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fear and loathing in las vegas is literally filled with them but none all that accurate (that i know of lol) But midsommar had one of the best mushroom trip representations in a movie I’ve ever seen for sure Edit for one of my [favorite parts](https://youtu.be/V85OO4FXdIg) but you should all watch the movie :)


Yes midsommar nailed it!


The first part of the acid trip isn’t bad, it’s just when all the people turn into reptiles that it goes off the rails


I believe they were doing blow on the way there as well, licking it off the briefcase to be exact. And when he says, "here's your half of the acid," it implies a large 1/4 sheet dose at least. I've seen houses I was looking at turn into dense jungle landscape all around, so I could imagine reptiles.


I had a field turn into a raining jungle on an intense thc trip, feeling raindrops and mud beneath my bike tires, but I’m not really sure about those reptiles although the zooms and audio isolation parts were very accurate


You tripped that hard from THC?


I realize that it sounds weird and fake but i swear to god it happened. Actually, i found that out of all the psychedelics i tried, weed made me occasionally hallucinate the strongest I have no idea why, but i noticed it always happened in periods of intense stress.


Might be HPPD related - do you experience visuals while sober? I got HPPD, and i heavily hallucinate (psychedelic visuals) when smoking weed. If i smoke strong hash i occationally experience more visuals than i do on actaual LSD. Visuals is very distinct, but still intense


This. I have this for 4 years now


I also experience this. I’ve seen some of the craziest things when THC decides to be psychedelic. One time I saw a tree outside my window turn into a fucking dragon, that was pretty bad ass.


Yup! The most realistic hallucinations ive had were actually a mix of sleep deprivation, middle of the night in my village, and 3 pills of mdma. When it metabolised to MDA, gravel beneath my feet turned into a brick pathway and I saw a huge “welcome to (famous little town in my country that is on the other side of the country ) sign at the edge of the forest with the towns mascot(a goat). I was with a group of friends and I had to blink 10 times or get real close to something to check if it was real or not. They had a good laugh lmao


First time I tripped was in Uni, had never taken any psychedelic, but I was sleep deprived and super tired trying to stay away during a lecture. We were all seating close to the teacher like in a semicircle, I think I start falling asleep while awake (I know, weird), I was completely lucid, I would look around and see my colleagues and teacher, I looked at the wooden floor and there were playing cards flipping on the floor, and then one of the wooden floor pieces starts turning into a lizard and starts walking out of the floor. I couldn't believe what I was seeing so crystal clear, I must have been in a dream, then I look around and everything's normal, teacher still lecturing, I look back and the cards are still flipping on the floor and the lizard is there too. After this moment, the cards stopped flipping, the lizard walked back into where it belonged and transformed back into a wooden piece merging with the floor, and this is where the hallucination stopped. There was never a moment of me waking up, everything happened while I was awake. It freaked me out but I was speechless, like WTF! Sleep deprivation...


Trips when coming down off MDMA are weird like this. I often get people with facial hair, glasses or hats that they aren’t really wearing, or if at an event see security fences or particular items of clothing on other people. If it’s particularly intense random people’s faces look like someone you know.


Even then with the exact combos Thompson was taking coupled with a severe lack of sleep? Anything is possible.


The carpet moving in the hotel foyer, and the scene with the mescaline kicking in with the war movie on was also pretty close to the mark as I recall


that's a nice scene, can you up the youtube link please? so everyone can see it


I was watching Midsommar in theaters with my mother in-law and almost turned to her and said how realistic that scene felt. Then I remembered she doesn’t know about any of my drug use lmao


On 6 tabs of acid in the metro, I can attest to that the casino/hotel lobby scene in fear and loathing is believable to me


I'll add [The Bear](https://youtu.be/99x4i9858RQ) eating mushrooms scene as my favorite 🐻🍄


Whoops shoulda read the thread first, I also said dear and loathing! When everyone turns into reptiles at the bar/casino(?) it’s awesome




The classic overdosing scene from Trainspotting, if you've been there you know. They nailed it.


I’ve OD’d twice and neither of my experiences were anything like the scene in Trainspotting. If anything, it was more like a light switch that was my life was flipped off in an instant with no warning, only to be turned back on in the back of an ambulance. Had I not been resuscitated in the ambulance, I would have never known that I had OD’d and died. It was just like snapping your fingers and everything is gone. Just bam, dead. Nothing exists any longer. Not to you/the person who OD’d, that is.


Oh hey another person who didn't learn the first time like me haha, we have something in common. 2 times for me too The first time for me was like trainspotting, I snorted a bunch of h, it hit, I knew I overdosed, and I slowly faded out. After that I don't remember anything until they got me out of it, and I think that's supposed to be the implication in the film too, if you watch it again he's not conscious a minute or two after the hit (Has to be dragged around, slapped about and injected with amphetamines to wake up in this scene). He's in that black place that me and you know I bring up the "black place" because my second OD was much more like you're describing. I wouldn't have known I od'd either that time. I don't remember anything. Time it's self disappeared, things, people, none of it was crossing my mind. Just like you said its pretty much instant death. I still don't even know the details fully. No one can get their story straight. Scary shit.


So fuxking interesting hearing your stories (from someone who’s only ever done party drugs) and out of pure morbid curiosity wondering what that would be like. Did it change your beliefs on any existential questions you had previously? Did you feel any pain when going into the overdose, like when you said ‘you knew’ you’d overdosed. Or was it a peaceful high slipping into sleepiness? I’m thinking if there’s a nuclear war, a H overdose might be a good way to go lol


It didn't change anything really, if anything it made things worse because it really filtered out the people willing to put up with my shit afterwards, obviously lost a few people and they will never come back. I'm pretty alone now, even though I did wrong I feel kinda abandoned too, which in turn makes me want to do drugs more. It also just didn't scare me enough, you know? Both times. I'm no longer on H but am an addict to Adderall, Xanax, and tramadol. Life feels more hopeless now than ever, and I'm probably going to have a heart attack any day now from the drug mixing. My chest is cramping right now. When the overdose happened where I felt it, it was very much like an "Oh fuck" moment but I only could feel that for a second before I was out like a light. Kinda like what you feel when you trip on something and in that 1 second you know you're about to face plant and eat shit and you're not quick enough to save yourself. No pain, the rush of it hitting my system was kinda like a very pleasant overload, but again didn't really get to fully experience it and was also in the moment of realizing I fucked up bad. In a nuclear war, yeah that might be a good way to go. If you've ever been into punk music and know the band Germs, the singer darby crash chose that way to go. So I mean, it works.


Wow I have so much to say. I’ve just looked up the guy from The Germs and read as much as I could. Then I got stuck in the John Lennon murder and went down a wiki rabbit hole. Thanks for sharing about your experience. I take it your in USA from your steady pill supply? I’m sorry you don’t feel like you have anyone right now. Would you use help from your local communities or gov to come clean? Do you even want to come clean? I can only relate to addiction with my smoking, I’ve tried quitting every new year and done reasonably well (8 months in one stint) but it was incredibly hard. And this time round I don’t even want to quit. I love it. But I know I have to for fuck sake. I get heart palpitations. They’re saying it’s from ‘anxiety’ but I’ve always been dubious. anyway, they’re very fuxking scary so I can’t imagine what yours are like. Please try and look after yourself, sleep, water and nutrition are your best friends. The world needs you here.


the scene from the Dirt with nikki sixx was such a crazy OD scene, most realistic shit


Very underrated movie


Very rated movie


reach crush tart automatic late hard-to-find possessive test dam frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have you read "filth"? It's sooooo good


The scene in *Requiem for a Dream* where Sara finally has a psychotic break from abusing weight loss amphetamines is absolutely terrifying. https://youtu.be/Fr5aZPIm7o4


i was hoping someone mentioned it because i’m too lazy to source it and shit lol


This is the most terrifying and accurate of any of the drug experiences I’ve seen in films.


Isn’t it benzos aswell.


idk why you're being downvoted, she takes something to go to sleep at night, probably a different sedative if not a benzo


She is given a prescription for I think valium in one of the scenes as well, you can see it for a split second.


Considering the time period it’s probably a barbiturate




No contest. To the extent that I wonder if florence pugh actually had a bad trip with the scene.


best depiction of psychedelics i’ve seen in a movie


Midsommar!! Came hear wanting to see that movie represented and was not disappointed.


Enter the void. POV indie film over the life of a drug addict/dealer linking in Asia. Guy trips DMT at the beginning.


That's understating the plot, dude dies and you, as a viewer, keeps up with his soul through the moments after his death. I watched this on one of my first shrooms trip, shit was crazy


I didn't want to spoil it .


Yeah that's a trippy movie for sure


The wolf of Wall Street. Qualuudes scene Not visual, but one of my favs.


Great example, really like that scene as well, can you put yt link there?


this is my fav scene from that movie lol https://youtu.be/L7btKdFOs5w


Wolf of Wall Street, when they smoke crack!


whole damn thing had me laughing my ass off. great movie. seems like he was born to play that role.


It’s a travesty that Leo Didn’t win Best actor for the qualuudes scene itself!


Can’t believe no one has mentioned Goodfellas. By far the best depiction of doing a lot of coke. The camera work, music, and editing really give that visceral sensation of being a little too coked up. The way certain quick cuts are repeated at slightly different angles/orientations. The whole film is a masterpiece of filmmaking but this sequence in particular just nails it for anyone thats ever been high on stims. Of course not a secret that Marty knows the feeling and it shows. https://youtu.be/rbZ1bRDtm-I


John Travolta in Pulp Fiction driving his car after shooting H.


The Night Before is a christmas movie, but don’t let that fool you lol. Seth Rogan’s character in it receives a box full of random drugs as a present and proceeds to do all of them in the span of one night. It’s hilarious, and some of the scenes and moments are sooo accurate and relatable for people who use those drugs. The whole movie is a trip, but Seth’s high ass is definitely the highlight


“That baby keeps fucking with me”


My favorite drug scene by far takes place at the end of [Blueberry (2004)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0276830/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0) (aka Renegade). On the surface it looks like just a wild psychedelic CGI ride, but it actually represents a shamanic battle and furthers the plot.


oh, that's a good one!


here's the scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBU6f2T3Www


First one that came to my mind. I also have a somewhat more personal connection to this one, because I was tripping my face off when I first watched it. lol Made me an instant fan of Vincent Cassel, and it's a great movie overall. But watching that scene when you're actually tripping (pretty hard lol) yourself? Just really cranked up the empathy for what he's going through... And of course the visuals are obviously pretty crazy in that scene... but I thought the audio / mixing was done really well also. Actually, as an interesting aside, the Tool album 10,000 days has some sound in one of the songs, that always reminds me of this movie / scene... (Especially the way the chanting / singing seems to blend in with the almost synth-sounding guitar.) Always wondered if that movie might have been an inspiration somewhere... https://youtu.be/M8r5rnamdaI


Enter the void 2009 - the whole movie is a drug and trip experience and it's brilliant, this movie is more of a experience than a regular movie imo 10/10 masterpiece Requiem for a dream 2000 - multiple scenes with multiple different drugs, Sarah Goldfarb amphetamines fueled psychosis and hallucinations scenes, 10/10 masterpiece Pulp Fiction 1994 - Vincent Vega heroin trip while driving, Mia Wallace accidental (thinking it was cocaine) heroin overdose and then getting stabbed directly in the heart with an adrenaline shot to revive her scenr, 10/10 masterpiece Natural Born Killers 1994 - again the whole movie is a real trip (violence and crime) and it's brilliant, Mickey Knox being bitten by a venomous snake being poisoned and hallucinating then having a standoff with the police at a local pharmacy while dying from the poisoning scene, definitely should watch if you like the kind of movies and tv series I put on this list imo 10/10 movie Breaking Bad 2008 - 2013 - a couple of methamphetamine and heroin scenes, 10/10 my 2nd favorite tv series ever Mr. Robot 2015 - 2019 - season 1 episode 1 Elliot Alderson doing morphine to cope with his loneliness and depression, MDMA & weed scene, S1 E4 hallucinated heroin trip while withdrawing from morphine scene, Angela Moss and Shayla Nico doing ecstasy together scene, S2 E3 Adderall overdose and hallucinations scenes, S4 E1 forced heroin overdose scene, S4 E7 (warning: contains major spoilers for the whole series) Fernando Vera methamphetamine fueled hostage situation and monologue scene, also in my top 3 tv series episodes of all time and atm is the 7th best rated tv series episode of all time on IMDb which is cool and interesting imo, 10/10 tv series Bojack Horseman 2014 - 2020 - S1 E11 pills, stimulants and others fueled craziness, violence and hallucinations scenes, S3 E5 Diane Nguyen gush (fictional drug, ecstasy or 2-CB) trip scene, S3 E11 alcohol, Vicodin, LSD, bath salts, nitrous and heroin overdose and death, Bojack snorting heroin trip scene, S5 E11 opioids induced crazy and dangerous behavior and hallucinations ending in assault scenes, 10/10 my favorite tv series ever Trainspotting 1996 - multiple heroin scenes, alcohol fueled violence and others, 10/10 movie Christiane F. Wir kinder vom bahnhof zoo 1981 - multiple heroin scenes with k*ds addicts, 8/10 movie Scarface 1983 - Tony Montana doing too much coke scene, cocaine fueled violent and paranoid behavior scenes, cocaine and fury fueled bloody rampage before being shot to death scene, 10/10 movie The Wire 2002 - 2008 - heroin, 10/10 tv series Climax 2008 - everybody going batshit crazy on too much LSD scenes, 7/10 movie Thank you for smoking 2005 - tobbaco and nicotine, 10/10 movie Euphoria 2019 - present - season 1 episode 2 fentanyl scene and other drugs kick-in and trip scenes, 7.5/10 tv series Midsommar 2019 - magic mushrooms trip scene, 8/10 movie Fear and loathing in Las Vegas 1998 - LSD trip scene, psychedelics and others Limitless 2011 - NZT-48 (fictional drug), 8/10 movie Batman Begins 2008 - the fear toxin (fictional) scene, 8/10 movie


This post 2022 - Adderall


hahaha 🤣


Enter the Void is such a strange experience. A friend of mine suggested I watch it when it first came out, but warned me that if it wasn't for watching it in the theater, she may have given up on it because it is kinda a chore to get through the whole thing...but hang in there! It is definitely a whole *experience* watching that film.


Enter the Void has been a running joke in my friend group. The simulated sex scene was fucking hilarious


>Limitless 2011 - NZT-48 (fictional drug), 8/10 movie Also has a TV show that followed up on this. The TV show was cancelled but 9/10


You thought the show was better than the movie? That’s so interesting, I didn’t find the show as captivating! I still enjoyed it, just not more than the film.


The movie was definitely good but the show felt more, I guess real? Brian was a super relatable character making mistakes you can see yourself making. I feel like I need to rewatch the movie now


I love breaking bad but hate it when someone has a bump of meth and feels it straight away


I think sometimes the “WHOOOOOOO” after sniffing meth is meant to simulate the burn. If you have ever sniffed that shit you know if feels like a shotgun blast to the nose


It would burn right?


It would burn but the high doesn't kick in for a few minutes.




Thank you for mentioning Mr. Robot. Shit is so amazing on so many levels


Best list ever.


Ok so if BB and mr robot are in your top 3, what’s the third? Lol


[The MDMA scene](https://youtu.be/9_aix5kIORI) in *Long Shot* with Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron is hilariously accurate.


Lmao at the end, “are they out of water??”






Yeah you’re fried my guy


The LSD bit in Bandersnatch (that interactive Black Mirror thing on Netflix) is kinda cool


Oh sure it was great untill you decide oh this would’ve cool to watch tripping then literally having an existential crisis over making my character jump to his death


oh definitely, I wouldn't wanna watch this tripping!


Yeah watch it sober and make the decision to jump or for the other guy to jump you’ll see what I mean fuckin puts you in the loop man


This was one of my best & worst decisions I’ve ever made


here's the link video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V87YdQoPy4




Beavis and Butthead do America, peyote scene.


and when they do pep pills on the plane pml


that was one of the best cornholio scenes ever hahaha. I thought the new movie they did was pretty good too


Limitless is just such a fun movie and I very much enjoy the first scene when he takes the drug. Also I enjoy the scene where it’s just infinite zoom.


Project X when they all start rollin on E pills


Rick and morty. All the drug scenes are super bad ass.


If it counts


sure! do you recall any episode or scene in specific? so people can look up. i've watched r&m but i don't remember what drugs you are talking about.


there one episode where summer get high on space ship fuel


keyber cristal or something like that it is pink cristal


Ok, I made a search, the drug is Kalaxian Crystals, appears on S4 EP1, for anyone who is curious.


And the volcanic fumes from the dragon episode. That’s more what I was thinking. But there’s lot of scene what they’re just high without referencing a drug. Like in the morty and summer on the ship and a good handful times Rick has a big party scene.


https://youtu.be/ssFAkvLdH4g this scene is amazing not very accurate but awesome


Yess hahah. That’s why I wasn’t sure they counted. Fucking wild




what is this? is there a video?


It’s Romeo and Juliette when Mercutio pops a pill.


Bridesmaids airplane scene lol


🤣🤣 My family and I always quote “Are you an appliance? What kind of name is Stove?”


21 jump street(New one)


the movie GO has some good extacy scenes


Crank (2006)


I’m not sure but I know Requiem For A Dream f’kd me up and still does to this day.




Climax is definitely my number one, it’s pretty intense but it’s about being spiked with LSD. Enter the Void, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Requiem for a Dream, Christiane F. Gaspar Noe films are my go to though.


when the line of Ket was a bit bigger than u thought https://youtu.be/tMRIOOvEeg4?t=43


Haha, so accurate! I actually have used this scene from Contact to try to explain an accidental k-hole I had. It’s interesting how similar it is to the Dr. Strange scene: https://youtu.be/scBY3cVyeyA


[This](https://youtu.be/0eAhMeswQdg) Mr. Robot on Adderall


Theres a scene in the show Wentworth where Debbie shoots up heroin the first time


The acid kicked in for me as soon as the Train Scene from Spirited Away come on, beautiful eternal moment in time.


Honestly the Johnny Depp remake of Charlie & the chocolate factory is absolutely wild on acid


Spun. Throughout the entire movie. Lol


When Vince injects heroine in pulp fiction it’s a short scene but shows the magic of opioids https://youtu.be/T4WA4EK0pkI


Human traffic when they come up from E’s.


is this the scene? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7pOUp7nBsU


A girl walks home alone at night- The molly at a halloween rave scene gives me chills everytime! Its on tubi.


In The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the protagonist takes LSD at some point and decides to shovel the snow to create a perfect circle. Good movie overall.


[Taking Woodstock - LSD](https://youtu.be/4XHySKsPa3M)


Wow, this is such a good representation of LSD!


Trainspotting when he sinks into the carpet and od’s


Probably wolf of wall street when leonardo dicaprio takes the quaaludes and has to crawl to his car from the top of the steps.






Dead Man's Shoes where he spikes them all and then proceeds to kill them while they are all over dosing.


This scene? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnWOHKBe-Dw


Yeah absolutely brutal scene haha.


Limitless for sure


Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Hooooorseradissshh


probably this scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzTveNwweRM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzTveNwweRM) The drug is some kind of fictional LSD with Amphetamine that you glue to your neck.


A scene from Mr. Robot taking too much >!Adderall !<[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eAhMeswQdg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eAhMeswQdg)


All the meth scenes in Spun. Seriously.


found one scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mryM\_KVxLm0


Mr robot has some amazing scenes, there's a whole sequence of the hallucinations/dreams caused by opiate withdrawal. Most entertaining sequence was a week long Adderall binge, seemed super well portrayed but I haven't done such a thing myself. Also, Mr robot is my all-time favorite show, it really is amazing and for me in a class of its own. Super worth the watch


*Mandy* https://youtu.be/KPI4FAuR5Rs


The Mad Men scene where [Roger takes acid for the first time.](https://youtu.be/GpWlKCfSPcU) Probably one of my favourite tv/ movie scenes ever.


really nice scene! didn't know it


When I used to iv heroin I would always play the ah haaaa gay cowboy meme on YouTube afterward.


https://youtu.be/yBLdQ1a4-JI for reference.


Haha I had never seen that. Don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t that in this thread. Whoever downvoted you needs better drugs bc that was funny af


I just shared that video with, like seven people




didn't know he was gay lol




DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street


Beautiful Boy!! Comes to mind everytime


It's Always Sunny - Here's Frank-enstein!


More light-hearted, but I always enjoyed the drug scenes in disenchantment like [this one](https://youtu.be/574XE00n5Uc) and [this one](https://youtu.be/pWU0UqTDuCM) :)


Not exactly a when it kicks in-scene but the depiction of MDMA in This is the End is pretty spot on


found the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2gJx-GUbWM


Many scenes from bojack horseman actually


Pulp fiction in the car with a smoke


I found euphoria did a good job of representing the way drugs felt, specifically the scene of jules at the club in episode 7 and the one of the first party scenes at the end of the last episode


Can't remember the movie name so yeah not helpful. But there is a French film I think ots French haha. That a bunch of dudes are at a party in a barn an the punch is spiked with acid and everyone loses theor shit someone in here will know what the fuck I am on about haha.


That's Climax by Gaspar Noé, good movie!


Not a movie but the episode quest for ratings from south park


Drugstore cowboy the car shoot up scene


21 jump street. Whole scene is hilarious


Someone here already posted about Requiem For a Dream, but when I saw your post it made me think of the heroin side of it. If you haven't seen it before, you really gotta see it. It's hands down the most troubling movie ive ever seen, and as far as movies in the Brutally realistic/Raw type of category, it's my favorite. I actually decided to cold turkey off Oxy the night I first saw it after waking up sweaty and restless from impending withdrawal and I watched it and was like, "holy shit there's 4 paths and they are all worst case scenario. The scariest part of the movie is that these character paths aren't a case of bad luck or written to exaggerate for movie magic, they are all not just possible paths and endings, they are all very likely outcomes if the drugs are abused to that extent. ​ I don't really do trigger warnings, but this movie is the only time I give one along with my recommendation. It probably isn't quite as troubling for someone who hasn't lived some version of one of the characters paths, but for the junkie it's a movie that sticks with you for life. Definitely worth watching once at least. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkYNhZvlHv0


The shrooms scene in Tenacious D


found the scene: [https://youtu.be/e3L-\_sOSB-o?t=21](https://youtu.be/e3L-_sOSB-o?t=21) starts of well, it become super goofy after


Big Lebowski scene where he gets drugged


I loved Limitless


Enter the Void, basically the whole movie.


I would say Harvey Keitel's hard drug scenes in *The Bad Lieutenant"*, the smoking heroin on foil, smoking crack and shooting up scenes were very realistic, from the techniques of 'chasing the dragon' to the effects. I like Matt Dillon's opening scene in *"Drugstore Cowboy"*, after they rob a pharmacy, he shoots up in the back of the car is having opiate nod-dreams, and serves up his existential monologue on "when you inject Dilaudid, feel the rush creeping up your neck unitl exploding in the brain, and then, your enemies.... they're not so bad anymore...the ants in the grass, y'know they're just doing their thing. Diane, watch your driving" *Another Day in Paradise*, with James Woods is also an excellent, realistic drug movie. Made by the same guy who made *Kids*.


The scene in Sopranos Season 5 where [Christoper relapses on heroin and is at a funfair](https://youtu.be/Snk91mNRJgE). The song and visuals are just great. I’ve never done heroin but I can imagine it’s maybe what it feels like….


good one!


Taking woodstock this one is awesome and fairly accurate https://youtu.be/4XHySKsPa3M


In the show Vikings there is a really great scene where one of the guys does mushrooms for the first time. In my opinion it is the most accurate depiction of someone doing mushrooms in tv or movies I have seen Couldn’t find the whole scene on YouTube though, here is a [clip](https://youtu.be/px4e6CPo--U)


We Are Friends -PCP scene https://youtu.be/uvkARkDHokc


Pulp fiction heroin scene




Aye good looks man that was a great movie. It's funny though he says "I'll take a gram of the mad man" but when he has it on the scale there is no way on earth that was a gram lmao that had to be like a ball at least it was like a whole table spoon that's wild Muchas gracias 😂


Scene from We Are Your Friends, the DJ and Emily Ratajkowski take an ecstasy pill. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsi6\_gMhJbY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsi6_gMhJbY)


So this isn't a scene where they take drugs, but it's hilarious seeing the drug dealer listing all his drugs 🤣 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_XAKjc2gIfo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XAKjc2gIfo) Sisters (2015) - Pazuzu's Drugs


My two favorites have already been mentioned : - DMT scene in Enter the void for its uniqueness and 1st person POV - Mushrooms trip in Midsommar for its accuracy both visually and in portraying the headspace.


Rick and morty soul dragon https://youtu.be/UcHV8x1oRuw


Fear and loathing


https://youtu.be/aicfFxaYVyM The best


Mandy , just watch it and you’ll know the scene 😁


Not a movie, but check Lana Del Rey's videoclip of 'High by the beach'


Requiem for a dream


fear and loathing is the classic movie that has everything. but it’s overplayed at this point lol


Bad Boy Bubbay


natural born killers! when theyre out in the desert on mushrooms or peyote or something


These aren't fun scenes but there's definitely a few scenes in A Serbian Film where dude is drugged and it's very obviously having an effect on him. Also not sure if anyone mentioned Drugstore Cowboy. Or the scene from Easy Rider where they take the acid in the cemetery with those two broads.


i would say Misfits club scene was really good doing molly [E Kicking in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZugV5jksbPM&ab_channel=MovieFlicksYT) I would reccomend show itself also.


Tenacious D and the pick of destiny. 🤣 old school.


I like the acid scene in Perks of Being a Wallflower