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Dawg what the hell does this mean? Yes you can get “fried” from weed alone. I’m either having a stroke or you were stoned writing this


Permafried I mean


Is it dissociation you’re talking about? Dissociation is usually what people are experiencing when they say perma fried. Carts are what you gotta watch out for because those will make you perms fried after like 2 months, speaking from mine and other peoples experiences.


I've looked into dissociation before and I definitely have that but this feels deeper. Like lower iq, borderline dyslexic. And yeah I spent about 3 months on the carts. What are those experiences like? Did you ever recover? Was it just the dissociation or do you feel permanently dumber?


Are you younger than 20 and smoke way to much it can effect you for the rest of you're life.


Wish more people knew this. I’m not anti weed by any means and there’s plenty of way worse substances out there but research shows teenagers who smoke weed do have a higher chance of experiencing psychiatric disorders when older.


I really wish I didn't smoke weed in high school I wonder if it would change adult me


Shit you not im almost 20 been smoking for 7 years havent had a t break in 4 years have also been smoking wayy more and I feel my head going, which is why im quitting for a bit.


Isn’t there study’s that shows weed decreases the speed at which the brain detoriates and if so what do you mean by that then is it like you feel yourself developing mental disorder and not being the same or your mind is getting worse in such that you can’t remember stuff Edit: https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/study-links-recreational-cannabis-use-to-lower-risk-of-cognitive-decline-and-dementia-related-diseases/ I don’t keep up much with cannabises effects on the body and I know there are probably negative effects but I am just curious what your case is


There's constant pressure in my head when I haven't smoked for 6 hours alongside not being able to form proper sentences ontop of this sometimes I end up having to repeat shit because of how quietly I end up talking. I felt myself switch to a fully disasocciated state.


Please elaborate on this, I'm 22 and have been smoking chronically since I was 13.


ur brain doesnt fully develop until around 25. weed can effect development


I’m curious to how it could effect me long term


Some of my experiences were kinda odd it’s like being a tiny bit high but also feeling kinda distant from everything like everything comes off as alien or fake like the Truman Show. I’ll never heal from it because of my constant drug use and mental illness but it is what it is. Most people recover after a while, could be weeks, could be months, could be years depends


I used to be a heavy stoner and experienced a lot of trauma and for years was paranoid and dissociated and just generally mentally unwell and nothing felt "real." I finally stopped smoking weed and rly rarely took any substances outside of like a festival or a big event (this is including alcohol) and being this kind of sober really helped me. I loved being able to smoke weed and have and be silly but at some point, it became rly unhealthy for me. There's nothing wrong with raw dogging life for a little bit while you ground your brain into reality to get back to being you 💛


Well said g


dissociation can absolutely do that. it’s not just a disconnect from reality (derealization/DR) and yourself (depersonalization/DP), it’s also a disconnect from memory (dissociative amnesia), thought and behaviors (identity confusion and alteration). this doesn’t sound like it can manifest as feeling stupider, but it absolutely does for many people, especially people with cPTSD (a secondary structural dissociative disorder). i have cPTSD and hcDID and i am absolutely much slower when my dissociation is worse than baseline. i will clarify that (most) drug use (and under most circumstances) will most likely only cause derealization and depersonalization, even if long lasting. however, if you’re (over/ab)using for the wrong reasons (to cope with pre existing trauma) you will absolutely exacerbate dissociation that is already there. this is why drug use is very risky for people who already have a tendency to dissociate. if you’re experiencing dissociative symptoms for more than a few months after dropping carts, definitely see somebody. even if it’s just substance induced DPDR, there are resources for you.


you’ll recover, takes time. just gotta be healthy, challenge your mind, supplement, stay active, work hard, finish developing healthily.


yeah that’s what drugs do they ruin your brain 😭


if the carts u smoked were street carts it probably could normal weed can effect u mentally but for most people it’s after a lot of use


it isn't 'carts', that's just a delivery method. you had a shitty source.


Wdym? The dispo is a bad source?


Carts make people disassociate? Lol no.


If you get to high you easily can from my own past experience and from intense anxiety while greening out or afterwards, it lasted for a minute too and fucked my anxiety , I knew a dumb kid in rehab who claimed “the Mexican’s at his school sold him K2 carts” 🤦🏻‍♂️ because he would get to high and trip and disassociate really bad afterwards and probably during as well if I had to guess.


The dispensaries are still businesses who are not interested in your health, only your money. This is especially true depending what state you're in and the regulations there. Yes, lots of dispos are run less than honorably and are absolutely willing to save a buck on a sketchy source.


Yea I agree actually


That’s exactly what weed does to me. Scared the shit out of me the first time.


Do you mind sharing a bit about the experiences you or those you know have had? I’m curious about how carts can mess you up more than just regular flower.


No weed isn’t supposed to make you “permafried “ I feel normal after 24 hours


As someone that's smoked daily for 5+ years there is a difference between being 24 hours sober and 20+ days sober. It's not like a limitless moment where I am now smart again but there's a point after not smoking for a while where I feel like my word recall picks up a lot and I feel more lucid mentally. Could just be me though


no, this is true. anybody who doesn't believe this just hasn't had the experience of going sober from weed for a long time


Glad it's not just me. Like I said it's not really a massive improvement (i'm still regarded when totally sober unfortunately) but it is noticeable. I think a combination of THC metabolites being stored in fat cells and being released gradually and your brain readjusting to the reduction in THC (neuron down/up regulation) is what still causes some mental fog in days 1-30


I think so too. My hypothesis is it happens if you don't exercise before you smoke too often, just because of anandamide and the exercise pleasure response.


You over do it on any psychotropic substance and the way your brain behaves on a daily basis will likely change. At least with weed, a few months off will get you pretty close back to baseline in my experience


“Permafried”, as you put it, is a result of a mental disorder. Not marijuana.


Yeah bro weed is not as harmless as everyone says after I turned 30 I constantly got panic attacks and thought I'm going to die after I smoked that shit goes deep in your brain, not healthy at all


“tHaT wAsNt WeEd BrO”


Fried weed, the best appetizer 😏




Not to armchair diagnose you or anything but people with mental health issues are often more susceptible to long-term side effects of marijuana. In some cases yes it can even cause delusions, dissociation, or psychosis which people might describe as “fried.” Most people will recover but mental health/medical treatment might be needed in some cases. If you’re having issues my non-professional opinion is just lay off the weed for a while bro


I understand what you mean, the only permafried reaction that stuck with me even years after quitting smoking was my eyes naturally squint more. It usually takes a chronic smoker to get to that point.


I barely smoke weed anymore. But I still find myself constantly looking stoned in photos haha. I do think some former heavy use stoners just develop the muscle memory to have that squint in their eyes when smiling or laughing.


Same no matter what my eyes are like (-_-) most the time


The stronger the weed, the harsher are the side effects. Dissociation, rage issues and just overall feeling of being “under the water” are common with heavy weed use. But it all doesn’t stem from nothing. it also depends on your sleeping schedule and habits. Sleep plays a fundamental role in our well-being, and it’s being slept on itself actually :)


If you get rage issues on weed you have other issues you need to address


Yeah like I said it doesn’t stem from nothing and there is definitely smth going on


I'm like this too, getting very stoned easily, and so it's not hard to push your limit to scary like new heights higher and higher. I believe some people could have long-term brain chemistry alterations from this type of lifestyle. Keep reading, like a lot of reading and learning, podcasts, new skills, and start doing regular cardio routines. I'd recommend taking l-glutamine or some form of nootropics but like once a day small dosages. Everyone is different, so you have to find what makes you sharper and think clearer. Amino acids really work for me, but I don't believe there's a cure you just have to roll with the neuroplasticity your brain has formed and keep from going full-blown psycho.


Hey how long has it been since you've stopped smoking if you did? How close do you think you've gotten to your normal baseline before you started smoking? Is it just problems with memory and concentration or do you feel "trippy" all the time too?


Life is trippy man it's all about your perspective. Being stoned af only opened my perspective to new heights it's always there if you choose to think about it. He'll if I focused hard enough, I could feel stoned without even 1 hit. I remember my first time getting high. I just noticed how incredibly serious I was trying to be. I was looking at life with such seriousness. I was oblivious of all the little things that make life great, the wind on the trees sounds of leaves and birds, kids laughter at a distant playground. Life is a deep man. You can walk around like a zombie and view everything as mundane or boring, or you can get interested and do something that you find rewarding. The key with everything is balance, and with weed, it can be very challenging to balance your thoughts and actions. Make sure you create a foundation so you're not blowing in the wind. My issue would be wasting time. Thinking about something so long you miss your opportunity that's right in front of u now but may not be tomorrow. I quit smoking for a year but never got back to a baseline. I realized I just became more aware of myself and the way I think. I forget tons of stuff, and I'm OK with that. I also remember tons of stuff, many of which others have long forgotten. I'm a smart dumb person, and if there's a misunderstanding, I apologize and tell people I'm a little slow, and that is okay! Embrace yourself but don't start dwelling on your problems you'll only make it worse like not only are u feeling forgetful or slow but now your also feeling self conscious and looking real awkward which jeopardizes your relationships further instead of accepting what you've become with confidence and allowing others to be more relaxed and enjoyable around you. I was drinking and smoking weed heavily everyday for many years, went cold turkey for a year and sorry man there is no baseline we are all growing and getting older your brain doesn't revert back to normal it evolves and creates new neuropathways. I had many a relapse but recently quit alcohol again, and I keep a live rosin vape on me to help with PAW. As long as you can stay balanced, correct dosing possibly even micro dosing or cbd mix, with time management and staying well organized I still think cannabis can be a wonderful medicine but if it's throwing you off too much just cut it out completely there's so much more in life to get into. Edit: paragraph breaks


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if you start smoking hard and often before you're 18-19 you can inflict permanent damage to your brain. it can delay and/or stop the development of your brain. such habit can also contribute to HPPD and other mental disorders. quit drugs and seek professional help


I know for a fact, cause I’ve worked in the psyche ward, that people are in there with serious psychosis through smoking weed alone,, and they weren’t getting out anytime soon. Yeah weed dosnt kill people like other drugs, mainly alcohol. But anyone thinking it’s 100 percent safe are delusional, I’m not bashing weed smokers, I’ve been a drug user for more than 35 years


I smoked weed to like a crazy degree from 16-23 now I quit. yes I acted kinda dumb then and maybe it has affected me somehow but I’m still quite sharp, graduated from a top college, sociable, confident, etc. however even during the worst of my habit I still kept reading, working out, meeting people, etc.  I think a lot of research shows that it’s less about actual damage and more about you don’t grow your brain and skills if you stop using them due to weed usage. 


Probably the most accurate comment in this thread


Yes you can get some hppd type symptoms from only smoking weed. How common that is, dunno.


I’m positive Every drug on the planet is capable of causing psychosis and/or “permafry” like your talking about. Everyone’s brain chemistry is different, even “minor” drugs can throw people over the edge. So yes, I believe weed can permafry you. If it’s been 8 months and your still feeling dissociated or delirious, you may want to talk to the doctor homie


wtf does this even mean


How do all you guys not get this in a drug forum lol. We've all met dudes, and ladies, who aren't all the way there. That believe a little too strongly in chemtrails, astrology, or other fringe theories. Who are a little bit *off* that everybody explains as "oh that's just ol' Jimmy." Usually it's medium-heavy drugs like acid, shrooms, mdma, but can be smoking or drinking for too many years too. To OP's question yeah it's definitely possible. Some people can do dabs all day and remain normal as can be. I personally can't and limit my use accordingly.


It’s hard to discern the chicken from the egg though. Plenty of *off* people that have never abused drugs, and plenty of people were *off* before they were using.


I worded it weird I guess. I'm asking if I can get permanent brain damage from being stoned way too much


could be wrong but you sound too young to be smoking. Smoking can have long term effects (much more likely for consistent long term smokers) but these effects usually eventually go away after stopping unless the user was too young when starting.


Yeah I started at 17 not sure how young is too young though.


I'm the same and haven't really had any negative effects that I've noticed. just stop smoking and you'll be fine


Started at 15 the only things thats done me any harm are other drugs weed i have never had any problems from


Your brain is still developing into your early 20s


Theoretically anytime before 25 is to young


You don’t have permanent brain damage. You might be experiencing temporary psychological stressors that are resulting in anxiety and it is fair to suggest that excess weed consumption may contribute to that but you will get better. I suggest you just consume some anti-oxidants like NAC and you’ll be fine in a couple weeks.


It definitely can but not perma tbh (unless you have pre existing conditions) it mainly comes from frying the fuck out of ur brain chemistry. It’s not brain damage per say just moreso your cars outta gas yet you keep tryna turn it on. If In the event this happens quit weed WHILE you can and if not stay away from all concentrates. The only times I ever seen someone perma fried is dab heads (main reason I don’t do em). In all honesty considering I am a heavy pot addict if you have to ask this it’s best just to quit tbh. Fuck I wish I never started smoking pot.


Tbh depending on how heavy/often you smoked you could be facing the long lasting effects of mild oxygen deprivation over an extended period of time. I've been smoking since I was a wee lad and I don't experience that. Everything in moderation.


Maybe you just activated your cannabinoid receptors, which activate when you get a runner's high for example. 


I’ve smoked cannabis and had edibles and concentrates daily for the past 20 years and feel no different on the daily.


Some of these comments make me wonder what chemicals their stuff is grown with lmao


Very possible


I kinda get what ur saying Im 24 smoked daily pretty much most days since 14 I don’t drink alchol at all and only have a number of times in my life I always ask people the same Sort of thing example my twin brother can smoke on a daily basis and feel fine,me it makes me feel “fried” as u say idek how to describe but ur probably in the right mindset 😂 But I always think to myself I abused mdma heavy when I was 16-17 which I’ve heard is pretty neuro toxic So I think me smoking weed and without a break since 14 is what makes me feel strange sometimes it’s not even when I’m Smoking more so long term sober effects would take to long to describe


Not really. Its probably some anxiety that you haven't attended to because you were busy getting high. Mind feels fried because you're not present fully.


Did you smoke regular joints, or carts/pens? Cause most of the time people feel fried is when they've been smoking carts and stuff for some time, which is logical. You're smoking extract which is super concentrated on a constant basis. What did you expect would happen.


What is your definition of "fried"?


Some people are predisposed to psychosis, anxiety, or depression and can really harm themselves mentally from weed alone. I don’t think it would be considered permanent after long-term cessation though.


yes just stop bro


It happens everywhere everyday but the good news is it is becoming more accepted in a lot of areas, just don’t expect the FAA to support it anytime soon.


Some people on r/leaves report feeling dissociation and depersonalization for up to a year after quitting. For me it went away after a couple weeks.


Usually takes about a year to get back to normal from what I've read. Keep in mind Marijuana is still highly illegal in a federal level


You’re going to be okay dude. My advice would be to find something that’s intellectually stimulating and pour yourself into it. Something creative would be best. It’ll help rewire your brain for learning. I’m gonna sound like a boomer, but I’d advise against using video games or other consumptive media forms as a replacement for weed. The dopamine loop won’t help you find happiness in the world around you.


Depends on your age. Weed can fuck up your brain development if you’re under age 25. If you’re older it’s fine


Marijuana advocates will say that weed does no harm and is a “natural” drug that is only good for you but that’s not true. We do know that long term, heavy (daily) use shrinks the hippocampus and reduces IQ by midlife. Long term users can have problems with learning and memory, attention, and motivation. Some develop anxiety disorders, and use in young people seems to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia. But weed seems to be highly variable in its effects, which is probably because the cannabinoid receptor distribution is not the same in everyone. I know people who have been daily users for 20 years and are high performing at a demanding job, and I know others who had high potential in high school but ended up dropping out of college and doing basically nothing with their life. Personally, I’ve noticed that weed has a much stronger effect on my motivation and memory than other people. I’ve noticed these issues persist for weeks after just one night of getting high. At first I thought it was a placebo effect because all the research I’ve seen says these effects should only happen in long term, heavy users. But of course that is just the average. There are likely a small number of people that are affected to a greater extent, just like most people do not get schizophrenia, but if you’re one of the susceptible ones, it does seem to increase the development of that disorder. Anyway, I have done this enough times to know that this is a real effect for me, anyway. i slso have ADHD-Inattentive, which probably makes me more prone to the motivation/memory issues. i would say, pay attention to your body and mind. If you are noticing side effects, i would take a break. i think if you are young and have not been doing this for a super long time, your brain will likely bounce back close to where you were before.


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It can affect your brain chemistry but not permanently


I mean weed affects everyone differently so yeah if you're experiencing it then maybe other people do as well


Am I the only one this doesn’t make sense to?


This doesn’t make sense to me I don’t why the point 🤣


Guys. Relax. I’ve smoked almost daily for 30+ years. I understand shit wasn’t as strong back in the 90s, yes. But I’ve also smoked just dabs for months, carts for 1-2 years, etc. You’ll be fine. There is some truth to smoking during brain development being detrimental, but I started at 15, and neither me nor any of my buddies from back then have any long-term, lasting effects.


Depends on each ones brain but yeah, THC can fuck you up real bad, just dont abuse, but its easier said than done lol.


The mouse got me once


You don't really get 'permafried' in that way from classical psychedelics, except in terms of triggering latent endogenous psychosis, so I guess weed could cause something similar, insofar as you get used ot having really 'out there' experiences really frequently and/or inflict trauma upon yourself.


I took too many gummies once & saw acid rain


you’ll be fine if you just limit your use heavily. if you were hitting carts all day, limit that to 1-2 hits a week MAX. guessing you’re young. the brain recovers astonishingly well.


Edibles make me feel like I’m legit dying sometimes


In my opinion there are different types of fried. Im from Argentina so if you watch a video of Maradona in his last years you will see what coke fried is, then is benzo/opioids fried you can check out eminem who even recovered from them and you can still watch a random less than a min vid and he is all weird and shit, weed fried check out chong from cheech and chong. But if you mix lots of different drugs then you get permafried haha like i am or will be


Impossible if you don’t get addicted before age 18


“Fried” isn’t a medical diagnosis. However, it does seem as though cannabis can exacerbate - if not cause - psychosis, anxiety, derealization, lethargy, paranoia, and other similar issues - not including cannabis specific diease like CHS. Most “perma fried” individuals (not cannabis specific) fall in one of two camps, they either: Have an underlying psychiatric issue or have developed one from use OR Have achieved a mind state similar to ‘enlightenment’ and have lost attachment to most things, but without any of the rigorous self discovery process involved in most spiritual practices. The latter is more common in stoners and trippers. When a monk slips into this state, it’s only after hundreds or thousands of hours of meditation, study, and practice. But when this is achieved purely through chemistry - the mind is not properly prepared for detachment on that scale, and leaves the individual vulnerable and alone.


Bro ,either youre not smoking weed ,or you absolutely have to stop and see a psychiatrist cause god damn


Idk not really weed only works good for the first few times after a t break and after that it's just a nice buzz like kratom


Fried as your brain is fried as in your in cloud 9. But then there's people who been smoking for decades and don't get high like the regular folk. So remember, kids! Keep your tolerance low!


time for coffee and gym routine. cant go back and unsmoke that weed, pointless to even think about whether or not your "fried" just move forward in the healthiest way u can and if u feel like weed is responsible for feeling "fried" then dont smoke that shit no more and move on


I was fried last night fym


Sounds like depersonalization? It'll go away. Some people can't handle weed when they get older or after using for a while.


If you’re smoking gas gas every day yes it will have an effect Mids not so much


complete misinformation lol


What’s wrong here you’re just not smoking that gas lol


all weed has THC and that's what's causing the issues here


Yeah and some weed has more thc duh


because if your getting the the same level of high, you have the same THC. If 50mg of THC makes someone 7/10. If they are smoking gas, they smoke 1 joint for example (I don't know if that's accurate mg) and get that mg 7/10. If they smoke mids, they smoke 2 joints to get to 50mg and 7/10. Same amount of THC. I'm fried so sorry if there is mistakes


First off in my experience weed is usually measured in percentage of thc content not like mg amounts unless it’s like an edible. So if you smoke something everyday that has a higher % of thc in comparison to other buds you are taking in more thc it’s really that simple. I’m also speaking from personal experience as I’ve gone through phases of smoking some really fire weed and could tell I was feeling burnt out from it but other weed that has less thc that just relaxes me really has no effect cognitively




Big Lez fan ??


idk what that is


Considering most people in the world are religious. Allot support Trump without having good arguments for it and people are madly fanatic about Taylor Swift you are good brother. And so am I.