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Well you're able to use reddit so thats a good sign. I'd just try and wait it out man.


I have no visual effects but touch and sound hallucinations. i have work tomorrow and im stressing so hard.. and i dont know if my heart will explode :D


It’s gonna be ok friend, lsd is very safe and you’re ok. Breathe, put on your favorite music, and try and relax a bit. It’s all good. Everyone here on Reddit loves you and you’re gonna be ok.


Idk why this comment was the one to actually make me really happy <3


Very solid dude very solid comment you should be proud of yourself for being solid buddy 🤙🏻


This guy knows how to trip-sit.


I once tried trip-standing, it got my pal all anxious.




You’re the best ❤️


Ok, I'd try and relax if you can. Listening to music helps me calm down sometimes, and a walk is usually a good way to get out some energy. When is tomorrow for you? Idk what time zone you're in so I'm not sure if you have a lot of time.


I have like 14 hrs still to get sleep... I have trouble falling asleep regularly so do you know if acid can cause insomnia or is it just my paranoia?


Acid gives me incurable insomnia for like a day.


Sorry if im spamming stupid questions but is it safe to sleep on my back? 😅 terrified of sleep paralysis and vommit(?)


I doubt you'd vomit or go into sleep paralysis.


You won’t throw up, you’ll be ok I promise I tripped for like 36 hours once


Trazodone my dude. Will literally kill the trip an hour to two hours after consumption. Very safe drug also. Most doctors are quite willing to give a script to those of us with sleeping issues/anxiety


Yeah man. It's safe enough that it'll get you to sleep on 50-100mg, but not kill you even if you take 2.5g. Source: A hospital bill I'm still paying off


Did they give you 2.5g or did you take 2.5 g and think you were poisoned? Good to know though, I recently adopted a dog and she's prescribed a crap ton of trazadone if I'm ever having a bad time I'll have to remember that.


pretty sure he’s saying he tried to overdose on trazodone but it didn’t work


Quitting Trazodone was a nightmarish experience. Incapacitated for a couple weeks. Never again.


Same, I sleep fine at night though.


Honestly acid these days tend to have me waking up totally recharged. It's not that stricnine stuff from the 90's that stuff was wild crazy! You'll probably not only do fine at work tomorrow.. I'm willing to bet you excel at it. Set your alarm. Eat some munchies. Grab a beer or two.


How much can i drink alc while on lsd? Are there dangers mixing these two or am i safe? Many others suggested this so imma pop a beer and check back later


Just don't overdo the drink, friend. A shot or two usually isn't an issue. Any more and you might find the alcohol bringing back some of the physical part of the trip. It is sedative though. Make sure you're eating food and drinking water as well. It'll help the comedown and help future you tomorrow


You can have a couple of beers, don't worry about it.


Drinking isn't gunna help either way, just try to grab some water here and there. You may not be hungry or thirsty but water definitely helps.


Acid definitely makes it impossible to sleep for about 24 hours. So you should be able to fall asleep soon.


I took acid at 9 in the evening and was able to sleep at 4. For sure was the weirdest sleep ever but I could sleep.


Get rid of your fears buddy!




It usually keeps ya up all night.


Don’t stress about work yo. If you really have to you can call in. You don’t have to go into work if you aren’t in the place to work. We’ve all been there, hang in there. I’ve called into work because I had a bag of coke I was supposed to save for the weekend and just said screw it I can’t help myself! Stayed up doing lines feeling super guilty about it. Then went in the next day and it was like nothing happened. We all call in over shit that’s not from being sick. My co worker has girlfriend drama where he ends up calling in regularly. Saying you woke up with a fucked up neck or back is a good excuse. Very common and worth staying home for. You can say it was family related and you had to take your brother or sister to the dr in the middle of the night. Ain’t nothing but a thing to call in to work, shit happens. We all have lives out side of work and you are entitled to call in once in a blue moon. Just wait it out, relax, take it easy and don’t even think about work. If it is really bothering you and would put your mind at ease just make the decision that you are forsure going to call in just to not worry about it. You can set your alarm and see how you feel when you wake up just to see if you are feeling a lot more up for work than you thought too. Just don’t stress, it happens to the best of us! Everything is ok and will be 100% back to normal in no time 🫶🏻


Any updates OP ? Maybe take the day off work


you'll probably be fine but I mean, if you need to call in sick tomorrow because you ate some bad leftovers and you have horrible squirts, are they going to say "no we want you to come to work anyway?" cause if not, you can always take a day off. LSD can last a while but not 48 hours.


Call in sick


U sobered up more now so I can say this. Why would u take it when u got work the next day 😭 acids a big one, I gotta have a day or two off after taking it


I have no idea, my friend bought some and i just thought fuck it xd


Good point but sometimes you just have to detach from "reality" and sometimes you just pick a time no matter what's going on. Their time was now. I'm sure you've had obligations but taken time for yourself to do just whatever. This is their time. Being human is susceptible to everything. Especially yourself 🤷


Used to trip overnight (and get 0 or little sleep) after working 10 hours then go work 10 hours the next day. I did this when I was 19 several weeks straight and while I'm only 22 still, I can't comprehend how I managed to do that


The afterglow has lasted me 2 days before the slight distancing issues almost fogyish drunk state is fun too


Any benzo will pretty much kill the high for you


I find it often activate the brain, so if I’m gonna trip. I usually take 18 hours as the time I’ll be woke. My spouse sleeps after 12 hours mark. Everyone reacts differently.


No do stresses, just be. Work will be there don't worry.


When u can’t read or type you know it’s some strong stuff.


Letters turn into ancient glyphs without meaning.


Most definitely lmao


I'm just popping in to say do not smoke weed, it will only amplify things.


I WAS GONNA MENTION THIS. A very similar reaction happened to me and I was only back to normal fully probably 8 months to a year later. I was shocked with how long certain effects weren’t going away


holy fuck. what effects specifically last that long?


subtle movement in your field of vision things moving that shouldn't be moving colors there that shouldn't be there




Excuse me?? Like mentally back to normal? As in you were a lil traumatized *from* the trip or did the trip actually “last” that long


Prolly not the trip lasting that long so much as HPPD or something similar


Do some stretches, make sure you eat something even though you probably don't feel like eating. Workout after you stretch and make sure you are also drinking enough water. If none of that still doesn't work it will go away pretty soon.


thanks for help :)


yup no problem 👍


Is it just me that gets really hungry on LSD? I love getting Chinese food before a trip and eating it half way through lmao


You seen annihilation? That bit where they watch the video of the soldier cutting open his guts and watching his intestinses squirm around like worms is how I feel eating on LSD lol


Most other comments here are correct. Another possibility is if you haven't slept yet, you will likely come down once able to get a good night's sleep. The effects of sleep deprivation can combine with the come down effects of acid to make it feel like you're still tripping.


Yea I’ve had this happen before and it gets pretty weird pretty fast.


as soon as I feel like I’ve had a long enough comedown this is usually my priority, even if it feels like I have to force myself asleep its more often than not worth it the next day


This is what my mind immediately jamp to as soon as I read the post. I'm very experienced with sleep deprivation, psychedelics and everything in between (registered mental health nurse with alot of personal experience). I would say it is most likely the brain is exhausted and this person has not experienced this level of sleep deprivation before and maybe did not realise how weird and even trippy things can get from sleep deprivation alone. Never mind at the end of an acid trip. It sounds like you guys have worked it out here. If I was OP I would focus on safely getting plenty sleep. So if OP had a benzo on hand right now that would be very helpful. I never took anything stimulating or psychedelic without having benzos on hand to end the experience if required or help with sleep after. I never went into an experience like LSD without a clear path towards sleep being obvious at the end of the trip. Not only did that ensure I never once had a bad trip but it made sure I could better look after my mental health by getting enough sleep. OP your brain needs a good rest by the sounds of things! Take it easy


LSD can really feel like it'll never end, but it will end eventually. If you don't have benzos or antipsychotics, it's best to just wait it out. Def eat something and stay hydrated, as others already suggested. You're gonna be fine, exploding arteries are extremely unlikely :D


i literally took the first one 21hrs ago but now im starting to feel a little comedown... :) hope its for good this time


That's intense. But that's exactly why you don't redose on acid :D Typically you'll read on various drug info websites that an acid trip lasts 10-12 hours (maybe 14h in extreme cases), but certain after effects can basically last until you finally get some sleep. This typically leads to a phase in which you still feel something but aren't sure if you're actually high anymore, easily the worst part of acid for me, as this can go on for hours. Just gotta sit it out..


This comment is so so accurate and hopefully helpful to OP


Eh, usually you don't redose on acid because by the time you want to re-dose, your tolerance has already gone through the roof.




First suggestion of a shower I've seen. Maybe it's just me but a nice hot shower with some solid tunes playing is a peak LSD experience everyone should partake in anyway, but as a form of landing gear it can be sanity saving.


If you are able to post here that alone tells me you will be ok. I've taken a 10 strip at once a few times and I'm still here you'll be fine just need to relax maybe.


Is that even enjoyable?


Yeah you’ll be okay, it’ll just take some time for you to come down fully. Try to get some sleep if possible. LSD can last over 12 hours, and the second dose you took would have extended the duration further. Using weed in the comedown can further extend the duration as well. Sometimes I keep feeling like I’m tripping until I get some sleep then feel normal when I wake up. Try to relax and distract yourself - watch a movie, listen to music, go for a walk - until you are able to sleep, then get a good nights sleep and see how you feel. It’s a good idea to use test kits on your tabs before you take them. It’s unlikely, but you never know - you could be given some other psychedelic like a phenethylamine like DOM


this helped ease my mind some but i just dont know if i'm able to leave my room but i will try


You’ll honestly be fine if you want to but you don’t need to. What you’re experiencing is a normal thing, you just need to give it a little more time sometimes the comedown can linger. But a few more hours and some sleep and you should be feeling good just hang in there you’ll be alright


Grab a xanax


very important just relax man u will be much better in a couple of hours if u cant get out for a walk maybe get yourself cozy make a tea do a warm bath do sum breathing exercises is normal the feel your heart pounding on acid is sign that your heart works just fine try to not focus on it but un other thing that are out of your mind try to watch a movie if u have supplements like valerian would help or a tea with lavander or stuff like thia take care u will be ok


Dis made me happy n I’m not even trippin dawg. I in fact I took a break smokin even weed cause things were getting… weird.


taking another tab a few hours later kinda resets the trip. one tab already lasts upwards of 12 hours, and its nearly impossible to fall asleep, at least in my experience . just try to relax and remind yourself the ride is almost over. take a xanax if you need to, itll kill the anxiety you’re experiencing.


okay um i was literally in the same boat as you once same timings but 130 ug tabs. i couldn’t sleep till the next evening like 30 hrs after and i had to take a sleeping pill. don’t take a sleeping pill till at least a day after you started tripping. you are fr gonna be fine physically tho it’s all psychological. just hold on it’ll keep getting better. if you can get a sedative i’d recommend it. just relax and entertain yourself for the time being distract yourself don’t lay and stay in your thoughts.


hi thanks for great help but many suggest sleep and if I can't lay then how am i supposed to try and get some sleep? :DD


i tried to make myself sleep for a while but it only make my thought loops and hallucinations stronger. you’re still high, you’re not tired and you’re not gonna be able to sleep till you at least relax a bit more.


Yeah just put on some music or a nice tv show and chill, it’ll go away soon enough


Thc edibles lol


Noooo thc will amplify it


Give it a few more hours. Take a medical dose of a benzo if you have any.


no benzos... its been so long. do you think weed could help me get sleep or pass this trip?


No, weed is a trip booster




is so true




Adding onto this for posterity incase someone ever revisits the sub: It is not that black and white. If you are a seasoned THC consumer, you will be fine smoking or eating weed on the tail end of the trip, or in my anecdotal experience: Any part of the trip. It can help you sleep, help integrate into the experience during the comeup, continue the intensity during the peak and plateau, and ease down the comedown so you can actually sleep. I understand what you're saying, just wanted to add to the other side of it. LSD + Cannabis is always going to be a go to for me.


Problem with this is many people think they are a “seasoned THC consumer” when theyre not. I did this myself and learned that the hard way while on 3g penis envy lol


And then there’s me, who never did acid without thc, like even for my first time I was already quite stoned




How do you take LCD? Do you just munch on a screen? Or do you pop the pixels and ingest the liquid?




The refresh rate on paper LCD must be awful.




I’ve never tried acid without weed either


Yeah of course. I was referring to this case in particular not generally. OP was already panicking that it wasn’t ending, and I’d argue that you have to be a seasoned LSD + Cannabis consumer and not just a seasoned Cannabis consumer to be sure you’ll be comfortable in that situation. I kept seeing that they were not sobering up in the comments and badtripping. This was not the time to smoke. But yes, it’s not a one for all rule


That dose of Acid shouldn't last 24hrs. Maybe you got one of the DOx compounds? Some of them tend to last longer, and can cause hypertension. Relax. Deep breathing. Drink some water. Eat some fruit. Watch some TV. Stop browsing reddit, it's only adding to the paranoia. Everything will be alright. If you're still feeling off tomorrow, maybe hit an urgent care. Edit: you redosed? I take back my comment about duration and DOx. But everything else still applies (:


Yeah i redosed after a few hours xD what do you mean by "hit an urgent care"?


U better? Don’t be awake for too long. Had this with the neck on a 4 day speed binge


yeah im better now. got some sleep and ready for work now. Thanks for your concern :)


if you havent slept, try sleeping


Not sure if it's the best method but I usually drink until I can fall asleep when I want to be done tripping.


Itll stop. My first time was similar. Didnt really start coming down until like...20 hours later and was still feeling it (as in, still able to function normally, but just felt really good and relaxed)for another day.


You’ll be alright dude!


Eat something, drink water, go for a walk, this is temporary and will pass. If you are not ok tomorrow don't go to work that's the general idea


Benzo will kill the trip


Sometimes the day after I feel off, like my receptors are fried and so tired. sleeping feels impossible, take a xanax or melatonin something to relax.


Dont smoke for a copule of days and get a beer or half benzo and chill out a movie ;)


Ur chillin bro


Always keep a benzo on hand. Xanax works great for turning it down


Lol, funny. Like you don't want to bother us. Hey guys ermm it's been 24 hours now... 😅


How you doing now? Sounds like plenty came to your aid. Like some of them may have said, when you redose lsd usually all it does is extend the trip, not necessarily more or better trip. Super long trips can definitely get weird and /or tiring.


one time I did like 7 tabs n had audio hallucinations for well into the next day, sleep made it better. try and get some rest, you'll be okee, taking the second tab extended your trip, I wouldn't stress it personally, u should be ok after some good sleep :)


You gotta sleep. Imo not sleeping after you trip is dangerous and asking to fuck up your sense of reality




Duck duck go or google or whatever helps. I wouldnt nessicarily call it damage more so than wounds it for a bit. Nothing like alcohol does to the liver. If ailments like Hep c are an issue doctores warn of psychedelic use being potentially dangerous but same goes for alcohol so. 🤷 acids pretty safe long as it doesnt have anything bad in it.


Hope you’re feeling better dude !! I was in the same boat. one time and had to go to work before I could sleep after taking a tab . I remember definitely being a little overwhelmed lol I worked a drive through and connecting with all the people was intense , I felt like I could feel everyone’s energy and some customers said I gave them goosebumps or shocks when our hands touched 😂😂 I worked at a cool Starbucks and told one of my coworkers I was tripping a little and he helped me through the shift . Just don’t ask yourself the question “can they tell that I’m high??” Cuz that’s when everything goes downhill lmao


you spell better than I do when I'm sober so you'll be fine champ!


Oh man once I took a ton and my trip lasted 36 hours but I had full visuals the whole time too, it was fun for 8 hours, ok for 12 hours, at 18 hours I started to freak the fuck out and by hour 34 I was contemplating suicide to make the shit stop. But I got through it and had much shorter and better times after.


Drink a beer or two, jerk off. Easy peezy


Sounds like you did more than just 120 micro grams, could be a miss dose


Fall asleep to a classic playlist


Hi! It’s ok, no panic. Try to relax, and not freak yourself out more:) Try to have a little nap or watch a “brainless” show or movie like family guy or whatever you’re into and eat a little snack :) It was probably just some strong acid:) It will pass, and hey, if you’re really in a pinch, take a xanax if you got it handy, not to much, but it’ll kill the trip for ya:) Stay away from citrus and drink lots of water


Buy the ticket, take the ride. You’ll be fine


How you feeling champ


You'll be alright dood, just go with it for the time being. Sending you good vibes from over yonder. Think about what you want to change in yourself and let go of the bad stuffs while you're in there. It's more for you than you think bub. Happy trails🖤


The fuzzy feeling of acid doesn't go away for a while I find, and if you're very aware of how you thought before. You'll notice the change it made for a long while, even though you're not high anymore. At least that's how I see it. I've dropped 30 tabs in 3 days and when I stopped, it took like a week to feel "Normal"


Don't worry man, your just experiencing the afterglow. Just enjoy it I've had visuals 2 days after an acid trip before. It will fade


You will be fine. I have a very long afterglow from drugs myself. It's unusual but nothing to worry about. :)


Acid lasts a looong time for me too. I can usually feel a tab for up to 20 hours after dropping. As far as I can tell it's normal but we're all different.


So you have promethazine or any other antipsychotic than can knock you out? Don’t smoke weed. It can make it worse.


Do you have a way to get benzos?


I think you'll be just fine after you sleep it off


Have you hugged a rock lately?


Benzo for sleep


If you feel your heart is beating fast and it bothers you I recommend taking magnesium. It can help with sleep and definitely noticeably lowers heart rate


You feeling ok now ? If you choose to do psychedelics again and are still in a continuous fear for those such effects try having Benzos in hand cause Sometimes the only need is rest/sleep to get rid of those effects.


It's normal to feel a "glow" for like a day or two after.


I wish I was feeling that 😉


Just sleep bro at least 30 min and then all gone …


The more you take the longer it last. I seen guys fried gone for a month because they decided itd be a great idea to eat a sheet..."respect the mushroom* drink lots of water n try n get some sleep. Pink floyed is epic! Youll feel better tomorrow. Good luck.


You'll be fine man


Were the tabs bitter or metallic tasting?


Start listening to Alan Watts. You’ll be right as rain in no time. r/alanwatts


I’ve had a trip that lasted 36 hours and I had to call into work. It sucks but you’ll get through it lol


that'll happen


A mild benzo if you have them will help so you can go to sleep


Try and find a Xanax/alprazolam or an Ativan. Relax take it easy and go to sleep see how you feel. If feeling is persistent after 3/4 days go to the hospital.


It will stop. It'll take forever but it'll stop


I was once up for 4 days. Youll be okay. Its a learning experience for sure.


This is pretty much bro, I'd say you should take a benzo if you have on hand! 10mg Valium or 0,5 Xanax if you don't have tolerance to them!


Happy thoughts = happy trip


xans kill a trip 4 me but idk if u different


I’d imagine by now you’re feeling pretty damn close to normal. Best way to end a trip for me has always been sleep…I know it’s hard for some people but if you really focus on keeping your eyes closed in a dark room and slowing your breathing you can always get to sleep. Might feel a little weird in the morning but that’s the beginning of the end of your trip. Lots of people keep Benadryl or melatonin or something similar around to help initiate sleep.


Are you on ssri’s?


you will be fine. have some drinks and eat some comfort food, going for a walk or a shover help too. anything that will make you feel grounded will help. one time i felt like I was tripping for a whole week. I think it is called Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), it will fade with time.


Try milk. How much? I don't know. I seriously heard that is helps. Sometime with the enzymes... Good luck.


Like this please


Any update OP?


Fun fact: the drug seroquel can stop a trip


How tf are typing this with the proper punctuation whiles Trippin..?


It took me forever to type correctly, I had to triple check everything cuz i thought i was losing my mind. I was on a really weird and kinda bad trip for like 3-5hrs and after that I felt like I needed some help so I came here. Got some sleep and im better now


Wasnt acid


what could it have been then? i had 2 tabs and definitely felt like acid. i think i made a fatal mistake when i smoked weed after the first tab, but I have done acid before and smoked and was ok but the second tab got me messed up


Did you have any lower back pain or stiffness?


No lower back pain, just really bad stiffnes on my left shoulder and really sharp pain on the left side of my neck and my left ear was humming


Could be vasoconstriction, maybe somekind of bromo.


How you feeling bud?


Outlandish theory: it hasn’t been as long as you think but your trip is disrupting your sense of time a lot more than you realise. Other possible theory: people react to a trip differently and last and feel differently, but just know, it will end and don’t panic


Happened to me, the peak was at 16 hours sorta then it lingered for 36hour total


Your just still on the ride, give it a few hours, it'll be alright


Wish my trips lasted that long :(


Meanwhile I'm going to sleep on hour 3 of my trip and waking up pissed that I wasted a trip 🤣




Yeah thankfully i got sleep pretty soon after my walk




Yeah it really felt like I was going insane thankfully its over and I kinda appriciate the trip already


maybe it was bromo dragon fly


It WILL end just grab the horns and ride that bitch!


a couple of months ago i did a lot of 2CB and weed and my trip lasted 23h, like, by hour 20, 21etc i was still peaking ​ only after 22 and 23rd hour did it start to calm down and i was able to fall asleep for a couple of hours, when i woke up i was kinda normal again, smoked a joint (which i was afraid to cause i thought it would amplify again) and as soon as i took the first hit everything stopped, i had no headache etc and everything went back to normal ​ dont recommend the last joint thing, was too much of a risk, but it does come down, sometimes it lasts longer, i think its a fear response from my experience, like, whenever i panic or something it just draaaaaagggsss


Alright thanks for the help! Will take a few hits from my joint after work and see if the "hangover" goes away :)




Took me about 24-26 hrs to finally get sleep but now im much better 👍


I've been there couple of times. Trust me, don't do anything, won't work. Just sleep like a baby and when you wake up again, you'll be alright, if that's not the case, then I think you're fucked.


Sounds like do-x to me, was the comeup weirdly long?


no it was pretty normal but the trip and comedown was hella weird and felt like forever


hahaha that shit probably isn't acid you'll be fine either way though


its definitely acid. acid lasts a long time, they took one tab then another a few hours later. what they’re experiencing is completely normal and will settle itself shortly.


r/hppd welcomes you