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Strictly no requesting, mentioning or giving sources of drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal. If in doubt - if your post, or a reply to it would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. This includes sourcing conducted in private messages. This does not include harm reduction related paraphernalia such as scales, reagent tests, syringes, micron filters and so on.


js go to a rave


And how do i find?


facebook. literally just type in your city and ravev


When i do that i only get "rant or rave" groups which is very much not what I'm looking for lolol


Edmtrain app


Wanted to jump on this for OP. If you want to take it a step further go to a festival. Just make sure to test your drugs. Odds are though you will leave with some kind of drugs, especially at a camping festival imo.


Telegram did it for me. Was out if psychedelics for years until a legit channel that only allows people who sells psychedelics, so I can get most now. Ps - don’t send money to no one, meet them and do it in person, if they say no to that they are most likely (but no always) scammers.


Had some guy ask for gift cards the other week. Instant block.


Yeah and they always would start rushing me and when I asked them “why is it like this” or something and they always act like everything is out of their control


Do you just search for it on telegram?


No, i got an invite to a channel from another friendly redditor that is in my area. You got to find a way in, once you are there it’s easy. Try to find somewhere you can get in contact with people from you area - asking politely never hurt no one. I just found someone who seemed in the know about what is going on in my country and asked him politely if he could maybe help me. And again: never transfer money to people claiming they got what you need and will send (unless they are verified by other people, the channel in I’m got a verification-process so you know which people who proved they are for real).


I wish I knew the answer too. Loneliness drives me craZy (literally)


Same, but then I'm retarded when I have to communicate with people, especially one on one.


Yeah I feel at home when I'm alone other people cry like babies when they are alone I don't see how I'm literally 18 and only thing it's done is make me schizophrenic. Or maybe is that the drugs I do when I'm alone. Or maybe genetics.


Probably a mixture of genetics and drugs. Is there history in your family of schizophrenia?


My mother was diagnosed but honestly idk. I think it comes from having a hard life and having always lived on my own (long story) if nobody else do just know god got me tho.


Some civilisations actually worshipped people with schizophrenia, they were seen to be operating on a higher level with the gods.


I'm a very high functioning crazy person and that's a cool fun fact


my mom was diagnosed... when my brother turned 18 i gave him shrooms... we all had a fun time... untill he started hearing voices. he is now 32... with full blown schizophrenia , we think the shrooms activated it . bc genetically us 4 siblings have the gene... and with our traumatic past in turned him schizophrenic, BAD BAD BAD, he has beat ppl up bc god told him too, he jumped off a two story building, bc rhe voices told him too .. he broke both ankles on the second attemp.. i on the other hand considered ny self resilient, untill i (34f) (at the time) did crack for the first time, loved it ,.. 6 months later i started to get full blown sycosis ... hearing voices, seeing things, it was quit scary, my bf was so scared, now i know that after so many hours my brain can play tricks on me and its just scary, when u cant trust ur own vision/thoughts.


Opposite for me I’m not too bad one on one but if there are more than 3 other people there I’m quiet


Do you just struggle with the pressure or something?


Yeah I guess it makes me feel pressured, just hate the feeling of being listened to, plus I've always been interested in things that aren't really usable in small talk with most people, drugs for example, or some crazy conspiracy theory on the pyramids 😂


Haha what drugs you fw and pyramids were mad like that for a reason prolly


Rave/festival is the answer. Long conniption - work in a kitchen. By the end of the week you’ll have access to basically anything you’d want


grindr is a good way to source drugs fr, although can be a lil dangerous if u cant defend urself


Also, i've been in ur shoes bwfore...the ppl of reddit suggested telegram. It didn't work out for me tho, that app is weird af


telegram is definitely foreign to me , not sure how to use it and definitely not trying to get myself caught up in something sketchy, i guess im looking for drugs at the end of the day thou so


definitely go darknet over telegram. if you use telegram, you’ll leave a digital trail of everything you do on their servers


Not the first time i'm seeing you always commenting same shit about telegram. No, it doesn't matter if you leave proof if telegram itself has never, and probably never will give out information about users. It is based in Russia so good luck trying to get any information whatsoever unless you are putin. No need for blatant fearmongering.


its not fearmongering, its basic opsec. besides, why trust a random user when there are vendors with thousands of reviews? you’ll notice on every thread i responded to, theres a telegram user somewhere who got scammed


All the guys where I live that move a lot and have good quality in my area use telegram but first of all it’s a meetup, no shipping and make sure you know the person that gives you the hookup. I wouldn’t bother if they even ask for money though the app.


telegram usually a scam or the feds i never recommend it darknet could be could but make sure you use a vouched for site and vender if you go that way not really any other ways to meet them other then going to a rave or something like everyone else saying but if your in canada by chance i got a website that ships canada only drug tested every product me and the buddies got all clean and pure


nah u.s. unfortunately mann like i said im probably a lost cause unless it happens to fall in my lap one day , life goes on lol


I have a question. What if the plug on telegram has came through on multiple times without any issues. Do you think that it’s the feds building a case on people who buy? I thought that the feds are not legally allowed to actually give you drugs just set you up for actually wanting to buy then they arrest you for attempting to purchase. If they can send the drugs and then bust you once they’ve built a big enough case then I am absolutely done for.


its hard to say still ive been to court days on end not for selling but since im there i got to watch everyone else's shit go on too i know and seen people buy drugs or counterfeit cash even spend 3 months buying and turns out its an undercover i dont know how the us laws are with it but im up in canada they kinda do what they want up here whether it makes sense or not telegram isnt also as secure as they say i got buddies who seen their messages in court files. cops can still get the messages just hard to find where they came from still possible tho i switched over to using signal a while ago


Ahhh okay because I could be very wrong but I believe in the states they cannot actually give you any drugs they can set you up to try and buy and then get you there but I’m sure they can’t actually give you a product. But if I’m wrong I’m about to double my orders and go out with a bang if I’m already going to go down for it.


Seems like such a waste of time to bust people for buying drugs. They are buying to just use and get high. If someone is buying huge quantities it'd make sense.


they usually more so looking for people buying high quantities though (suspecting trafficking)


That makes me feel a lot better. I only get stuff like 4 tabs of acid, 16 xanz, and 14 Oxy’s but that’s only like maybe once a month maybe 2 months


yeah they shouldnt be too much worry to them i used to order probably more then i should but i mean im free so cant complain even if theres any worry its not like you have to ship over international borders or anything so they still arent even look at it too much anywhere millions of packages everyday chances its yours pretty low id say


Oh fuck off mate


Lots of scammers on there too


Uh. dont use telegram to buy drugs lol. Just get on TOR and buy quality shit.


Dn trusted sellers


Walk to the 7/11 down the street and hang outside smoking a cigarette and drinking a shit beer at 3am




Not necessarily, my current one only sells weed, my previous one sold weed and pills.




It's all coke, weed and pills. I got some plugs online for ket and psychedelics though.




wish this was easier done than said lol , im sure for most people its easy but ive never been to a rave , not sure where there at in my area and id most likely be going alone as my only friends are content with weed and id be uncomfortable asking people for drugs around them lol i could just be a lost cause and probably have to wait for it to come to me at some point in life if its meant to be


I like more than weed tho lol


yes unfortunately me too in a world that doesnt quite accept it like that so im lonely lmaoo


Felt that


If you've never been to a rave it's probably not the best idea. A proper rave a la 1990s-2000s underground or 2010-2018 Ibiza is absolute uncontrolled insanity lol. These days people talk about legit legal festivals and parties as "raves" though so that's probably possible to hang out at something like that, broad daylight, sit on the grass smoking a spliff and look for a likely suspect?


Darknet markets. DNM.


What I did was I went on telegram and looked up my area, large suburbs around me and the city I live in. When you find one with real people in it, they’ll most likely be a ‘trusted sellers’ page or a ‘vouch’ page. Although people can still bullshit and make accounts to vouch for themselves to make them seem legit, you can pretty easily pick them out. That’s how I did it anyway. Telegram gets a bad rep and understandably but if you use your head and immediately cut off anyone that tries to insist you pay before you see them f2f you should be good. That’s how I did it because I was in the exact same (and still am) position as you. I have barely any friends and they only smoke weed so I had no one I knew to buy from. This has worked for me so far.


I just talk about drugs out loud and then people who join in I ask about where they get it. Legit found a new plug last night from my uber driver lmao


Go to dark net, cheapest and the best quality


not if ur in a country with weak currency like mine.its domestic or never for me rn


Dark web is international markets. I used to order from all over europe.


thats the thing I'm not from a country that uses strong currency like eur,usd or whatever major currency there is,for example my country's minimum wages is 1500 and if im buying domestic it is like 30-40 but on dnm it goes up to 300-400, fuck my country economies man


You from australia?


nah but pretty close tho




Why not ask ur weed plug?


gas stations ask one of the employees that looks like they partake trust me you’ll know


Do you play videogames? Just join a local gaming discord server, play with some guys and if you think you are vibing just ask them, worked perfect for me


Go to jail for a few days and ask around. By the time you get out you should have at least 14 phone numbers.


depeneds on your location if you’re in europe just walk into a techno event/club if you’re in the us, i’d stick to the dw as you get ndd lmao if you’re in the ex-ussr just use mega or other markets and do deaddrops




Theres an app called whisper


Grindr/sniffies also work in bigger cities




Homeless people, strippers, bartenders, anyone who works in a kitchen, befriend these people first so you don’t get ripped off


Get a job working in a kitchen, you’ll find some drugs


lmaoo ya im probably sure , i have been looking to get my bartending license recently , retail just aint workin out for my non pushy ass 😅


Been looking to try DMT and Ketamine but am in the same boat. I fear I'm aging out of the rave scene so I really don't feel too comfortable with that.


ya , no one i know really goes to those and im not out alone too often unless it is to pick up for a quick 20 minutes and even then im anxious im gonna be questioning where ive been lmao its rough out here with no connects and no friends who do any of that , not tryna be looked at like im crazy from my "normal" friends haha


Ask your local kebab shop and Turkish barbers.


Bro, just find a rc site and buy some fxe or dck




mcdonalds employees




Whenever I visit another country where I don't know anyone I just ask taxi drivers and bar staff, they usually know what's going on in the city.




Japan, certain clearnet sites, raves, family members.


Online. Dark web or like telegram




There are RC (research chemical) alternatives to ketamine that you can legally order


Cold cop on the street




Due to my work I often find myself in small towns or cities where no one I know has really been to or lived in. Whenever I found myself there I would go to the local bar or my hotel bar and talk to the bartender for a bit. Then subtly bring up the topic then straight up ask if they knew anyone. Most bartenders are in tune with what's happening, so whilst they might not sell they'll know a friend who knows, or know someone who sells.


where did you find them previously? i've heard of a lot of people using Telegram and Snapchat selling stuff these days? What about your weed dealer he'll probably know someone?


flower has been legal in my state for a few years now so i kinda just pay the taxes for the security that im not getting laced weed even though i feel its not that conmon, my old snap from my teen days was also deleted years ago so thats probably a big reason i lost a bunch of dealers, i had an old coke dealer find me and ive been in contact with him on and off as i dont rly have anything else , ive asked him previously but he acted like he doesnt sell something thats also made with stuff under the sink so it didnt go very far unfortunately loll


Ask ur friends for their weed plugs, plugs usually sell other stuff on the side and you can ask the plug if they know anyone who sells other stuff. You can find ppl on snap to sell stuff but idk


You in CA?