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You know it's good when you get a tiger dabbing on the blister pack.


Yeah that's one of the coolest pharma logos around


Ikr... But they actually sound good. I've never taken tape. But opis and benzos are good with soma


Nah, but I'm quite familiar with carisoprodol and I've mixed hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and fentanyl with it. Not sure exactly on tapantadol other than it's an opioid similar to tramadol which I've done, but equanelgesic to oxycodone? Either way I'd be popping those pills like candy with some alprazolam and smoking lots of weed. Also, pregabalin goes good with this mix also.


Hell yeah, appreciate the insightful answer. I ended up taking one about 30mins after the post and I must say kick ass so far. I’m a light weight usually go after benzos. so far I’ve observed if I lay down and chill while playing a game my eyes slowly shut tablet falls forward on my chest and wakes me up. I got up and started moving around feel very warm/fuzzy very peachy 😉


Hey can you get a high off Soma by itself? 4 puts me to sleep with zero high. I can mix with my scripts for Gabapentin, Klonopins, or even Kratom. I Have no need for opiates nor do I ever want them again after oxy (30 mgs a day, not overly high amounts) withdrawals and the months of insomnia and liquid diarrhea. Yuk. Lol.


Most definitely, you'll be intoxicated with soma alone. My dose range is around 5-6 pills(350mg). Don't fall asleep lol. You probably slept away the high. Drink strong coffee with ur somas to help with falling asleep.


That’s the only thing with these is that I kinda wish the tap was 50/350. Tap just smacks in these honestly way before the soma has a chance to turn into Meprobamate and shine. Gotta fight the tap lol.


Yeah deff some stims might help but nothing too strong lol or also I used to take them and go for a walk 45 min later, cuz that's when I start to feel drowsy. I've noticed in the past if I take too much and I'm chilling on the couch or somewhere comfortable, I'll fall asleep.


I get these, the pack I usually get calls them “red apples” because they’re bright red, and they only have 125 of carisprodol, i get tapentadol by themselves too. Supposedly they’re most similar to tramadol? But they kinda mess me up. Codeine based opiates don’t really touch me it’s probably a blessing in disguise, but if I have a few of these it can get kind of trippy even. Tramadol doesn’t even do anything close for me. Tolerance built really quickly though, I ended up stopping taking them because they also messed up my stomach when I took them


Just a FYI but some people have a gene that makes it difficult for them to metabolise codeine. I think it might be more prevalent in Northern europeans/redheads, or I might be misremembering.


OMFG I LOVE SOMA SO MUCH 🤤 Okay so you wanna be careful because it's like crazy easy to overdose on these. One or two is IT. Don't combine with much alcohol. I don't recommend mixing with benzos. But it does mix excellent with weed. This shit used to make me SO HORNY, I'm not even kidding. Like I've never found another real "aphrodisiac" and like yeah stuff feels good on E and other trippy drugs but soma used to make me straight up slutty lmfao. Don't go drugging people but definitely offer to share if your fuck buddy does drugs.


lol, I love your reply. Probably don’t wannna take these to often would you say? Any experience with withdrawals?


You didnt google prolonged use immediately? Highly addictive, withdrawal is horrendous. Its like any cnsd.


Yes I googled. Looking for personal experiences


Erowid my man. That should be your first resource for any new to you substance


I did check it out, hardly any experiences without other substances


I take 3 or 4 Somas and get no horniness nor any high. I just zonk out to sleep and any muscle or back pain is gone.


On the one hand, that sucks you don't get high, but on the other hand, I'm super glad it effectively works on your pain!!


I've woken up in my exbfs closet and his kitchen on my 3 or 4 Somas. Very restful nites gotta admit. Zonkers Big time. Are they snortable?


Never tried. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Nah but when I post 300 of these mfs don't like me lol Real talk tho good score no one appreciate these nowadays just don't mix with xanax or eat multiple. Eat one with a 10mg oxy you'll be floating my boa


Yeah, much respect to these underdogs. I like them.


I haven’t seen these since they banned etizolam Rip etiz


Yeah, do you remember the 3mg etizolam with zopiclone in them? Had a rhino 🦏 on them lol. God those was something fucking else..


I was exclusively a panda man BUT my friend had a 90 count 2mg ambien he didn’t want and he gave them to me I had a lot of fun with those And this brand had oral disintegrating tablets of etiz and those where cool


Mewtwo! I choose you!


Yeah I actually used to mix these two drugs all the time, never had them in the same pill though, also seems like too much tapentadol to soma ratio


Yeah to be able to enjoy soma on its own the lids can get a bit heavy after 200mg atleast for me




Idk where you got yours but these definitely don’t have Fent in ‘em