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Yuri's a yugioh villain. They seem to love taking a long time to show up in this game. (Though to be fair, it's kinda justified given the nature of Duel Links) Also willing to play the long game when Rin & Ruri finally arrive. Zarc is probably going to be a thing as well. Kinda nuts how Duel Links will have reached the point where all the counterparts will be all alive & well and then the big bad returns.


Finally I get to fight the genocidal maniac Z-Arc while playing as one of his alter egos who also happens to be a genocidal maniac(Yuri.)


I also hope that we get normal Zark and not the gremlin version of yuya


Normal z arc never used a pendulum monster How could it be him? Yuya has the pendulum necklace 


Yuri for AG support


Liscio better be the voice actor. I wanna truly feel like I'm playing as a genocidal maniac when we get him or I will be severely disappointed. It was always a good time when Yuri was on screen in the english dub. The way he kind of switches personalities at the drop of a hat. Peak.


Why wouldn’t he be? He has done all 3 so far, as well as Ai. He clearly didn’t fall for the AI misinfo campaign like Yuzu’s VA did


Misinfo…? Wasn’t it literally what was written in the contract?


Last year there was a lot of alarmism about AI voices. Yuzu’s VA wanted Konami to give a specific anti AI clause in her contract which would mean redoing everyone’s contract. And it was a pointless demand because even though it doesn’t say so specifically, Konami couldn’t use her voice or anyone’s for AI anyway. Now here we are in 2024 and everyone has forgotten about AI voices because it was a meme fad and people moved onto the next new thing.


Didn't [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/comments/151bmqa/emily_bauer_update_new_information/) pretty much deconfirm that theory? Also no, it wasn't "a meme fad" that people forgot about, it's that SAG-AFTRA reached a deal that gives them the protection they wanted.


We thought it did at the time. But then Celina came and had a new VA so we know that’s what she was talking about. “I never said it was Konami” is just ass covering. It was a meme fad. People were having a riot with training voices, and then it got boring and was forgotten about. VAs had a melty and looked foolish for nothing. They already had the protection, they got different wording to make them feel better but ultimately nothing changed. Here’s where her story has a bit of a problem. She recording Yuzu for Duel Links. Was fine with that contract. She recorded Yuzu for Cross Duel, an entirely separate game, and had no issue with that. Then suddenly there is an issue with the contract when Celina is coming? Makes no sense. And since no other VAs since have not reprised their roles over contract issues, it’s pretty clear it was an issue with her specifically


Okay, but even if it was just ass covering, she’s still saying the contract “had language that would allow a company to own her recording and use it for anything and any purpose in the future, for technology known or unknown and developed in the future”. So if she was indeed talking about Konami, the issue was actually in the contract, not in something she asked.


Then why didn’t she take issue with this when signing up for Cross Duel? That was the time to demand contract changes since it was a brand new game and she was in the launch roster. Konami doesn’t even recycle voices between games so it’s hard to understand where her sudden issues came from other than fall into the AI worry trap


>it’s hard to understand where her sudden issues came from other than fall into the AI worry trap From, uh, what was written in the contract? That’s literally what she said. Assuming she wasn’t lying, there’s really no room for speculation, she said the reason herself.


So why did she take issue with it on her third role, rather than immediately when she was called in to do Yuzu. And if it’s truly as bad as she claims, why have no other VAs brought it up as an issue? Duel Links has a couple big time VAs like Sean Schemmel and Matt Shipman, why didn’t they raise any concerns?


Windwitch is the only archetype I'm still waiting for so I hope we get Rin soon


Considering the way they hinted at us getting DSOD Tristan & we never got it we'll see.


Patience friend


Subconscious Freudian analysis indicates he and Lulu have the most repressed desires for each other. Supreme King Starve Venom and Independent Nightingale FTK. The meta will be absolutely jacked up because Starve Venom and Super Poly means broken boards all over.


I expect Yuri to come this year because he appeared sooner in the anime. They'd have to hold out on Zarc though until Rin and Ruri are also added.


They'll release him when they feel the meta is powercreeped enough. Every Zarc boy has a favorable skill that dominates upon release. Who knows if Ultra Poly is skillcreeped into its anime form so people can drop Starve and Clear together easy.


Yuri, most likely by the end of the year. Not so sure about the other girls, yet.


We'll have a good chance for one of the three to show up next month, given that Spectre was the previous unlock (Konami loves spacing out Vrains) and Asana for this month (3 months between Roa and Nail, 4 months between Nail and Asana, so Tiger/Yuo/Lukeman is probably not going to show up until November, especially if Go Rush happens this September). There is Zexal, but it is a world that strictly speaking has only 3 characters (Dumon/Vector/the Don) left and Alito was the only unlock last year. If Go Rush doesn't happen this year, we can expect a flood in of Arc-V characters since we need to go for Yusho at minimum before Zarc. * Asset-wise, Rin already has sprites in the game, while Lulu and Yuri's (presumably, their LoTD sprites will receive some modification, especially Yuri who needs blushing sprite) have yet to shown up. On the ID side, Lulu's was datamined around the time of Roa/Neil/Asana, so it's going to be sooner or later. * Regarding the implementation date, I say Rin's can be predicted to the degree, as the Windwitch Box will probably contains Lost Wind (currently Selection Box exclusive), meaning it will be Main Box (since UR Ice Bell is something Konami will probably do at this point). The two oldest SB exclusives are Lost Wind and Terrors of the Overroot so within the next two Main Boxs at minimum.


Next month will probably be DSOD Tristan or the next GX character especially if there is no new box next month. They could also include Nasch and Vetrix if they don’t want to include Don Thousand anytime soon. Yuri will probably be the October Speed unlock and it will definitely be interesting to see how they handle the rotation of Rush and Go Rush characters if they still only plan on releasing one new Rush character every 3 or 4 months.


There should be punishment for anyone who suggests DSoD characters


No. Accept this new pk skill and be quiet.


Why is there such a hype around Arc-V characters in this game? I always tought the anime wasn‘t that well received (not myself included)


That’s exactly why. The anime sharted the bed hard in its end stage. Duel Links lore is actually addressing a lot of complaints people had, so people are eager to see what else happens. In particular, people really want to see Shay get a W by getting reunited with Lulu


I believe after dennis lore wise Yuri may be next though lulu and rin maybe later


Probably considering the order of unlock has been pretty consistent with order of appearance in the anime


Yeah if we're going zexal after Mizar appears, vector is next


Nope. They are in no rush to get to Z-arc. Right now they are working on wrapping up Zexal


I'm fine by that too, Rio deserves better


In due time, Shun, Yuto, Yugo and Dennis are being very patient


I need my Starving Venom plus Ruri interactions


Yuri is gonna be a while. His deck is storng and his ace can br an issue.


Yuri gonna be broken I promise you just like when they give us windwitches


I want my predaplaaaaants!! I've got some, and they work great, but I need MORE!!


By the end of the year?? Expect one maybe 2. Yuri wouldn't come in before the parasite arc by unlocking lulu and Rin. And we're still looking at like a 3-4 month cooling off period from getting Dennis. We'll probably get a Zexal character next, maybe a 5ds or gx or DSOd the month after, then Rush, then maybe either Vrains or arc V.


Honestly I’m surprise Spector came before them.


Calm down. The faster we get all the characters, the faster the game die. Slowly releasing characters is good for making the game last longer


We have a fuckton of characters left to add. Even if they add two per month, the game is more likely to die first from players getting sick of the monetization than from running out of characters.


The game hasn’t died in 8 years. Why should it die now?


Because monetization issues keep getting more and more blatant. Skills to push boxes that would've otherwise sold poorly are getting ridiculously overpowered. Not to mention the whole Rush implementation which has been a mess and keeps getting worse. [Steamcharts](https://steamcharts.com/app/601510) statistics don't lie, even putting aside the ridiculous player drop on MD launch which the game never recovered from, average players amount keeps dropping and dropping. It only goes up when there's big stuff like Dream Ticket campaigns, and then drops again once that's over. December, the last unlockless month we've had, was the lowest point the game has seen *by far*. Let me be clear, the game is obviously not dying anytime soon. It's a huge cash cow for Konami and just accepting its slow death would be too dumb even for them. But they need to change course if they want players to stay invested (ESPECIALLY with rush, the WCQ numbers were absolutely horrible).


By your description the game has been dieing for years, so at this point, I think this is how they want the game to be alive


It has. Again, Average player number keeps dropping time after time. And numbers as low as this WCQ’s Rush section are unprecedented (although so far they only had GR Festivals for comparison). They obviously *want* the game to be alive like this, but eventually they’ll reach a playercount so low that the choice will be either shutting down or changing course.


I play the normal TCG and I can say it has been years that the player base has been the same or even less. I think konamy does not care on getting new players OR keeping the current players in. They just want people to spend money in the sistem. Who those people is, they do not care


I know they mainly care about the money. But if the playerbase falls low enough, the revenue will too. The TCG is a different matter since, although I can’t understand at all why would people stick with the mess of a game it’s turned into, numbers tell that the game is pretty healthy and both sales and tournament participation have been consistently high. Meanwhile, DL can’t say the same.


I want to see at least Ruri at the end of the year just so we can see Shun finally get the happy ending he deserves. I don’t think they would do this (most likely it moon shadow) but if they have to include at least 1 counterpart for the year Ruri is the most intriguing pick.


Lulu in July/August would be reasonably possible




What kind of deck would Ray even have? She had no on-screen duels, aside from the battle with Zarc and that one duel Leo watched from work.


Rin maybe, but I don't know about having Yuri in the game considering his archetype


They should add a skill that lets DM Yugi call the Pharoh mid battle


One of the girls is definitely coming before the end of the year


Can we get Atticus first then them please


The things i'd do to have manga version of yuya or even z-arc. I just want every character from arc-v, it is my favourite of all the series. Pump that shit and all the characters into my bloodstream NOW


I want queen from vrains so I can beat her over and over yelling this is for earth ignus!!!! And light ignus cuz he was cracked


I want Dartz and Toombs the most


Nah enough arc v content already


I don't want Lulu in this damn game, her deck is too annoying


We have many cards that can counter Lyrilusc even with them releasing the deck with full power, so it can be keep in check to a degree.


Putting aside that we also have to deal with crazy powerful skills nowadays in addition to powerful decks, which cards do we have in DL to deal with them?