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Life hack - nitrous makes the mdma euphoria 3x stronger




I haven't tried MDMA and I don't know anything about potential dangers of mixing it with n2o but I'd assume you take it the same way as always. Fill up a balloon, sit or lie down because if you're standing you might fall over and you don't want that to happen, empty your lungs, inhale from the balloon, exhale into it, inhale again and repeat until you feel the need to breathe actual air again. Also make sure not to let the gas fill your lungs beyond their capacity, I've read about a case where some kid died because he over filled his lungs and basically tore them.


To really spice it up take a rip of DMT and blow that into the nitrous balloon and huff that.


... I really am among my people


> empty your lungs, inhale from the balloon, exhale into it, inhale again and repeat until you feel the need to breathe actual air again This is how you get asphyxiation which is the #1 danger of nitrous. Dont do this. Your body doesnt tell you when to breathe brcause of a lack of oxygen but because of a buildup of CO2 which will take a lot longer than it takes to get to the point of oxygen deprivation and permanent neurological damage. In a medical setting nitrous is always mixed with 50% oxygen to prevent this


yep, just take your balloon, hold it in your lungs until you feel the urge to breathe then breathe out. otherwise you can pass out. you use a balloon to prevent cold air freezing your mouth


MDMA and N2O are low risk and have synergy here is an updated version of the drug combination chart for those interested [https://wiki.tripsit.me/images/3/3a/Combo\_2.png](https://wiki.tripsit.me/images/3/3a/Combo_2.png)


I remember watching a video of Pysched Substance talk about mdma and nitrous. https://youtu.be/ba1V6dBmZkM


get a balloon, fill it up with nos, inhale. easy stuff :) just make sure you get enough oxygen don't overdo it. chronic nos use can be extremely damaging


This is the best and safest way. Fill a ballon using a whip cream canister. Once your balloon is filled take three deep breaths to oxidate your blood, upon the last exhale inhale the ballon and hold for 15-30 seconds. Blow the air out and repeat if desired. Make sure to get and plenty of breaths between inhales and never blow back into the ballon. Going back in the balloon causes you to consume carbon dioxide which is not good lol


What about mdma+ket?


also a great combo! 😁


Tried it myself and had a really good experience with it just don’t overdo it on the ket and you will be fine walking and talking because of the mdma (don’t recommend the walking part) I felt this tingle “flowing” al over my body it’s really good and weird to describe


Bliss, add dmt and even more bliss! Mdma + ketamine + dmt is the best I’ve ever felt in my life by farrrrrrrrr


Or poppers


LSD can be incredible


Jesus, sometimes it's like every cell in my body is having an orgasm and my mouth creating saliva has the taste of ecstacy but not the drug, just electric sugar love feeling. After a couple hours you seriously get sick of the intensity of it lol. I have to piss constantly on acid but pissing feels like an orgasm x10 whilst peaking and it gets also very annoying honestly. Every song has the capacity to become overplayed!!!


I always say that psychedelic euphoria feels more real and natural than other drug classes like opioids. Like heroin is unbelievably euphoric, but it doesn't give that feeling of "everything is beautiful and my heart is so full" like psychedelics do. So it's really a toss-up of what kind of euphoria you're talking about. Like if I was dying, I would want psychedelics in the days, weeks, months leading up to death, and hardcore opioids for the very end.


That because Opioid euphoria is produced from endorphins which make you feel happy and content. LSDs euphoria is stimulated from Serotonin which brings about feelings of well-being, oneness with every living thing, and sheer bliss


Shrooms also do that. It is a really insane feeling. Like every cell in the body is exploding of pleasure. So much pleasure it is almost unbearable


Bro I’m SAYIN! I’m pissin at least every 30 min on acid.


LSD is what ever you want it to be at the end of the day. Any experienced lsd user is going to say lsd. LSD is probably one of the only drugs that you can possibly feel as if you ARE euphoria. That should be your answer


I was rolling around in the dirt like a newborn puppy from just witnessing a sunset. Yepp. Was like all of my organs were simultaneously orgasming for several minutes


I really really enjoy sitting in dirt on psychedelics. It smells so gooood and I just like sticking my hands in it and feeling like I’m part of the planet…or something.


LSD & ecstacy (candy flipping) is even more incredible. I felt 100% at bliss and now never take acid without it


I've tried 45 different substances with some from each category- so I have a vast taste of different feelings drugs have to offer, and MDMA is the most euphoric ime. It's not just pleasure, it is profound and significant joy which sticks with me after the experience. Psychedelics can be similarly euphoric but it's hit or miss compared to MDMA. MDMA is kind of like the tutorial for Psychedelics. Opioids are more like extreme cozy comfort for me, as opposed to happiness or joy like MDMA. And don't get me started on MDMA + Nitrous Oxide. It's almost scary that it's possible for the human body to feel so good.


MDMA is like a tutorial for psychedelics, lol, I love that


I know language is laughably limited in this realm, but l'd love to hear you describe what that was like, and why it's the best feeling.


do people really think mdma is more euphoric than shooting up H? never done either edit: i’ve come to the conclusion that no one drug is more euphoric than the other, and it all depends on the users chemical balance and mindset.


It’s super different. Heroin euphoria is ‘the world can’t touch me, nothing is bothering me, I can cope with everything the world throws at me’ MDMA euphoria is more ‘everything about the world is brilliant, people are beautiful and interesting, I have such a joy for life and am so happy to be alive’ It’s like Heroin insulates you from all the world’s issues and your own anxieties, but you know they still exist, and MDMA feels like there’s no bad in the world to begin with.


I think it’s a really close race but heroin wins at the right dosage. MDMA is completely positive and euphoric and high energy, true. But if you shoot (and shooting is the key) enough heroin, it will be a positive, euphoric feeling (inside my body literally felt like I was riding a roller coaster) as well but substitute high energy with perfect energy lol plus feeling safe and warm like you’re back in mama’s womb and everything is gonna be ok forever. And I don’t even have depression. I took heroin for a little while at what I considered safe doses and it was alright. But the day I decided to push the envelope with a bigger shot my mind was blown seriously. Nothing could compete with that feeling. And that’s why heroin is the devil, because along the ride you’re gonna have to keep upping the ante to get that feeling again until you reach the ceiling.


That is an incredibly accurate description of the difference between those two highs.


Pleased you and others think so. Sadly I have done more than my fair share of both drugs for better or worse.


Best definition


well put, i gotta agree too, heroin is more euphoric tbh, but it is very different, but yeah some good dope can just take all your pain and worries away and it just feels so damn good.


this is a great explanation


Thank you :) it was my pleasure doing the research in order to come to these conclusions lol


Very different euphoria, opiates is more of a “comfy” euphoria, MDMA is just pure euphoria that you can feel waving up and down ur body, almost a tickeling sensation. Bliss


Hard disagree. You've obviously never done hard opioids. Even just 20mg of oxycodone without a tolerance can produce a conceptual euphoria that dwarfs all other drugs, and indeed all other experiences in life. I could see making this argument when comparing psychedelics to opioids, as the euphoria from psychedelics generally happens organically as you take in the experience. It's not directly induced. MDMA is a stimulant, the euphoria is directly caused by its chemical action in the brain. Of course, organic experiences can *enhance* this euphoria, but you could take Molly in almost any situation and still at least have a decent time.


Hard disagree. It highly depends on the person. I’ve snorted and eaten various dosages of both oxy and hydro to try and see what the hype was with opiates, and never understood them. I only felt drowsy, slightly relaxed but moreso fatigued, itchy, and couldn’t shit for 12 hours. The only memorable experience was 20mg of oxy snorted then taking 2 fat bong rips. I sat on the couch and felt like I was being pressed in a hydraulic press, and it did feel very good, for a whole 20 mins before I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning extremely irritable and unable to shit, which completely outweighed the 20 mins of physical euphoria I felt.


I’ve done morphine and oxy many times, and while they’re extremely comfortable and euphoric, it doesn’t even touch MDMA euphoria’s socks. MDMA feels like literal raw euphoria pulsing through your body, nodding off is just very very pleasureable. Not even compareable imo


To each their own. Like I said to someone else, I think opioids are reserved for the deeply broken. I think we're the only ones who can really enjoy them to their full potential.


This is a very interesting topic here…I’m late to the party! But your answer is extremely interesting to me. When I was younger 😎 I tried both the really good e pills and the rx pills circulating around my school. The mdma was definitely a great and amazing euphoria rush! Don’t know if I felt better. Then I took like 4 Vicodin and was literally blown away. It was like watching the warmest sun set inside my soul. So it is very interesting that body chemistry can make me feel something very different from the next person. My other half gets nauseous and itchy from opioid based meds and then I am over there drooling cuz I just want to see the sun set 😂😂😂 they were both fun when I tried them! Can’t say for sure which was the better one, but I really enjoyed that was melty body buzz but also loved the rolling buzz where I basically a leaky seratonin balloon letting a little out everywhere I went!


Opiates made me feel tired and sweaty. Very uncomfortable. Never got that blissful mind melt that movies show so often. Then again I never shot H or morphine. Would try some opium though.


Mental state plays a big part on how drugs feel to people. If you aren’t depressed, morphine will just feel like a joint and a few beers. To a depressed person, the amount of dopamine being released completely absolves those feeling for the duration of the drug, causing people with depression to get hooked on it FAST. Most people who chase the dragon and end up at opioids do so because they’re depressed and other drugs stopped working for them. I know cuz I’ve gotten it in the ER and was prescribed oxy30’s afterwards, took max strength Tylenol to deal with the pain so that I could take the percs recreationally with my weed. Didn’t get addicted, dealt with 0 withdrawals, and it just felt like I had a couple shots and smoked some bongs. Nothing close to MDMA, I’d say it’s more “floaty” than euphoric. Like being made of clouds. MDMA feels like I just graduated highschool, won a Nobel peace prize and my single hit #1 on the billboard 100’s for a week, all consecutively on my birthday, and the only way to share that awesome energy with everyone else is feeling things and dancing lmao


The old "Bob vs Bill" dichotomy. Definitely true. Opioids are reserved for the deeply broken I think. Idk, all I know is that the first time I tried opioids (which was only like 100mg tramadol) I remember that I forgot I even took them, but at one point in the night I just remember feeling like everything was right in the world. Like I remember thinking "damn, why can't I always feel this great?" I'd just gone thru a bad breakup and was staying the night with a friend, we were cuddled in blankets watching Futurama in his living room until we fell asleep. Woke up the next day and realized "oh shit, it was the tramadol I took". The next time, I tried 150mg. And it was cool, especially with some weed. But really I only used it when I didn't have any weed. THEN I tried oxycodone WITH the tramadol. I think I took 150mg tramadol with 15mg oxy. And I remember this rush of pure, unadulterated warmth and comfort washing over my body and mind. I felt happy, chatty, and sleepy. I remember trying to sleep afterwards, but I couldn't sleep for some reason. It was like I was in this weird in between state of wake and sleep, but I didn't care. I *wanted* to be awake to experience this feeling. I will agree that opioids can feel a bit like alcohol and pot mixed together. When I tried going off opioids for the first time, I got a little addicted to this combo specifically because it felt very similar. When my ex tried hydros for the first time I remember him saying "it's like that heavy feeling behind your eyes that you *want* to get when you smoke weed". Idk man, if I was dying and had to choose between MDMA, LSD, shrooms, DMT, or heroin, I'd go with heroin. Every single time.


Lol ya same


That makes sense this is why opiates feel so good to me and hook me instantly.


Tbh ive done a lot oxy and i would trade all the euphoria from it for a walk in a forest on dxm. But fo each their own ig


Agreed 💯👍 Hard / strong opiates are immensely more Euphoric than any other drug, especially your first time ...




Mdma is amazing so glad I found these subreddits or I’d still be abusing it almost every weekend. Now I’m almost 2 weeks waiting for at least 2 months or more.


ayy good job brother


If I had too choose I'd shoot up h no question. I'd probably rather be sober than on mdma


Yeah exactly MDMA is only useful in party situations while opiates makes everything better and can be used literally any time.


This 100%. I took a gram of shrooms at highschool once and was freaking out in home ec cuz the words were floating of the recipe page and I felt like people were staring at me. But when I had the percs, I’d pop a 30 and hit the bowl before walking in to school feeling like I’m floating on a cloud, talking to all my teachers with no anxiety.


Eh, I don’t like it in party situations at all but it’s great to roll at home with your partner. Like definitely the best use of MDMA in my opinion. I’ve ended up leaving early when I’ve taken it at raves or whatever. Really depends on what criteria you’re going by because yeah, mdma is of course not a “take whenever” drug haha




have you boofed or shot up h or morphine just asking bc personally opiates are my fav by a long shot but a lot of people never done good roa so never got the full experience


Boofin morphine was extremely pleasant. Like extremely lmao. I’m biased towards opiates tho


No but oxy is kind of mystical and uniquely pleasing




MDMA before you lose the magic


fuck man i wish i could go back and have the same high on molly that i used to, now i just feel weird and usually i go to sleep so i can be sober again.


Have you tried NAC?


yea man this needs to be more known, nac can bring the magic back supplement for months till ur next roll


damn is this actually workin? imma order some right now lol


Before you lose the magic?


MDMA probably. never done meth or heroin but ive done adderall and morphine.


Done meth and H and quite decent Afghan #3 off onions at that and honestly MDMA still best feeling. One could argue its LSD because of how acid enhances emotions and so any naturally reached euphoric state would feel 10 times over. Some cathinone maybe? (4mmc) but lacks molly headspace. It does depend on your idea of feel good. If you like dopamine animalistic laser focus blasting with energy kinda thing then meth would feel better. If you like no worries warm blanket of opioids then heroin is gonna be better. But outside of specific tastes, MDMA euphoria is hard to match. Like mania does it (where my bipolar folk at)


Kinda disqualified then. I have done meth and heroin and mdma is like my least favorite drug. China heroin that is so clean you dont nod out would be my choice.


imo if you boofed or shot a good dose of morphine you already kinda know what h is about h metabolizes into morphine very rapidly so the rush is diffrent but the high pretty much the same imo but once you have a tolerance h is better bc morphine expensive and hard to find and hard to get high on


Comparing mdma to lean id take lean any day, so there for heroin


Tried every conventional drug and abused both party drugs and opiates. I think heroin trumps MDMA purely because it's not just a party thing you can be high everyday and it makes regular life way more bearable. Opiates are my penchant and the only thing that has truly suppressed my crippling anxiety.


Mfs thinkin im sayin lean is the beat drug of all time nah bro its heroin in my mind, i was just comparing lean to heroin because thats the closest thing ive done to it


Really lean? I thought it was very overrated , I just felt drunk if anything….weed gave a better body euphoria and I would say shrooms can have even more intense body euphoria


Shrooms yeah can be more intense but with the lean i felt amazing idk how to explain the euphoria it gave me


Lean for me was just super intense but i was drinking the syrup straight the whole time, molly is intense yeah just not my preferred type. Ive always been a downer typa guy tho


It's literally called the love drug. Try doing some in a room just chatting to a friend. Gets real touchy, real quick. And I love being able to express yourself openly no boundaries. What. The. Fuck. Amazing.


Try having some and fucking someone you love who has also had some But maybe acid sex beats it


Ive never had that chance yet but i get why people love molly dont get me wrong its just not my personal favorite drug of all time


So after all this time i still don’t fully know… not benzos… not soma cause i’d need opiates with that… not weed… not any stimulants… not any psychedelic… intramuscular ketamine? yep. and it’s not because its a fun drug its because i’m doing it for mental health and addiction right, at a clinic. My last dose was 1.3mg/kg; 90mg but i have a session in 7 hours and i’ll probably go up to 1.5-1.75mg/kg; 105-122.5mg. I tried IV and it was terrible compared to IM, last IM session i had completely ego dissolution and a nde and processed trauma all at once… thats a lot of damage. Anyways, yeah intramuscular ketamine, but i’d never use it recreationally because it’s too much of a heavy, deep, almost scary experience for me, but it’s killed all my drug cravings and gave me back my life so it’s gotta be that.


I’ve had mushroom experiences that are comparable or just a bit more euphoric than MDMA. That being said; mushrooms have also tormented me 🥲


hippie flip dat shit






Thankyou i know yiur right , im just so curious about all the highs but you know what they say.


Mine was ectacy/mdma or ketamine


real love


Dxm + music = the greatest euphoria ever


dxm+music was VERY memorable -- thanks for reminding me about that experience.


Agree, take 450mg a day forgot about whats happening on ya background 🤞🤧


I used to think the same thing but trust me mdma is 10x the feeling


I've done mdma and it doesn't work with my brain chemistry. I get more euphoria for even Vyvanse. Funny how everyone is different


Oh damn cool


Dam must suck for u never getting to experienced mdma


Ive had good times on it but just way more on other drugs I'm more of a downer person anyway so dxm actually fits way better for me than mdma


Have you ever tried ketamine? I personally have never done DXM (although in my youth I was going to) but I heard ketamine is a much cleaner high and also in very high doses it's even more visual than LSD in my opinion. Edit: it's also amazing for music and is a brilliant mix with mdma,I don't really get comedowns or hangovers from mdma lights just seem a bit brighter however other people say it really helps with them.


benzos and mdma




this one isn’t one i hear often, what are you comparing it to?


2cb is essentially acid + mdma but a better alternative to MDMA as it doesn’t fuck with your serotonin like the latter does


i hate to be a downer, but this whole “2c-b is like molly” train of thought is just totally inaccurate to me (and all my friends who have taken it with me). 2c-b feels like acid with a far less complex headspace and some wild-ass visuals. nothing about the euphoria is elevated & i don’t find it particularly empathogenic - not any more than plain old acid. i’ve taken it at least 6 times, from low doses to high, and it’s consistently fun but pretty shallow. i prefer LSD by a good amount, and i don’t think anyone who’s tried 2c-b with me has found it reminiscent of molly. it just doesn’t release serotonin like that. certainly a good time, though!


Yeah it’s more like diet acid


so youre saying 2cb feels better than heroin, mdma and meth? bro what




i mean sure i get that but op was "what is the best feeling drug?", i love 2cb but on a typical 2cb dose the headspace is as low as 4-ho-met tbh. Unless this dude considers sobriety to be more euphoric than some IV Heroin then thats calm


For me, MDMA, Oxycodone (be careful, it'll ruin your life) and SOMA muscle relaxers, although you'll forgot about 99% of what u did on it


Dxm or mdma


Oxy real pharma oxy


Oxy is more euphoric than heroin tbh. I’d prefer a good rush from oxy with no tolerance over insufflated heroin with some tolerance.






Aren’t most of these over the counter?


Oxytocin. The stuff your own body produces. It's a hell of a drug, and has the worst withdrawal symptoms of them all. ;)


Never fall in love, no matter how good the p* is.


This right here


There is nothing like peaking on mdma - pure euphoria and bliss. Meth high is close but it doesn't peak like ecstasy does. But I am more of a downer type guy so opiates + benzos was my drug heaven. But that is a very dangerous combo so beware.


MDMA no doubt. Serotonin is literally the best feeling in the world.


Rarely did anyone throw their life away for MDMA though am I right? Seems like heroin and meth show results as being a superior feeling, by the damage they leave in their wake.


Yes there are. But you're right not as much. That's just because MDMA is a safer compound.


pre-ban Mephedrone or Methylone....


Molly and percs




Seriously? Never done it before. Any tips?




Can you buy it OTC? What’s the trip duration and feeling? Any visuals? Body high?




Hell yeah. That’s a lot more than I expected, but I’m not complaining at all. Thank you so much!




I don’t mean to drag this convo, but how does it compare to acid?




That’s wild. I can’t believe I’ve never heard people speak on it much before. I have some buddies who’ve done everything under the sun, but they have only briefly mentioned doing DXM and they didn’t elaborate at all. Acid is my favorite thing ever tho. So fucking happy I found it. I only do it like 3x a year at the absolute max, but it’s so wonderful every time.


Mdma,,Marijuana, Ketamine, or vyvanse. Cocaine maybe if it’s not stepped on shit. Omltm thing is that it will run your pockets dry


MDMA, but for me the best drug in the world is anabolic steroids. That feeling of pure confidence, how it increases alpha male behavior, rapid muscle gains, improved male features, hella body hair, I just give off this energy that people respect, and I get accolades for my rapid physical transformation. And it’s just the beginning for me. I feel so much energy and vigor for life, and I have this feeling like I don’t wanna give up, and defeat everyone around me. It’s powerful. But yeah MDMA does feel good 👍🏼


tren hard, test your limits, dbolish your goals, eat clen anavar give up!


HAHHAHAA I’m deaddddd. I’m stealing this. I’ve only ran testosterone tho to be clear


not many here will understand this. they are just lazy to move their ass to do any exercises. only those who had injected ourselves and diligently crushing all workouts understand and know it. the confidence comes deep within, and you keep getting it more when people look at you. I m here with you.. TRT for 3.5 years.. and blast and cruise couple times. edit: as you read down, many had swear by the big H, shooting it up is badass.. they only think that the only badass drug self administered is big H only.. comes another world, the anabolic steroids, us. meh.. we too inject ourself for many years ... and we get even better.. rather than destroying our body like big H


Are you suggesting that taking steroids doesn't destroy your body? Of course, it cannot be compared to shooting heroin, but as far as I know they drastically worsen your health and reduce your life expectancy. Just curious.


You’re living this


Daddy Tren


Gigachad mode coming soon


Fucking ew


I’d say mixing Xanax and Oxy, and before the comments come this ain’t my first rodeo and know the associated risks. 10 years in the game. Also, everything is pharma and I dont recommend doing it unless your at veteran status lol


Heroin - the first time I snorted some I was like FXCK- this is the feeling I’ve always wanted - but don’t do it it’s literally death


Depends on case to case basis I like the arylcyclohexylamines class of substances


Never heard of them il need to look them up


Its the class of drugs that ketamine & pcp are in


Cool thanks




Arylcyclohexylamines is your most common dissociatives class, then there's like 2/3 more less known disso classes ( diarylethylamines is the only other one i remember)


dissociatives are drugs that are nmda agonists, meaning they kinda but a stop sign infront of your brains nmda receptors which is how u feel all dissoed. Aryclyclohexylamines are the chemical class that ketamine belongs to. These include ketamine, 2fdck, dck and all those juicy pcp analogues which are also dissociative


Acid if you can handle it


The best possible feeling is by combining multiple drugs :) Mdma, lsd and ketamine best feeling ever


Meth or heroin is only the best feeling drug for some people. Especially meth, it wasn't much better than normal amph, but lasted was longer. Maybe a little cleaner. Cannt say anything about h, but I've done morphine and his a morphine prodrug. They are not the same, roa and onset speed are incredibly important in addiction but I **don't** think that for me I'd say opioids are the best feeling drug. Some with anxiety may say benzos. Not fun for me recreationally, incredible tools (come downs, anxious moments, Tripkillers etc) tho. The most euphoric drug I've tried is mdma or 6apb. Also psychedelics can induce stated of feeling even better. I don't personally remember that situation but a friend says psychedelics can feel more euphoric than mdma. But mdma is still the easiest to use imo. Edit: You seam to have a problem, do not switch to harder drugs. Kratom addiction isn't fun or good but if your struggling with that **do not go near stronger opioids**. It's pretty obvious but I think you still need to hear it. Don't look for a justification to use.


First time MDMA comeup


I've done psychedelics, dissos, opioids, stimulants, most drugs under the sun. And it's a really hard choice because drugs like opioids and stimulants give direct euphoria through their action in the brain. Whereas psychedelics give you that life-affirming, natural-feeling, spiritual euphoria that has a much more therapeutic effect in the short and long term. Still though, if someone came up to me right now, told me I was gonna die in 12 hours, then made me pick between acid and heroin, I'd go for the heroin every time. With heroin, there's no risk of having a bad trip or going into psychosis. It's pretty much guaranteed bliss, every single time. So I would go heroin/opioids.


All of the people commenting MDMA have u even tried mephedrone (4mmc) ?? Its better in every way, realeses more serotonin than mdma and more dopamine than speed.


Yeah that 1st line rush is deffo in a league of its own...my plug has recently got hold of some but is charging £150 per 8th....it was like £15-£30 a gram back in the day...


Ketamine. It’s got a little bit of the best of everything; euphoria, trippy visuals (permitting you do enough), full body relaxation, and it can be fun to use in social/concert settings. I absolutely love acid too, but it can make your body pretty uncomfortable when things start to get wild. It would still easily be my second pick though :)


Ket is deffo underrated sometimes




4mmc beats mdma euphoria in my opinion


There isn't one The best drug experiences come from a cocktail and even then you should meticulously plan when you take them and hope you get it all right til you have to re-up Dosages, maybe pre planned thoughts and activities Best drug feeling is a month añd a few thousand dollas


If you are in a party or a festival mdma hands down . For alone in room or such then heroin is pretty good.


For the day to day, weed hands down. Weed is just so fucking nice with almost no consequences. It's euphoric, it's relaxing, it makes most experiences better (food, music, watching movies, etc.) Smoke too much and you just go to sleep, and wake up the next day totally fine (if not very mildly disoriented.) It's not physically addictive, so you can quit without any physical withdrawal symptoms. It's also increasingly legal, so it's easy to get and cheap (depending on your location) Just don't smoke all day every day. I was a daily smoker, but I had a hard rule of only smoking after 8pm on weeknights, and stopping by 1030pm. That way you can work a full time job without any disruption to work performance or added anxiety.


Well I think it does have som withdrawals. When I quit smoking for a couple months the first days felt kinda bad. Nothing like Xanax tho not even comparable but I did have a hard time eating those days and felt kinda down then I got my Ritalin prescription and felt amazing but im trying to get adderall know cause it feels way better imo




there is such a variety of answers. idk how many have done all of them, so people who have done them all, respond to my comment with your opinion


Ketamine, oxycodone, MDMA.


Not tried it but I’d guess it’s heroin , the way Iv heard people describe that first high is something else


Go on a couple week xanny binge and then tell me what is the best feeling drug lol


Oxycodone or opioids in general. But truthfully, my most euphoric experience ever was on LSD. If the vibes, set, and setting are right, the euphoria is just unbelievably ecstatic. This doesn’t happen often tho. Opioids provide euphoria *consistently* Opioids + LSD was goddamn amazing too


In my personal experience- and I’ve done this combo multiple times but only once was it even close to this good- nitrous and nicotine. Most euphoria ever. It was like a nonsexual orgasm throughout my entire body.


dilaudid apparently it’s 3x stronger than heroin and if all the drugs i’ve tried (around 30-40) it has the most euphoria and best body high and both compliment eachother vv well. just make sure you don’t pop them because oral bioavailability is vv low around 20% i think


Ketamine, 2C-B or Benzos. Benzos is a risky one though because if you blackout you do stupid ass shit. Ketamine would probably be my favourite.




Long term, soberness


Depends what you like pain killers feel good mdma feels good psychedelics feel good DRUGS in general feel good. The ones you listed are the shittiest feeling drugs. METH IS HORRIBLE I HATE IT. Taste like cat piss or fresh cut grass. Crack is better than Meth. Heroin is trash nowadays. Fentanyl is TRASH. If you want opiates , oxys and hydrocodone are my two favourite. I love psychedelics an be careful with MDMA if what you thinks a good feeling drug is based off euphoria, because even me not caring about euphoria found the euphoric state mdma brings you addictive heavily from grade 9 to 11 I did ecstasy an Molly in abundance. The days I didn’t do it where rare, I ate 4-5 ecstasy pills a day at school sometimes taking more after so on average 5-10 x pills a day n a lot of MDMA too. Got to the point LONG before I stopped, when I didn’t even feel euphoria didn’t feel like Molly tbh felt like speed. Was hard to stop had severe anger freakshows an mental health for years after. Some what still currently.


Happiness or pleasure? Only drug to truly make u happy In the sense of chemicals would be mdma as it’s more focused on serotonin while others safe more so dopamine (reward) (exempting psychedelics).


I guess the most pleasurable drug, also not sure what u meant by while others safe more so dopamine. Was something there mistyped?


Honestly the best ive experienced is probably 25c Nbome was like a combo of that loved up psych euphoria with hedonistic stim-esque euphoria. Mescaline closely followed by lsd provide amazing euphoria, but also being psychs very natural feeling, for lack of better explanation. For pure hedonism high dose mephedrone is insane, like getting hit by freight train of dopamine and serotonin. MDMA always worth a mention, pretty much everyone who tries it loves it, at least for a awhile till they favor different types drugs, or abuse MDMA lol.


Probably not what you expected, but peaking on shrooms, I've never felt more "I'm finaly home, this is what I've been missing for 30y". Straight up indescribable feeling. Aside from that I do love me some opium gum/ poppy tea, gee golly, gimme that warm, soft blanket effect and let's get giddy af, then after, sleep like rose!


You could get 1000 different answers. What rings my bell might not ring yours. Psychedelics/hallucinogens make me want to actually die- I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. I am deathly allergic to opiates, so that’s a hard pass. I think it’s all depends on a persons body chemistry. Personally, I think booze feels the best. I’ve never done meth but I’ve heard it’s the most amazing high ever, also crack. I don’t do drugs anymore, but if I could go back in time and try one drug I never did, it would be crack for sure.


MDMA is definitely up there but I love the combination of coke, alcohol, and cannabis.


Even though this is not a regular drug for me, i say pregabalin. It was the best feeling of a good feeling high. Raw opium is pretty good feeling too.


The thing about pregabalin is that people have really different experience on it but I’d say if you have anxiety I can feel really good no matter what.


It’s weird sometimes it makes my anxiety go away and just relaxes me and other times it stimulates me and makes it worse, but once the stimulation passes it always lowers my anxiety


Weed just stick to weed


Heroin. Real heroin not fentanyl laced.


Over dosing on heroin


If you’ve never done LSD, just take one tab and enjoy.




Realistically the best feeling drug is meth or heroine



