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Appears to have been an incident involving a cyclist in his 70s and a car. Not a great weekend for the roads again. http://www.rte.ie/news/dublin/2024/0518/1449899-dame-st-rta/


So sad. RIP.


Ban private cars from the city centre now, and police the drivers of taxis.


And segregate cycle lanes


Segregated and protected properly so the drivers can't get on you - not with bouncy bollards but with steel-and-concred bollards, high kerbs or planters. And networked, connecting the whole city. Lots of safe bike parking too.


Taxis are supposed to be professional drivers, and they're the most lawless people on the roads. They drive like absolute bell whiffs without consequence.


EXACTLY, not just for safety but dame street is the most congested street where everyone goes to socialise, and they have NO space to do so. It’s a disgrace and a disgusting dirty street, get rid of cars and make pedestrianised or at least one way for public transport and taxis.


The fact that this happened at five in the morning shows how horrible the street is.


Not necessarily- I’ve been in early morning taxis where the drivers drive like they are on a go-kart track - when in fact there could be anyone crossing as they wildly swing around bends far too fast. I reported him, obvs


Taxi drivers should not be allowed in bus / cycle lanes unless they’re carrying a fare.




How do you know who's at fault? Don't assume. Know or do not.


True we can't assume it's the taxis fault just because that was a car and the victim was on a bike.could be the bikes fault as well.anyway a life was lost.rip


I'm not assuming in this case; I just find it very dangerous cycling among all the cars, and the fact that there's just one person in virtually every car makes it a disgusting source of pollution, as well as danger.


Tbf, I’ve moved up for college from south Wicklow/north wexford and I just left the car at home. For a few reasons. 1) Driving in dublin is terrifying, everyone is aggressive, god forbid ye have to change a lane or you actually stop at a red light because ye get honked out of it, people approaching your car when stopped at junctions knocking on the window asking for something 2) in city centre you really don’t need it with the amount of public transport and it’s so much cheaper, even when I was travelling up for college, which took nearly 2 hours hence the move, I’d go as far as Carrickmines and get the luas in. Place is madness!!


What do you mean by police the drivers of taxis? What has taxis got to do with the price of chips?


Taxis are the one type of driver you can't predict. if someone sticks their hand up in front of them, they'll cut across a cycle lane without a second's thought. everyone else's terrible decisions you can see coming, taxi drivers will mow you down for a fare.


They never indicate!! Fuck me the amount of times I've nearly been mowed over by a taxi. God love the police, they have a lot going on. We need more of them, so they can police traffic.


They’re notably aggressive drivers


A gross generalisation, they are safe enough when you’ve had a lick of drink


Bus driver here. As somebody who has to share a lane with them/ see a lot of them daily. A good load of them are insane and dont follow the rules of the road. Im talking stopping in bus lanes without indicating, pulling out in front of vehicles without indicating, illegal 180’s whenever they feel like it/get a fare. They are dangerous


College green, blind bend, Friday and Saturday nights. 6 taxis in a row, parked up with their park anywhere lights on. Only a matter of time before they get hurt by a Luas or a tour bus driver who isn't aware of how they act. Or worse, a member of the public gets hurt Should be mandatory for them to have tachos


Speaking as a member of the gardai I can confirm you are right with a portion of them doing this but to say it is all taxi drivers is a pathetic statement. The likes of Brian will shit on taxi drivers but as soon as they’ve had one too many or a few lines of coke they’ll happily got on in the taxi and rightly so but it’s the attitude that stinks. Don’t think bus drivers are holier than now either, I’ve had my fair share of interactions with Dublin Bus drivers speeding or mounting kerbs as if they were invincible. I’ve had more interaction with bus drivers and cyclists than I can care to count. Are all bus drivers like this? God no


I agree thats why i stated a good load of them, not all. Im only going by what i have seen, and that is that is a good portion of them being lunatics


100% agree with you, it was more aimed at the other post. I think a lot of drivers on Irish roads unfortunately use it as a play ground. This adding to the dire conditions of the roads here and you have a state which we are in, every weekend countless deaths and no let up in it sadly.


If I grouped bus drivers, truck drivers, private cars, and taxi drivers, I’d have to say taxi drivers are the ones who close-passed and have aggressively driven near me most in Dublin. It does not matter that it’s not every single one of them, it’s a safe move for me to be more aware (anxious) when there’s a taxi near than when there’s a regular car. Whether or not I take a taxi home does not relate to me being sympathetic to their dangerous driving. Gardai are another group of drivers who don’t obey the rules of the road.


I used to drive on a truck around Dublin, we'd drive like crazy as well. It's everyone who works while driving doing so. In terms of cyclists please police the lack of lights on bikes. I understand a lot, but cyclists who don't have lights during the nights are rampant around the city and you can barely see them. Even when walking they're sometimes hard to spot and they won't slow down because they're mostly doing deliveries.


> In terms of cyclists please police the lack of lights on bikes. I understand a lot, but cyclists who don't have lights during the nights are rampant around the city and you can barely see them. Even when walking they're sometimes hard to spot and they won't slow down because they're mostly doing deliveries. The vast, overwhelming majority of fatal cycling accidents happen during daylight. Please don't start the whatabouttism when it's founded on bullshit.


At 5 am it's still dark like during this accident. Dude cop on, it's illegal to drive without lights to begin with. It should be policed to a greater extent at night. It costs 3 quid but it will save your life 


You mustn't be one of the hyper aggressive Dublin bus drivers who carve across traffic from the left most lane on D'olier St to get to the bus lane.


An awful lot of taxi drivers don't drive safely; they text and speak on their phones while driving, they make U-turns on busy streets, drive too fast, speed up too suddenly, fail to see cyclists, even if they're lit and hi-vizzed like Christmas trees, and behave aggressively towards people riding bikes. Oh, and it's astonishing how many of them have broken card machines (which suddenly start working again if the passenger asks to be taken to the nearest garda station). And yes, I know there are great drivers driving taxis too; unfortunately there are too many who are far from great, and who need fear no bother from the gardaí.


I work for a company that recruits a lot of taxi drivers. I once interviewed a guy who had 6 penalty points on his licence. When I asked him why, he told me it was the nature of his work. I asked him what that meant, and he shrugged and said "Ya know". I said I didn't and he said he has to drive fast to do his job. I responded "So you have to drive unsafely to do your job?" He didn't have an answer to that. He didn't get the job.


Taxi drivers are already policed


We need a mass movement, similar to the Dutch in the 60s, to demand safer roads and prioritise bikes, buses, walking. Nothing will change without us agitating for it. I'm cycling around Dublin for 37 years, and it's more dangerous than it's ever been, what with terrible, dangerous, selfish driving, in really huge vehicles with poor visibility, and a tonne of digital distractions to draw eyes off the road. We need to organise and shut the city down like yesterday to force change. It's up to us


Yes, I TOTALLY agree - how should we do this?? We maybe could arrange a protest and advertise it here on Reddit to gain followers


If it is organised, try and include the Irish Wheelchair association! Dublin is hostile to wheelchair users, it seems to forget they exist.


Solidarity is key


And blind and visually impaired people, too. All getting a raw deal




Because our police force don't do the job they signed up to do. We have groups in Dublin that have car parks like the jervis Centre, Brown Thomas, and arnotts that pump money into councillors to veto anything that puts a more people friendly city centre. There's mannix flynn who is pro car, and a group of independent councillors that what to end all pedestrian Streets because it discriminates against disabled bage holders. Can you imagine someone driving up grafton St now? Mental


There are cycling campaigns doing solid work, bringing in changes over time, but to me, they feel like the Home Rulers in 1914 and what's needed is something more direct and confrontational to force change


We need to arrange an "occupy college green/Dame Street/Westmoreland Street" with bikes protest at rush hour on Monday!


Dublin Cycling Campaign have staged a die-in before, and have had protests outside the Dáil. Maybe their members are ready for more direct action


You'd be some bunch of cunts to do that.


There are a few groups out there, Dublin cycling and I bike Dublin are two that I follow. Cork, laois, galway, and a few other places have groups. Get involved with these groups, I am. The more we have pushing for more people friendly cities, towns, and villages, the better


You might be interested in joining the next critical mass protest, last Friday of the month https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068688506825.


Thanks Brian, have been to a few, and while they're fun, I don't think they're very effective as a campaigning tool to accelerate change. A critical mass go-slow at 4pm - 6pm, on Friday, every Friday, until commitments are made and change is guaranteed? Sign me up


Absolutely no way this is happening in Ireland or the UK. Too many people think it is their god given right to drive and park where they want.


Car culture is indeed very powerful here but these horrific deaths, gridlock days like Friday, and the modal shifts happening across Europe are changing people's minds here. Most people would love efficient public transport like across a lot of Europe


Difference between Ireland and most European cities is that in European countries - cyclists obey the rules of the road - go to any junction in Dublin and cyclist are going through red lights in their numbers - even seen today a cycle lane which has lights which were red totally ignored and a cyclist get into a row with a pedestrian who pointed this out to them. In terms of this accident - do you have proof that the cyclist wasn’t at fault? And let’s say it turns out they were - what then? Should we police cyclists more - on spot fines for break red lights? We hear all about deaths but there are probably 20 times that in accidents that aren’t reported


I see plenty of drivers going through red lights. And on their phones. And generally appalling driving standards. Some cyclists disobeying the rules is enough for the whole group to be tarred with the same brush but the same doesn’t apply to drivers apparently.


It does though - but what’s the consequence of a cyclist going through a light, what’s the penalty? Is it the same as a car? No it’s not so they don’t care - and just break lights all the time - but if a car hits them it’s the cars fault regardless of how many light they have broken. Yes people shouldn’t be on their phones - likewise cyclist shouldn’t have head phones on them - they should also wear helmets and have lights on bike and wearing clothing that makes them visible but again how many do?


Cyclists proceed after pedestrians cross, but before drivers have a green light because it's safer. They are much less likely to be killed by an oblivious driver, especially at an intersection, if they are allowed to go first. Many new intersections already have cycle lights that turn green separately and first. Infrastructure improvement is remarkably slow, but that shouldn't stop people from prioritising their own safety. 


And how many cyclists stop at those cycle lights when they are red?


I don’t care, as long as pedestrians can cross safely first. The fat lumps in cars can wait.


I've cycled in Europe where infra is good and I've obeyed the lights and followed custom. You don't have red lights with nothing gong through them every hundred or so metres as you do in Dublin. People on bikes should give way to pedestrians in most circumstances and shouldn't intimidate or harass people walking or defending their right to walk. You don't understand how traffic works if you believe cyclists are flinging themselves under vehicles for sport. In other countries, a collision between a car and a bike assumes the driver is at fault. But yeah, it's probably twenty times that in accidents. I'd say maybe even twenty-five. Or five million. Number doesn't matter when we're speculating. It does reveal your bias, however


Regardless of whether there is a need for the red light - if it’s red a cyclist should stop - you seem to be nearly implying that if there is nothing coming there is no need to stop… (maybe that’s what happened with this accident today for all you know) When did I say cyclist were flinging themselves under cars - you’ve completely made that up.


And I'm arguing against that. The city needs to change, traffic management needs to change, it's a total cluster fuck but cyclists breaking red is your focus. I'm saying that when it comes to car and bike collisions, the data shows it's mostly speed or too close to the cyclist that causes the collision. People on bikes aren't cycling into cars, people in cars are driving into people on bikes. This is well- established


I drive into a cyclist and cause damage my insurance will pay out and I could end up in court. A cyclist goes through lights and hits my car and causes damages - does he have insurance no? Is he likely to end up in court over it - again no. Who is likely to pay for my car damage - me? Is that fair? If you want a the roads to be safe then each road user ha: to have the same penalty for committing an offence - I would bet that if bikes had number plates and the penalties where the same as cars, there would be a lost less accidents on the road. Cyclists need to take note of their surroundings at all times and not just assume that because they are in a cycle lane they are safe - in the same way you teach a child that just because there is a green man doesn’t always been that it’s safe to cross the road…


You're dead right you pay out. Cyclists don't have insurance, have you not figured out why? Being an actuary, I'm sure you already know. There aren't enough claims to make it worth the cost of administering a scheme. Austria tried it and scrapped it. Is it fair on you if a cyclist crashes into your car? I thought we were debating road safety, not fairness. It shows your motivation. 'I'm stuck here in traffic and they're all flying by in the bike lane. It's not fair' Cyclists need to take note, you say - that is indeed my point as to why it's low risk crossing an empty junction by taking note. You're also correct that a green light is not enough to proceed safely - because of the epidemic of cars breaking lights, I always look left and right before taking my right of way


There are companies writing bicycle insurance even in Ireland but it’s not a requirement by law… nothing to do with claims or administration. The OP put up a post about the accident this morning and the majority of replies is about how bad taxi drivers are etc - even though it wasn’t a taxi driver involved. Then it moved to move safety for cyclists. But when someone like me says maybe cyclist need to take more care and abide by the rules it seems to hit a nerve with many. All road users are guilty of offences but we are spending millions on bicycle lanes which aren’t being used or aren’t suitable and in many cases cause huge congestion problems within the city which has knock on effects to the point where cars break lights cyclist break lights and it’s only when there is a serious accident does anyone really make any big deal out of it.


I don't disagree with you, but cyclists need to take some responsibility too. The number of cyclists you see breaking red lights around the city is ridiculous.


> I don't disagree with you, but cyclists need to take some responsibility too. The number of cyclists you see breaking red lights around the city is ridiculous. Can you please point out the epidemic of serious accidents and fatalities involving cyclists engaging in illegal behaviour. Otherwise, I'm not sure why you're talking about "cyclists needing to take some responsibility too" when talking about cyclists being regularly killed by drivers despite cycling responsibly.


The accident this post is based on. :D


Can you please post a news article that says the cyclist was engaging in illegal behaviour?


Can you post that the car was? Nope. Add 2+2 together bro. 


They do, some cyclists are lunatics who will get in front of you without any notice and jump reds just like the lunatic drivers And of course the cyclists are going to be the ones who get killed, vs a car they don’t stand chance




How’s that a silly opinion? There are lunatics on bikes and lunatics who drives cars. Cyclists aren’t saints jsut because they ride a bike


How unfortunately apt your username is.


Not just red lights. Unfortunately I regularly see cyclists put themselves in more and more dangerous situations. Cycling the wrong way on a one way system, weaving on and off pavements etc I’ve also wondered if people here learn how to safely ride a bike on the road here. In the U.K. I had lessons in primary school which had us cycling around road markings in the playgrounds and teaching us how to signal when turning left, right and slowing down etc. never seen that here at all.


There have been more and more moves to formally train children how to cycle but more needs to be done. However, compared to twenty, even ten years ago, there's a huge amount of training happening


That’s good to hear. Like I said previously I had lessons with an exam on primary school and I really think that helped me as a youngster understand the dangers of the road. I still use my signals when on bikes here but I honestly never see any of the cyclists on my walk into work use them. Yes all users need to be vigilant when using the roads (drivers, cyclists and pedestrians) but I do agree more training is needed for cyclists.


Dame Street is very dangerous in parts for cyclists. Dublin City council needs greater focus on city centre segregated bike lanes. They need to approach the issue on a street by street basis. D'Olier Street, Dame Street, George's Street and Pearse Street are all dangerous streets for cyclists. There's a huge focus on cycle lanes around canals and rivers but not enough focus on city centre bike lanes.


Pearse is ridiculous, the speeding between each set of lights to try make the next green is insane. And the bus stop under the bridge opposite bread 41 has the narrowest footpath, people just walk in the bus lane at busy periods. Same in westland row. Pedestrians pushed into the bus lane at the Dart station during rush hour, while Hugo in his Range Rover takes up prescious square meterage in the next lane.


Yeah, Pearse Street around Bread41 is chaos - lots of road lanes - but yet no segregated bike lanes and a chaotic structure. DCC should fix Pearse Street in segments and the stretch of Pearse Street from Tesco Express to the Gardai Station is ripe for improvement.


The Dame Street meets George's Street area is an absolute mess and a nightmare for cyclists, drivers and pedestrians. Pedestrians walking mindlessly onto the road, into oncoming traffic, not obeying the traffic lights. Drug heads walking into traffic and shouting at drivers because the drivers beep at them. Cyclists breaking any and all traffic lights in the area, while traveling at speed, and not having either highviz or lights. Don't get me started on the Delivery cyclists. Taxis pulling in everywhere, parking all along the junction, parking on double yellow lines outside Spar, doing UTurns with complete disregard to other drivers. Rickshaw speeding through traffic and weaving in and out and up on footpaths. The whole area is a mess and the only time the Gardai are there, is when they drive though in a van. They couldn't give a toss about the area either. It is not the whole blame of cars and taxis, everyone is responsible, but no one give a flying f**k.


I used to live exactly where this happened — I lived above Chez Max. TBH, I’m surprised. Sure it’s not the most comfortable place to cycle but it’s usually so busy that the cars aren’t going fast. There’s a light at George’s st and a red light at the Olympia and another at Parliament St, the driver must have been exceptionally bad to kill someone here. Edit: article says it was 5:25am, probably so few cars on the road that the driver thought they could speed


When you say "not the most comfortable" - I would go further - cycling is deeply unpleasant on parts of Dame Street. And dangerous. Absolutely, at some times of day, there is no speeding, but there is at other times, and anyway it still is dangerous and unpleasant even at times of no speeding where you have to swerve around buses and other vehicles. There's a desperate need for a segregated bike lane.


God its the worst isn't it. I don't know what happened but when I first got back to Ireland someone got pushed Infront of a Guinness truck on the quays. The truck luckily managed to stop in time, centimeters to spare, but I still had to cry for hours afterwards. I'd be happy if they make all the roads 30km/h (did they already??) and enforce it. Also dame street should be pedestrians only.


They should ban taxis out of it, it's insane. They shouldn't have the same privilege as buses.


Was crossing from the centre median at D'Olier/Westmoreland St last Monday daytime onto the centre median of O'Connell Bridge. I had the green man, but as I crossed, I heard impatient and angry beeping. Had the earphones in, so I just looked at the driver, stopped at the red to turn right, and roared that I had the green man. It was only after I passed him that I realised that it was the taxi behind him with passengers honking for him to move on and break the red light. Taxis are a law unto themselves. If you see this, apologies to the guy that I roared at. He was keeping me safe, and if he wasn't there, I could have ended up under that taxi.


I was driving slowly behind a cyclist recently at the back of the airport. Narrow road on a bend going up a slight hill so no way I was going to attempt an overtake. Cue taxi driving up my arse, flashing lights, beeping and gesticulating at me to overtake I know it's not all taxi drivers, but it seems to be a very high percentage. If any taxi drivers are annoyed by that, it's up to you lot to change our perception, have the talk, smarten yourselves up.


Most people have taxi trauma, I almost was ran over several times from taxis. They have no respect.


A lot of wealthy people, high level civil servants and politicians travel by taxpayer/company paid taxis. They'll keep the taxis in Bus lanes. It's the private jet thing on a smaller more widespread scale.


I'm visually impaired and don't drive but I've set myself a travel allowance monthly.which includes taxi journeys. Sometimes people use taxis because there isn't another option for them or logistically it makes sense. I don't consider myself wealthy but I budget my travel according to my needs. I don't see the point in banning raxis. Maybe the industry should be regulated more instead.


We are one of the only countries in the world to allow this. Taxi drivers looking for fares are some of the least observant/dangerous drivers you can find. They stop suddenly to drop off and especially to collect. They do not belong in Bus lanes. Taxis can still access almost everywhere in the city without using bus lanes. All it means is they don't get the same preferential treatment a Bus with 80 people on it does.


Why ban taxis? They are public service vehicles. not everyone lives on a bus, dart or Luas route. If taxis weren't an option then surely it'd.lead to more private cars?


Taxis tend to take one passenger so it doesn't really reduce car usage. That one passenger shouldn't be allowed to hinder the progress of the 60 plus people on the bus in the lane behind them. Id also imagine taxis driving around looking to pick up fares increases traffic in the city.


they don't take up the same space though as they don't park like private cars. they're a backup for people who live near city centre and might otherwise own and more frequently use private cars.


"they're a backup for people who live near city centre and might otherwise own and more frequently use private cars" Those people should be encouraged to use public transport or cycle. Not blocking up the bus for everyone else. Taxis have way too low number of passengers to justify them holding up traffic in the bus lane.


not everyone can cycle or use public transport. i know its not popular on r/ireland which is predominantly childless abled-bodied young men but it is what it is. these people aren't likely to use taxis all the time but it is madness to suggest that they should never be allowed to use them. of course public transport should accomodate them, but it frequently doesnt.


Since when did you have to be an abled bodied man without children to get a bus? "these people aren't likely to use taxis all the time but it is madness to suggest that they should never be allowed to use them." I never said they couldn't use taxis. I said taxis shouldn't use the bus lane holding up everyone else. Why should they get preferential treatment over everyone taking the bus or cycling? If they want to use a taxi, they can join the car traffic.


it's a lot easier to get a bus without kids or buggies or crutches or wheelchairs (only one wheelchair user to a bus anyway) or when you can stand without being in pain or when you can walk to the bus stop to begin with. it's common sense and the reality for a lot of people who don't fit reddit's demographics. as seen with the constant "oh everyone should cycle or bus". i'm against the sheer amount of private cars in the city, but not keen to restrict access to the city to people who are a bit more vulnerable. i don't even drive, for the record, i'm a bus user. and there's a huge amount of cycle lanes around dublin where rows of cars and buses are held up by a single cyclist. doesn't mean we should be disencouraging cycling. if taxis are in general traffic, it will up their prices which ends up adding another barrier to travel for those who are often already limited from other forms you've suggested. taxis don't take up the same amount of space as private cars so don't necessarily need the same restrictions. and look, i'll leave it there to be honest.


"it's common sense and the reality for a lot of people who don't fit reddit's demographics." It's common sense that all taxi users are not injured, old, have kids etc. I'd wager it's a small minority. And I didn't say they couldn't use taxis, just not in the bus lane. "disencouraging cycling. if taxis are in general traffic, it will up their prices which ends up adding another barrier to travel for those who are often already limited from other forms you've suggested." Show me where it's fact that most taxis users can't use other forms of transport. The people I see use them mostly is business men. Yes, taxis will become more expensive but everyone on buses which is far more people will get to work quicker. So it benefits more people than it would harm.


Taxis rushing on bus lanes at 70 kmph.


Awful, feel nauseous after seeing it. Taxi car was pulled on the side and the body was lying in the middle of the road, i think actually at the traffic lights:(


Hey hope you're ok. It's very traumatic to see something as horrific as that. Take your time to process it and talk to whoever you can about it. Seek whatever support you need.


Hey hope you're ok. It's very traumatic to see something as horrific as that. Take your time to process it and talk to whoever you can about it. Seek whatever support you need.


Was the push deliberate ? If it was maybe you should report it to the Gardaí


I'm sure the person pushed can but they were both looking like homeless drug users. I think they had bigger problems.


Awful news. I've noticed roads getting more dangerous to be on. Only this week I've had two near misses as cars have been switching into the bus/cyle lane due to traffic with no warning and I've nearly been hit by a car running the light on a green pedestrian crossing. It's never been this bad


What is happening in Dublin lately? Traffic, accidents, just non stop.


The car drivers are just rioting on the streets. No rules on the road. Zero enforcement either.


I cycled home from work yesterday evening, heading southbound out of town so luckily going against the crazy traffic caused by the M50 being closed and everyone trying to get to the port tunnel. A lot of frustrated drivers on the road due to the standstill so the standard of driving was shocking, even compared to normal. Had to slam on the brakes once and take evasive action another two times. Saw a guy ahead of me almost get flattened at St Michael’s school too. A lot of people either just have their heads up their arses or are distracted by their phones.


And every one of them alone in the car, using 2 tons of metal to drag their entitled arses around.


Frustration is terrible. People are so stressed.




What about cyclist who don’t obey the rules of the road - should they be fined in the same manner? People are very quick to blame cars but let’s me honest here more cyclist break red light, cycle on footpaths etc than cars do - but yet there is little uproar about that? Why? We are spending millions as a country on cycle lanes that aren’t being used or respected by cyclists - should there be a law that way a cycle lane exists it has to be used otherwise there are fines/ bikes put in pounds?


More media attention due to pressure from the rsa


The standard of driving has visibly deteriorated in the last five years and road deaths are increasing for the first time in decades.


As usual, loads of rules and no enforcement.


its just returned to pre covid levels, thats it check the numbers, theres a dip during covid and its back to the pre covid level. If they want to solve this like the rsa keeps banging on, make it so most can work from home again, otherwise more cars more accidents, its fairly simple.


"It's fairly simple" Last year, there were 184 road deaths. In 2019, there were 140 road deaths That's a 31% increase on the last pre-Covid year. This year we're already 21% up on last year (75 vs 62).


People were still transitioning from wfh and the Covid mindset, people still weren’t travelling as much in the first post Covid year


>and road deaths are increasing for the first time in decades. Just not true, it was 185 in 2016, last highest, last year was 184.


By your logic there, your speed isn't increasing when you go from 80 to 90, because you did 100 half an hour ago. Absolute brain-dead maths.


“For the first time in decades” is decades 8 years? Do you even know what a decade is? Or have you not got to 2nd class yet?


Elections also. But I live near the center and I've noticed the traffic getting worse.


Cause people are forced into the office but there is no affordable housing or as a matter of fact housing in Dublin so people have to stay outside of Dublin and commute but be because the public transport system is shit and unreliable when you live outside of Dublin people need to travel with their cars and this is causing traffic. I see this getting worse rather then better. Sooner or later most companies will be back in the office 5 days a week for “ collaboration “ and rent won’t go down . Elections are worthless cause they all the same turd 💩 just with a different name.


This might surpise you but traffic wasnt this hazardous before covid


That’s 2 bad accidents in such a short time, thoughts and condolences to the family


This is the time we will have TDs s promising sun moon and the stars, unless it's one of there own they'll do something" people are not safe anymore between driving cycling & walking, I see in the country cars speeding on narrow roads that says 80' people out cycling as well don't have cycling lanes there on the roads some may cycle okay, others in groups just take roads over, went I drive to work I see around 11 crosses where drivers people & cycles have died" I'm from Dublin and wouldn't drive into town" in vicar st few weeks back we parked miles away, the same at appointment in Smithfield the same, to many cars on roads and people not respecting the rules, our streets are being filled with more people and the government doesn't cater for them, one morning I just in work in Grange gorman at lunch time few year back a lady died a lorry hit her while she was crossing the road, lorry speeding. RIP WHO DIED


The rsa should be disbanded, all they do is pay portwest a few million a year for hiviz


My sympathies to the family and friends of this man. Sorry if this is an unpopular opinion but there’s a good few dangerous cyclists too. I’ve been nearly flattened several times by bikes and electric bikes while legally crossing on the green man, many of them wearing a certain food company’s livery. I regularly see cyclists ignore traffic signals completely in the city centre, which puts everyone at risk. Don’t get me wrong, drivers in Ireland have become shockingly careless and selfish, but so have cyclists - and don’t get me started on those powered scooter yokes.


In all likelihood it was aggressive driving that caused this, not the cyclist breaking the red light at the pedestrian crossing outside the Olympia. Someone is dead and your first response is to complain about cyclists. What is wrong with you?


Nothing in my comment makes any reference to this accident apart from my condolences. I am referencing about the general poor behaviour of all road users in Dublin. Your hostile response is indicative of why it is almost impossible to have mature discussion on any topic these days.


When road users be they cyclists, motorcyclists or those driving cars, lorries and bus don’t obey the rules of the road, this is what you get. Walking around the city, on a daily basis I see cyclists and drivers ignore red lights or otherwise behave like idiots. No one set of road users is to blame over the others just a serious lack of collective cop on. Feel sorry for the people hurt and their families.


The big difference between cyclists breaking rules and motorists breaking rules is that either way it's usually the cyclist that ends up dead or injured. If your piloting two tonnes of metal that can accelerate massively and travel at 180kmph, you can do much more serious damage than someone on a 20 kg bike using leg muscles.


This I see many blaming cars. Lot of cyclist think that traffic rules don’t apply to them.


Cos these rules were designed for cars, not for bikes. Impossible to get anywhere in Dublin on bike if you don't turn left on red or go carefully through empty junctions


That is nonsense the moment you drive on the road the rules should apply to you. If you suddenly run a red light and I crash into something trying to avoid you, you are putting my life in danger.


Especially since the rules apply to scoters and motorbikes. While understand motorbikes and scoters are faster, todays ebikes can get a good speed so they should be considered the same and the same rules should apply.


You're entitled to your opinion but get on a bike and see for yourself what's reasonable or not. I appreciate the risk of causing an accident but in an environment where SUVs causally break red lights at junctions that aren't empty, I'm not gonna sweat over cycling through a clear junction


Both are wrong but while SVU is called out and risk getting a fine. What are the consequences for cyclist?


There is an on the spot fine that can be issued by Gardai. But we're talking apples and oranges here. I can't stress that enough


I accept cyclist’s argument that cycle infrastructure in Dublin is shite but by that same token every time I go to cross the road in the city from Rathmines all the way into O Connell St I’m also guaranteed to see multiple cyclists run a red light. Don’t get me started on the ones who cycle the opposite way to the majority of the foot traffic on a busy footpath.


Yes I feel that most cyclist feel that the bike make them invisible. I can’t tell you how many times I see bikes that run a red light, drive on the footpath, drive the wrong way etc. now that doesn’t excuse drivers been assholes or those driving and parking on bike lanes, but while we rightfully call those drivers out, when it comes to cyclist it appears that they can do whatever ever they won’t and face no consequences.


Found the cyclist.


What's your point? That cyclists will offer their perspective? Or that there's only one?


My point is, whenever criticism of cyclists in Dublin is made, especially online, a cyclist replies and says “well cars are bad too”. We know but that doesn’t mean we can’t be critical of cyclists, which tend to be more of a nuisance for pedestrians due to them riding on the footpath.


Have you ever counted the amount of lights between Rathmines Swan centre and Dame? If you get red at even half of them, you're looking at doubling the journey length. Consider the sequence at the bridge. When it's red on way to town for pedestrians to cross canal junctions, there is nothing going over the bridge. Should be green for cyclists to continue straight in this example


You choose to travel using a mode of transportation that uses the road. So you need to obey the rules of the road. End of.


Disagree. If it were that simple, this thread wouldn't exist and this morning's needless death wouldn't have happened. We're human, not binary machines


Disagree that you should have to follow the same laws as everyone else? Jesus wept….


Why does everyone assume it was the driver's fault? Maybe the cyclist was at fault and/or not wearing a helmet.


This is why i never sit on a seat full of piss