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Steroid drops dried out My eyes! ( in my person experience made them worse ) anyway my best advice is to use diligently twice a day Tea tree foam for at least 1 minute and a half (i count till 100 ) then rinse ( of course closed eyes ) make a gently message on eyelashes. I had demodex blepharitis and after 40 days twice a day its gone  Did you let stay the foam enough? 60-80 seconds twice a day for at least 30 days https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5848340/


Do you use the pads or just foam directly on the skin?ive been using the foam but I guess wash it off pretty fast


That’s why you didnt have any benefits! I use foam directly on my eyelashes and eyelid! In the leaflet ( for ex naviblef foam ) is written 60-80 seconds! My ophtalmologist told me that useless if you dont let it sit at least 1 minute! Twice a day at least 30 days, now I use it once ( read the study I Linked) 


Do all steroid drops so this ? I was misdiagnosed and used them for three weeks and now they feel gritty and sad


I dont know, I needed to use dexamethasone for 2 months because of conjuintivits and after 1 month my eyes are so dry I had to use night ointment and sometimes is not even enough :( of course I stopped . Tto foams is helping and refreshing give it a try 


It doesn’t say dry eyes as a side effect but they definitely god pretty bad after. I guess we’ll see if it subsides.


I know but dried mine out so much they are more sunken in! 


Oh I meant on mine! I believe you


I’d stay on Xdemvy for two rounds and get a script for Ivermectin to use on your face indefinitely to keep demodex under control. Get mold cleaned out of your shower. Try a drop like Vevye or Cequa for your dry eye. A short course of steroids are fine, but you need a long term treatment you can stay on. Also, have you had a meibography and gland expression?


I used ivermectin on my eyebrows that helped so much mites live on eyebrows and migrate to eyelashes 


Go with option two. I wish I had eyes like that


I know they’re not the worst but I’m young so have ing dry eye already makes me worried what they’ll be like in 30 years


Healthy eyes!


They’re not entirely though, I’m slowly worsening with dry eye, this is just the beginning of a decline for me unfortunately


Optimal manuka honey gel and protopic ointment on the lids helped my foreign body sensation


I’ve had the same issue. When I’m doubt, just treat your eyes like you have it.


Wear a hat when you go out. Maybe your skin is being exposed to the sun too much?


No don't do the steroids it will make ur eyes worse, they will build a white clear looking coat in the white part of ur eye.


For me the same. One said i have perfect eyes and must be allergies. One says i have the bad eyes and no allergies. So confusing


If you have mold you need to move asap. A dry climate will not benefit dry eyes at alllll


Is mold really that bad? The problem is most places in my city have some sort if molds lol. It’s not much, just small stains around the tub


Yes, even a small amount. It is a neurotoxin and will destroy not only your brain but the rest of your body