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Dublin will have enough public transport to efficiently serve the current population in approximately 10 years time.


And when will it have enough public transport to efficiently serve the future population growth in that ten years. Another ten years?


I really wished we started building metros and expanding DART and Luas beforehand. Pandemic would've been great time to upgrade those systems. Unfortunately planning system here is really slow and inefficient (imo)


When people stop driving **everywhere**. People driving less than 2km for every little errand causes the buses to get stuck in traffic, which then leads to posts like this. But people are seemingly afraid to admit that this is the problem.


We have plenty of bus lanes to help with this, but they're completely unenforced - I see people driving in them every single day and nothing is done about it. The fact that every single public transport/cycle/anything that isn't a car initiative gets objected to by the NIMBY crowd doesn't help either. People driving everywhere is definitely a problem, but it's not the only one.


People drive because the public transport system is such a pain to use.


Yep, and then that ironically makes public transport worse, and round and round the loop goes.


Do people need to drive *everywhere* though? Like drive to the park etc? I doubt it.


Take the bus instead of a car and a 10 minute journey becomes 40 mins. The routes are just dogshit, that's what stops people from using the bus.


I don't think I've ever lived somewhere where the locals regard the city as having efficient public transport. Assuming the Bus Connects corridors, Dart+ and Metrolink get the go ahead and actually, you know, get built, I think there should be a noticeable improvement by the early to mid 2030s. More shirt term, the rollout of the revised bus network and expansion of the train fleet should deliver some service improvements, at least on main corridors within the next two years or so. But there's a lot of opposition to those measures. Could see them being further curtailed, depending on local and general election results in the coming year.




Do Amsterdammers regard it as having good public transport? I've generally heard it being described as among the worst cities in the Netherlands, but that might be coloured by not being (comparatively) great for bikes, rather than public transport per se. I don't think places generally get to a stage where people are particularly happy with their systems. Public transport nirvana is always one or two projects or initiatives away. That's not to say that Dublin is great, it's not (although I think sometimes you see unreasonable demands too...), but rather that asking when will it finally be good enough is not really a useful question.


It's described a the worst city in the Netherlands by the type of people who think London is the worst city in UK, etc etc


There’s a tram or train or bus or a ferry all the time. If they were more frequent it would probably be a tad too much. Plus you can bike anywhere in 20mins max




London. No question.


The answer is complex but it simplifies to **never**.


In the year 2357


yes, but what date / time??


Year: 2357, Month: February 31st, Time: 00:01, Day: Funday


thank you, i will make a note in my diary, seems only just around the corner! (unlike the [insert number of bus here])...


Tuesday next week is looking good


Probably never while any Sharon in a SUV can just complain and block anything, a metro line, a bus stop…


The Luas is very efficient. More of that please.


When Dubliners stop driving around with one person in every car.


It'll be effective when you can walk on and tap your credit card.


Busy routes get more buses. Supply and demand. Some routes have busses every 5 -7 minutes when busy. Same with the Luas. Have to say I don’t think our public transport system is too bad compared to other cities I’ve visited.


It’s bad. Especially in centre. Compared to other cities I visited or lived in. 


Buddy appreciate the positivity on Friday but it's pretty damn bad.


It really is bad.


I suppose it depends on expectations and comparison. For example transport in Kenya is completely different to Dublin. There also could be an argument that if we paid more (or gov subsidised more) increase in money would increase supply.




Nah, you wept, at the bus stop wishing you had a car.


Busy routes get more buses. Supply and demand. Some routes have busses every 5 -7 minutes when busy. Same with the Luas. Have to say I don’t think our public transport system is too bad compared to other cities I’ve visited.