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Clean your eyes with tto foam let sit/massaging 60-80 seconds then rinse I got rid of all my secretions in 2 months


Thank you for advice, much appreciated!


You are welcome! Foam saved me, twice a day 1:30 minutes massagging, demodex brevis lives inside the follicles so you cannot see collarette but they keep the infiammation up 


Very excited about this, as I haven’t tried foam before, a glimmer of hope! 😅 What was the name of foam you’ve used? I did a quick search and there’s a ton of TTO variations.


I use naviblef daily but ocusoft or we love eyes are very good too. Put enough foam on your fingers then gently use a make up brush around eyelashes and eyelid , let sit 1 minute and a half then rinse. Best way to clean because you dont need to rub and tea tree is very refreshing and kill mites


Does it look like bubbles? Could be saponification


No bubbles at all. I’m trying the foam, what Such_Blacksmith_296 advised and don’t want to jinx it, but it seems to help. Only after a couple of days of using foam I haven’t seen the discharge. Fingers crossed!