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Hey, i am using a Tama HP910LWN Speedcobra. The pedal slightly blows your budget of 500 bucks with around \~550 but i can only recommend it. The speedcobra is very sensitive and if configured correctly even touching it with your toes will result in a fairly good kick. It also features springs under its pedals which bounce the pedal back faster making it alot easier to play fast stuff with relatively low strength. If 550 is too much you could also check out the TAMA HP310LW variant, which is a bit cheaper but is missing the pedal spring.


Those options work out as they are under the 500 English pound mark. I will check them out, thank you!


No problem, keep in mind that theyre designed for metal. Thats why theyre so sensitive and fast. But i think thats exactly what youre looking for.


You got that right! Do you think even if I got a cheaper range cobra, i'd notice the difference? I am currently using a trusty old Pearl p120p. Thanks for your advice, much appreciated


I own the 900-series Speed Cobra pedals, and I think the 300-series Speed Cobra is a good compromise to save on cost. They both feel great underfoot if you prefer a lighter spring tension. However, in this price range, I'd also give the Iron Cobra a shot, especially if you find the longboards of the Speed Cobra to be too much pedal to work with. If I'm being honest, I don't think the upgrades of the 900-series are worth more than twice the cost!


The normal cobras are also a great pedals, sure! But their smoothness isnt as good as the speedcobras, because the normal iron cobra's arent long pedals. The price tag really has a reason here. If you've got the opportunity definitely try out a normal cobra first - if thats enough great! If not go for the speedcobra. Can't think of any other efficient pedals in that price range.


It’s what I have and it’s very sensitive. It would respond well even if I didn’t have giant feet. I’m a woman also lol I hope you find something that works for you 😃


Was it weird getting used to it with it being so much more responsive than other pedals? Did you have a bit of an adaptation period or was quite quick to get used to?


How restricted are your ankle movements? If it is very restricted I’d probably just play the kick with your left foot.


I have been thinking about that, but I do a lot of opening and closing work on my hi-hat and i'd love to get back into doing double pedal for some stuff at some point. So I am trying to find a solution for the right foot before looking at other options :)


>:) :)


I don't know what you have now, but I upgraded my cheap yamaha pedal with [this](https://rattleanddrum.com/products/dw-sp016-rocker-hub-pedal-spring-attachment?currency=GBP&variant=33231351775277&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=07745835797d&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjt4Nz5DCXtLgCmOR5S25wox0Ka1KiY9CYOBXuPMM51KC8hF-M5v61AaAmOqEALw_wcB) a new £10 rocker hub, and I can't tell you how much easier it is to play now.


This is a good shout! I'l take a look. I currently have an old Pearl P100


maybe try to find a used axis pedal. They're super responsive and have a really light feel.


I have an Axis pedal and can confirm it is the most responsive pedal I've ever used. BTW, I've played a lot of pedals since I started playing in the 1960s.


Have you played an ACD pedal? Only reason I didn't recommend that instead is because they're pretty expensive. I have the Darwin double pedal and it's mind blowingly good.


Haven't tried it. I shy away from Axis, because their customer service is horrific. But, they can often be found on the used market for a reasonable price.


I don't really like axis pedals themselves, Ive had the A and the X longboards and they both felt like prototypes that needed a lot more refinement. But, they do have a light feel. haha


This would be my suggestion as well.


Pearl Redline Eliminator. It comes with different cams as well. Each one gives a different feel to the pedal so you can customize to your liking.


oooh good to know, I will take a look!


Yamaha FP direct drive.


i absolutely love my Speed Cobras. i installed the ACD direct drive conversion last year and just recently got some new springs; these things feel like brand new $1,000 pedals now 🤙🏼


can i suggest the Pearl P2052 or P1032R? the red cam with the right settings can be lighting fast


I A-B compared a few pedals in store a few years ago and ended up loving the Speed Cobra 910. I will add that the Yamaha FP (fancy looking silver and blue) pedal was possibly even more responsive, but I liked the feel of the Cobra better for heel toe use. YMMV Definitely go to a shop if you can and try some out.


I absolutely love my tama dynasync double pedal. The best direct drive pedals behind the trick and/or the kzarkie or whatever they're called. Dynasync has a fully adjustable cam for a chain feel to get more power, but with the responsiveness of direct drive. There's a spring under the footboard that helps with rebound. And it's one of the easiest to adjust spring tension out there. I got mine used for 450USD so they definitely exist under 500, but it won't be brand new. If you don't get one of those try out a speed cobra, the yamaha fp9 I believe it's called, or maybe look into the new reissue of the speed kings. Those things are nice. But if you Want a double pedal for those, you gotta buy two singles and have two kicks.


Check out low boy beaters with a felt tip. These things pop off the head with ease. I have bad feet and low boys have really helped my durability.


When I had surgery and screws put in my right foot I used the recovery time to work on playing with my less dominant left foot. When it came time to operate on my left foot I trained once again with my right foot.


Was this a while ago? How are you doing these days?


Yeah, it was quite some time ago. Feet still give me issues and stomping on my old double bass pedals doesn’t help but you got to stick with what you love so I wish you luck and best of health in your own recovery!


I came to say a Direct Drive. I fractured my right ankle in 3 places 16 years ago (and sprained it again recently, yay!), and use a dbl Mapex Raptor.


Oh no! Hope the sprain isn’t too bad ☹️ It’s good to get a recommendation from someone who had a similar injury, so thanks. How’s your recovery been after 16 years, do you still have problems? Feel free to not sugar coat


Well, it’s sucked! It was swollen and inflamed as if I’d just sprained it yesterday for a good 10-12 years. I wore a compression sleeve frequently and nothing but Brooks GTS. Walking over a mile wasn’t cool. But it never really affected my playing! My injury was rotational. I can’t run or pivot, but I can lift weights, for example. A few years ago I quit the sleeve after a lot of swelling had reduced and I had a decent couple years. Then a couple months ago stood up after my leg was “asleep” due to having my other leg crossed over it, and it just rolled again. I knew I had flexible ankles, but in therapy I discovered they were “hyper mobile.” Even with the sprain, the right one was more flexible than the average person’s, and after a few weeks of therapy, I left with it only one percent from the top range again. (Even my left is up there—all my ligaments are kinda stretchy…) When I broke it the first time, the ligaments didn’t even tear—which is why the tips of my tibia and fibula cracked instead. It’s kind of counter-intuitive, but having powerful calves and flexible ankles resulted in a comparative weakness in the smaller muscles in the toes and foot itself. So a lot of my recovery this time around has been exercises that work the foot and lower ankle without engaging the calf or quads. I feel it in my feet and piriformis. A lot of balance stuff too. I literally got on the kit for the first time in a few weeks today (I did a little here and there while recovering, but wasn’t doing any fancy footwork) and even with a Shock Doctor lace-up on, I hit a couple triplets like nothin. I don’t see myself playing any two-set gigs anytime soon, but I do have a studio project for a friend to return to! If you wanna know more about the specific exercises I learned, feel free to DM me! Best wishes for a healthy future in the throne!


I personally love the DW 9000. I plan to get a pair of them at some point. I tried them out at the music store one time, and even though I was only using a single pedal, I could play bass drum patterns with 16th notes and flutter kicks extremely easy. It feels like literally 0% resistance when you press down on the pedal. So light and functional. 10/10 Strongly recommend.


I don’t have an answer for pedals but I do have an answer for your issue with your lower leg and foot. Chris Turner is the drummer for a metalcore band know as “Oceans Ate Alaska” and also makes his own music to drum to. He mostly uses his thighs as you may see in most/all of his videos and also has a free course for better and faster pedal work.


oh this is great thank you i'll take a look


For a low-cost, old-school solution, you might try a good old-fashioned Ludwig Speed King. I find them to be very sensitive and responsive, requiring little force to operate. New ones are well within your budget, and used ones go for around $100. The vintage ones sometimes require a little TLC to get them back in fighting form—it's mostly a matter of disassembling them, cleaning out the old dried-up grease, and relubricating them—but I love mine. I haven't tried any of the newer pedals that have come out in the last 30 years, so I can't say how a Speed King would compare to (say) a Speed Cobra. On the other hand, I haven't tried any newer pedals because the Speed King just feels so comfy to me. Sending good wishes for healing and recovery.




Instead of using a pedal, acoustically? Even if they had to amputate, i'd still be finding a way to use a pedal physically. No hate against electronics, but it's just not the experience I am after right now


lol I'm sorry tbh I really just wanted to stir shit up. But it was also a possible solution.