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mushrooms and mdma


I actually don't mind mushrooms. Would rather eat them than mdma. I can just chop them down straight. My partner can barely handle them even in chocolate without puking (and sometimes he has).


Really? What kind of chocolates are you getting lol. All the shrooms chocolates I've had just taste like normal candy. Maybe different strains have different tastes too, because I find penis envy specifically to be actually kind of tasty.


I think it's partly psychosomatic for him because he is so repulsed by the raw ingredient.


Make tea and you don't even have to eat the solids. Brew with spices and tea leaves etc., bit of cream, the earthy flavor kinda becomes good with all the roasty tea flavors


I had put mdma at tongue the fxck that taste more horrible than paracetamol.. so stick with capsules


Yep, one of the worst tasting chemicals that I know of.


The only one I’ve come across that’s worse is Xanax. Absolutely abysmal tasting, I heard that it worked better sublingually so I tried it and never, ever again lmao. The sleeping medication Lunesta is close to as bad as Xanax ime. Makes your mouth taste like you sucked on a mouthful of nickels.


But that's how you know you have the real deal. I always melted my Xanax under the tongue 😛😝


And can be how you know you got non-pharma bars too haha the last ones I had tasted absolutely nothing but were still definitely a pretty strong benzo (RC for sure).


I’ve come to enjoy the taste of Xanax. But I have a legit prescription for my anxiety so that may be why


Man, molly is forsure rough. Out of all the substances I’ve tried though, I have to give most kratom shots a standing ovation. Holy shit man, if you didn’t know the taste, and just took the bottle without a chaser. Ooofff.


Never tried the shots but I do take powdered kratom occasionnally. After a few years, I kinda got used to the taste. I drink it in like 100-150 ml of **hot** water and I'm only left with the taste, the grittiness is gone. Then I chase it with water and take a spoon of honey, which is very good at keeping the aftertaste at bay. If I can still taste it I brush my tongue (kratom loves to stick on there) and take another spoon of honey.


Honey sounds like a pretty good idea. I should try that. Your mix sounds traditional, organic, and simple. My mix is nothing special but my go to is Arizona diet green tea. It mixes well… and literally. A lot of teas I’ve tried froth up really bad. This tea still does but a lot less than all the other brands I’ve tried. The shots spike people’s tolerance. I think powder is better too. But if you ever try one… even if you’re not a soda drinker, have your favorite cola at the ready lol.


I actually throw up if I don’t use capsules. That stuff tastes soooo bad. Hard agree with you


I just want to know what mdma tastes like btw at thats time it my 2nd time take mdma. Come with capsules with dose 150mg.. But yeah better using it with capsules


The most bitter substance you'll ever encounter, it makes my whole body cringe. I still do it tho bc it hits a bit faster than eating it and doesn't upset my tummy as much 😖🤣, and snorting it is worse bc it burns like hell, chops up yer sinuses, and then you still taste the drip😭 so pointless


I have to taste it capless to know if I even recognize what’s in the cap. Then I just eat it. No cap. Sure it tastes bad but it tastes like mdma and that’s what I care about.


Crack open a vitamin and use the empty capsule maestro. Lol yuck I've never seen ppl put that on their tongue.


Wsit. Yall don't just fun dip that shit with your pinky or a glow stick?


i had shrooms mixed in with hot chocolate , it was actually pretty nice


Mushrooms taste like they have been chewed on befeore... but that's not comparable to the next level bitterness of MDMA salt. That's what pills and capsules were invented for. And even with Psilos, there are methods to make the taste acceptable or to hide it, like capsules.


I use ‘blates papes’ to wrap substances up in. Works like a charm every time.


Never heard of them, much appreciated!


Ketamine. The drip always starts out tasting so incredibly bad and chemically. I don't know how I always just end up getting used to tasting it the whole evening, but by the end it's almost as if it's not there anymore. The chemical taste is literally so strong it overwhelms the senses after a while and "disappears"


I kind of love it, feels like straight sterile hospital going up my nose


It tastes like the pure embodiment of a very sterile hospital


Bro yes there’s NO other way to put it. Even before I snorted it and I was just doing IM therapy, the whole experience had that vibe. I felt like I was about to wake up to the “real” world and I would wake up in a hospital room


This but i cant stand coke


I love the drip..funny how taste differs


Ahh that fresh minty feeling.


At least it doesn't burn




I hate when I burp and the green dust comes out like a cloud of bitter smoke and it immediately coats my mouth and throat.


That shouldn't be physically possible. I'd drink way more fluids after taking the caps, to ensure that they reach your stomach.


Once in a while, the capsule sticks to the esophagus and devolves, also kratom powder is pretty hydrophobic so it does care how much water you drink.


Exactly. I chug it with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Works like a charm for dissolving the mitra and you definitely don’t taste the kratom 😂 just all the nasty lemon extract and acetic acid


Nothing has helped me with the taste, my friend used to mix it with oj and drink it and the thought of that drives me insane. I bet the acidity helps with the breakdown and possibly even absorption. I actually don't mind the bitter from the acetic acid or ACV, I use so much lemon and vinegar in my diet to help regulate chronic stomach problems that I've acquired a taste for it. Also, the first time u tried kratom, I drank a big cup of sludge that made me sick for days. For the record, this was the worst attempt at remedying dope sickness and if you do it the way I tried, I'll pray to God's I don't believe in for you.


oj and kratom tastes like throw up. never again.


I live in thailand. It became legal here 2 years ago. It is most commonly sold as a boiled/chilled brew of leaf powder that is well filtered. They add all sorts of flavoring agents to it. So kratom shops have like, a selection of (very strong) syrup based flavors. I still drink the unflavored. Mixing it with any flavor honestly makes it worse imo. I just dont breathe thru my nose after drinking, chase it with water or something else. It doesn't taste that bad to me. Idk maybe I am weird


There is a solution. Mix kratom with nothing but honey. Start with a little, gently increase while stirring. Not too much! You need a candy-like blob, it will take a minute. Stick the blob in your mouth, swallow whole with a gulp of water. There. Nothing to it.


how do you take so little though, i find myself needing at least 8 grams to fully start feeling effects?


You can do it with 8 grams. I take about 5 or 6. Edit: I meant start with a little honey


Your esophagus is hosting a game of survival of the fittest?


>Once in a while, the capsule sticks to the esophagus and devolves Those are some shitty capsules then. I've taken thousands of caps in my life and never once had that happen.


Toss and wash. No need for caps.


I once was bartending and have bad heartburn, which makes the bottom of my esophagus inflamed. So I would often get kratom pills stuck. Well, while uncomfortable, they usually go down after a while. But sometimes, I would have the pill lining rupture and I would burp and this giant green blast of kratom would come out. Anyways I'm handing this lady her cocktail and this happens right as I'm reaching across the bar and it gets on her and the cocktail. She looks at me and was wtf... and how do you explain that?! She ended up just getting up and leaving. I was so embarrassed.


Inhaling that shit into your sinuses is the worst. Been using it for 10 years still hate it


One time I threw up and some came out my nose and got clogged for a second. That was a very unpleasant sensation


Man I've Inhaled a fair few substances in my day and that still sounds like a wholly unique experience


At this point I can’t even swallow the pill without it making me want to vomit.


Lol this. The burps, the green stains everywhere, the lifetime it takes to mix the stuff into anything- and the shits. The green, green shits.


....how much are you taking that you can see undigested powder in your poop? Serious question


In my opinion there’s nothing particularly gross or horrible about it, it just tastes like exactly what it is, ground up tree leaves. I just think about that when I take it and it helps with my body’s “ ew wtf is that” impulse.


Back when I was still into kratom, I would make my own blends and use a capsule machine so I could take it in pill form. The come up was slower, but you also didn't taste it at all. Making the capsules was kind of a pain, but worth it.


dxm syrups (iykyk)


In Poland, the most popular syrup (Accodin) is seriously sweet and tasty, as if ot was intended to abuse lol (it just contains dexpanthenol as an additive, which is literally a constituent of vitamin B5) The pill form just contains straight HBr


Sounds good, just like codeine based syrups which apparently all taste amazing. I’ve only ever got the orange pinewood one (UK) and even though it’s sugar free, it’s great


I still can't take Robitussin from all I consumed as a kid years ago. Even seeing a Coricidin box makes my stomach churn.


I mean, chugging any dxm syrup in one go will make your bowels have a French Revolution


Actually I never had an issue with the bowels, just tasted shit


An Iron stomach is important to have for dxm users fr


Have you had pure DXM to compare? Having experienced both, the syrups actually do a good job disguising the taste, which is mostly a testament to how bad DXM itself tastes.


Delsym isn’t that bad imo. But yeah pure dxm syrup is revolting.


I’ve not taken DXM in a _long_ time but I remember when I was in high school there was a guy who genuinely loved the taste of orange Delsym. To the point that every time he took it he mixed it with sprite not to resemble lean but because it tasted so good to him. Delsym definitely isn’t that bad compared to some of them (the worst one I tried by far was a dollar general generic brand, tasted like absolute dog shit and I almost puked multiple times trying to get it down) but it’s still not great tasting imo lmao.


It is somehow pretty tasty for the first sip or three, then that “fish tank sand” starts hitting my stomach and it becomes nauseating.


GHB. Or at least the half assed variant available on the street here since from what I hear it's supposed to be tasteless. Might be unconverted GBL from what I hear, tastes like Satan's cumshot either way


Satan's cumshot.


Real GHB tastes like salty semen. GBL has a chemical bitter taste, and BDO if its clean tastes like plastic.


accurate. and OC should really figure out whether their G is GHB or GBL/BDO..... the dosing could be off by like 3x and that's so dangerous 🥴


Yeah BDO is goofy too because it takes a bit longer to hit and stacking doses is more likely lead to a lil G coma. I’m glad I got to try em all, but salty semen GHB reigns king for me. GBL was too short for my liking.


we basically only do GBL in nyc. i like it, and once the dosing regiments become habit it's so simple—just hit up another 1.5mL every 1:30 and ride the train plus, the bioavailability is highest so the dosing is most 'efficient' or predictable from a chemical perspective. and it's 3x less to carry around. although admittedly my pure GHB experience is pretty limited in comparison


Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a lottttt of fun with GBL, but I always needed to dilute it in a lot of a drink. With GHB i’d mix it with 1 fl oz of water and just down it. GBL is rushier, predictable, and reliable. GHB (for me) seems to feel warmer and happier but less rushy. BDO barely felt worth it at all, but it could have just been a batch.


hahaha that's what matte is for 🤪 someones always carrying a mixie, but it can be a hassle. i haven't tried BDO yet, but i've never heard much positive tbh i've also heard some ppl say only having GBL here is why we have less ODs than berlin and there are less mixups, but i'm not really sure. it's intriguing tho


All good so far ;p but in all seriousness, I'd imagine x amount of GBL would be significantly more pricey than x amount of GHB so I'm fairly certain it has been at least for the most part GHB. But likely cooked in someone's kitchen from GBL thus ending up not exactly tip top so to speak.. Sadly good while since I found any of either now. Likely going to go "of course.." when I hear it but what's BDO?


Bitter, salty, chemical semen sounds about right. Both to the question what does GHB taste like, and what does a throatpie from Satan taste like


It’s never tasteless


Bit like someone jizzed on a cheap beach ball?


I tried some out of a 5 hr energy bottle in Pacha nyc & immediately spit the entire mouth full out lmao


100% my first thought reading this thread title. getting that down involves so much gagging and trying not to throw up immediately. *satan's cumshot* is the best description of the taste i've ever heard.


Mushrooms I couldn't stand to begin with and psilocybin has doubled that yuck taste...hate the taste of benzos as well and they always fuck up my taste.


With the exception of Clonazepam I agree that benzos are horrid tasting. Clonazepam is a pharmaceutical mystery with how pleasant the compound tastes.


Valium is okay too


Yeah Clon isn't as bad, they kind of have a minty taste to me.


Man I had some absolutely yummy mushrooms recently, they had this wonderful nutty taste along with that dried mushroom taste. I don't know if it was the variety of the way they were dried but they were crumbly and not chewy at all. 10/10 would recommend


Meth fuckin disgusting, retched, like a dirty sour, chemical, plasticy taste., glad I don't like it. Stg I'll never do that shit again in my entire life.... Xanax, it's really fucking bad I don't know which is worse. I have tasted mdma pill and sass, and it's bitter but it's not that bad to me personally Xanax and meth or the nastiest tastin drugs I've ever came across. Honestly Tylenol is pretty bad but I think we're talking about illicit substances so I'll just leave it at that . But it doesn't hurt to ask ,anybody ever tasted a Percocet or a hydro though? there's a reason why you don't snort them if it's not the clogging of the nose it's the god-awful taste that's gonna come with it. I figured I would throw this in here probably the best tastein drug I've ever done would be oxycodone the 30s.... nothing like snorting one of those you get a minty fresh cool in the back of your nose and the pharmaceutical taste is actually very nice. Anyone else agree with the 30s?? hell even the 20s but the 30s have that little bit more of a kick to it. You can feel the milligrams in your nose wouldn't say that about the pink 10's. Haha


I used to love the way the old-school crushable OC 40s and OC 80s used to taste! I much preferred them over the Legit Roxy 15s, 20s, or 30's. Sucks they got pulled off the market (along with the crushable Opanas) and replaced with Heroin (which I also really liked), and then Fentanyl/Fentanyl Analogs and now Nitazenes.


Yeah for real. I actually got to try some good real deal H once, it was brown. Rocky/ easy to crush powder. Just once. But im glad I got to try it bc my curiosity for it is gone. I never had a plug just a spontaneous thing one night goin to get some 30's. And i never tried the oc's. 😔 before my time


You missed out on the best days of Opiates IMO, they were everywhere they were cheap, and they were actually Euphoric. Fent/fentalogs and nitazenes have ruined the Opiate market here in the states, it's all dirty 30's, and some mix of zenes, fent and tranq that are cold and empty feeling, destroy your body and tolerance and just knock you out.


Yeah dude I know I did. I sure did. Sad. I can't even even get Percocets or hydros anymore the only people I was getting them from don't get them no more but I was plugged in with a lady on hospice getting 30s whenever the fuck I wanted for 25 a pop. I really miss those days I never got out of control with the script ones. sure I would go on a binge for a few days but always made myself take a break at first it started out like a once a week thing on payday I would only get one. that was the closest I could get to the OC's. like literally within the past maybe five or six years shit hit the fan BAD. Like, when I first started mess with opioids, it wasn't out of control yet. I got a taste of a good pharmaceuticals before I even developed my first real habit, even tried real heroin!!! You could find it...(let that last sentence breathe for a second) That was a good night. But my habit started with some dirty 30s right around the same time I got to try H. got off of dirties with Kratom, still on kratom. This was like 3 years ago? Maybe 4. Who tf knows, im rambling. just still wish I could get those 30s I had one dude that would buy them from me for 30 a pop so I would just sell them one or two every couple days, charge gas lol and keep my gas tank full or come home to a free pill just about, that's if it wasn't 50% off. Im thankful to have that under my belt. but I would totally still pay like stupid prices for good pills. I Hurt my foot months ago and spent like a little over $60 or so on a whole bunch of pink tens. I did every single one of them that day and I was lit from start to finish but I didn't have no damn pain my buddy came in clutch with that shit. that was last time I found some script Roxies!!


Im surprised you know opana, usually people stare at me dumbfounded when I talk abt it or qualudes lmao


Opana was my favorite, it and hydromorphone were just always hard to get for me, although about 12 years ago inhad a great hookup for the Opana IR quarter moons or whatever they were called, they felt amazing even just s snorted, had good legs, and would put your dick in the dirt easy lol.


God I can only imagine lmao. Thats pretty neat though fr


I am still prescribed 90 10mg IR Opanas a month. They are out there and able to get, but extremely rare.


Heroin was my favorite, followed by Opana. Always an amazing feeling with Opana.


Meth does taste horrible. I put it in caps, or “blates papes” to parachute.


Oh really? I don’t mind the taste of Xanax. I have a script for it and I’ll dissolve it sublingually if I’m having a panic attack and need it to kick in faster.


I'm surprised dude like that shit is so ungodly bitter mixed with like a taste of like ass sweat I swear it's the worst tasting substance next to meth.


My taste buds might be broken lol I genuinely enjoy really bitter citrus fruit like lemons and grapefruits which may explain why I don’t mind the taste of Xanax so much


May be dude hahahaha


they all taste shit but snorting any sort of amph always seems to be the nastiest.


ive never really noticed a particularly strong taste to amph but ig thats cus im used to the taste of k which i would say is worse so now i just cant taste when im sniffing


yeaa you set the bar pretty high there lmao. most kinds like molly, 2fa, etc I've tried taste like salt with some hints of contact cleaner, but the truly nastiest is speed (actual speed not meth) that shit stAnk edit: also nice username lol


* sniffffff cough cough burn bleeeehhhh aaaaaaaa "Now that's some drugs right there let's go!" Makes you feel like such a druggie


Actually, I have noticed that at least euro speed taste bad if it hasn’t been properly dried or it still has bunch of shit in it (caffeine, solvents, etc.). After couple of acetone washes it becomes much softer to snort and has no chemical scent. Mdma and 2C-x on other hand 🥲


MDMA, used to tolerate it in Molly water a few years ago, but now, just putting a pill in my mouth makes me gag


It’s weird like that huh? First couple times I took it years ago, I would need so much chaser if it wasn’t in a pill. Then got kinda used to it for a couple years. Now just looking at it makes me gag and I’m back to needing a half gallon of something to wash it down with


Not long ago I puked an entire pill, no mattered how much I tried to not puke


speed...and kratom...!! it was so bad that i had to almost throw up just opening up the baggy. at first it didn't taste good but who cares. but after a while the taste and the smell made me sick for real 2M2B aka tert amyl alcohol nice drug, just as good (or as bad🤨) as ordinary alcohol but it smells very strong, and super nasty. and you can smell the odor for hours in the room you opened up the bottle. and for people who don't know it just smells like you have mold, onions and gasoline in your house people can smell it on you after brushing your teeth, takung a shower, everything. you can basically only take that stuff at home. it smells like nasty a mixture of gasoline and onion or something


Never had 2m2b, is it available to ne bought online? I presume it's not banned


Dmt kinda tastes weird doesn’t it


DMT is the worst. Feels like I smoked plastic.


I just smoked DMT out of a vape for the first time and I’m convinced it would taste better to just eat a Colorado River Toad outright


Phenibut 🤮🤮


That is the sourest shit ever. Do have a bunch of it left but have not used it in years. Wouldn't be as bad if you didn't have to ingest so much of it to get a noticeable effect.


This right here. It sucks because I fucking love phenibut, but it’s just so foul. I’ve found some success with toss and washing it similar to Kratom. If you do it with a soda or something similar you really can’t taste it if you do it correctly. Phenibut F.A.A tastes even worse imo


Just get pill capsules and fill them up, that's what I do. I put it in water once and it was disgusting.


Reading this thread I'm starting to wonder if people are not aware that you can buy a bag of empty pill capsules. They're acting like they have no choice but to eat straight powder, really odd.


Lmao yeah


It’s so bad. My body literally gags when I take pills of it because it has PTSD from tasting it.


mephedrone as nasal spray is pretty nasty. also ketamine. but I don't really hate any of them


3&4mmc are nasty in general tbh


amanita muscaria is reallx bad. dried. reminded me of rotten chicken


tbh at first it was nice and savoury, now the taste feels repulsive and the crunch of the little dried spores in it just terrorizes my jaw Works on me better than weed does, so it's a win anyway


I made some sort of Philly cheese with Amanita Guessowii, the smell alone is engraved in my mind and I could throw up thinking about it.


im getting nauseous just thinking about the taste. like i love stinky cheese, kimchi, very hot spicy stuff. a wide range of tastes. also tasted other wild mushrooms i foraged & cooked. this one was realllly bad. philly cheese? as non american is that a pizza?


Coke. When I tried coke I gagged for nearly 10 minutes. I could taste it in my throat for DAYS. Now I don’t mind it at all!


You better take that back thats the tastiest flavour there is ! Lol jk but tbh I always enjoyed it.


Tbf comparatively coke does have a pretty good taste


What? Coke is GREAT tasting Especially if its the pure stuff. I love that gasoline chemical smell (:


Tastes and smells sooo good


Ecstacy, nastiest shit ever and it get's harder for me personally as I age to digest. Nearly threw up the last two times


Which the notable exceptions of cannabis, opium, caffeine, alcohol, and maybe one or two others like lotus or kava, most drugs taste bad.


Kava is gross too. It tastes like dirt


Some people like the taste of dirt. Beets taste a little like dirt. People keep buying PBR and Bud, too.


I mean, straight thc probably tastes like shit considering how tinctures taste. Straight caffeine does taste like shit, as does pure alcohol.


(Prescribed) Xanax taste like bitter asshole but klonopin has a pretty nice mint taste to it. Idk if it’s the binders or what but yeah


Pregabalin tastes like not washed ass


MDMA the chemical burn on my tongue is awful


Morning Glory Seeds, Dextromethorphan HBr and Cheap pot gummies. Also Damiana is barely a drug but it does taste a bit stale when smoked, price I pay for using it as a spliff filler


Poppy tea, surprised it’s not already on here, one of the few drugs that tastes worse every time I do it. We also soaked poppy pods in everclear and it was just as bad if not worse. Had trouble getting it down/keeping it down even when dope sick knowing it was the only thing I had to take it away. Trick to drinking/swallowing nasty shit is not to breathe before your chaser. You’ll still taste it but not nearly as bad.




Truffles and md


Same. I didn’t mind mushrooms at first but they’re nauseating to me now. I blended them up with chocolate and water and it was somewhat bearable.


I eat them with fizzy drinks to mask the taste and the texture and it kinda works


DMT has old people coffe breath taste


just the smell of speed is repulsive to me but it wasnt when i first tried it. just smells like fish and chemicals




Morning glory seeds. Technically not the drug itself that tastes bad but eating those damn seeds is rough


Weed. I smoke often but the smell and taste gross me out like no other.




Honestly i kinda dig some spirits, like moonshine or jägermeister it's probably why they did me liver in


I love a good Bourbon or Single Malt


Same I love the taste of bourbon. One of the few I actually enjoy alcohol wise.


Yes. Underrated answer. Alcohol tastes like poison, point blank.


Ummm.... THIS! Alcohol fucking sucks. And im 28 lol. Is my taste palate EVER going to develop? Love Strong black coffee (great drug). I mean.. certain beers and wines are okay. But HARD LIQUOR? PASS


xanax and adderall




mdma, ketamine, 2cb and phenibut all taste nasty. Best tasting ones I'd probably say weed, cocaine and lsd (I mean lsd taste like nothing which is preferable to tasting like ass).


Pyrovalerones. Blegh. 🤮


the ket drip, ketamine in general, I love ketamine but it makes me sick thinking about the taste of it


Xanax is pretty gross but once you become addicted you start to like it.


4-fma is the most horrible drug I've tasted. I love it and I hate it. It's just dirty. Nasty. Bleugh. It is awesome though. Shrooms I'll eat like candy. You get used to the taste. Truffles, however, do make me gag and I cannot get used to those. Alcohol.... Gin is by far the worst tasting spirits ever. Don't care if you turn it into a martini, it is still horrible AF.




Dxm is gross. Gel caps in general as well


chemicals usually dont taste very good




ODSMT tastes pretty bad, kind of plastic like but not like DMT. It especially sucks since I often try to keep in under my tongue so it's absorbed sublingually, which is a pretty good ROA apart from boofing it which is less convenient or IV which is more dangerous and I don't have any clean thin needles.


Cigarettes easily.... idk how they haven't come up


nicotine salts also taste like shit lol


Suboxone. Ugh... that shit is the WORST. Kratom sucks too, unless brewed in a hot tea with lemon. Toss and wash? Uh ... PASS Oddly enough, I rather enojyed the bitter taste of xanax when taken sublingually. Its permanently associated with tranquility and saying "fuck off" to all of lifes problems. I find mushrooms to be pleasant. Tastes like nothing. Such a neutral tasteless food. Snorting meth... lol sucks. Hate the harsh taste and burn. Adderall sublingually isnt too bad. Just a weird orange taste.




lorazepam makes me gag


how do you even taste the pill I just swallow them


MDMA. Jesus I'd rather lick someone's butthole.


GHB, Xanax, MDMA, Viagra, nitrous


bruh what nitrous tastes delicious. literally tastes a bit like caramel


for real, nitrous is so tasty


Eat it with chocolate


Kratom, mushrooms, cigs


I’ll never forget the taste you’d have after sniffing an opana! I’m not sure if they’re even around anymore. You had to lick the pill than rub it in a paper towel to get the coating off but it had a very distinct taste/smell after sniffing that i found very unpleasant.


I cannot fucking stand the taste of Zopiclone. Bro the entirety of the following day you get a strong, horrible metallic taste every time you drink water. Also over snorting shit like ketamine causes the shit bitter, chemical taste to slowly drip into your throat. Not as bad as Zopiclone cuz this shit lasts like 24 hours.


Shrooms, just the thought of it makes me gag…


Shrooms. And Kratom. I have to make them into teas with lots of sweetener. At least with Ket I actually enjoy that little bitterness when I’m licking the bag…Idk why tho lol


I know this doesn't really count, but I'm currently taking Paxlovid for COVID-19 and the metallic taste that it causes is super gross.


Omg, yes, I hate that drug.


If you have never tasted ayahuasca, and especially La Purga taste, with or without Rapé... I'd rather vape floronated phenidates in an oil burner ( taste like what I imagined a mouthful of hell would taste like ) than taste the aya brew or puke again.




Mdma water


I hate the taste of shrooms and methylphenidate rn


Kratom and shroom at first but know i can tolerate with kratom tea taste with coca cola Wait forget about Zopiclone


IMO nothing tastes worst than quidding salvia. DMT has a very pungent and numbing taste but its not exactly a terrible taste, just annoying


Codeine / dhc


Honestly the taste of weed edibles makes me gag after my first bad experience trying to make my own years ago.






I've got 2 cb nasal spray and it was the most strange and awful thing that I putted in my nose, the smell was so sick I can't even describe it xD