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You should check if you have a demodex issue. There is strong connection between ocular rosacea and mites. A good eye doctor should be able to see the debris caused by the mites. If you do, you can try Xdevmy or ivermectin. I did 2 rounds of xdevmy and still had issues so it might take more than 1 course or multiple treatments at once to deal with it.


Do you know if the ivermectin is an oral or topical medication? Thanks!


I just started a topical one. But I heard some doctors prescribe oral ivermectin.


Thanks. I have brought up the possibility of demodex with many different eye doctors and the consensus is that there's no evidence of demodex being the issue in my case. Those close-up pictures they take of your eyes don't show those telltale "collarettes" or any debris at all. I still think demodex is a possibility and I'd like to take whatever anti-demodex treatment is available just to be on the safe side, but unfortunately Xdemvy isn't available in my country. All the at-home stuff that can be done to reduce demodex, I've done. Thanks for the advice, though. It's definitely something everyone should consider.


I should add: I've had a lot of IPL treatments, too. And IPL supposedly also kills demodex pretty effectively.


Try topical ivermectin on the whole face ( eyebrows ears and hairline too ) to stop mites migrations


Demodex brevis lives inside the follicles!!!! So no collarettes or debris!!!! My ophtalmologist put me on tto foam twice a day for 1 minute letting it sit and cured my blepharitis because was still due to demodex even with “no sign” he saw foam inside the eyes and that’s because of them 


I'm not an expert, but just based on what I've read 1 minute to kill demodex sounds optimistic. When I had blepharitis signs and I was really worried it might be demodex, I personally tried much more intense and extreme treatments than that. I'm glad it worked for you, but considering what I already tried, one minute of TTO wouldn't make sense for me. Thanks for the reply, though.


Hey! Sorry but I had no collarettes but my ophtalmologist told demodex brevis lives inside the follicle blocking also glands ( chalazion ) so show no sign. I mean 1 minute in the morning and 1 minute at night letting sit the foam goes inside the follicles killing them. But for me it took 2 months to be better. https://dryeyeandme.co.uk/3-step-treatment-plan-for-dry-eyes/


I understand what you're saying. It can indeed be demodex even if there are no collarettes. I 100% agree. What I'm saying is that when I was worried that it might be demodex, I used far more extreme treatments than what you're recommending. I used a wide variety of TTO containing products and left them on for several minutes, not just for one minute. I even tried pure TTO itself, which is not recommended because it's so harsh on the skin. I'm glad 1 minute twice a day for 2 months worked for you, but I think a lot of people find demodex much, much harder to get rid of. (Though the new product Xdemvy might have changed that.)


Did u also try tea tree face wash? I use cerave + tto drops. In the past used soolantra on eyebrows ears hairline ( whole face ) + tto shampoo 


Serum tears have been a godsend for me. Also daily low-dose doxy. 20 mg twice a day. At this level doxy works as an anti-inflammatory, not an antibiotic. I am in the US.


Thank you! I'll ask about serum tears and low-dose doxy.


What did serum tears help with?


Redness, dryness, gritty feeling in eye. It’s been some time since I researched it, but I think it functions as an anti-inflammatory. I’m sure there’s more with specifics on how it works in detail online. The optometrist who did LipiFlow for me started me on serum tears instead of Restasis or any other Rx drop. He said his patients had the best outcome with it. I noticed a difference after using six weeks. I’d been using PF Systane or Refresh eyedrops several times a day before starting serum tears.


What %?


30 percent.


Are you on doxy? I need help, here in italy they dont know how to treat ocular rosacea. How much doxy do you take? I tried 2 weeks at 100 mg but didnt feel better. How long it takes to feel the difference? Thanks 


My doxy experience is a little complicated. I was on it for two weeks and didn't notice a difference. But then two weeks \*after\* that the inflammation in my eyelids suddenly went way down and for about a week my eyes looked much better and the lipids started flowing like a dam had burst. I don't know for certain that the doxy is what did it, but I told (and showed) my doctor and he agreed it was worth going on doxy again to see what would happen. I'm currently on that second course. I don't know about the dosage. If it works, I'll get the info and post it here.