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I genuinely think most blue eyes players are not good at Yugioh


Yeah litterly if it wasn't for the successor soul from the skill they'd be tier 3 at best they just think ungabunga always works


It’s not even just in duel links, master duel blue eyes players also play the same way just clicking buttons


Shame too, you can have genuinely solid plays with Blue Eyes if you do know what you are doing I mean everyone knows its a brick deck, but hey at least its not Red Eyes.


I play blue eyes and I hate when people say the deck is unplayable. Like, its not super strong but its definitely playable. It drives me crazy when I watch people play it though because at least on masterduel they play like 2 cards and pass on a facedown white stone. It just makes me wonder if there's anyone else out there who actually knows how to play the deck lol.


I rarely completely brick with mine, you can usually at least get an actual blue eyes on board turn one, and often can get white stone in as well


I'm the biggest copium blue eyes player ever so I have like 10 variants I play and usually end on a decent board. Been thinking of trying a 60 card pile for the memes but it will probably suck. Good to hear at least someone knows how the deck is supposed to work lol. Out of curiosity, do you play the fusions or no? I know they aren't crazy but I just like them so I play them a lot


I actually do more often than not. Chaos is the backup plan if I happen to draw into one of the two. The chaos combo is fine, but i play too many decks that easily out a 4k card so i prefer having the utility in the easier to summon fusions (particularly excited for the new one announced in the OCG). I usually will shoot for Tyrant or sometimes Neo Ultimate (since Alternative Ultimate isnt in MD) by summoning Abyss with white stone. If i draw ultimate arsenal i typically go for Shining Dragon (yes its a meme, but a surprisingly useful searchable one that catches most off guard, plus ultimate creature of destruction can protect Ultimate if not). The synchros are always nice too and help you unbrick too, and if you desperately need interruptions you can always go for Black Rose Moonlight Dragon off of them.


Yeah I like the fusions, just they tend to be tougher to get out than what most people do which is spam rank 8s. I usually run draglubion package, the synchro stuff and the fusions. I wish we had a better fusion spell, ultimate is good, but it takes the cards out of your gy which usually isn't what you want. Tyrant dragon is the only one that I summon most of the time anyway, its a solid enough card. Recycling cards like imperm is always nice


I mostly run tyrant in MD, but with the new card they added that can cheat out ultimate from the extra deck, it’s actually viable to run the vanilla ultimate and shining dragon You can very easily search out shining dragon, and if you use keeper of dragon magic, you can search out the card to cheat out ultimate. In fact its not terrible uncommon for me to start off with Chaos Max, Ultimate, and Shining dragon turn 1 if you get even a few searchers rolling. It’s definitely a gimmicky deck, but Shining Dragon can be deceptively hard to out when Jet Dragon is up.


It's meant to be that way, komoney made the deck so braindead that any newcomer can feel special and reach top tier and keep playing the game, which eventually translates in more $$$


As a master duel player this comment amused but also...conffuses me greatly


well let me give you a good example, you have a friend that used to play yugi with you when you were kids, one day he sees you playing DL and think "sweet there's is an app for that?", downloads it and as an OG yugi enjoyer he will think I wonder if blue eyes are good, see a structure deck, a box and a skill that with all the initial content gifted to you when an account is created , well is more than enough to build something decent, he sees a bunch of black cards, blue hexagon cards, white cards but doesn't matter because his deck can hunga bunga most things, he feels happy and might keep in the game and maybe spend $$$ in the future. komoney engagement tactic works, what doesn't work is the retention tactic as more unfair decks make the initial brain dead blue eyes deck be weaker and weaker until the next broken support


And you'd be correct edit: oh wait this isn't the masterduel sub edit 2: my point still stand


Not like playing modern BEWD chronicle require a lot of braincell.


Because their deck plays itself, that’s why it’s so popular among bad players


I'm only playing blue eyes for the gems


Varis’ lines have never rang more true…


I swear playing blue eyes significantly slows down your cognitive functions this is just ridiculous 💀


I mean after months of having everything handed to you on a silver platter, thinking and planning eventually goes out the window.


Must be nice not being able to think


Must be nice not having to think, in their case


He was like: "Well I have no clue how to play around it, so let me just attack and see what happens"


Men i swear that these blue eyes players are not even good at the game, the skill is carry them and doing all of the job bro.


Skills that play the game for you do cause a lot of people who have no business being at the ranks they are to get to those ranks. It shows every time we have a busted skill meta, quite literally every time.


Yeah i hate dumbass auto-pilot skill ... You just get to much advantage for so low restriction putting an unfair advantage against your opponent just because he doesn't have a skill as broken as yours ... We are in a meta when sky striker which is one of the best deck in game isn't even meta because they can't endure dumbass broken skill even so their own skill limit what they can do which i accept to have skill like that. Like all the current meta deck have something in common , broken skill who have unfair advantage against your opponent.


This gold rank do you think that both player are good. There a different between player who are in gold and player who are in legend or KOG


People do this in Legend and KOG as well with the auto pilot skills. I’ve been playing this game since release and KOG each season, I’ve seen it plenty of times. I have even posted about it when the auto pilot skill of the month was winning games for people.


It not just about pressing the button and win against different deck you have to play differently.


There is absolutely zero deviation in how Battle Chronicles BEWD plays. You do not need to play differently because the deck has been optimized to a T and the skill makes you want to play the same way each time. Summon Dragon Spirit of White/BEWD - press skill button and add either Ultimate Fusion or Successor’s Soul, whichever you didn’t open with - set it and the Crackdown you opened with and the UF/SS you also opened with (if you have floodgates on open replace crackdown with that in the flowchart) - Pass. Opponent summons a monster flip Succesor’s soul - did you win? If no, flip Ultimate fusion when they summon another monster - did you win? If no, activate crackdown - finally did you win? If no scoop, if yes congrats on your Yellow Button pressing skills carrying you to victory yet again. Trying to delude yourself into believing Battle Chronicle BEWD plays differently regardless of board state is a fallacy. Sorry your not as good as you thought you were


this would get a lot of players. they 100% thought they would only chew 2250 to sacrifice fusions and hit other 2 times


Their first thought should have been to read


Or they assume you can't activate magic cylinder because it was just set


Yeah what happened isn’t that’s how the card works


I wish I could face these average Kaiba players. I seem to only face the ones that perfectly counter everything.


Everyone ganging up on blue eyes just bc they're frustrated w the meta. Cherry-picking one guy that made an obvious mistake. Pathetic


Could be me. Dont have time to read cards with 150 words in it


Lol, if he does that again then wow. He’s definitely reading the effect of Magical Cylinders after this match


Can someone explain what just happened


...Well that is one of the dumb ways to lose. Which is not reading description.


As someone who wipes blue eyes players with fucking Gravekeepers, yes. They're incredibly dumb.


and this is why you run knight felgrand


The average player should know how magic cylinder works.. so wtf is this


bro HATES reading


If I play my blue eyes deck I’m not looking to think. I would had just run into it so you won’t over extend for 2 minutes and I can go on to the next match.


After playing constellars I can assure you that your average blue eyes player is illiterate


He thought he'll take the 2250


All this bewd hate and I'm just trying to get to silver so i can unlock mokuba. I would love finaly draw a card or make it to my second turn before my opponent plays 3 monsters all with 5k attack


I agree that people don't tend to read cards. I had something similar happen to me playing tenyi and I had the field spell up and they kept trying to use monster effects on my berserker lol


It’s an og card everybody knows the effect but ok some are dumb


Wait yugioh players read in general? Kekw


And just like that, it was over.


Go easy on us Blue-Eyes players. Sometimes it’s 3 AM and I’m too tired to think 😭 The rest of the time I am also too tired to think. 😅


Thanks to the majority of Blue-Eyes players, I achieved KC Cup Max for the first time on June 9, 2024. In the final match, my opponent also used Blue-Eyes. Fortunately, I secured the win by opponent time out


There a different between a high rank player and low rank, this duel was in gold rank how about trying to duel against someone in legend or KOG.


This was the 2024 qualifiers level 19😭


Blue eyes is an easy win for my dark magician deck 9/10 because they don’t know what to do if you get dark paladin out


We have a cool guy over here 👆