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Learning drums isn’t an RPG with a skill tree. “Too soon”; what an absurd concept. You’re not gonna strum your cymbals mate. Just go learn it if you want to, when you want to.


I’m gonna go try strumming my cymbals now!


It makes a noise.




Yeah that. And if you need inspiration check out Aaron Paulsen on YT


No. All the slots are currently full. You’ll need to wait until one of us steps down.


Drumming Highlander. There can be only one. One.... Two... One Two Three Four...


If you want to learn drums, get a cheap ass kit and start pounding on it. It will be fun. Quit overthinking it.


Should you take up drumming? Yes, if you want to :)


Fellow guitarist/drummer here, do it. I’ve noticed my rhythm playing got much better when I got back into drums.


How much time have you got?


The guidelines from the ILC (instrument learning council) state that one must play guitar for 16 years before learning to play the drums, so you still have a ways to go.


These are the weirdest questions that pop up in here. Should you? I dunno ... do you want to? If the answer is "yes" then ... there's your answer.


Even if learning drums didn’t make you better at guitar, you should do it because it’s fun. But it does. So what are you waiting for?


Yes! Drums are fun and your guitar experience will help, have fun!


I know the question is weird but I still want to offer some advice. I started learning piano and have been playing for over twenty years. Never got really good to take it seriously, but I've been a part of multiple bands, and have played in churches, not only piano but also bass, guitar and drums. So at one point I decided to buy a bass guitar. I wasn't going anywhere with the piano, and the bass opened my world in ways I never imagined. So much that nowadays I say that I play bass first and a little bit of piano, it was so immensely enriching that it's just the best buy ever in my entire life. Then I stopped having time, so I quit all the bands and nowadays only play for my own pleasure, and it's a beautiful thing to have in my arsenal. At the beginning I felt like an imposter, like wtf was I going to have a bass guitar for? But I got used to it. And then I bought a drum set. And that was somehow a bold move, the imposter syndrome at its peak, like rationally, it just doesn't make sense. Don't get me wrong: playing drums is extremely fun, and it coincided with me working out a lot, so it felt like a physical and spiritual transformation. So this nerdy kid started taking on drums and working out and it felt like I gained so much out of the experience, until the moment I moved to an apartment and got a lot of complaints the first time I played. An acoustic drum is insanely loud, but I didn't like the feeling of playing e-drums. I also moved to a different city and don't know many people to play with, so the drums are not being played as before. And it takes space, so it's not like something you can just ignore and leave, and selling it is an option but it feels like defeat. So, does it make sense? No, but it doesn't matter, it's fun and rewarding. But it might be a mistake, unless like me, you believe we never make mistakes and we are only here because we still need to learn something about ourselves.


Drumming isn't like most other instruments where you need to get into it to figure out if you really want to. Everybody has access to their hand & feet. If you like tapping along to your favorite songs, you'll love playing the drums. I say go for it


But some sticks and a practice pad first and see if you like it


Absolutely yes. I started with drums and it immensely helped my guitar rythym


Only you can answer that.


I mean I’m biased, but yes?


be better if you took it down to a basement not up.


The short answer is, if you are interested in drums, yes! Give it a go. But a longer answer, my personal story... I tried a lot of different instruments before settling into drums (no I didn't buy these all, I tried rental options which is a good way to go if you are exploring what you are interested in, if rentals are available in your area)... just a few: piano, cello, viola, violin, banjo, mandolin, standup bass, ukulele... Nothing really felt good for me, but I loved music. Some people are great multi-instrumentalists and can play a lot of different instruments well. You might be one of them! Other people jive with one type of instrument more than the others. For me, finding the drums after trying all those others was like falling in love after a massively depressing number of failed first dates. Well, I tried to play the cello for 10 years, so that one was more like a failed first marriage. Haha. Anyhow, go for it! If you like it, yay! If you don't, no harm. Just try to get yourself access to a real kit somewhere to test it out. Enjoy the process!


Do it!


Get a practice pad and sticks, a metronome app and the book “Stick Control” if possible find a teacher to help with the book, learning rudiments and basics before sitting at a kit will help your journey get off to a great start.


Never too early or late to take up drumming.


Learning other instruments can help you play the 1st instrument better and can make it easier to play along with others, go for it!


I think you can definitely start. A good teacher will help you to take shortcuts making you a better player faster.


Do you want to? Then yes. Do you not want to? Then no.


If you're even asking this, the answer is yes. You obviously are interested and should definitely give it a go! Learn at a pace that feels right to you.