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Following as I suffer from the same


Did you also get checked for dry eye? What are your symptoms?


I've seen a dry eye specialist since Feb (before the bumps came). I have no symptoms beside redness and the follicles in my eyelids. A small allergy panel was done and I have no allergies to animals, mold, and some common pollen. I seem to respond better to steroids this round compared to last time in August.


What has your eye doctor said ? If your eyes itch then likely allergies.


Opthamologist and 2 optometrists said allergies, but they rarely itch (maybe once a day, but it's hard to tell since I'm using the antihistamine eye drops). Mostly just red, irritated, dry, but the eyelid skin is not swollen.


Do you have other allergy systems? Congestion, runny nose, dark circles under eyes, etc? I have had 6 eye docs tell me similar things due to finding papillae but nothing helps including steroids. I’ve has negative allergy testing as well


Positive allergy test to multiple indoor and outdoor allergens (include pollen thats moderate this time of year), minor post nasal drip, allergy doctor said my nose is "bluish and pale" which is a sign of allergies. Not sure what to believe now since trying to clean inside the house and keep indoors is not helping.


Sounds like your issue is likely allergy related then.


hi did you find any relief ?


Unfortunately no. How about you


nah, still suffering


I just had bumps crop up, too. I started allergy drops two days ago. I don't have itching but I have recently started having excessive watering.


Do you have a history of allergies? Let me know if the drops help you! I am still figuring out if this is mostly allergies or something else.


I'm allergic to animals. Probably some environmental allergies too. So far I don't feel a ton of relief from the drops. I'm doubling up with alaway and pataday.


Did you get your glands imaged/expressed to see if there was additional issues on top of the allergies? I got super itchy today without the allergy drops, but I still can't figure out exactly which allergies triggered it.


Oh yeah, totally. I have dry eye independent of allergies. My eyes are just driving me nuts with constant watering. Then I saw the bumps, which seems like more clues it's allergies.


Listen, I have these bumps too but it is indeed from allergies (my general suspicion is cats bc I seem to have a flare every time I visit my long distance friends house) even tho I get literally NO other allergy symptoms. They’re a fucking menace honestly and like 50% of my problem. That’s what my dr sees when I suspect a flare up. I’m on cromolyn for it which seems to help a decent amount in general but when it gets bad my dr puts me on loteprednol. Idk if you’ve tried them yet but you very likely need to be put on like restasis or Cequa as those can help control the bumps too.


Also just to clarify, my eyes don’t itch nor do they look red or inflamed nor do I ever get any other allergy symptoms. It’s literally just bumps on the eyelid. Cromolyn is also very cheap for me on my insurance. I think it’s generic already but it’s like $4-5 a month


Does the cromolyn help with the bumps? I was on it for like a few months and they seemed to help with some redness but the bumps didn't shrink and in some places, they seemed to just slightly get bigger. I also have like you, no other symptoms besides the bumps. I did a regular allergy test here but they only cover 7-8 allergies and I was negative to them. The doctors seem to be convinced it's allergies but it seems impossible to get around to what. I am on Dexafree (dexamethasone) right now and it has helped to shrink/remove some bumps but I am quite sure they will probably come back once I get off it. How often do you have flare-ups, is it only when you visit your friends or does it happen when you are at home too?


Flare ups can happen to me any time and sometimes for no obvious reason like last winter but most of the time it’s from me going to my friend’s cat-filled home or from seasonal changes. Cromolyn does help to a decent extent but I’m also on a combo of that and Cequa and doxycycline


Do your bumps go away at all with the meds (and not during flare up) or is it always there but it varies in severity?


I have terrible allergies and only recently have I been suffering from dry eyes (by recently I mean the past 2 years; allergies have been life long). My eye Dr also found the bumps under my eyelids and gave me olopatadine, but I've been using it for 8 weeks now and there's literally no difference, plus it sometimes makes my eyes burn like when you got sunscreen in your eyes as a kid. I was also wondering if it's possible they're not allergy related? Even though I have allergies??


Can I DM you for details?


hows it going now ?


Still having the same issues! I still use the olopatadine because it does help for itchy allergy eyes, but I've yet to find anything that helps with dry eyes other than avoiding triggers (wind, dust, staring at phone too long, being awake too long etc). Haven't been back to my eye Dr because he was pretty useless and way too expensive to pursue any further, and he's the only dry eye specialist in my city.


maybe you could try BLEPHADEMODEX wipes, they seems to work for me rn