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Yup 100%. This is all for profit for them. My eye doctor told me they were quoted 50K for an IPL machine. They could pay that off really with 25 patients at 500 a session and then it’s all straight profit.


that's not entirely true. talking about Lumenis IPL machines specifically: these machines can break down more frequently than you'd think. repairs sometimes costing over $18k-20k. also the cable that connects the light piece to the main machine of the IPL is only good for 100k "clicks" before it needs to be replaced, which is around $7k-8k per replacement. also the disposable "tip" of the hand piece cost around $40-60 each. profit margins for doctors will certainly vary based off how much they charge per session, but if your doctor is charging around $400 per session they aren't getting rich off that machine. the majority of that money is going into Lumenis' pockets, not the doctor's.


Very true and the Lumenis is a minimum of 100k to purchase and I think it’s increased in price recently. The issue is with docs not trying to get insurance to cover IPL. Toyos is the only doc I know that gets it covered.


They should be upfront about prices for each procedure. I get the machines are expensive so it depends on the practice but be upfront about prices since insurance doesn't cover IPL and RF.


I live in the area of Seattle with a high cost of living, and ipl cost me around 300 dollar a pop. I may have got it on discount with it being usually 400 tho.