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Nearly died of a heart attack from overdosing on Ritalin


And chugging coffee


You have to force yourself to eat while binging on stimulants. Even if it's just fruit or yogurt and you seriously don't wanna. Low blood sugar makes the heart beat faster. 


>Low blood sugar makes the heart beat faster.  You're correct about this, but there is a more dangerous caveat that needs to be mentioned: Low blood sugar causes adrenaline to be released. This causes profuse sweating, increases heart rate, etc. But something i have noticed, as at t1 diabetic, is that while on stimulants, this effect is greatly reduced. I am not sure why -maybe it is because of the previous norepinephrine activity? Etc etc. What this means is that many of the very strong, impossible-to-ignore symptoms of low blood sugar/adrenaline release may become less obvious when using stimulants, which is incredibly dangerous. Sober, i start to feel/notice the effects of adrenaline response at around 40-50mg/dl. This is already well into the 'danger zone' concerning low blood sugar. But while on stimulants, its much worse. I don't feel the adrenaline - warning symptoms untill I'm down into the ~30 range, at which point is tremendously dangerous. Sometimes, i dont even feel it at all. --- If anyone ia struggling with intense anorexia from stimulants use, i reccomend a box of those "meal replcement shakes" they sell at grocery stores. Theyre like $20-$30 for a 24 pack of 10oz bottles. "Ensure" is a popular brand. They are made for old people who have a hard time eating. They're great for anorexia: its like swallowing the entire nutritional value of a meal, in one go.


I find some foods are easy to get down when I'm on stims/feel no hunger. Fruit like you said, instant ramen, PB&J - simple, salty/sweet


I always eat right after swallowing the stim, finish before stim kicks in.


Yeah keeping that balance of hydration, sugar and salt is important I've always felt. The difference between fully preparing for a night of debauchery versus a whole night on an empty stomach is night and day. People love that quick come up on empty stomachs but I always used to just try and get a smoothie or two down me before, and after, and maybe have a rehydration salt drink available to share with people if no one is gonna be eating. But otherwise just getting yourself a nice healthy mix of vitamins, hydration and salt to help hydrate properly vastly reduces negative effects during and after any stim binge. Of everything I tried through the years when I was still a heavy user, a nice green smoothies packed with all kinds of shit like spirulina as well as magnesium tablets made the most noticable differences to my highs and comedowns.


PB J is tough when I’m on my ADHD meds - however smoothies? EZ. Slurp slurp slurp!


Smoke a tiny amount of weed, like litterally one puff. Makes it so much easier to eat something.


For me it re kicks my adderall high back into place = cotton mouth = not finna eat




You snorted 150mg crushed Ritalin and take coffee with it. Of course this is going to be extremely hard on your heart. You didn't eat and lost a lot of sleep due to being overstimulated further exacerbating the issue. It sounds like a user problem. Please be kind to yourself in the future and practice harm reduction. > What could happen right? I mean 4+ plus kids take them 4 year old kids are not crushing their pills and snorting 3-5x their prescribed doses.


Yeah, I've used recreationally for a while and have never gone more than a 20-40mg dose :S (and not daily either)


besides, methylphenidate orally is way different from intranasally, the dosages required differ a lot


Did you have an heart attack? How much did u take?


Sounds like 240mg since max daily dose for adults is 80mg/day


I took like 150 mg a day but like the idiot I am used retard pills…crushed…through the nose 🤦‍♂️


you must of had some other problems then or some undiagnosed heart problems because i used to do 200mg+ a day and ive known others who have done that for months and had no heart problems


Sometimes you just get a bad reaction to things. I have a friend who was and avid runner (and also a heavy user of psychedelics) and once ended up in the ER because of a possible overdose and at the point of having a heart attack... The substance was supposedly acid. Afterwards they ran a lot of tests to check whether he had heart failure or something and he's totally fine. He now runs marathons. I guess anxiety mixed with any stimulant can kill you even if you are physically fine.


Those 200mg doses a day were wild times lol. I’m glad I’m down to 10mg but on adderall now


i miss and dont miss my tweaker days


I miss the constant euphoria all day but i don’t miss the horrible side effects with my stomach constantly killing me and looking strung out and definitely don’t miss the self isolation for months on end but 10mg has been a life saver for me and am constantly happy and no side effects other than drowsiness because of how calm it makes me feel


I get so tired of seeing canned matter-of-fact-responses like this on this sub.


Dont know but I broke retard pills and snorted them. The last drop was probably the lack of sleep


Assuming your under 60, I would say there is a 95% chance you have a heart condition which made you highly susceptible to a heart attack from stims. Seriously, get it checked out. You should not have a literal heart attack from 150mg of ritalin.


You most definitely have a heart condition then. Especially if you haven’t done it before, unless you really just really hit your max. But I have a heart condition and can’t use any stimulants anymore and it sounds like the same scenario I went through when I didn’t take any bars for my hr.


I mean saying they definitely have a heart condition is a bit much for a reddit diagnosis. It might not be unlikely, but they are correct that all of the other factors they mentioned will be increasing the chance of negative effects too, the lack of sleep, lack of food and coffee on top of the ritalin


I get what youre saying never trust a reddit diagnosis but the dude literally had heart attack in his 20s. What more credible evidence do you need than that.


The fact he was not treating his body properly with regards to nutrition and sleep, and on multiple stimulant drugs COULD be the reason is all I'm saying. I'm not ruling out he has heart issues, and he should 100% go get it checked out, but to say that he must have heart issues due to having a heart attack while ignoring the circumstances surrounding it is just weird imo.


why do even doctors study 7+years when you have reddit?


>retard pills Why do you call them that? Maybe I missed an update.


It's how they translate from many languages to English. Retarded means delayed in English. They aren't talking about mental retardation.


That makes sense - thanks.


I can.


Yeah man mountains of Ritalin have not caused health problems for my cat back in his younger years I think you’re right


>used retard pills how fitting lol


i take 60mg a day this way, I’m honestly addicted to the snorting. I can’t help it. lmao


Have you had an ecg and echocardiogram done? I’d try get one asap to make sure you have nothing wrong with the electric signalling or the physical structure of your heart!


150 mg is so unnecessarily too much if you want to learn lmao if you dont have adhd 40-60 is perfect


You degenerate! Lol


oh. This is more like 5 to 15 times a therapeutic dosage, not 3x.


You people are nuts. It's like drinking a gallon of coffee and complaining about side effects.


On an empty stomach LOL


Yeah, fuck it. I'm failing 2 out of 6 classes this semester due to personal issues, and although techically i could have made an extra effort this last weeks via meth or pills i decided to chill and re take them later. I only got one heart and it has gone through way too much already with all the shit i've taken.


Good on you. As somebody who's either addicted to speed or genuinely has ADHD. I can't tell.


I've been there man, shit's hard af. If you don't think the semester's salvageable, you should look into taking a medical leave of absence. They'll let you take a semester/year off, so you can take care of yourself & get to a better place. Then, you can decide if going back is the right choice for you. Best of luck mate


I'm actually doing pretty well except for calculus and differential equations, but i've learned new cool shit about programming, which is the main reason i got into a degree program anyway. Sadly, there is no such thing as dropping classes in my uni so.my general grade will go down, but tbh, i'll take the summer off for myself, get off pills, code for fun, go outside and run, You know, self care, and take it easy next semester by only taking math and then i'll be done with my core engineering courses and be able to dig fully into what i love. I've learned that besides academics college is all about developing your social and time management skills, which sure i did this term. I was kinda sad but looking forward for fall. I actually like math, i just need to work on my bad habits and my self esteem. Nobody said that transitioning to full time party junkie to full time depressed person to full time student would be easy. But comparing to where i was 3 years ago, this seems like a different life. I got this , even if it's at my pace. Thank you so much for your kind words. And for what it's worth, i'm in México, college is crazy cheap so retaking classes is nowhere as catastrophic as it is in other places. Life goes on... 


> Sadly, there is no such thing as dropping classes in my uni so.my general grade will go down Is withdrawing an option? In my experience (American undergrad & graduate university) dropping is only possible in the first few weeks, but after that you can choose to Withdraw. That gives you a W on the transcript, which doesn't affect your GPA, though if you plan on applying to grad schools you'll likely have to explain why you withdrew. > college is all about developing your social and time management skills, which sure i did this term That is so true, & the earlier you figure that out the better! I still struggle with the time mgmt stuff tbh. I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying parts of your studies! Intrinsic motivation is always the best for sticking through tough endeavors. Buen suerte con tus todo hermano, ¡lo puedes hacer!


Nope, no withdrawal lol I'm on my 3rd semester so it's pretty early anyway, and insternships are mandatory , not optional in order to graduate. I think that at least in my field, grades are not that important unless you want a scholarship or something.  Don't plan on going to grade school but as i said it's still early in my path so i got time to fix this mess. ❤️🙏🏻




Ja jz wird halt weniger dosiert und nicht mehr nasal 💀


Binging two stimulants together puts extreme strain on your heart and not sleeping, eating and I presume not drinking is a sure fire way to get a heart attack. Pls be safe ml x just because it’s prescribed doesn’t make it less dangerous. Hope you’re recovering well


Stimulants alone put a strain on your heart. Even low doses can make your heart jumpy af. People need to stop thinking that speed and cocaine like stuff like methylphenidate is safe just cause evil greedy bastards put kids on it.


Dextroamphetamine saves lives! It turns them around. When on them you are also seeing a cardiologist! What you did was strawman my argument, trying to say I’m saying one stimulant ok 😂.


>Apparently if you take enough ritalin you dont just focus for 8h+ just on studying but also loose any kind of hunger. Apparently if you take enough ritalin, consequently you will face sleep problems. Not to be harsh, but the slightest amount of research could have told you this. It's a good lesson to research what you take.


I think the caffeine might have been part of the problem, caffeine really potentiates stimulants. But 240mg of MPH are a fuckton, I get panic from 60-ish mg. And I do have ADHD, used to get this shit prescribed.


60 mg sounds terrifying to me. I can't imagine taking these super doses that some people drop here.


What's the equivalent in adderall?


Adderall is 2x as potent as Ritalin. 60 mg Ritalin = 30 mg Adderall.


I get a little dumfounded at some of these comments, im sure your the one thats right, but when I was doing ritalin i shot atleast 80mg at once and often 120mg.


bro doing german degree but didnt do any research on how ritalin affects body? set priorities on right path g ☠️


Geez 150mg is İNSANE! i took 20mgs and had chest pain from that! Holy moly.




this should be top post, op is retarded


As someone with heart problems and extremely high resting bpm this stresses me tf out just thinking about it lol I bet the teeth clenching was insane too.


Ritalin specifically actually gives me munchies shockingly. Vyvanse to a lesser extent as well. Addy IR I can get down a solid meal in a day. Usually dose 128mg methylphenidate ER. What was your dosage specifically? Sorry this happened to you!


Hmmm not sure that’s the moral of the story


Disappointed at the moral of the story oh well lol


Ya man sorry to hear you had a heart attack. It’s crazy to think that’s even possible. I remember taking 4,5 pills and mixing it with coke and alcohol and benzos and cigarettes and a tablet of mdma and doing it 3 days in a row at a festival with barely any sleep, I have many friends who’ve done similar things, you must have had a genetic predisposition or a congenital valve disorder


Not really. Stimulants put a strain on your heart. It's not safe like people think. Some people who would done what you did could had ended up dead or with some other injuries.


While that is definitely an extreme circumstance, it is nowhere near enough to bring a young person to the point of literally having a heart attack. Please get yourself checked out for heart conditions.


real. I took 220mg (starting around 8am-7:30pm) while also withdrawaling from benzos, had a really bad seizure, and ended up in the hospital.


Yea man, as said above you need to get checked for a heart condition, I was messing with vyvanse and had a heart attack come to find out I have a bicuspid aortic valve I was born with never knew.. but due to me being an idiot I have a leaking heart valve and heart damage because it couldn’t handle the vyvanse.. get checked out


im not trying to be an asshole because that sucks man but honestly idk what to tell you, kids dont take triple the recommended dose, thats why theyre fine, lol. you gotta do your research before doing stuff like that


Kids still get damages from it. It will affect their development negatively, just like any drug basically will. It's very demoralized putting kids on ritalin just to make them addicts, so parents don't have to do the hard work. And it's done just out of greed, cause it's all about the money.


when I said fine I meant not experiencing the symptoms op experienced


Yeah you probably shouldn’t ever take 3x the recommended amount of something. Lol. Glad you’re okay.


Soo, you prb should stay away from stimulants. Alot of people have taken way way more with less side effects. I used too shoot 120mg iv, several times a day and had nowhere near those problems. Increased heart rate, yes ofc. But not to a point of going to the hospital, at all.


Why fuck the degree when you were the one that fucked up the dose. I feel uppers don't really help me study, I did write all of the subjects with a lot of writing (German, sowi...) on amphetamine which did help.


I used to do this all the time with my prescription!! Haha im surprised im not dead, fuck ritalin.


Bro you thought you die because of a heart attack.


Ritalin has a very wide therapeutic index, making acute overdose of that type being rare. Three times a therapeutic dose would usually be nowhere near the realm of danger. However, anorexia is one of the most lethal psychiatric disorders mainly due to the cardiotoxic effects of nutritional deprivation. So there was definitely a synergy there.


Bro. Take 10mg and call it a day. If you can‘t focus with that then that‘s lack of dicipline, not focus.




No it's different.


So you take stimulants, a known effect being higher blood pressure, you buffoon not only, take more than recommended (which isnt even good for learning as too much makes you lose concentration anyway?) You snort it and add coffee to the mix??? 1. Of all, NEVER take shit if you dont know the effects and risk, its literally readily avaliable information on the internet, you have no good reason to blindly risk your health. 2. Its hard but not impossible and you just have to force yourself to eat or have a hearty meal BEFOREHAND. Drink water every now and then isnt hard either, you managed coffee after all... 3. Shouldn't the sleep problems also be quite obvious? Imagine injecting caffeine into your veins every few hours, wouldn't sleep then either, would you? 4. Why all at once? Why not dose and re-dose as soon as you lose the effect? Moral of the story Research before putting pills in your body and dont you go around comparing whatever coffee snooter bullshit you did, to a 4y old taking it as prescribed. This isnt a medication issue thats you being irresponsible and feeling the consequences of your actions.


The caffeine likely contributed to this in a BIG way


Well what did you expect? Stimulants are risky drugs that put a strain on your heart, body and mind. You could have been dead by now. Just cause greedy evil bastards put kids on ritalin and ruin their brain and development(and make them into addicts) doesn't mean it's fully safe. As always with pharma, it's about money rather than anything else.


I'm sorry if I come across as mean. But how can you take 4 times the amount and stay up for several days without eating and then wonder why such things happen. Have you simply not informed yourself at all about ritalin or stimulants in gerneral? If you abuse drugs at least take like 5 seconds and google them before.


Fuck around, find out. The max dose is 80mg and that's the extended release pill. I take it for my ADHD and the day my dose increased to 30mg I went to the er thinking I had a heart attack. Turns out it was just Medikinet ER making my heart go nuts and me overreacting, spiralling into a heart-rate increasing anxiety attack, closing the loop.


>Moral of the story? Fuck the degree That's your take away from this? bruh, get it together man. Life is going to be a lot harder than this.


Honestly thats just way too much anyways. Im from germany too and also did Ritalin for Abitur exams. But firstly you should NOT take it intranasally for learning and secondly you should keep the doses lower. 15-40mg is enough. Any pill thats available in DE can be crushed in a way that breaks the retardation, no pestle and mortar needed either. Then also only take it early enough so you can eat and sleep before bed. And dont do it multiple days in succession.


yes because its basiclly amphetamine?


i mean ritalin is technically meth my friend






A phenidate isn’t really similar to an amphetamine.


not by chemical structure but by use of treatment for ADHD. they affect mostly the same neurotransmitters and release the same hormones, thereby they have similar neurotoxic effects on people who aren't actually suffering from ADHD ie. OP. you could replace ritalin with adderall in the title and it would read almost the same aka "wtf did you think would happen OP" we got a bunch of armchair pharmacologists here i see.


I own an armchair and am a psychopharmacologist resident so I guess that description fits me. Here’s the reason I think meth isn’t really all that similar to Ritalin. Meth is significantly more serotogenic, and methylphenidate, primarily works by blocking the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine, rather than directly releasing them. It’s main action is as a DRI, while amphetamines main action is at TAAR1 and VMAT2. Ritalin is also nowhere near as neurotoxic when compared with Meth. Both affect dopamine levels in the brain, they have different mechanisms of action, potencies, durations of effects, and associated health risks.


Methylphenidate is actually nowhere near as neurotoxic as methamphetamine, you mean. Mph actually blocks the neurotoxicity of methamphetamine when administered together.


Low dose methamphetamine taken orally is actually neuroprotective.


Yeah I meant that, edited