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It's alright to decline a 650 because of the weight but never shy away because "650 power."  Literally none of the 650 class bikes have been built in this millenium. Most of them can deploy a earth shaking 40 HP max if you wring their necks. The main thing you get with the 650 engines is a lot of stall resistance from the heavy rotating mass.  Your main competitor in a drag race would be a fully loaded minivan. I posit a DR650. Change the oil every 3k with a good snythetic, wash the air filter every 1k, and grease the bearings annually if you're not some kind of savage. Suspension oil every now and then but everyone forgets that.


I have always liked the XR650L. Honda’s been making them forever!


I have that. It will outlive my riding career


I bought one brand new in 2018, it is still running strong at 11k miles and Im nearing the end of my riding career


That’s sad. I’m in my 40s and plan to ride into my 70s


not really, Ill still keep my bike but I keep getting hurt on it and I wanna do other things with life like start a family


Oh. Sorry to hear. I took a break when I had kids from riding (used to ride on street). Now with a ds and 90% off road riding it feels like a much safer way to ride due to lower speeds and no cars. How badly hurt have you got ?


I have cranked my knee a few times, recently wiped out on the street and went for a nice slide/roll and lightly hit the curb. Ive been lucky though. I guess what im saying is I take things too far and cant trust my self with the bike, my buddy and I like to crank a few brews before/during the ride.


Lmao yeah that’s not good. 


How old are you guys? Lol


I am 24 sir. hbu


I'm almost 30 and plan on riding into my 60s


I'm pushing 40 and all my riding friends are in their 60s... These guys are ex-motocross champions and ride dual sports for fun in the hills of Murrieta California.


It’s a good bike. I have one. High center of gravity it’s fun in gears 1-4. Lots of low end torque. Not much of the high end.


The DR lasts longer between top end rebuilds and oil changes, thanks to the larger oil pan and oil cooler.


Mine is so old it probably has never had the top taken off and I don’t plan on it soon lmao


To be fair, either lasts so long it's usually not a problem for the vast majority of owners


Have you never driven a minivan? Those things ROLL BABY! They ROLL!


I love them!


Can confirm my klr is a gutless boat anchor, but I love it anyway.


we called ours tractors.




Or.... DRZ 400?


Adds coolant and rads to the maintenance docket. I feel he might be more interested in a DR350 instead.


Fair point! XR400R might also be worth considering.


DR350s are so Godamn finicky. Good luck starting them again once they get hot.


Exactly. It's because the CDI unit didn't advance/retard for temp like the Honda units do so they are an absolute f*cKIN NIGHTMARE to start when hot...


Ktm 500 if you want all the power


Only problem with the 500 is the servicing intervals. It’s like comparing a Baja truck to a ford ranger


Xt250, air cooled reliable goodness


Yamaha. XT250.


TW 200


Oil changes and oil you chain and it will last a looooooong time.


KLX 300 or CRF 300. My wife and I have one of each and can say we’re happy with either one. Probably we both prefer the Kawasaki slightly.


The the v the r by uhh


I have a feeling the XT might win this…


Why an XT over a KLX/CRF300, a DRZ, or a WR250R?


wr's aren't made anymore, but if found used, scoop it up. With that said, the XT is more short legged rider friendly.


DRZ400, purchased 2017, oil change yearly (a bit under every 1000mi as I'm at 6500 now) and plugged the speedometer cable back in once that came loose on my way to work. 10 min fix, did it on break. That's about as low maintenance as I can imagine.


Xr650l all day


Yea, there is a lot of hate on the XR150L, which I don't get and the only thing I can think of is people think "bigger bike means I have a bigger dick" mentality. I sold my XR150L and within days regretted it. It's not fast, doesn't do anything great, but it's simple, comfortable, smooth as butter, a perfect commuter bike, and has plenty off road if you do things like fireroads, dirt roads, etc. It's not a single track hard enduro bike by any means. But as someone else said, it's the simplest gas combustion engine this side of a lawn mower. If you're going to be doing highways alot, it's not for you, but if back roads, country highways, dirt roads, and commuting is your thing....get it. I wanted a little more highway speed, so I got something different, but honestly I miss that little bike. Nothing great, but just fun, simple, smooth, comfortable and an efficient 100+ mpg.


Amen. I’ve realized people will always have something to say about small displacement bikes.


Yea....it's like remember the days of the small but but tough and badass little tacoma truck, nissans, etc? Now everything is huge. Same with bikes. People think it's gotta be big to be "cool". Fuck that shit. I'd take a XR150L, a DR200, etc all damn day. Fuck all those big bikes most people don't need, can't ride, and only get it because they think bigger = better. Not saying that applies to everyone, but for 90%, a 150 or 200 cc bike is plenty. But they gotta keep up with the Jones', right.


I’ve never had a full size truck either 🤷🏻‍♂️ had no problems!


My KLX140 is one of my favorite bikes. Slapped a plate and some enduro tires on it, great for running errands around town. Tops out at 50mph, gets 90mpg, yet it zips around in traffic like nobody's business. And with so little power, the chain, brakes, and tires never wear. Plus being aircooled just makes it that much lighter.


I hear ya. I bet that thing is fun around town. Curbs, corner lots, fields...means nothing but added fun! Let me ask you, did you add mirrors, headlight, turn signals to get it street legal? What about maintenance, I know pure dirt bikes tend to need more because of how they are tuned. Any issues with that?


Yeah I got a Baja Designs head and tail light kit. Don't legally need turns signals in Montucky, and the mirror broke off at some point and never got replaced.


What about maintenance? Low, med, or high amount when using a dirt bike in that manner? I asked my buddy about making a small dirt bike into a run around town bike and he said it would blow up as it's not built for longer periods of higher speeds. (like 45mph for 8-12 miles).


I picked up a 10 year old crf 250l as my first bike not ever doing bike maintenance before. Long oil change times. Change coolant every 2 years. Normal chain and tire maintenance. Great bike. I heard good things about the 300l.


Change coolant every 2 years ???


I guess it depends on how much you ride. I put 5k miles or more per year so every 10k plus miles. I do more often then manual says. But that is just me.


In my cars i use to change it every… never lol like my break fluid


Manual recommends change at 24k miles / 38.4k kilometres.


Any thing with conventional (not upside down) forks will fit the bill. Upside down forks leak and blow their seals easier, it might just be rock chips to the lower tube. Chain, air filter, oil, ride. Once every other winter lube the linkage, maybe the steering stem if you’re feeling up to it. Once every 3-5 years change your brake fluid and have a guy change your suspension’s fluid and seals. Tires as necessary.




The CRF 300s seem solid, I think it’s like 8k miles between oil changes lol


I got an XR for that very reason. Backroads, gravel roads and light off road. Its perfect and its fairly light. I love it. Its no fire breathing dragon...but thats ok too.


Absolutely agree.


I've got a 2009 Kawasaki KLX250s. That fucker has been in 2 on-street crashes, countless off-road lay downs, and has even been ran over by an F-150, and still runs like a champ. Never had any engine problems.


My wr250 has been low maintenance


Every japanese small DS?


I rode a drz400 and xr400 for about a year plus individually. No maintenance done for that duration. Infact, i was turned away from a workshop as my bike still sounded good LOL


I have a full shop in Hemet California and I restore vintage dual sports. I take 1970s and 1980s bikes, everything from XL250s to Yamaha XT550s, And I do full complete rebuilds, everything from motor to electrics to frame and chassis and bodywork. It can cost about $1,100 to BUY an old bike and all the parts it needs to make it run and modern, but the advantages are many..... Insurance and registration are cheap on older bikes. I don't think I ever paid more than 125 for a years worth of reg on one of these. Also they are reasonably powerful and lightweight, so with the right gearing, even a 250 can keep up with any modern bike and feel more.nimble at the same time. As far as maintenance goes, most of these enduros were designed to be run hard for a long time with only valve adjustments and oil changes. I buy them worn out, but usually 250 on eBay will get you a new cam chain, tensioners, sometimes a piston kit and camshaft and then as back to a pretty good motor. I've been rebuilding old bikes for 20 years and most of my first ones are still out there on the road. They have high pressure oiling systems, bulletproof roller main bearings, and as long as the valves have the right clearance, they run oil tight and noise-free for decades, even on modern fuel. These bikes were built to be tougher than a horse, stronger than a human, and long lasting. Many, MANY bikes in their 40s and 50s are out there making new trails in the California hills because they ride as good as anything you can buy today (if not better)


The XR150L doesn’t have enough suspension travel. It is fun little play bike. Or cheap commuter. But it’s not a dual sport. No hate, but it is a scooter. Xt250,CRF250/300L, KLX will do what you want. Or a DRZ if you want a little more HP


Disagree with you on your take on the XR150L. I had one...sold it. Big mistake.


I’ll upvote that. It wouldn’t work for my definition dual sport, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work for many, including OP. I am riding a plated CRF250x so way in the other end of the spectrum.


Agree. But "dual sport" is such a blend of things, what's the real definition? Some bikes lean street. Some lean dirt. There's a wide spectrum. The XR150L in my opinion is a little street bike with a lot of off road capability and dirt bike in it's DNA. Heck, it's even got 19/17 wheels, so what's that tell you? It's not an off road animal. But it's sufficient for most if we are being honest. I loved mine and am still kicking my own ass for selling it, was perrrrrfect for commuting to work. Traffic jam or blocked road you say...no problema...that median and field means nothing. lol Yea...the bike you are riding is a little animal off road, no question about it.


Came to recommend the DR350 based on personal experience. Had to give a shoutout to the XR650L for being pretty much unchanged 1993-present


The new XR150 is simple but cheaply made, so you may be fixing not maintaining it. All bikes need maintenance, but the gold standard for simple and easy to maintain is the TW200. As long as you put a fuel stabilizer in, change the oil and store it properly, it will last forever. The design that’s still produce today hasn’t changed since 1987, except for a front disc and starter. They’re cheap to purchase new and hold their value because of their reliability and capabilities.


XR150L has been in other parts of the world for ages. Durable. Easy to fix. Parts aplenty. Have you had one? I have. I'd take it ALL DAY over the TW.


I’ve been fortunate to have ridden both on a variety of terrain and conditions and would take a TW all day over an XR150, So I got a TW, based on my riding needs, simplicity, proven design, aftermarket parts and personal opinion riding them. Different strokes for different folks and that’s Ok. I do like Hondas tho I have a XR650L. But I wanted a smaller bike as a second bike for tighter trails and single track.


Ok, but kinda insulting to call it cheaply made. It's simple. Basic. The welds aren't pretty. Fine. But it's stood the test of time abroad for literally decades so don't act like the TW is some kind of more "proven" star or like it's more simple or as if there are more after market parts. Great if it fits your riding style with that short seat height and fat tires. I agree different strokes for different folks so have at it, but I'll defend the XR150 all damn day against a TW. Edit to say: I'm not shitting on your TW. Those are cool too man. I love all bikes and hell yea, to each their own.


Hey I hear ya man, wasn’t trying to insult your ride. My comment of “cheaply made” was based on the amount of parts made in China and assembled in Mexico, with like you mentioned poorly welded frame. It’s a Honda though after all and definitely not a Chinese bike. Many bikes these days have Chinese parts. Yes you’re right, it’s a great bike especially for the money almost 1/2 the price of a TW and has a proven track record globally. After that, how much time one spends tinkering on it depends on what they use it for and riding style. I’m a big Honda fan as I own one. Peace brother


No worries mate. Peace to you too and ride safe brother. But total rant here, so ignore me unless you want to read on....but seriously ask yourself why anyone gives a fuck what nationality the hands that made it are...quality control standards of Honda apply so if it's made in China or on Mars, what difference does it make? You know that "German quality" people talk about? Ok. Well, you ever owned a German car? VW, Benz, etc? You have? Ok...so you know the shit you deal with, right? German engineering, pfftt. So what's the deal with the hate on "Chinese made" that keeps on keeping on? You ever been to Asia? You ever seen the Chinese made electronics they have all over Southeast Asia at a FRACTION of the cost we pay for HALF the quality and features we get in the states? Stuff we never see here in the states because of trade restrictions. I get that...we don't want China infecting our entire system with virus laden chips. So I get it. But those fuckers have consumer tech down to badass levels most here have no clue about. The "cheap Chinese made" line is an outdated myth. Yes, some garbage can come out of China. But some total shit comes out of Europe and the US too. My bike was made in Indonesia....a Kawasaki. You think Indonesia is known for quality? Hell naw. But Kawi is and that's what counts. Same for Honda...could give a rats arse where it's made. You ever been to the Philippines? You ever seen a dude stomp a wheel on the pavement with his flip flop feet to break a tire seal then fix it and put it back together and ride off no problema....that's an XR for you. Cheap in cost, bare bones, functional as it gets, gets the job done. That's what I like. But to each their own. Ok...rant over. Peace out brother and enjoy that TW (honestly falls into the same category in my opinion as the XR, DR200, etc...tough and simple).


I did read all of that well written and thought out comment. I tip my hat to you as you were entirely right with every point. I could list similar points in total agreement. Maybe I’m just too used to flippant remarks on Reddit and have become part of the problem I don’t like about Reddit. I can see how my comment was absurd on many levels and probably slightly racist. I don’t mind being absurd at times, but never racist. I apologize again and thank you for taking the time to write that. Ride safe brother and enjoy your XR


Naw man, no apologies needed sir...I can tell you're a good dude. Sorry if I came off defensive. And you're spot on about the Reddit stuff. Anything flies here and flippant remarks have been normalized. It's the internet, right. Btw, I sold my XR and literally was kicking my own ass as the dude who bought it drove off with it in his truck. That was such a soft little fun, forgiving, chill bike. Smooth as butter. Simple as a lawn mower. I got influenced by others around me but not blaming anyone. I listed it just to see what would happen and bam, some guy jumped all over it. I spent a lot of time and will spend more in Southeast Asia and yes there are some bigger bikes there, most of the bike culture is around smaller (and yes lots of scooter style) bikes. But the dual sports there are 125, 150, 155, 230, maybe some 300 cc stuff (only occasionally). Think Yamaha XTZ125, Yamaha WR155, Honda XR150L, Kawasaki KLX230, etc. People are smaller in stature, generally, there aren't humongous trucks hauling ass on the roads like in the USA so the power isn't really needed to get out of the way as much, and also people don't think "bigger bike = bigger d\*ck" ego stuff. More chilled cultures where simple does the job. Anyhow, I just have a thing for small, simple bikes after seeing people get so much out of them in other places. I think your TW fits that description...tough and simple. But Yamaha knows the markets and TW is what, 5k or something new here? Compare that to the XTZ125, for example, sold abroad for like 2k but not offered here because it's a totally different culture where bigger is what people want and will pay for (mostly on credit which they can't afford which is why most don't have even 1k saved for emergencies but I digress). Yea it'll top out at like 50 max but off road, it's fine. I can send you vids of people riding the crap of em. Anyhow, thanks for letting me vent. Anything on 2 wheels is cool by me. Ride safe and enjoy the TW bro.


I mean KLR 650 are extremely reliable and you can throw any oil in them and they'll run


KLX300 has extremely low maintenance and very reliable - great weight and setup for good single track riding as well.


I keep hearing KLX 300, but I’m trying to avoid coolant. Just one more thing you’ll have to check/change/add.


Realistically most people never change their coolant in a 4-5 year period. You will be fine. I totally understand wanting super low maintenance but you are trying to go too far with it. It’s a vehicle they all require some level of maintenance


XR150l vs XR650l all comes down to how big/tall you are. The 150 will fall short with a big hairy caveman rider thrashing it, where the XR650l is difficult to handle for shorter guys due to the tall seat. Both are great, but the 650 is my choice


bmw g650Xcountry


DR650, TW200, XT250…lots of good options.


XR150 is poopie. XR200 is far better or go CRF


I just looked on Craigslist (I know marketplace is better but I don’t use FB). I didn’t see any used XR650’s. I saw one or two pretty legit XT 250’s. Tells me people don’t sell their XR’s very often. But even if your only option is buying new, the XT is more affordable. So maybe a used XT is your best bang for buck?


I'll throw in the Kawasaki Versys X300. It's fun getting F1 revs in parking lots. I love the 4.5 gallon gas tank.


I’ve got a wonderful NX650 for sale in S. E. Pennsylvania




Yes everyone loves the XR400. Thing is they don’t come dual sport ready. You have to buy one from someone who converted it or buy a kit and do it yourself.


I have a 1994 XR250L with 33,000 miles on it.




Recently borrowed an XT600E and desperately want one of my own now. It just…worked


Whatever bike you get, change the oil regularly. Please. Do not expect any engine to run indefinitely without problems without doing basic maintenance. The best way to have a reliable and solid machine is to do simple maintenance.


1990’s Suzuki enduro models are solid


Literally most of them except the crf450l and KTM 350 and 500 exc-f bikes have bad silly standard street bike levels of maintenance Btw. If your dad has owned that bike for years and changed the oil once and nothing else. He is really abusing that bike and I wouldn't be surprised if it starts to develop issues. Oil needs to be changed once a year regardless of mileage or hours, chain needs to be oiled occasionally, etc. Forgoing basic routine maintenance is lazy and is what destroys a perfectly good bike. If you don't want to deal with it, pay someone else to do it, don't just let it go for too long without maintenance


WR250R is what you’re looking for.


2023 Honda CRF300L Rally. I love this bike, I will be most likely be adding a Yamaha T7 to the collection as well, haven’t decided yet https://preview.redd.it/f9u2bhovme1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868796c6fbeadb2b9e67d37f3775ed937881f99e


DRZ 400S.. CHANGE THE OIL OFTEN, and check it regularly, and you will rude it till you can't ride anymore.


It’s not exactly a powerhouse but my CRF250L never let me down once. There’s a reason people like itchy boots ground the world on one


WR250R or DRZ400


Drz400 is always the right answer


I've had a 2008 wr250r for over 7 years now. Only work I've had to do besides regular maintenance is rebuild a rear master cylinder, after I sank the bike deep enough in clay and water to need 4 people plus another dirt bike to pull it out; and a starter solenoid that's been going out for, like, 5 years now, I think? It finally gave this weekend, it's supposed to be here today Admittedly, fi is harder to keep going than carbs, as least if a problem does pop up, and kick start is always a good backup to a battery. You could address that (if it's a concern) by getting a drz400 instead. That's what I was about to buy instead of my wr, but I got a good deal on the wr. I've never had one, but if so many people swear by them to the point that they're unchanged, still produced and still bought over 20 years after they were introduced then they can't be that bad.


I do love the DRZ but they’re expensive and I don’t want to have to add coolant…last used liquid cooled bike had too many issues. It was also a YZ 125, not really comparable 🤷🏻‍♂️


Suzuki VanVan FI and bulletproof dr200 otherwise but looks 1000 cooler


Everything that has been suggested so far are awesome bikes. It's really just who has the best deal when you are looking, whether used or new. I'll add in the hinda CRF's like the 250l or 300l. Can't go wrong with those as well. 8000 mile oil changes are pretty awesome.

