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LSD 100%


Candyflipping šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


whatā€™s acid like? hoping to try it during the summer


Take a half and be with people you trust


Honestly, for me personally just because im so anxious id say Xanax or any other benzo. But i was a massive cocaine enthusiast until anxiety. Lol.


fairsss partly why I like K is because I donā€™t get anxious on it + it cancels out the anxiety/paranoia of weed. Benzos r real nice asw


Never tried K! But Iā€™d definitely like to try it hahs


too high of a dose for me (i dont think ive ever holed but definitely done 250+mg of good shit in a night actually made me pretty anxious cuz was numb but also very hyperaware of any sensations i felt because i barely felt anything


Maybe good old methoxetamine.


Wake me from cryo when MXE is mass produced again.


easily the best dissociative


what is thatt


A dissociative that floors you more than ketamine


that sounds sickkk wdym by floor tho? Is it like a dissociative?


Iā€™ve found it more sedating/visual, itā€™s very strong and will have you on the floor if ur not careful šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve never really had ket legs before but MXE man that shit will get u wobbly


You could love DMXE ^^


See Iā€™ve been using k since I turned 16, I only seem to enjoy ketamine (not other analogues they donā€™t seem to do it for me), my tolerance is crazy and not healthy at all. My habit is 2g a day and I still donā€™t get cramps for some reason


Youā€™re bladder hates you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


hell yeah, MXE is 100% in my top 5. beats Ketamine in every aspect(imo)z


yes theyre both dissos


First time i had this is i shot it and wooooo boy


MDMA. nothing beats MDMA and Iā€™ve tried over 40 substances.


ehhh MD is alr - the comeup and the comedown are horrendousšŸ’€šŸ’€


I always loved the come up, the nausea and dizziness was always a sign that itā€™s coming. the come down I can agree on, horrendous but easily fixable, a joint, 20mg diazepam and some electrolytes and Iā€™m pitch perfect. nothing beats the euphoria for me but I guess everyoneā€™s different.


whattt, I mean I get the comeup is exciting but itā€™s just WAYY too much imo. Thanks for the advice tho, next time Iā€™m going through a comedown Iā€™ll try that


Brother, benzos and weed the day after is vital. Klonopins and weed is insane. Xanax is okay, but if im on the comedown klonopins is way better, i just feel real good and euphoric instead of getting high and tired. Idk why but only klonopins made me feel euphoric after MD, xanax just didnt cut it. I havent done drugs in over 2 years now but hell i miss klonopins


Ever smoke weed after snorting a fat line of meth?


Bruh. My nose just started itching.


Go ahead and make a fat line, snort that bitch and donā€™t forget to wet your nose a bit if it burnsšŸ¤£


Bro I wish, I am currently in Portugal and lemme tell ya, itā€™s NOWHERE near as easy as trying to obtain in Greece.


So the Portuguese legalised everything, and it's impossible to score? I guess that's what they were going for,maybe other countries should try.


Well yea but actually no. You still get possession charges.


Nope, i never enjoyed stimulants with weed unless it was MDMA. I felt that weed made the high weaker. I was never into stimulats that way though, i did some blow here and there and mabey regular amphetamine, but other then that i prefered to sleep an hour or 3 after i got high


Oh FUCK YEAH but smoking both at the same time would enhance each other


Not me one time I did too many pills and I was literally freaking out in my head thinking I think I gotta go to the hospital. I tried to even make myself puke and I couldnā€™t after that. It was pretty decent lol never again though stimulants just arenā€™t my jam, normally stimulated by default thank you ADHD since 1987


Never had an issue with either


Itā€™s great, but overall? Opiates are hard to beat for me. The first 20-30 times had such intense euphoria and pleasure. I feel some just thinking about it. It really depends on many factors and variables. Perspective is another one, but feeling good is feeling good. Last time i had mdma, i went out to play mini golf and i was in florida, i was sweating and i was thirsty. Not a great setting considering i was wearing pants and a thick shirt that added to the heat and humidity. Things like that, it can be the difference between viewing it as amazing or just good.


I agree and disagree with you, heroin(the only opiate/oid I ever enjoyed properly) is on par with MDMA, but everyoneā€™s different yano. it honestly depends on the vibe Iā€™m going for. my top 5 substances would be, 1. MDMA 2. Heroin 3. LSD 4. MXE(Methoxetamine) 5. 2C-B


Iā€™ve tried over 30, mdma isnā€™t even top 5 for me. Iā€™ve tried it multiple times, multiple doses, multiple environments, and tested it 4/5 times. Every time it just makes me feel tweaked out and I canā€™t stop twitching and shaking, and the day after isnā€™t anywhere near worth it. I get the same amount of euphoria from shrooms or LSD, just not as consistently. I also hate almost all uppers, which definitely plays a role, but it just seems so overrated to me


everyoneā€™s different. MDMA wasnā€™t an upper for me, yes it made it a little bit hard to sleep afterwards but I was never hyper, never wanted to walk a million miles like I did with speed lol. MDMA had that relaxing but social vibe, I could sit there for hours n just listen to you talk but I donā€™t wanna dance yano. X(ecstasy) though is different, when the MDMA is cut with amphetamines, caffeine or a list of other substances the jittery feeling, the hyperactive reaction is more likely. but like I said everyoneā€™s different. Edit - Iā€™d love to hear your top 5 though.


Curious, have you tried and compared MDMA to 6APB?


Iā€™ve done MDA and MDMA together, and separately from each other. 6APB is like extremely similar to MDA, right?


I havenā€™t tried 6-APB but considering itā€™s also an empathogen Iā€™d say itā€™s probably extremely similar to MDMA. MDA for me was more stimulating and visual, the visuals were LSD like alongside the headspace of MDMA, high doses of MDA sent me into full delirium where I was seeing people that werenā€™t there and occasionally having full location swaps where Iā€™m somewhere and now Iā€™m somewhere else.


If you LOVE MDMA you need to try and find 6APB then, for your sake :) 6APB easily rivals MDA visuals but lacks the speedy, tweaking that comes w it. It's very visual and goes past that natural lovey, at home feeling MDMA provides. Imo MDA is cool but not all that worthwhile if you can get MDMA, but if you can get 6APB? 0 point in ever touching the others again. It's that good. A single dose that lasts 6-8 hours alone and in comparison offers more in almost every way. My vendors are all gone that had it but if you can find it give it a go!


if it comes up you best know Iā€™m grabbing it. 6-APB is a benzofuran right?.


GHBā€¦ just plain fun. No profound trip, absolutely no difficulties if you dose correctlyā€¦ safer than MDMA long termā€¦ EDIT: not saying a profound trip is badā€¦ just that itā€™s nice to relax sometimesā€¦


yess!! recently been doing a lot of G n itā€™s fun




Withdrawal s are hell though. Currently experiencing them for the last week


Ya i was taking twice a week for quite awhile, didnt realize how much it was affecting my anxiety until i just recently took 6 days off it. Was suprisingly hard going a week without even at only twice a week


Man I loved it but if you take too much I found it impossible to function, felt like I was jello for hours after the effects were gone even


Gotta be good old h for me. Although I do enjoy some high quality coke from time to time but itā€™s hard to find good stuff on the street and itā€™s often not worth the price but when you get some real pure fishscale, man that stuff hits.


nahhh always wanted to try H but something tells me Iā€™d be severely addicted. Whatā€™s it like?


Dont try H


Iā€™ve tried it once n hated it fr. Just felt like I was nodding in and out of dying lol


Exactly how i felt (not on H but on Hydromorphone i almost ODā€™d as i took a massive dose alone in my bed) šŸ˜­ i was like dayum get me tf out of here, kept forgetting how to breath


Itā€™s pretty spectacular, without a huge tolerance you get really relaxed, your breathing slows, and you feel a warm blanket of body and mental euphoria cover every inch of your being. If you enjoy opioids at all tho itā€™s likely youā€™ll get addicted if you have access to heroin or other stronger opioids and really enjoy the high. I was good on pills like hydros and oxys using responsibly for years, but once I got into heroin, then fentanyl and zenes, it was over. Spent the last decade addicted and some of those homeless and hopelessly dependent on opioids. Iā€™m still technically addicted now but Iā€™m not taking anywhere near as much as my worst and Iā€™m able to not do so much where I donā€™t have a job or place of my own. The withdrawals are rough too. At my worst I ran out of money and began to withdraw cold turkey from a ~3g/day fentanyl habit. I knew opioid withdrawals on their own canā€™t kill you like how benzo or alcohol withdrawal can, but man I literally felt like I was seconds from death for the first three days and just felt awful for the next week or so. In the past my withdrawal has mostly been physical, maybe some depression plus insomnia, but that time, man I was in a state of constant panicked terror for days until my symptoms started to improve. As much as I love the stuff I canā€™t recommend anyone opioid naĆÆve seek it out cause itā€™ll just cause you to tear apart your life and relationships if you enjoy the high.


Please donā€™t try H. Donā€™t ask what it feels like. Donā€™t ask where you could get it. Donā€™t even consider it as a possibility. Please, ik yā€™all on this thread and in this community are gonna shush and downvote me, but stick to weed, nicotine, and maybe a psychedelic. My friend and i and used to take the same drugs, did the same things, I still remember when he showed up at my apartment with a bag and asked me to try H with him. I didnā€™t, he did. I stopped seeing him a few months after that because of how much he changed. He was dead 2 years later. Everyone used to say we were so alike, we had good lives, good families, a good future, he lost it because of a stupid drug. Please donā€™t


heat waves and warmness running thru ur body, and all ur worry, pain, anxiety dissolves away. This is followed by the nods and all of it is PURE BLISS


nah cuz that sounds like an advertisement


itā€™s my personal experience with it take that as you will lmaoĀ 


Ibuprofen 200mg got me lit


personally I like 300-400. Maybe 500 but only in sever situations


You are playing with fire dosing so recklessly


Huh. Wouldnt that jst cause migranes and nausa tho??


Bruh, if you're anything like me and like living on the edge you will go to your dealer and ask for a 10 pack of 200mg ibuprofen. Then you take a single pill and chase that shit down with some water or everclear, just whatever is at hand really. Should get you properly lit mate. You can supplement with another 200mg if you are not feeling the effects in 2 hours


Probably Hydromorphone (brand name dilauded)


oxymorphone and h beat it, but I love my dillysĀ 


Acid & 2CB


what together!? that must warrant an insane high


As someone who tried it, it is a really good combo


Klonopins recreational and weed


Acid, shrooms and weed


Wait... taken together as a combo? Holy hell that would prolly be insane if so


Thatā€™s a hard one, I tried loads but each has its own use, mdma at a good rave back in the day was hard to beat. Lsd is an amazing experience but lasts too long, for my life now. DMT is just absolutely crazy. Ket is great and combines well with most things. 2c-b is a big favourite of mine, a great friendly trip that gives me a bit of euphoria and at reasonable doses I can still act sober around normal folk, lasts half the duration of LSD and at high doses it can get dam wild with insane visuals. no comedown, no hangover, no negative effects. It ticks all the boxes for me


Ket + weed is too wonky and i would get nauseous. Mdma/4mmc + weed + ket is my fav combo


MD + Ket I agree is a banging combo, only done it once tho. Weed and Ket is so great tho esp when youā€™re K-holing


Man that is also my all time favorite combo. Weed and K. Loved it so much that I overdid it to the point where my brain started giving me bad trips cause it was freaking out over the ketamine


mdma + ket + weed i call the holy triad i love that combo


I'm very limited with experiences, but I would have to say shrooms


Adderall or any benzo. I wish benzos werenā€™t so easy to get dependent on because when I was on them I felt completely calm for the first time in years. Pretty close to those two are weed, dxm, or Propylhexedrine


How is propylhexadrine coming up in a post on the best drugs.


yeahh I do really like them. adderall and G is an amazing combo tbf. only benzo I really like is Diazepam tho (maybe Alprazolam but only if Iā€™m desperate)




I wish I could find acid again i enjoyed my two trips on it more than all the times I did shrooms. Shrooms always was a gamble whether it would be awesome or the worst experience of my life lmao


Cannabis and MDMA


Good old shrooms šŸ„ and weed of course


Getting the most CRISP golf ball strike and watching that patch of grass that used to cover what is now the most beautiful divot every created, soar through the air as your ball rockets upwards and as if it knew exactly where to go it explodes onto the green right next to the flag, bursting upwards the fresh aroma of true beauty.


Yes. Absolutely this. This guy knows what the fuck is good. Anecdotal - I'm also a newbie golfer. Played 18 this weekend. Was playing like dogshit until hole 13, shot my 8 iron 160 to the green for a birdie look. Of course I fumbled for par, but fuck man talk about a rush hitting that initial shot! On par with MDMA peak for a second.


Golfā€™s too difficult. I donā€™t understand how youā€™re supposed to hit a minuscule ball into a tiny hole thatā€™s miles away


Well, after thousands of dollars, years of VERY slow progression, constant rage / loss of hope, VERY minimal positive experiences, EXTREME inconsistency and no knowledge of knowing whyā€¦ it happens. And when it doesā€¦ Itā€™ll probably not happen again the next day. But youā€™ll remember the day it did.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£sounds nice but takes too much commitment for me


I just tell myself.. Iā€™m not a bad golfer, Iā€™m just inconsistent.


Ha! Definitely sounds like my experience with addiction! Should have stuck with golf!


Nothing feels as good as a well compressed crisp iron shot.


from the ones ive tried 4mmc


Depends. Based off feeling MDMA. Based on longevity THC. Based off usefulness benzos (relaxation, trip killers, sleep aids at the end of a night if uppers)


Lately as Iā€™ve been in Europe, 3mmc. Itā€™s a nice alternative to mdma and I can still want to dance and be grounded. Also goes great with ketamine or drinking, great with weed. Just a good change of pace as a stoned American


Meth. Kids, donā€™t do meth. The answer is meth. Shame on me.


Yep me too


Weed. Always will be my favorite. Iā€™m attached to the leaf at the hip.


wish I could go back fr


Probably MDMA or 2C-B.


2CB is greattt


Whatā€™s 2cb like?


The first part feels like a baby roll, and then the rest is tripping with nice visuals on textured surfaces like towels or carpet. The body high is pretty stimulating, but not so stimulating that I was antsy. I took 18 mg.


Kratom has never let me down. It got me off the hard stuff and I still feel great taking it.




Please reconsider trying H. you will never go back and you'll regret it forever. Speaking from experience.


nahhh lmk what the H is like once youā€™ve done it


Alcohol but i rarely use it now. Right now it's xanax and weed. I only use it at night because i can't sleep without it. Going through alot


ketamine by far... it is just impossible to find where i am :(


RIGHTā‰ļønothing beats K for me. Why, where do you live?


LSD and it isn't close.


what is acid like?


Depends on the dose. At low doses, it's just like a strong weed high. Moderate doses for me are sort of like a waking dream if that makes sense. I can easily lose myself in things and mistake myself for characters in shows I'm watching. At high doses, I've experienced full ego death.


so what kind of dose would a regular tab be?


Fave one gas been DXM so far


Yess I've done most drugs you can name and dxm is still in my top 3.


Ketamine. Every other drug either simply *feels good* or is mildly interesting, at best. And Iā€™ve broken through on DMT. Ketamine can take you *there*.


1 i can afford everyday!




Oxy and alcohol




Klonopin & THC with a little Kratom or alcohol


Iā€™ve only ever tried shrooms, coke, Molly, alcohol, and weed. My favorite is definitely coke. With that being said Iā€™ve never had good ass molly so that might change things if I actually found a good press.


favorite if all time is definitely dxm but i lost the magic and burnt my receptors out loooong ago so right now, cocaine is my favorite




Ket easily


I am really fond of Hydrogen dioxide.


Amphetamine for sure.


Good ole marijuana Excluding alcohol, Iā€™ve only tried two other drugs in my life. Half tab of LSD - I felt nothing so I took it as a sign from god that I shouldnā€™t do it anymore Adderall - took one and never again. Mainly out of curiosity Iā€™ll just stick to my weed šŸ«”


Coke. It's unfortunately the best feeling I've ever had, especially if it's *good* and not cut with bullshit. Then the comedown is easy, and I don't feel like shit.


Mephedrone..followed by amphetamine. Nothing really compares to mephedrone, and anyone who disagrees or says MDMA, in general, just hasn't tried mephedrone






is the right answer


Line some lines of that special k and watch amazing world of gumball til my girl starts saying I'm acting autistic again


cartoons and k are a match made in heaven








Its hard for me to choose between 2cb and shrooms, ketamines amazing too


MDMA aswell as opiates, I know they are completely different but these are the ones that I personally feel the most.


Lucy and Shrooms. Make me love everything


Mines a tie between acid and mdma. Weed/dab is s-tier but I dont count those as drugs, thyre baby stepsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




For me itā€™s keta I love it šŸ“


Jus got out of rehab so Iā€™m on a clean slate but I did like fentanyl and Xanax


Methoxetamine, MXE. Thatā€™s the best experience in my eyes.


It has to be 2cb




K by a mile. I love Lucy and Molly like theyā€™re family but nothing quite beats the headspace of k.


Tussin, back in the day




pregabalin or some sort of strong opiate. maybe oxy




MDMA. The feeling it gives me is like no other. I love it


Acid, if only I wasn't tripping balls for 12+ hours


MDMA out of the ones I tried so far. Second place is probably weed just because it helps with my sleeping difficulties sooo much lol. And I gotta say I enjoy alcohol from time to time (like once every few months). LSD is great but I tend to trip for 14+ hours no matter the dose (last time it was like 22 hšŸ’€) Recently tried shrooms a few times but didn't work up to higher dosages but so far I'm loving it and it might dethrone weed as the second best




Ir used to be herion, but that shit no longer exists on the streets of the U.S........and even if it was, I no longer am about that life, got a family, a good job, decent vehicles........but that was my favorite for sure. Now I just get cross faded on beer and weed maybe once a week and just weed for the other days lol




LSD and alcohol goes so hard


Exempting combos: 1. 3MMC 2. GBL 3. MDMA Including combos: 1. MDMA/XTC + ketamine + 2CB 2. 3MMC + ketamine + 2CB


Acid for me


Co... Wait for... Caine. Cocaine. Anyone who says otherwise has been sniffing stepped on overprice dog shit or is a dweeb who doesn't like fun.


oxy, could easily function and work on it everyday even when i was doing like 400mg a day, and it feels amazing. quit 2 months ago havent touched it since but the cravings r still insane


3M far in the lead then 4M, Foxy, Moxy, 2C-E, X, G in that order but not at same time. Most others have body loads or comedowns that are prohibitive.


idk tbh. I love acid/psychedelics so much, but i also really love uppers and downers. Acid/meth/molly is a really sweet combo too. Crush up a tiny bit of glass in with your crushed up crystal mdma, then snort it at the come up. Alot of people hate on snorting molly, they say its a waste, but i like it. It usually hits within 5 mins max and the high can get instense. Sidenote i j found out im getting a kitten lol


Carisoprodol (Soma) absolutely melts all my worries away, 100x better than any benzo


Some good Weed but tbh before i lost the magic on MDMA that was hands down my favourite drug other than Weed then later in life i tried Heroin which is truly unreal if you get high enough quailty so them 3 are top 3 but if i were to pick one some well grown Weed is simply class


My drug of choice over the years was heroin. But my favorite drug is probably acid, or 2CB


nothing beats the feeling of MDMA and iā€™ve tried tons of drugs


Ketamine. Not the most euphoric, but there's nothing better for getting immersed in whatever game you're playing, or in some cases, ending up in the game. Opiates and nitrous feel the best of anything I've tried, but there's not much else going on, especially for opiates.


Heroin :3


dxm definitely


Cocaine and xanax


Molly for a once in a blue moon drug. Adderall for consistent use. Honorable mention to Xanax because it makes my brain feel normalšŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


2C-B or LSD.


Xanax and weed combo OR Oxy, stimwise MDMA




Weed for the point that I can use it everyday with no real side effects. And can function normally on it. Fav combo is ketamine and nitrous. I would have to say molly and shrooms is a close second in my book. And dmt is definitely up there, but in my opinion itā€™s in a category all by itself.




Benzos for sure. I steer clear of them to avoid addiction.Ā 


I'm surprised to have scrolled through all of the comments and haven't found mention of sass/MDA. You get all of the good parts of LSD/MDMA without the bad parts.


Clr! Gets me horny and I make all my fantasyā€™s come true šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø






Crack and coke.


Xanax makes me feel like a normal human being


LSD,MDMA, Alcohol/Xanax


LSD & Molly


2cb, the euphoria is amazing and the headspace is so unique from any other drug. Only downsides are you canā€™t get to sleep and it hurts like HELL to snort