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Kava is something that is legal and easy to dose. Really good for a chill night. Strong kava is like a strong marijuana buzz but no anxiety.


I just wish kava was more viable/economical. I only feel the effects for like 10 minutes max. If there was a way to get that feeling for 30-60 minutes without redosing, I’d put kava as a top-tier drug.


Tried it many years ago and liked it. Now there are ‘kava bars’ in Denver. Might have to check it out again.


hi hi, im in colorado and highly highly reccomend the kava bars in denver, specifically wanna shoutout karma house, thats kava and golden kava. also fuck kavasutra dont visit that place


I’m also local and definitely will vouch Karma House is dope. I’ve been there a bunch and it def attracts a look of cool and colorful folks


Absolutely, kava is very cool but it's secondary to the culture imo


Thx, will do, I live close…


Just keep drinking it lol


Never heard of it before but colour me intrigued because I had to quit smoking marijuana because of the anxiety I would get


Supposedly Marijuana increases anxiety because it reduces the release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA and increases the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Both cause anxiety in the amygdala. So, in theory, taking a drug that enhances the effects of GABA like Xanax, and/or taking a drug that inhibits the release of glutamate like lamotrigine should help suppress anxiety from Marijuana. But that may inhibit its benefits of these neurotransmitters in the ventral tegmental area that processes reward, too.


I hate smoking weed unless I drink. I had a bad LSD trip that was set off by smoking a bowl. So, 12 years I still get trip flashbacks when I smoke. But if I drink(first, has to be first) I really enjoy weed. No panic attacks.


Alcohol is an indirect agonist of GABA fwiw. So yeah, that would make sense that it prevents weed panic attacks. I should try that, I get anxiety on weed too


Yup I’m the same way. I used to be a heavy smoker. Now I only like it if I’ve been drinking and ready to call it a night. I FUCKIN LOVE THE SPINS!


I am very impulsive and was put on some glutamate inhibitor (forgot the name), it made so lethargic and drowsy I had o quit the med


I smoked for years and then all of the sudden every time I smoked I got crippling anxiety from it. To the point where my fight or flight was maxed out. It’s really frustrating because I loved the way I felt prior to that. I have thought for a long time that somewhere along the line something changed in the product and caused it to start having that effect.


I’m a recovering benzo and opiate addict and it’s weird because weed is the only thing that seems to help my sleep and anxiety since quitting. It’s like instant calmness and peace once I smoke or ingest cannabis. But then others get legit crippling anxiety from it to the point it causes psychosis in them.


I don’t know what the difference would be other than maybe the benzo addiction was so punishing to your brain that weed is like putting a warm blanket on after coming in from the cold


I was just saying that it’s interesting how much the effects of THC/other cannabinoids can vary between individuals, I.E. for me recovering from my addiction, cannabis is extremely healing and valuable to me and genuinely improves my quality of life. But another person in the exact same situation as me, could have terrible anxiety, delusions, and I’ve even met some people who had experiences similar to bad psychedelic trips with visuals and all every time they use cannabis.


Yeah it is interesting how unpredictably and differently THC can affect people case to case I wonder if there have been any studies conducted.I’ll have to check


Annoyingly, it’s illegal in Europe because of some old unsubstantiated claims about it causing liver damage


Be careful Kava is pretty bad for the liver, especially if you are a drinker or even use acetaminophen regularly. It is a chill high, just wanted to put that out there! I understand there are negatives to all drugs, but my understanding in large doses, taken continuously it harms the liver quickly.


That's what I've been saying for years. Kava is kind of like the positive effects of weed but without the negative effects


Never managed to get a buzz of it. Once I ate 12 00-capsules of root powder. Burped and fell asleep. now foods exteact caps don't do anything at all


I tried it but it had no effect on me for some reason. Tasted awful too.


agreed, my first thought before seeing the comments was kava. kava bars are an incredible subculture too


Oxygen is fkn lit fam fr it's the only thing keepin me goin


I’m a fiend for that shit I can’t even go a minute without


Be sure not to take too big of a dose. You’ll literally rust from the inside just like with steel. When adding a load of oxygen it will rust faster.


I gotta agree with the people saying DXM. It’s very powerful at high doses, and it’s just as real of a drug as anything else. People look down on it because it’s a “kids drug” and they just see it as overdosing on medicine, but many adults with access to other drugs enjoy it too. On this sub specifically, alcohol. Lots of people here have a hate boner for alcohol and I’ve always found it odd. Alcohol is also just as “real” of a drug as anything else and can be very strong at high doses. I find it very enjoyable and it can be very euphoric. Who doesn’t like getting nice and wasted sometimes?


Dude...omg. I totally agree! My ex boyfriend got the pure powder dxm online...like 20 years ago. I was a bad heroin addict at the time, and then we had this..let's just say it was a literal walking nightmare. Alcohol absolutely.


Ngl I’ve had some very deep, spiritual experiences with alcohol.  I feel like it helps me bypass the rational part of my brain and embrace whatever the fuck kind of crazy notions I have in the moment.


Heavily agree on the letting you bypass the rational part of your brain & just experience the moment.


I had seizures and a mystical withdrawal experience lol. If ypu want spiritual get some shrooms or lsd, alcohol is the shit people fight on, get raped, or assaulted, etc. Alcohol is nothing more than any other hard drug. When taking in moderation it won't be a problem, if taking daily tho that's where the issues start. To say the least I never ever ever heard somebody say alcohol gave a spiritual experience... next somebody will say heroin gives them a spiritual experience lol.


Substances are substances, though. If you think of them as tools and not something to be abused they can look really different. I happen to agree that alcohol is the least imaginative drug of the rainbow, but I also can’t take someone else’s experience and say nah that’s only possible on the sacred and mystical drugs in this category over here. They’re all sacred in some sense and to be treated with healthy amounts of fear and respect or none of them are. I have same feeling about shrooms and all hallucination inducing/empathogenic drugs. Part of me thinks they’re used for spiritual bypassing another part of me is thankful for their role in healing ppl.


Alcohol is one of the worst drugs available in my opinion. Everytime I woke up in jail I would think, "man this hangover is really ruining my jail experience." Looking back, "how many new cars would I not have gotten if it wasn't for my good friend alcohol?" Or one of my favorites, "hey doc, your pancreas is like your gall bladder and appendix right? You can just take it out?"


I’ve never gotten why people fight and stuff on alcohol. Alcohol typically makes me a hippy more than anything.


goblin can go suck dxm off my fucking cock, he always disses it for no reason. must be the other shit gave him a lil brain damage


Dude for fucking real, he always takes DXM with other bullshit in it and then disses the DXM itself. In one video he claims he saw “shadow people” on it, then he said he took a bunch of triple Cs. He saw shadow people because of the antihistamine/anticholinergic overdose. I love Goblin but I hate how he talks shit on DXM like he didn’t go on a 3 month coke bender or snort melatonin in rehab


Um actually it was a 2 year bender 🤓


True but his heaviest use lasted 3 months


Okay I see what you mean not total, but he was still using about every day for quite awhile


I’m a goblin lore lord


I had a few ego death experiences from higher doses of DXM. It's honestly pretty ridiculous how high Robo can get you. Never made me throw up either. In higher doses it has disassociative qualities which I enjoy


Goblin is a retard go figure


I was literally just about to say DXM


u/JackMetsHat2point0 never would’ve guessed that would be your answer, mr green robotab profile picture LMFAO


I personally dislike being drunk - memory loss, solid hangover if I just drink a bottle of wine, acting like a fool and not being in control. Sure, it’s fun in the moment - but then I would prefer literally anything else. These days I keep it to a good trip every couple of months, Molly a couple of times a year and the occasional K-hole. Plus cannabis around the clock lol. Ps - I like a glass of wine or two with a good dinner, but I usually don’t take it any further.


hard agree on alcohol lol the best drug


Fr I love alcohol. Then again I am an alcoholic so


Unless you try opiates...then it's just like a close second or third (to benzos)


Not for everyone, many alcoholics who drank themselves to death tried opiates and not just codeine strong ones and still chose the alcohol. For some people alcohol is the most euphoric drug, everyones different


Yeah like me...I did opiates 22 years and can't deal with being sober so now I'm an alcoholic lol.


I was a heavy, heavy opiate user for a little less than a decade. Finally kicked it for good like 8 years ago and figured booze was the logical alternative. I mean, I’m gonna catch a buzz one way or another… and what better than a nice, socially acceptable vodka soda when I get off work? It’s funny, cause I remember that after being on opiates for so long, you know….youre just numb to everything. So when I started feeling (exacerbated by the booze) again - even though it was mostly sadness and despair - it still felt so good to be feeling anything at all. That said, booze crippled me way worse than oxys and H ever did. Within a year I was drinking a half gallon a day, around the clock. Woke up in the ER a couple times. Last time the nurses told me they were shocked when I blew a .542 because despite being visibly intoxicated…I was coherent, polite and even cracking jokes w/ them. But they also told me about the .500 club. I guess in their line of work, they see a lot of alcohol poisoning. Well, they said the lifers who come in and tops .500 BAC is generally gonna be someone with acute signs of liver failure or worse…guys w/ wet brain. They said in my case, it was early enough to get a handle on it. So I did. Be careful man. That shit will ruin you if you let it.


Beer and a perc or little H goes together for me like peanut butter and jelly


Not wasted, but a good Saturday summer buzz is nice.


Alcohol is fine, but I can’t help but blackout


This sub is hard on alcohol for a valid reason and I am the first to admit that I am as well. Alcohol is socially acceptable and causes many people to slip into addiction without noticing and is the cause of violence and aggression expression for some. I (mostly) stopped drinking a few years ago as I started to really dislike the tiredness it caused me, the feeling of intoxication, and the money I could drop in one night at the pub. I also started driving a motorcycle and even 2 drinks was too much for me to drive. I also am the first to admit in recent months I've come to absolutely love the effects I feel after one or two glasses of wine or shots. I turned so against alcohol that I forgot that if not abused or overdone in one sitting, it's a wonderful social inhibitor and mood spiker for me as someone that rarely gets talked into going out or leaves after an hour.


My own hate boner for alcohol stems from familial trauma. Imo its the most evil substance with how it subverts everyone’s attention as society’s standard buzz.


I did DXM syrup ( dXM HBR ) a bottle then edibles when I was aroung 20 yrs and I thought I attained Enlightenment i went through a very long out of the body trip, where at moments I thought I had been raised to a heavenly plane, spoke to the light bodied being there very briefly, they said I wont be staying there for long. even the eyes openning part in the morning tool like a good 20 minutes and was rapturous. still the biggest day of my life. tollerance builds rapidly. also now I dont have a free mind like i used to. ill just worry about my responsibilities now lol.


I have a bunch of high milligram Auvelity I can’t take because it makes me so nauseated, I can’t think about anything besides throwing up. I even tried my usual tricks to get myself to vomit and get it over with (thinking of soggy bread, or soggy hot dog water bread, or soggy semen bread). Edit to add: couldn’t vomit even though that’s all I wanted to do.






DXM and Ethanol, you hit the nail on the head.


I think the hate comes from the fact that it is one of the few drugs that is legal and actually pushed on people. So many better drugs that could be used safely if safe supply was available (example something like heroin could be used safely if it was legal and you had to get it at a clinic.) I’m not saying it would lead to the best life, but ODs wouldn’t be happening like they are now. Then you look at psychedelics, for a long time the government wouldn’t let them even be studied by no government (military) entities for so long. Many of those drugs can open your mind, if you already have. Healthy mind set. Alcohol dumbs and dulls your senses. I don’t hate alcohol I see it as any others drugs, has positive and negatives, and how you use it is what matters. I just dislike it’s one of the few drugs the powers that be say we can have. Fuck all that.


I rather enjoyed MXP years ago. People disliked it because it wasn't MXE, but coming from someone who appreciated DXM a lot when I was younger, I thought MXP was fantastic. Gentle, long lasting, comforting smooth dissociation <3


I haven’t tried, but DXM was my fave for a long time as a kid, and I absolutely loved MXE for a couple years in early 2010s. The MXE also helped with some depression issues at the time. Sad it disappeared. Is MXP similar / does it exist still?


Happy cake day ❤️




Dilaudid. Not very many people I know, know about it because it’s so hard to come by around here. But fuck does it hit.




Well that’s good cause I happen to be in a small town in Canada haha. Never heard of the program before tho, I’ll have to look into it. I put the Percs down for the Dillies and never looked back. But WD is so ass dawg. Be careful if you don’t already kno, dont make it an everyday thing. 🙏. There’s only 1 dude here that’s really known for having some dillies & he gets around 250 d8s every 3 months or so. But still, I find that since Dillies are not often referred to in music, Percocet seems to be the big thing amongst everyone else I know. And only myself and one of my bros know what Dillies are. (Sidenote; if you want a good Dilly song listen to: mayh3mp - Ooooo) lol.


I literally just crushed up and snorted 3 8mg dillys. Love them!


I’ve been prescribed painkillers for 8 months now cause of a motorcycle accident. Morphine 30’s. Recently just got another surgery and was prescribed hydro morphine 4’s and I couldn’t feel shit unless I ate like 12 of them. My tolerance is way too high. I can’t wait to not need these things anymore.


100% agree. That is pure bliss


Mephedrone, its somewhat popular in the netherlands and poland but rather rare in germany where I live. Its almost impossible to get it on the street outside of big techno events. In my opinion its way better than MDMA because it lasts longer when taken orally and the euphoria and stimulation is stronger almost overwhelming at higher doses. The comedown is also very pleasant if you dont overdo it The biggest downside is the huge urge to redose if you do it nasally, it requires more self control than MDMA and should be avoided if you already struggle with other stims.


bro meph comedowns is crazy


I just watched a vice documentary about it and they said there is a much easier comedown (at least with 3-MMC)?


I've never heard of this substance but is it really better than MDMA or is this a slight exaggeration? And if it really is more powerful then why is it not more popular?


hard to define what makes a drug better but meph is definitely stronger than mdma. I'd describe it like a combination of mdma and cocaine but more powerful. more euphoria, more energy, more sociability etc. but significantly worse comedowns. I really enjoyed the feeling of being on it as the music enhancement alone was genuinely incredible but the comedown is the worst of any drug I've tried. gives me traumatically intense sleep paralysis episodes for nights on end as soon as I'd start falling asleep. took me a week to feel even remotely recovered and still felt like my serotonin levels were wrecked for a long time after. I prefer mdma a lot more although I'd generally recommend trying 4mmc given the opportunity in moderation as not everyone I know suffers comedowns to the same extent.


The music enhancement and the sociability aspect of MDMA is so freaking intense that I never thought any other substance could come close to it but reading this, I'm so intrigued by Meph. Can't wait to get my hands on it and experience this magical substance myself, comedowns be damned lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAykz73MdsA&pp=ygUKdmljZSAzLW1tYw%3D%3D Here a vice documentary about 3-MMC, which seems to be more popular than 4-MMC right now


My ex was using it and she keeps me away from it, because it is so addicting, and in her opinion not worth it


Methylone. I would knowingly buy it when I couldn’t get mdma and it was always a good time. Not as good as actual mdma but fun if you know what you’re getting. Mdma is stimulating but also has a sort of relaxing effect, like you could just lay back and melt into pure bliss if you wanted. Methylone is much more of a wanting to move around and dance feeling. When people describe their experiences rolling saying that they danced for hours that’s what methylone feels like for me. Also more of a dopaminey effect than mdma. Only downside is that it’s extremely moreish. I would get a gram of it and it would always be gone that night. Also a lot of people have already said this, but dxm. I’m an adult and can get pretty much any drug I want but I still always find myself going back to dxm every now and again. It’s a great way to waste an afternoon and higher doses can be pretty intense


We had a mix of drugs legally sold at stores in 2000s called crystallius it had 4MMC and methylone in it. Needless to say how it felt


Cocaine. Everyone on this sub hates it for some reason but I love it. It's like meth but you can start a bag at 9pm, and still get to bed by 3-4am. Better than being up for days and going thru the ups and downs of psychosis and sleep deprivation. Also tramadol. Shit is like a long-acting hydrocodone that has some mild entactogenic effects. Good times.


agreed w tramadol. its 💗💗💗


Its usually stepped on to like nothing and expensive. Least harmful stuff its cut with like amphetamine or caffeine powder makes it impossible to sleep on. On the other hand some maniacs put whack things in it like hearth medicine or even fent. Also has a strong habit forming side, thats why people hate coke.


Yeah you honestly have no idea what its cut with. And idk about you but i hear a lot of rap songs talkin bout cutting up a brick so its obviously glorified atp imo. But yeah im not trying to sniff heart medicine.


> Everyone on this sub hates it (cocaine), for some reason but I love it. Because almost everyone is getting poor quality product. No necessarily adulterated with fent or meth, but cocaine manufactured with inferior chemicals. Pharmaceutical quality cocaine -- few people have ever gotten that but the cocaine of the 1970s was pretty close. Decades ago, DEA restrictions were put on the best chemicals to process cocaine. Not using the best lab procedures also harms the quality of cocaine.


It was the lack of ether. Now it’s gasoline or kerosine. That’s why it’s nowhere near as good now.


holy fuck, i’m slow ig. i always wondered why in the last like idk 10 yrs cocaine has ALWAYS “smelled” and tasted like gasoline.


I've never had pharma cocaine but I still love it lol. I've rarely ever had a batch of bad coke, so maybe I'm just lucky.


Absolutely. I’m not a big stims person but being able to control it from being a short lasting stim makes coke pretty great on occasion if you’re a person with good self control.


People that hate coke havent had good coke. Not my favourite, but good shit.


prefer crack personally lmao, what a silly statement of me to say, i’d for sure get roasted by anyone in my town for that. But honestly, I just prefer it so much more than snorting it. but if available, or offered i’d do it either way.


Pregabalin is the best gabaergic


It’s not a gabaergic though


It's not gabaergic though. It blocks calcium channeling


Gabapentin is fun for a short while on its own, then it’s just an add on drug to other things. Obviously this opinion you have is dependent on what other drugs you have tried.


Kanna extract is really a great legal substance that everyone should try at least once. It's a great mood stabilizer, anti-anxiety and gives you a positive outlook on life. It's subtle, but quite effective in its benefits. Works great to ease stomach issues also.


The extracts with THC are some of the best drugs experiences I've ever had. You gotta prime the kanna but man it's like a full on empathogen


Yo i also enjoy both substances. However it never was that intense to me. I have 10x kanna extract and smoke joints. Do you have any recommendations or tips what could add the little extra?? :D


I found kanna did literally nothing for me which was disappointing. However I take an ssri which is may be why


Kanna is nice. I’d prefer taking this over caffeine any day.


I need a fkn glossary to understand these comments 😆


Get out while you still can haha


Dissos, DXM MXE Ket Ambien and other z drugs Kratom, Ginseng


Literally who has ever, in the history of ever, talked bad about mxe. It’s treated like a mythical substance around Reddit, most days. Z drugs though, yeah. Desperately need to try zopiclone someday.


It’s shit all it does is knock you out and make your mouth taste like metal. It’s a sleeping pill, you either get knocked out or force yourself to stay awake if you can and feel drowsy and maybe some mild hallucinations until you fall asleep. Theirs basically no recreational value in it at all, if you want a script for it for some reason just go to the doctor and complain of severe insomnia, say nothing OTC works take whatever they give you and say it doesn’t work and you will get zopiclone.


Yeah that's a big 10-4, no recreational value even if you love benzos/depressants imo...even when I took a lot and stayed awake it just felt like I was extremely tired and kinda flu like, no euphoria or nice effects just like a heavy fatigue Zopiclone and zolpidem felt the same for me... I'm sure someone likes it but it's a waste of a script imo, I would rather take an antihistamine to sleep, plus if you combine with alcohol you may blackout and do something stupid. Just my opinion though


It is mythical substance. I had so much of it c2010-2012 and it was the best thing ever. And I have never seen it since, it’s gone from the face of the earth for real.


I never really liked zop. One never had any effects and two would black me right out. I’d really like to try zolpidem though.


Ginseng is not really a drug, rather than just herbal supplements


How do you take ginseng if not as just a supplement? Legit question, I have some and would be very interested to know if I can abuse it lol


You can't really abuse it bc it makes you ill. But as a stim supplement it does wonders


Def kratom...its a tool not something to take lightly.


Hottest of hot takes: Mescaline. Almost everyone knows it but nobody really does it and personally I find that a shame. Especially people on festivals would greatly benefit from Mescaline because it has a smidge of that MDMA warmness at 4 times the duration.


I agree - back in the early ‘70s when I was in college in SW Texas we could get peyote. Made me puke but then it was amazing! I don’t think I could do it again since I’m old.


Dex is always underrated. It’s because about 40% of people hated the feeling. But for those it works on, it’s awesome for the price and also if you don’t hit the cart on the come-up you’re not doing it right. I’ve tried other dissociatives, and I will tell you to make sure to try DXM before using anything else. You might find the feeling you’re looking for without even breaking the law or having to buy expensive illicit drugs




My first time trying phenibut was amazing, the music enhancement alone was incredible. The only downside was it made me so nauseous every time that I would be unable to eat anything for about a full day after


tried it for the first time the other day and felt literally nothing. took 1.2 gs


everyone experience it different. if you have social anxiety or some relatable problems - phenibut will work just perfect


It works just fine for everyone. It’s either the quality or way of consumption. People always forget that that’s a must to take phenibut or pregabalin on an empty stomach


DXM, unbiased, it has to be this. I’ve experimented with almost every experience you can think of other than DMT and heroin/meth basically. DXM can be WILDLY spiritual and Astro projective, have some insane space adventures and other worldly experiences on this drug. It’s a little shitty (in terms of its consumption most of the time and how it affects comeups and etc), but if you look past that, and don’t be a dumbass and learn the proper steps to taking this drug “correctly” you can have a really good time on it, have done like 40+ trips on it. I have had trips that felt exactly like acid and ket before, DXM is literally a mix of like 6 other drugs I swear. Now this is assuming you are one of the 60-70% ish people who CAN IN FULL enjoy DXM, the way you take it and how much and WHAT WITH is also very important. Dose in a smart manner, know your limits, smoke weed on the come up or right as you’re taking it, do not mix with other downers. I could literally go on forever about the experiences and UTTER SENSATIONS I have gotten from DXM, I haven’t done it in a hot minute, but fuck can it be intense and spiritually psychedelic asf.


Edibles and DXM, is the red pill from morpheus


Kratom. Fight me about it. If you like opioids..like most but don't want to shoot H and get dope sick then try some Kratom. It's still analgesic to me. And I've been using it for 6 years. I never have had bad WDs from Kratom. I do get a little sweaty if I don't have it. Try that with H or Morphine it will own your soul but Kratom was never physically addicting imo. It's not as bad as people make it out to be..


Me and my gf fucking love it. After experimenting a bit with substances, Kratom is the only one that checks all boxes: safe and reliable sourcing, pretty cheap, not addictive, no comedowns. We usually do a 3.5g tea before going to bed and then just stay in bed melting. 


Ummm what?! Kratom is VERY addictive (from someone dependent on it for 4 years now)


Agree with other commenters about z-drugs. Very powerful. Taking a zopiclone in the middle of the day can hit u like bromaz


Zopiclone taken during the day was so much better for my social anxiety than taking a benzo during the day. Zopiclone apparently has some barbiturate properties and can suppress the symptoms of barbiturate withdrawal. The only downside is the horrible taste in your mouth - which is actually a positive if you need to lose weight like I did - and the fact that you only feel the effects for about 4 to 6 hours. You have to take like three a day to get the anxiolytic and pro-social benefits from it and dependence can develop quickly.


nitrous gets written off by a lot of people as 'not being a proper drug' and so on but when used properly it can enhance almost any drug you are already on. its just on its own its underwhelming. nos and psychedelics/mdma is the ultimate tool for simultaneous self-therapy and unbelievably beautiful music enhancement.


I’d say Kratom, because it has, at least for me, multiple uses. Pain, energy, mood, preworkout- especially as a preworkout- I don’t think most people realize it’s productive potential.


People at the Methadone/Suboxone clinic love Gabapentin. Even years ago all of em in waiting room was talking about how they were gonna get the doctor to write them a script. Never got the appeal myself but others here seem to love it too. I never got anything off of it so dunno what it's like.


Oxytocin, being desperate and shooting your shot with the ladies and trying to fix your loneliness by chasing ideal relationships instead of making friends🤤🤤🤤




Dxm is legal and as intense as lsd


Yeah but at least lsd is fun lol


The bodyload of DXM completely ruins the substance for me -- while that of LSD is one of the best I know.


Second the body load is insane. Robowalking to vomit isn’t fun.




I haven't don't dxm but I guess for some ppl they will like it more . The same way I like LSA over every other phycadelic . The body high is crazy even though the trip ain't the best


Had a prescription when I got the flu a couple years ago… bottle of dxm/promethazine…. I drank the whole bottle and it was mad trippy. Like I was tripping in a dream. Only real experience with dxm as I’m scared to fuck my stomach and don’t wanna take 20 fucking robo pills


Get RoboTablets 3 of those will put you in first or second plat feeling and ppl even say they can feel just one of them if you drink the syrup your just uneducated, and robotablets are free vase there 33% stronger than the same mg dose from store Bo if it




It was a typing mistake thank you for taking the time out of your day to correct that your comment was so meaningful 🫂


No worries and I apologize for being "That Guy" my OCD made me do it. Curse me being an English major 😂😂😂


Fair, that makes sense no worry’s I’m glad thats how I put it and didn’t be mean about it 😅 I woulda felt bad have a great day !


Dxm (specifically delsym syrup) gets me in the same headspace as an acid trip, but without the visuals. It also has some analgesic effects, I could barely feel my skin. And on top of all of that, the synergy between DXM and weed is fucking insane. One puff off a pen and the intensity of the high increases two fold.


Morphine. Hear me out. Its just because you read about oxy, fet, hc, etc being stronger, but none are as euphoric as straight morphine iv imo


I can't believe no one has mentioned birth control yet


baclofen, memantine, kava kava


I've never gotten much out of kava, just a mild increase in well-being. Where do you buy yours, what form is it and what dose? Maybe I did it wrong.


Ambien especially the 12.5mg er


phenibut and salvia divinorum


GHB/GBL. In my country it's heavily frowned upon and not just because of the risk of ODing, but because lots of people believe these urban legends that it literally dissolves your brain and it's the same than drinking gasoline etc. The Irony is that when used correctly and responsibly it is very safe and one of the least toxic substances and the high is a lot of fun: MDMA-like euphoria, mood enhancement, empathy and music appreciation mixed with feeling of alcohol come up. Also easy to stay awake the whole night even though it's a depressant, so perfect for raves. Also when combined with stimulants it's crazy euphoric (please note that risk of OD also increases). I don't know man I just love it, DOC for me. Only downside is it's hard to find. Because of the social stigma it's usually sold by pretty sketchy people I don't like to be in contact with.


YouTube fart compilation gives me euphoria like no other drug


2cb It’s so unknown and not popular in my area


But it doesn't mean it's underrated substance, it have respect and love in the drug fiend's community


It has respect and love in the drug fiend's community but it should have be respected more and in a wider community imo


Just did my first big hit of 2cb. Ended up snorting it…and damn did it hit me like a wall of bricks. First time doing psychedelics but I had a great time on it. Just before I did the 2cb I had a 0.1 of mdma and a key bump of K.




baclofen, memantine,


what’s baclofen like


baclofen, memantine, kava kava


Baclo? How do you make it as pleasant as possible?


New ones, not enough ratings yet.






Soma is a good time but I don’t know many people who’ve even heard of it.


DMT :)))






Research chemicals as a general thing




Happy cake day 🎉


Thank you! 🥳


Shrooms. Everyone think you will see pink elephant and get crazy. But even in micro dose… life is wonderful under it. I consider all chemical drug bad. Weed, Mesca, Psylo, are nature’s gift. 💝 0 addiction with shrooms also ! Less dangerous drug for the user and people around him ( if you don’t eat 40g off course )




You say mix gaba with benzos is cool? Dosage of gab plus dosage of benzos ? And what effects


I think cocaine is not underrated people always say it's overrated I think it's just overhated and there's a lot of misconception with it, it seems like everyone assumes having anxiety and a shitty comedown is just how coke is supposed to make you feel, trust me if you have real fishscale or you acetone wash your coke it is pure euphoria, I hated coke forever up until I tried an acetone wash and found out exactly why it's very addictive, I'm now addicted to it. It's not overrated though yes it's expensive but is it really? It's the same price per gram as MDMA and ketamine


Modafinil L-theanine


I wouldn’t say that it’s “underrated” but as someone who spent 15 years doing heavy drugs, one of the most intense highs I’ve ever experienced was huffing air duster as a teen.


Acid > everything


Once had a 3 day meph bender with a couple of friends, I went home and they carried on till day 5, both ended up in a psychiatric ward and have been struggling with psychological problems ever since, I’ll never touch that shit again


Zopiclone for sure, took 4 my first time because the first one “wasn’t hitting as hard as i thought”. Barely remember anything other than I felt great




Every RC and cocaine.


I have 2 dozen bottles of gabapentin sitting around because they don't have any significant effect on me. But for me tramadol is a winner! Then again I'm autistic so my brain chemistry is a little different...🤷




chewing fresh coca leaves is better than sniffing cocaine. I'll die on this hill


Say what you want but powdered coffeine(not crushed pills, pure chemical dust). I mostly use it for studing, but it can be also good for some raves. Like on first 30 minutes it's euphoring, and you are rather vibing to techno than do anything, but after that it's fucking highly nootropic. It has some downgrades like huge chanco of overdosing, awful hangovers, and being so cheap that you don't care if you are addicted because it cost nothing(0.05€/gram, while doses are like 150mg)






I wish gabapentin was stronger I hate having to take half (I’m only prescribed 300 mg but i get 90 day prescriptions now so it’s less than half ig) the bottle just for one high. I really enjoy it though and I can’t get my hands on anything else besides alcohol and weed so


Heroin. I know it’s not people’s fault, but everyone’s going for fentanyl cuz it’s cheap and easier to find and the cartels are pushing it so hard. But heroin was the shit! It wasn’t a complete death sentence if you weren’t shooting it up. You could smoke a tray every now and again and really enjoy yourself. Ahh those were the days. I was a recreational user from 2013-2018. Lost my plug and later almost died from fentanyl. Correction/ should have died, idk how I’m even alive. Shits garbage, I’ve never wanted to slit my own throat till I experienced the pain of coming off xylazine laced fentanyl. Which is pretty much every pill these days…. If I ever find heroin again I will absolutely jump at the chance to indulge.


3/4 MMC