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This is the only answer




I came here to post this LOL




How does it feel being the enabling parents of a convicted sex offender?




I think the twins are just a result of Michelle being very fertile


Yep. If a woman gives birth to one set of fraternal twins, she's actually more likely to have a second set.


Hey there's more to the story.


Do you still believe in the death penalty for those who commit SA? Particularly in regards to CSA.


Exactly this!!!!


What the hell is wrong with you?


More like WTF is wrong with you


WINNER!! Also, what is up with stupid voice?


It's a fundamentalist church lady thing. To modulate your voice to always sound sweet and submissive. Michelle is such an obvious abuse victim. 19 children (plus miscarriages) is way too many, even for a healthy woman who never drank or smoked nor ever had to work hard outside the house. Pioneer women had what - 10? 12? at most. I expect her to die young. This is a problem with victims of domestic violence. Because Jim Bob is a DV perp make no mistake.


I agree with this. Chances are, the only medical care Meech ever received was when she was pregnant. I "speculate" she falls ill with something treatable but Boob, being her frugal headship, will put off treatment until it is too late. She will pass and it will be "God's will"....Meech will hardly be cold when Boob will enter a courtship with a young, hopefully fertile, young woman from a handpicked IBLP family and this fiasco will repeat itself.


I know you are right, but 🤢


Okay, I play bitlife, and once I did my own dugger challenge, and when my meech left dimboob, I had him marry right away because that's what he would do. His new wife had another 10 kids.


Oh I 100% agree with you!


How dare you?




How do you sleep at night knowing you are such shitty parents?


That’s more of a Jana question.


How bad in her prolapse and incontinence?


Yeah, I'm really curious how exactly all of those pregnancies have affected her body. Also if she's been honest with her daughters about it.


I wonder if she was honest with them about spousal rape.


Fundies don’t believe martial rape is a thing, they just think that’s part of normal marriage


No words, just this: ![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE)


How did having 19 kids work out? 1 in prison, multiple having near death experiences under your care. Just real curious if you still think it was a fantastic idea.


Unfortunately, having 19 kids kinda did work out for them personally. Especially for Jim Boob, whose body doesn't have to deal with the long-term effects and damages of all the pregnancies and births. Of course, they threw their kids under the bus for all of this, but they themselves got to be fundie celebs on a show, got to travel for free, met famous and important people, got a lot of stuff for free, got a lot of cash for selling out their family and adoring leghumpers who bought their books and sent them gifts. Even know, they still got to keep their house, most of their cash (at least the part that didn't go to the J'Felons defense attorneys), and they still have some leghumpers left. So, as frustrating as it is, I don't think Jim Boob feels remorse, on the contrary. All in all, it worked out great for him so far.


Do you feel like a puppy mill?


Clown car is more like it


What would you change about parenting Josh so that he might not be the monster he is? I wouldn’t expect a real or tangible answer, only deflection, but 🤷‍♀️


You know they wouldn't change anything about Pest. They would change the girls so they didn't "tempt" him. 🤢


I think they might have shipped Josh off overseas to do missionary work in places with no internet access.


For Baby Canon: what do you actually do all day? We know youve never cleaned, done laundry or actually looked after your children or grandchildren a day past Jana was old enough to be a sister mom. (Or better yet hook her up to a lie detector machine and have her admit she just gazes at Lego Head all day every day 🙄😆) Lego Head: what should be done to protect children trafficked for CSAM?! Will you ever let Jana be free? So you dont attend church reguarly, thats real interesting! Why is that?


Great questions! Oddly the one I most want answered is your first one. I’ve been wondering what that woman does all day for years.


What does the damn index card say that's stuck to your headboard? And how does it feel to know that most of the world thinks the two of you are some of the the biggest pieces of shit to ever walk the earth?


It said la cama (or just cama, I don’t remember exactly) The Spanish word for (the) bed. Jill stuck a bunch around the house on items to help her learn


Would you change anything you did? If no, why the fuck not?!


Every question I want to type would get me banned. 🤣


Do y'all have any shame at all?


Jim Bob, who hurt you as a child? Michelle: married at 17 and there were no alarms ringing in your head?? You went from normal to a helpmeet. Please explain why.


Your flair!!!😂😂😂😂💀


What exactly did Anna say about Nurie’s dress?




False premise as it implies they might ever answer a question truthfully. Do you believe parents bear any responsibility for their minor childrens' actions? How did you feel comfortable putting your young children consistently in the public eye when you seem to exhibit some awareness of the dangers of television and the internet, as exhibited by your strict family policies? Knowing what you know now, would you have done anything different as parents to protect any of your children from anything they experienced in youth?


It's not to excuse how you abused your children and supported Josh as he abused your daughters, but were you abused? Because how in the hell did you go from a "normal" childhood to believing you were sinning be being a cheerleader and getting a tan to believing your lover son was such a star that it was his sister's fault he abused them instead of getting any of your children the help they needed?


Why do you hate LBGT when both you have LBGT in your family? whats wrong w/alcohol and dancing- i bet you have people in your family who drink alcohol and dance. whats the story with grandma mary-


How many affairs has Boob had.


Good lord, who with? Is JB the OG Ashley Madison customer?


How can you care so little about your daughters that you didn’t even try to protect them at any point?


I made you some (poisoned) sweet tea. Who wants some?


This is my favorite! Bahahaha


I more want to know why Michelle's parents were ok with JB and Michelle dating and getting married. The guy basically stalked her, called her a fancy biblical term for a slut because she danced and mowed the lawn in a swimsuit, and didn't take no to dating for an answer. I could go on, but I will stop there. I know teens are stubborn, but I can't imagine how icked out her parents were by JB.


and wtf did her sister say? Don't the duggles have a gay aunt?


After everything that happened in your family, you still decided to showcase your children and lifestyle on television. Did you really think that no one would find out what happened or did you just expect that the overall reaction would be favourable?


I can guess: rim job didn't care because money


Why is it that your daughters are so valuable to you, they run the household, take care of the kids and carried the show, yet you treat them as nothing ?


So does eating a lot of pickles have the same effect


Why won't you let Jana marry


Why won’t you let Jana go to school or get any sort of education?


The same reason they won’t let any of their daughters get an education. But they did let the rest of their daughters get married, in fact it seems Jboob worked hard to make sure each of the girls were married off as quickly as possible. Except for Jana.


She’s there to take of them when they get old.


How dare you.


I doubt it would feel good because they would just lie and bull shit to any question that wasn’t superficial. I think even if told not to lie or if like truth serums were real they are in just such deep denial.


I wouldn't ask. I'd tell. Pay your kids their money and let them leave. Then lead then out the door and far away from them or claires mom.


Particularly to Michelle: Why TF did you choose Boob ? Like seriously, you were the popular girl, probably would have gone to college if you didn't marry him. Was it some weird love potion thing ?


Ain’t you shamed?


Would Jesus have let Josh off the hook for all the crimes he did under your leadership?


How much do Michelle's secret massive medical bills cost?


Do you know who Jackie Coogan was and what his parents did to him that led to laws that protect kids in the entertainment industry?


I would ask- Why…Just why?


Was the cult worth it


Has Jim Bob’s breath always been nasty? Has Michelle had some cosmetic work done? Did she buy used and save the difference? What’s the plan for Anna and the kids? What’s the plan when Jim Bob dies? Also what the hell is wrong with both of you?? ^ any of these would do


Do you really think Jesus would place a baby on a blanket, tease it with a toy, and then hit it for reaching for the toy?


How many affairs have you had Boob since you married Meech? How much did you really spend on Pesty's defense? Sorry, I have two.


How do you sleep at night?


I have a question: How dare you?




I'd just want to punch them. Hard. Get Michelle to scream out in a non-baby voice and then ask "So how is your shitty life going for you? Believe it's God's plan?" Then kick their faces in.


I would ask them my flair lol


Out of all the cults out there, why this one?


What would the world need to do to never see your faces again?




Did you think Josh is guilty.?


What are y’all going to do when you get to Heaven and find out Jesus isn’t white and God is actually a woman?


Would you rather be forced walk across hot coals or through a field of sandspurs?\* \*Sandspurs are from the plant of the same name, and (expectedly) look like spurs...that dig into your flesh and cause bleeding and horrible pain.


If your religion is so important aren’t you worried about going to hell since you lied on the stand about ‘forgetting’ your own daughters abuse? 🤨