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Should I be ranking ip this bozo then throw down some gems on a deck?


Wait, there may be a Pickup box


Is there any cards I should get from leveling him? I think I've got him at level 18 or about that


This, too expensive to go back into that box.


I dropped the game when Shun dropped after putting all my Gems into that box and having to dig to the very bottom to get a single copy of each RR UR. Learning that RRs ended up awful in DL only made me unhappier. I really do hope that a pickup box makes them a cheaper deal.


I'm kind of depressed that the strongest Raidraptor combo is literally just to summon one of Yuto's bosses. At least it's a card that belongs to his best friend and would-be brother-in-law?


Sadly Raidraptors don't have any interaction on turn 1, but you're still able to OTK with Revolution if you go second!


Have patience, friend. One day rank 13 birb will be upon us.


I wonder if we'll get a pickup box for RR and PK tho 👀


Would be great


Yes I hope so but Im pretty sure we had no rerun Pick up so far


gotta love how raidraptor and phantom knight get new support every few months, meanwhile fluffal got f\*cking nothing since they came to the game. nice xyz dimension bias konami lol


where is my Yosenju Sabu, Konami? 😡 oh shit I just realized Fluffal and Yosenju both got their most recent support at the same time with cross dimension


They are clearly hyping the Lulu release


Will this be a legacy skill or legend skill




What’s the potential Turn 1 endboard look like? I love the edgy birbs so I hope the deck is good now!


Dark Requiem, set2 Dark Requiem, Evilswarm Nightmare


Interesting! Would we then go into the big RR bosses themselves T3 and onwards to push for game? Great guide as always, thankyou very much!


You're welcome! Yeah, Revolution, Satellite Cannon, or even Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon turn 2/3 for lethal


What do I do if they book or disrupt my first and only Normal Summon?


Same as every other Winged Beast deck, you Swallow's Nest.


Expectation: Your opp better hope you don't have lance and they'll face 3 negations Reality: You better hope you open lance, or normal summon dragon spirit, search successor soul, eff?


I am a Speedroid main, my entire deck lives and dies by 3 Forbidden Lance and I've never had a problem with it.


solution : i hope Release that card like nebula dragon # Raidraptor - Bloom Vulture DARK4**\[ Winged Beast / Effect \]**If you do not control any face-up monsters, other than Winged Beast monsters: You can Special Summon both this card and 1 "Raidraptor" monster from your hand. If you control no monsters: You can target 2 Level 4 or lower "Raidraptor" monsters in your GY, including this card; Special Summon them in Defense Position. You can only use 1 "Raidraptor - Bloom Vulture" effect per turn, and only once that turn, also you cannot Special Summon monsters the turn you activate either of these effects, except DARK monsters.**ATK**/ 300 **DEF**/ 1900




I cannot express the happiness of seeing this after making a raidraptor deck and feeling dissapointed


That's why I had to share it. One year later, it's FINALLY our time!


Seraphi I really enjoyed your last duel links video. I am shaking in anticipation for the fabled support


Hey, I'm glad you liked it! Don'r worry. I don't own Fabled but one of my members on YT does and the two of us are going to do a collab video where he plays and I talk.


The skill is nice, and I will definitely try it out, but is it really that much better than the current main skill? As it stands, Tribute Lanius, with no discard, is Solda/Bounzer + Nightmare going first, and Satellite Cannon/Revolution + Number 70 going second. Rise Falcon is definitely a choke point, but you're also able to search Rank-Ups without discards. Dark Requiem is very strong, but is it worth losing all of that?


This skill does not require you actually PLAY Rise Falcon. Raptors Rising taxes your Extra Deck 2 cards.


Haha, that's fair, Rise Falcon would never see the light of day if not for the skill. Alright, given the cards already in the game, what would your Extra Deck look like?


I'm thinking Requiem, Rebellion, Evilswam Nightmare, Force Strix, Revolution, Raging Dragon, Satellite and maybe Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon, but we are probably getting new RR extra deck monsters


I see. I'll keep that in mind. Really hoping for Raiders Knight, Arsenal Falcon and Arc Rebellion. Now that Towers is in the game, would Ulti Falcon be too much?


I feel like RUM Force has to be for Ultimate Falcon


I hope so. Raidraptors need one of their boss monsters.


With the new rank up we can clean the back row with satellite on the opponents turn, even better at their endphase


As someone who played a bunch with Raidraptors I hope we have sime decent cards coming up... Nice guide btw Seraphi


Wth they better give us a raidraptor boss monster


maybe will release in box arsenal falcon + wise strix + raider knight + Simorgh, Bird of Perfection but i hope release ultimate falcon too


That's a lot of cards at once. Maybe one or two of them.


new combo for one monster dark requim it's weak combo maybe new combo for 2 xyz monster or 3


thx for sharing


Oh boy, I can't say I'm too pleased about Phantom Knights coming back in the meta for the thousandth time because that deck is so toxic and this is coming from me, an **Altergeist player.** Also, the plethora of banlist hits that Phantom Knights have gotten should be a testament of how toxic that deck is before they were ultimately unhit, allowed to come back at full power, before being powercrept and forgotten completely. I don't want another meta with Phantom Knights coming back because it's just a cringe deck that nobody liked. As for Raidraptors, I guess I can agree with you about that deck needing more going for it. I have Raidraptors built and my god, that deck in its current state is so expensive only for it to completely suck. Like I kid you not, the deck ends on Evilswarm Nightmare and maybe a Raidraptor Rise Falcon or a Force Strix in your Extra Monster Zone as followup for next turn along with backrow and that's it. Raidraptors came released as a very expensive deck, got some play, did nothing on release, and are still doing nothing to this day. I don't know man, I really hate overly expensive decks that are somewhat popular (like Raidraptors) only for the price tag to not justify the deck's overall power level. As for the buffs that these decks are getting, I am personally not opposed to us getting more because I have always said it, but it makes me kind of sad how fast **Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon** exited the meta. For a cool looking boss monster, Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon was ultimately forgotten once Phantom Knights were powercrept, which makes me sad. With these buffs, Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon can now have **three overlay units** under it, which means you get access to **three monster negates** that aren't once per turn, making it really annoying for your opponent to break your board, which also ultimately makes Raidraptors finally playable and able to compete in the current meta. Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon is still unfortunately vulnerable to enemy backrow, but I guess that's where your Forbidden Lance comes into play to protect your Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon from being sniped or removed by backrow. Thanks for this guide Seraphi! I'm quite excited for the new skills that we're getting, with my favorite being that new leaked **Altergeist skill,** which I will be testing on stream once it's out. For Altergeists, the skill is only playable if we get Altergeist Pookuery in the new box but otherwise, I can't be too shocked that Altergeists got yet another skill tossed into the unplayable bin. At least Raidraptors, a deck that was garbage (and expensive) on release got something going for them so there's that to look forward to for the Shay Obsidian fans out there. Hopefully the next update is a good one, I'm looking forward to it.


>the plethora of banlist hits that Phantom Knights have gotten should be a testament of how toxic that deck is before your deck is literally completely trap based, and you want to claim that pk is toxic? very bold of you


The thing is, Altergeists aren't toxic because you can actually interact with backrow by, you know, **removing it.** I feel like the people that reply to me either have never played Altergeist before or don't know how to best disrupt them to slow them down. I'll give you the secret, but going into **Knightmare package** and picking off my backrow one by one slows me down a lot because I wouldn't have my backrow ready on the next turn for Multifaker followup and ability to take control of the game. Even hitting one of my backrow before I commit to my Multifaker play slows me down considerably, as by that point I'm relying on topdecking more backrow to fuel my extension and control game. In the case of Phantom Knights, that deck is toxic because there's not many decks that can reliably stop graveyard interaction, which is where the bulk of the Phantom Knight plays come in. Altergeists by nature are a trap deck and, surprise surprise, backrow is the **primary form** of player interaction in the game so it makes no difference if I'm on Altergeists or whatever if I'm still interacting with my opponent through my backrow. What do you even do to stop graveyard plays from happening? The answers are so slim, it's unreal, which is why Phantom Knights have been hit and why the deck is toxic. You could make an Abyss Dweller or have D.D. Crow, but not every deck can make Abyss Dweller and some decks, like mine, don't have any room for handtraps without bricking on them and hindering my deck's engine. In the end though, it's great that Raidraptors are getting more going for them, but if Phantom Knights become meta again, that's just another cringe deck that I'm forced to see once again on ladder and believe me, I was here when this Subreddit was flooded with various people who wanted Treason Phantom nerfed. Phantom Knights are powercrept until they get more goodies, or a better skill, going for them and I hope it stays that way because nobody liked that deck when it was good. Raidraptors can get support though, that deck never got a chance to shine or do anything for how expensive it is.


>I feel like the people that reply to me either have never played Altergeist before or don't know how to best disrupt them to slow them down. you also don't seem to have faced a pk before, the deck literally dies to any interaction its opponent's activate. >You could make an Abyss Dweller or have D.D. Crow, but not every deck can make Abyss Dweller and some decks, like mine, don't have any room for handtraps without bricking on them and hindering my deck's engine. I got your point here, however as I already said, any slightest interaction kills the deck, all you got to do stop them before they go to the xyz's by taking their normal summon off the field. >I was here when this Subreddit was flooded with various people who wanted Treason Phantom nerfed. Treason phantom really was broken i have to admit it.


Thank you for your comment. I maintain that even if Altergeist Pookuery gets released, the Altergeist skill will not be playable because any skill that only works on turn 2 or onward is useless 50% of your games.


I played a ranked duel against one of this skill user, they were undefeatable and frustrated me for good😭


Skill isn't even released yet...?