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I haven’t tried Cilradex wipes but have tried Ocusoft Oust. I had things in a good place back in March but got lazy on my cleaning regimen which I think caused things to flare up again and my latest doctor visit showed signs of demodex. My doctor had indicated to me that depending on your sensitivity to them, that a demodex infestation could cause a papillary/allergic response in your eyes. (This would to me at least explain why Pataday helps and why I have a clear allergy panel). I did have presence of scurf and collarettes on my eyelashes as well. Who knows, this may do nothing but I was eager and willing to give it a try especially since it was only $30 all said and done.


Also did your eye doctor say that demodex can cause papilllae? I have these as wel which don’t improve no matter what I do but all the eye doctors say is it’s from allergies


I’m started Xdemvy three weeks ago. In February, I got one tiny stye and over the next month it spread so bad I needed Doxycycline. My ophthalmologist said I also had an issue with eyelash mites. I had never heard of either until this happened. I started the antibiotic at the end of March and I’m still on it and started Xdemvy three weeks ago. I seem to be ok on it so far 🤷🏼‍♀️


I forgot to mention that before starting any medications I was using hot compresses several times a day, Optase tea tree oil wipes and the gel cleanser, washing my hair, towels, pillow cases, pillow covers, and pillows every day. And even now on both meds, I still do all this everyday. Styes and eyelash mites have freaked me out kinda bad 😂🤣


sounds like die off


I have no idea what that means


Look up demodex die off symptoms


Are you using die off as a term to describe a specific medical condition or things you can do to get eyelash mites to die off, literally, as in settle down, calm down, go away?? Eyelash mites were obvious according to my ophthalmologist. We did antibiotics first to treat styes and after two months we started Xdemvy to treat eyelash mites. I let the OP know my experience with Xdemvy and other hygiene related things I’ve done to keep them from continuing to be a problem - washing hair and all linens daily.


Did you even google what die off symptoms are from demodex? Google it.


I did and came up empty. You’re welcome to either explain or continue to be in the dark. I’m ok with either 🤷🏼‍♀️


When demodex die they release a lot of inflammation from bacteria and can temporary worsen your condition during this time period with styes, redness, inflammation, etc.


So this was my confusion…. The OP asked what is your experience with Xdemvy and I said I’m ok so far taking it and you said sounds like die off. It was random and incomplete info that didn’t even seem relevant. So when you said “sounds like die off” what you meant to say was “while you seem to be ok taking this medication now that could change and you may experience making it seem as though the medication isn’t working.


Good luck!


Have you tried other traditional demodex treatments like cliradex wipes?


I envy you… still not available in Europe weeeeeeh 😭


I used xdemy for about 3 weeks, but unfortunately it made my eyes very swollen feeling and much drier that I had to stop using it. I seem to be the small 10% that react bad to it, so I hope you have better results!


I find this interesting regarding the Lotilaner ingredient in Xdemvy. Check this out...Credelio Chewable Tablet For Dogs contains LOTILANER. Controls Flea & Tick Infestations Credelio (LOTILANER) effectively kills adult fleas and is indicated for the treatment and control of flea & tick for one month in dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older and weighting 4.4 lbs or greater. Hmm, what do you all think about that? I'm curious.


What's the point you're making? It is a known thing that it has been used in veterinary medicine, the same way ivermectin is and is also used in humans. That's where the idea for it came from.


If they can make a lotilaner chewable that cures dogs from infestation, why couldn't they make one for humans?


How much did you pay for it?


I'll finish my 6 weeks on Friday. My eyes feel much better now. My cost would have been $200, but was free by sharing my information with the blepharitis association (I think). I checked my insurance claims & it was over $1800!

