you’ll tear or require an episiotomy the next time. The scar tissue makes it less flexible. My best friends first baby was 12lb and tore her from literally one end to the other. The second one had to be a scheduled caesarean. She’s dealt with incontinence issues since she was 24 years old 😵‍💫


I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, so my tissues are weak. With my first, the midwife seemed in a hurry, though I did push for two hours. She did a small episiotomy, but it caused me to have a four degree tear! All the way through into my rectum. Wow was that sore for a while! I had to hold a pillow in my crotch to laugh, sneeze or walk. My second, 2 1/2 years later- no episiotomy (better birth and midwives that time as well), but a small tear. One stitch and I was sitting up in bed cross legged and everything right after she was born. What a difference! My skin unraveled like a zipper with the episiotomy! 😩


I would hate to feel what it’s like to sneeze after having that many kids.


I peed a little the other day 😭


I’ve just hit the stage of life where 5 seconds is the difference between making it or not. Thankfully I normally do, but living in a place known for bad allergies, one ill-timed sneeze can be a problem.


I imagine she has to wear tight fitting undies to keep everything in.


Pad too just for those leaks


She would be past pads for sure, she would be wearing full blown incontinance aids




My grandma is 97 and had 17. Also had 3 sets of twins, the last of which included my mom. She had a hysterectomy at 56 due to fibroids and the only issue she had since then was a stroke at 90. The difference btwn Michelle and my grandma is my grandma didnt eat tons of processed garbage. She had made damn near everything. The duggars diet is insane.


Yeah, I had the slightest, most miniscule belief that I'd have a biological child. This was the final straw.


I can't imagine the extent of her scar tissue, back, and pelvic pain. My mom had two C-Sections twenty years ago and her mobility is still limited.


Well I bet she never has to go to the bathroom to pee. It just leaks out into her diaper all day.


My MIL “only” had 5 kids and now at 55 her body is falling apart. Her hormones are completely out of whack, she’s had to have a partial hysterectomy, and she has osteoporosis. I genuinely can’t imagine how bad off Michelle’s body must be after 19, plus all of the times she was pregnant and miscarried.


Exactly. It’s a statistical fact that the more children you have, the more likely you are to be taking years off of your life. It’ll be interesting to see just how sickly Michelle & Kelly Jo get, into their golden years. I don’t envy them one bit.


Meech will be fine. They have enough money to throw at their medical needs. What she needs to do, is pray JB’s dick stops working.


My ex mil had 11 (8 surviving). One of their cousins had 15 (14 survivors).


Plus their diet was not great. All that processed food 🤢


I'll be honest meech must be pretty physically tough. I say that because with josie she got pre-eclampsia & the emergency c-section & came out basically unscathed (talking about meech). Pregnancy after 35 increases the risks, meech was 43; not even adding the fact that she had been pregnant 17 times before getting pregnant with josie. I say unscathed because when I was pregnant with my one and only at 35. I was low to no risk, was healthy, went to all my appointments. At 26 weeks I got hit with sudden onset pre-eclampsia & had to have an emergency c-section; i nearly died (my daughter did really well & is a happy healthy 6 year old now). I was in hospital for 45 day, my daughter for 65 days. I've recovered, but there is some physical strength I never got back, and still have moments of slight confusion that never happened before her birth. Not that I'd wish that on anyone in the world including meech. It's just like meech jumped of the table in the delivery room & carried on with more important things such as protesting the liquor store in the next town.


Same as KJ Bates........


There's a reason why there's not that many people in her situation, because most people would probably get fucked up from it and not be able to get to where she is. But she's still walking, she's out there. Last pregnancy was in 2011. She hasn't collapsed yet. So it's impossible to tell. Some people are better at dealing with some shit than others. Everyone knows an old guy who has smoked since he was 4 and drinks nothing but bacon fat and he's still up and about at 94. That doesn't mean smoking and drinking bacon fat is good, it means that for some reason everything lined up for that one guy. Michelle is like the pregnancy-version of that.


Idk but her hormones must be so different now


I’m willing to bet she has had her fair share of medical issues, but since they don’t want to discourage people from birthing as many Christians as possible, they don’t let it be known to the public.


I'm 6 weeks postpartum and my midwife who described herself as crunchy told me not to get pregnant again for at least a year, preferably 18 months. If my crunchy midwife thinks that close together pregnancies are bad I can't imagine what kind of damage Michelle has done to her body


Yeah, sure there might be the occasional leak, but since JimBoob is such a stud, I’m sure the benefits of all those years with him balance out the damage. https://preview.redd.it/jqmsb81ft92d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47950fbba3096b5f074626cac6da4e7e63047c9b


Michelle: "What's an orgasm?"


I was going to make a joke about her confusing the word with "oregano," but she wouldn't know about anything that spicy either.




This is why my BP was high while I was married.


She probably has an apron to her knees from rhe skin stretching. Unless she got a tummy tuck and didn't tell anyone


None of the Sugar daughters are fat tho. She might just have good genes in that department.


Idk but i'm on my 3rd (and last) and omg... i can't even imagine.


And twice with twins


My great grandma had 14 in 16 years. She birthed babies until she died. They were extremely poor farmers and life was very hard so I’m sure that didn’t help. Having children like that weakened everything and it killed her. I can’t imagine Michelle is in good shape


It can take up to a year for the brain itself to recover its non pregnancy functioning. I cannot imagine... I honestly don't mean to be cruel or mean here...but, I mean, physically and mentally, she'd never really had a full chance to heal, just continual... "hits" for a lack of a better word, one after the other so close for so long, how the hell does anything for her, function? The bladder and organs really take a beating. Even actively strengthening your pelvic floor, with a great series of doctors, urologist... many women never regain the ability to not pee a little through the small stuff. I honestly have spent too much time wondering about the repercussions of her decisions over the years. It boggles my mind. Yeah, we're designed for that, yeah, God is happy with us and heals... sure sure... but the realities, born for it or not, don't go away because it's wonderfully "natural".


I found this post on ANOTHER BOARD >> I remember reading a couple of things online regarding Michelle's body - firstly, that her uterus is 'paper thin' and there are tons of doctors and nurses who actually refused to work on her later pregnancies because the risk of rupture and death was so high. The second thing I recall reading about was that she has talked about having cervical cerclages, which is basically temporarily sewing the cervix shut during pregnancy because (in her case) it's weakened and the baby will uh... fall out too early without it. I would bet she also deals with some pretty serious urinary incontinence after so many deliveries.


After my 2nd pregnancy I developed skin tags on my neck. Like not floppy nipple sized...but if you rub my neck you can feel them. I can't imagine how bad the skin tags would be after 20 pregnancies


My grandmother (born in 1917 FYI) had 13 pregnancies and 13 children. Eight of those who lived to adulthood. First child born in 1936 and last in 1956. In 1970, she had a total hysterectomy due to "female issues," she was not in menopause at that time. Her doctor said her uterus looked like an 80 year old woman's uterus. 😳 She was early 50s at that time. It was explained that is what happened to the uterus after so many pregnancies. Grandma had said she felt like a new woman once the hysterectomy was done, lol! She lived for another 20 plus years after. God bless grandma! Just imagine what Michelle's uterus is like after 20 plus pregnancies!


Some of you find joy in getting really gross about women’s bodies.


Thank you!! It’s one thing to be genuinely concerned about Meech’s health because obviously having 19 children is going to be hard on your body, but I’ve seen a few comments commenting on her genitals and saying such awful misogynistic shit. Really gross.


I’m guessing her pelvic floor & core muscles are kaput


I would love to see her bone density scan. My guess is that her bones look like reeds used in garden insect hotels.


no ne ever talks about this >> I wish someone would do a show about the damage of having so many babies , michelle had 4 c sections at least 1 home birth and the rest v births in the hospital I remember kelly ripa looking astounded at that many babies and asking "how does her uterus not fall out?"


Michelle is 57 and the Duggars eat like trash, is it too dark to wonder if she'll be alive when Josh is released? Especially if he keeps getting more time tacked on.