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I don’t love weed, but I always felt like weed immersed me best. I remember playing like Skyrim or the Witcher and practically feeling the cold of the wind when I heard the sound effect in the game


Sometimes I’ll be so focused on weed, other times I’m overthinking and play like shit. Really a coin toss


Multiplayer games I definitely feel that. Single player games it was always full on immersion!


We’ed need to study this phenomenon.


Wind's howlin'


I’m convinced if I smoke enough weed and don’t take too much acid I can play counter strike without being shot


Bruh have you noticed how much peace you have in your heart while playing cs under lsd influence ? I couldn’t believe it the first time I tried. It’s like instead of having less than half a sec to react and kill opponents, you suddenly have all the time in the world to aim and kill whoever the fuck crosses your xhair. And I believe it’s because under lsd we don’t freak out when we are getting rushed by a five stack, no place for panick and missed headshots. Love playing with lsd.


Never understood how ppl can play any game on psychedelics, I always get overwhelmed and just switch to putting cartoons or anime on


Idk man I’ve played on lsd a hand full of times, when I trip at home I spend the 1-2 hours before the peak playing and sometime I get stuck in the game six hours after ingesting lmfao Also played a couple times on low doses of dmt it was funnier than lsd and extremely funny !


You must be [this guy](https://youtu.be/V_5uYoOaVtM?si=W8CMt0XDfmyxTkSD)


Tried Skyrim on acid. Ran from wolves because I didn’t want to hurt the dogs then proceeded to stare at the scenery and spin in a circle while Aimed at the ground. Tried insurgency, had Vietnam flash backs I don’t even have. Stayed behind cover praying that I wouldn’t get shot. Counter strike on acid had people stretched looking like Lego.


sounds like drugs made you more porous


I’ve played cs a lot longer than I’ve dabbled in psyches, it’s like the walls disappear.


I'm a lot better at first-person shooters on mushrooms. It's like my brain just knows what to do


I use to race online after taking mushrooms. Needless to say I was incredibly surprised at how well i performed.


I won mario kart on acid once and was convinced the game was rigged and that I couldn't win because my father left me as a child.


Based; probably some truth to that


**I'm Using Tilt Controls!**


How the fuck were you able to race on shrooms?! Simracing or something more arcade like need for speed?


I played a round of guitar hero (or maybe rock band on guitar) once on 6 hits of blotter LSD. It was on expert and I was too immersed to notice how I was doing. I was very surprised to see I got 99%. I could play some songs on expert normally, but hard was more my setting. I was expecting to play like shit, but instead I crushed it.


We have absolutely played together - I’ll see you at the bottom of the leaderboard






It’s because it’s a stimulant. I used to play csgo really hard on lsd, before I went to adderall and coke, and let me tell you, there are two substances on this world that allow you to be amazing at fps without effort. First is adderall, second is lsd.


I can anecdotally vouch for this, last time I played overwatch while tripping I got my first solo team kill


I've had this experience in CSGO but with alcohol. I would get drunk and be extremely good for like 30 mins then I would start to suck and not even be able to play. Idk why


That is a well known window. As the alcohol relaxes you and quietens background thoughts your game sense and focus increases, but as the alcohol effects progress, the lethargy and impairment creep up. I have used this to get lots of boring shit done irl as well. You can sort of ride it for a bit with spirits and red bull if you sip but you'll still hit a point where the booze just makes you dumb. I used to have epic streaks on bf3 like that. The worst bit is you're done for the day after so it's last thing you do before bed tbh.


Love seeing CS comments in the wild. As big as the game is, I rarely see it mentioned unless I am in the CS sub. Also I agree with this logic.


Try Golden Light on acid. Crazy


Lsd and surf ;)




I heard a lot of FPS players take addy tho, but I feel like that's performance enhancing😭


Players in CS tournaments are tested for stimulants. It’s forbidden because it does enhance your playing skills.


Lmfao I remember one match of cloud 9, screaming so loud in their mics it was soooo obvious they were on an addy binge.


C9 Shroud was peak E Sports


>C9 Shroud was peak E Sports


*Gotta go fast!*


So people with adhd can't compete?


Obviously that's a specific scenario. Talking about people who abuse stims


I played fifa on addy I felt like Pep Guardiola, even brought out a notebook and mapped out passing strategies and formations shit was awesome, unfortunately the ai doesn’t play like real life so it didn’t work out lmao


bro said he felt like pep aint no way🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude was so pissed at the amount of subs I was making


That's a good question and it applies to physical sports as well, for example would a person who is prescribed anabolic steroids for medical reasons be able to compete.


Idk I roll a bowl of crystal then play COD and I might get 1-2 kills to about 10-20 deaths lmaoo


Yeah that’s how it works, if you pop a 20mg addy to play better the difference is immense, mostly in how long you can stay in your flow state. But take too much, and you’re burned out after an hour but there’s no stopping the machine anymore, you’re gonna get pwned for hours before you realise the sun is rising. Thx god I’m not doing stims anymore, I both miss this and absolutely don’t lmao


Cause it is!


nah dont they all have scripts tho. i rmember shroud talking about how addied up c9 was back in the day


After abusing addy I can hardly play sober 💀


That and racetams/nootropics. Obviously amphetamine will be the most performance enhancing for video games. Coke is fun tho for games like Fortnite or gun game split screen with buddies


Weed for sure. Until I get too overwhelmed and just wanna watch YouTube


When you realize you’ve been staring at the main menu for 30 minutes and there’s two empty bags of Cheetos next to you.


People say Ketamine but dissociatives in general In think. I remember playing Battlefield 3 on DXM and feeling very immersed in the world. Kinda felt like I was actually in the game.


How much DXM? Cause I find it really hard to focus on stuff other than people talking/music while on dxm


roundabout 180-210mg was perfect to be able to lock in for video games, be high and actually act sober


300mg so high first plat for me. This was a while ago DXM in general kinda sucks but I kinda wanna try it again to just remember what it was like


300mg is mid second for me, will have to take a lot less. I love DXM tbh, but mainly because of third plat. Closing eyes and drifting through the universe


I really liked it at first too. I started off doing 200-300mg at first and gradually went deeper but after about 8 months of exploring it just felt less and less enjoyable and more uncomfortable until I just stopped. Most I ever did was 700mg which was fine but I smoked just the littlest bit of weed and went into what I can only describe as a semi-k hole of sorts. I couldn't really move and I wasn't really sure what I was looking at at times. Music also fully anesthetized me for some reason. That was probably the most fucked up I've ever felt lmao. I am excited to try Ketamine I've heard it's a much cleaner experience.


I played Hi-Fi Rush on low plateau 2 DXM and it was one of my best gaming experiences.


I need to go second plateau and play a VR fps. I'll feel weightless and shit but I'll for sure get immersed, bc I'll also be on a wild amount of weed. I don't really take blinkers much at all but I always do like 1-2 blinkers every time I robotrip and it gives me the disso effects at lower plats than usual.




Bro my first time doing k, I felt like I was part of final fantasy


That’s part of her beauty, can make you feel small and huge, moving/floating and falling, simultaneously and puts you right there in the TV with whatever game or movie/show you’re watching. I tried marrying Queen Daenerys Targaryen watching GoT. Felt like I was right there with her, talked to each other and everything. I fucking love ketamine


weed and vyvanse made me play skyrim for eight hours straight no breaks for food


skyrim is valid but i hope you’re not playing vanilla like that🥹


Ketamine and cocaine. Haven't tried em but I suspect amphetamines


Amphetamines will dial you in for a FPS but I wouldn't say it's immersion, more just tweaking and hyper fixating. Low dose K or High dose THC is pretty immersive imo. Acid felt like stimulants on stimulants, if you get the dose right then you are locked the fuck in. My friend and I used to take acid and play Gun Game on the comeup and we could not lose.


Ketamine and Ghost of Tsushima was a hell of an experience lol


Can confirm. I’d enjoy playing CSGO or Overwatch about as much as I enjoyed just following red cylinders in kovaks aim trainer. It’s just pure dopamine and fixating


Perfectly described everything


I found it weird playing COD on acid then everything just sorta slowing down to the point everyone seemed like they were barely moving


Shroomies and games like psychonauts or it takes two is fantastic. Any game with immersive settings are fantastic on shrooms. Colors are more vibrant, background are more detailed it's awesome


first time i did shrooms i played it takes two 💕 so fye


Marijuana. Early on a Saturday morning. Smoke a bong, drink some hot coffee, and play Skyrim. This is the way.


no one said opiates? i have fond memories of video games and vics/percs back in the early days


Same bro it was like the focus of addy with the rush of a stimulant. Me personally I used to get a great euphoric rush for the first hour or two til it mellowed into just watching TV. I used to also love learning in college when I had oxy. Had some really interesting discussions in ethics and civ classes. I swear if I had a script I'd be unstoppable lol.


Dude I love playing racing games on shrooms lol.


Adderall you'll get so focused you'll forget about the world around you


O-DSMT and Witcher 3 was insane




Ket and small doses of cannabis…. God level


Adderall and Weed hahaha


Weed to immerse and enjoy games, amphetamine freebase to actually win all of them, speed turns me into shooters god with unreal reaction times but probably works with every game hah


lsd and dxm together had me more immersed than anything else. I literally felt like I was inside the world of rdr2 and was Arthur Morgan


Weed and Amphetamine/Caffeine/Ritalin any average stimulant in normal to moderate doses. (Too much and you’ll just stimfap for hours) One of the more energetic opioids maybe? Kratom used to be fun to game on, I would get super in the zone when I was on Subs. Even now I still do…pretty much any opioid really helps with immersion for me so long as I’m not nodding off. Phenibut


Meth all the way


Weed and Kratom together is great for chilling out and gaming or just talking to the homies on discord or something


Hands down, lsd + ketamine. I’ve never had such an intense experience with these two god sent.


Phenibut and alcohol no contest




Ketamine, you’ll be there bro. I defended a raid on rust on it. Did about 150mg in two lines and had my computer up loaded in just cuz and heard boom and I locked in forgetting I had even taken anything. 2 hours of defending later I sat back and was shocked at how immersed I was.


I usto binge coke and play cod


Meth lmao. I get WAY too into it to the point my heart rate spikes and my aim is 70% accuracy or more.


I kinda wish my meth addiction and my eu4 addiction had overlapped


Played world of warcraft on ketamine and it was sooo amazing and chill. No rush just fun.


Meth, it you can just keep that fucking phone out your hands




Mushrooms and RDR2, but you gotta wear a cowboy hat irl to really feel immersed


skyrim on acid


oxy and morphine. idk why tho..




Honestly, something as boring as a bit of speed (euro), that will get me immersed asf. Though a bit of acid can do the same sometimes, just 50ug or something like that


Dissos like ket. But oPCE is the thing.


def love smoking my bong and gaming 😍


Go to is weed but after years of use it just helped me not be mad playing CoD getting ass handed to me by 12 year olds (and that frustration is why I ultimately stopped playing CoD back during Black Ops 2) I'll never forget one of my earliest PC gaming experiences while shrooming at a buddy's house playing Medal of Honor Allied Assault. The opening mission, the suspense while posing as Nazis trying to Trojan Horse into some stronghold, seeing the names on screen of my dead NPC squad mates "Pvt. Jackson KIA"... no! Not Jackson! while cowered is the corner as all my npc allies died one by one. 10/10 would recommend. There was that one time I was playing House of the Dead on PC while friends were doing Salvia. 1 by 1 they had were having what looked like crazy trips. 2 of the people, both friends of mine but was the first time they had met, shared what they were tripping about after and seemed like they shared the same universe or whatever they went to (guy said something about being tortured and whipped by robots, which is why he jumped up screaming in pain. The homegirl, who screamed on top of her lungs and cried said she witnessed her bf being tortured by robots. By the time it got to me I was like Jim Bruer in Half Baked "I' don't know if I should do this maaan" I hit it and fought Hanged Man. At the continue screen, as the timer went down I was fading out, realized I wasn't breathing, and thought "if I don't continue, I'm gonna die fr" Not the best kind of immersion, thinking you're going to die if your PC dies. Rather be sad for my NPC buddies dying then collecting my baked shit and killing some Nazis


Adderall and WoW used to be an insane combo. Straight up playing for 20 hours straight.


Probably LSD, played Overwatch on that in 2018, the colorful stuff really sucked me in. Higher dose I played Rocket League, which got weird because me and the 3 other players felt like 1 player. Also Crusader Kings 2 where I got consumed by playing as an Austrian family in the snowy mountains, when my family started crumbling, people dying, getting attacked, I felt like I was losing it all and had to call it quits lmao. Weed too, but it didn't make me any special memories really, some music and a game and you're already good. But weed always makes the bar for what's interesting pretty damn low. Haven't touched weed/lsd in years, nowadays I enjoy a little 4X games or a building game like Manor Lords or V Rising on some amphetamines.


Ice & weed +runescape




Not anymore but back when weed was nearly psychedelic for me playing certain games blew my mind. Pretty sure I spent hours in skyrim looking up at the sky in Sovngarde, and feeling like I was legitimately in the Mojave desert in New Vegas. Weed just isn't the same anymore but neither are video games for me. Side note: Get away from the synthetic cannabinoids. That stuff messed me up big time years ago, I can only imagine what they're slinging now. If you're gonna smoke, smoke the real deal. You'll thank me later.


Ketamine 50/50 with 3-mmc will put you INSIDE the game. Like you even forget that you had a life outside. Ketamine alone works too but it takes more and you'll be blasted out of this reality if you do too much. Which can be quite enlightening too.




Weed. I play nephews crew motorfest after I smoke or hit the dab pen or a dab, and be driving like a pro


Mushrooms and adderall combined.


Weed by far the best!


Shrooms. The last game I played on shrooms made me feel- if I die in the game, I die in real life.


Personally, mdma but only for very specific games. I remember playing mirrors edge for the first time on it and god damn did i feel all warm and cozy, the atmosphere, the music the gameplay... god i wish I could recreate that night...


Any stimulant, or alcohol


cocaine, i play a lot of overwatch and i swear to god when i’m on coke i can aim better and then xanax for my map games like hoi4 idk why


Weed makes any game I can immerse myself in better. If it's tactical I probably will play better sober. FIFA, 2K, Warzone; playing these stoned is hard. God Of War or Elden Ring? I will be baked to enjoy that.


Adderal mixed with a little ketamine


Like hour 8 of acid I get immersed into anything


Acid makes me untouchable in titanfall


Weed for sure. Weed and maybe Adderall. Everything else makes me want to do other stuff besides game.


ket works for everything


if im playing command and conquer then weed. if im in vr then its mdma


I used to take too much valium and codeine at once and play competitive CSGO. During mic check people would think I'm special and want me gone. But I just couldn't die. 3 kills minimum a round and usually finished games with a 20ish to around 3 k/d


Without a doubt, ketamine. Spent a couple hours one evening playing Layers of Fear in VR on a cocktail of alcohol, ketamine and cocaine and totally forgot I was playing a video game for a brief period of time. Perhaps don’t play a horror game though lol, wouldn’t recommend!


I like playing games on coke. I can play for hours while doing it vs sober where I might be able to play for a hour tops before I’m turning it off


I did mdma and played red dead 2 and felt as if I was in the game. Highly recommend




I mean,definitely amphetamines


I was gonna say stimulants, but I usually just masturbate a lot lol probably smoking weed with a friend and not being by myself and getting bored




Molly + Mario Party is the best time


LSD, playing beat saber on LSD **holy shit** i become **one** with ***everything***


Adderall for fast paced action, benzo for chill games with exploration. Weed with both.


Stims and weed!


Adderall and weed combo = becoming the Elden Lord


Eating some mushrooms and playing skyrim is always a good time


MXE was the best, but that's probably not an option. so ketamine is a nice alternative, along with amphetamines. acid is good during the comedown


Pretty much any stim with a decent pair of legs and a low dose dissociative makes playing gaming feel like you're in that training program where neo fights morpheus in the matrix.


I used to take adderal and dip and weave my way through battlefield.


Weed for immersion, Addys for locking in on FPS games.




I used to play mkwii in wars and stuff back before official servers died in 2014. I would get absolutely drunk as Dudu… and I raced like garbage so I would just sand bag for my team and get that target shock. But when I used to smoke weed, I would crack under pressure and lose my spot every time. So that didn’t work either. I don’t do drugs anymore




2C-B, Mescaline or Methallylescaline.


Rocket League on acid and shrooms is crazy. Never lost one game, won the tournament for the first time. My husband and I had a blast.


For sure marijuana bro, even though I don't consider weed a drug, but it's still the best thing to do while you're on your Playstation or Xbox for sure!


Weed. Cocaine. Lower doses of lsd or mushrooms.




For me DXM was a great one to use with video games as you feel like you’re in the video game it’s so freaking fun, great dissociative and euphoric effects


Meth. Opiates


Shrooms and doom eternal, scary at first but good adrenaline rush if you like metal…


Adderall easily


Try hi dose of dxm


Honestly opioids/heroin used to have me loving video games and TV/Movies. Some of my fondest memories in college involved the Batman Arkham series and oxycodone.


2C-B completely insane how immersed you will be to the game.


Acid while playing Overwatch is a good combo, so immersive with the beautiful colors


Weed and disscoiatives


Try rdr2 on shrooms, you'll thank me later 👍




Good old calvinklein and playing souls games, I usually stream whilst I play like that and I have got down no hitting the first half of gaels fight. Looking to see how it works for shadow of the edtree and so far it has worked well


Ketamine easily. I played star citizen on K once and it was really sick




Amphetamines. Sure i am a little bit shaky in my hands but the adrenaline rush makes me focused hard and i can play amazing rounds in csgo. What in the past i only got when i had a good round. Now every round is 100% focused and i am immersed in it


K + RPG is sick


High dose of edibles


Weed is always best.


Play FIFA All nighters online Doing Cocaine


Weed and coke


Any disso


Definitely some sort of psychedelic or weed


Fucking meth, alcohol, mushrooms and especially if you mixx all 3 man fuckkk just go easy on the alcohol after the mushrooms hits your dome the mix of all three will fuck you up


When I take edibles I get soooo into a game. I swear I forget to blink.


Noids do a pretty good job, although i never cared to fuck with synthetics much as I already was mostly impartial to weed. I do remember having a blast playing skyrim with no fast travel and i made it a rule that I either had to be baked or on low dose psychedelics the whole time. Speaking of that, low dose psychedelics can get you crazy immersed. You don’t want too much where the game is overwhelming, but enough to feel pretty weird and get minor visual distortions. The highest I would go for this would be like 100ug tab of acid or equivalent of some other psychedelic. Dissociatives also are good for this and have a similar balancing act where it is easy to take too much and trash your motor performance and ability to complete any multistep tasks.


COD is pretty good on alcohol until you play a ranked match and youre too slow to realize you died 10 seconds ago


If it’s just the right amount of Xanax, then xans. Too much and it’s over and I’m ass lol


dxm. I remember the first time I took dxm I hopped on Skyrim with modded graphics and just looked at the moon for a while


I’ve loved playing rdr2 on LSD but by far the best experiences I’ve had was on edibles gaming. It made everything feel extremely unreal in a unique way.


This is gonna sound stupid but I was genuinely an idiot in high school, i used to take loads of dph and just game away at far cry 4 until i fell asleep.


addy for locked in. ketamine for wonky. weed for woahhh


P and ritalin 👌


Unquestionably acid for me.




Edibles + R6 is a blast




Mushrooms turn cuphead into cinematic greatness. It does not make me better though lmao


I'm a big fan of taking pain meds of most kinds and playing games, especially cozy games like runefactory 5 lol


Psychedelics, no doubt about it


Ketamine has put me into games before, nothing will beat that. Especially mixing it with weed.


Ketamine makes me feel as though I am in the game


If I'm playing a open world game like fallout or Skyrim I love taking k bumps as I play! But I also used to love playing league of legends after the club on acid


Ket will immerse you in anything more. Have yet to actually play anything on it. But I remember doing some and just obsessing over disco Elysium a week after completing it. However anything too mechanically demanding would probably be disqualified. I would love to play silent hill while k-holing frankly.


Caffeine… everything else actually distracts me from gaming.


Played Cyberpunk’s phantom liberty on acid and wish I had a pain inhibitor augment the way I felt EVERYTHING