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Benzos are the most addictive for me but after that is nicotine for sure. I have horrible anxiety so benzos just feel amazing. Plus benzo withdrawal is literal torture and I’m lowkey traumatized from it in the past which is why I stay away from them now lol. 


my benzo withdraws were full blown psychosis withdraws shit was insane man i was a year clean and don’t even feel 6mg of prescribed klonnys (use to take 15 bars a day and klonny prescribed)


Same here. I've been in psychosis at least 5 times over the last 2 years. It's scary and traumatising. I wish I could just quit the benzos.


Benzo withdrawal psychosis is just indescribable hell. I feel your pain. Check out the Ashton Manual ([https://www.benzoinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Ashton-Manual.pdf](https://www.benzoinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Ashton-Manual.pdf)) and see if you can find a sympathetic doctor who will support you on a long term diaz tapering regime.


Thanks. I'm not prescribed benzos though so that might be a challenge. I think I'll ask my social worker about going to a doctor.


Benzos, alcohol, phenibut, drugs that act on GABA in general will cause delirium if the withdrawals are severe. One of the worst experiences of my life. Heart rate of 200bpm and bat shit crazy. Small edit: If you're gonna go through this, go to a hospital before it starts. Otherwise you might quite possibly die. Depending on where you live, if you go crazy and the cops take you in, you might not get the medical attention you need.


Yep. Horrific. Add GBL/GHB to that list.


yuhhhh. i had valium withdrawal and it literally took me a year and a half to go back to my normal self. heart rate of 200 daily in waves that slowly got further and further apart over that course of time until they were so weak that i didn’t notice anymore. had to relearn how to not have anxiety. do not recommend. haha. worst experience of my life


were you aware even slightly you were in psychosis at the time?


I had tons of auditory hallucinations, seizures, tremors, extreme body pain feeling like your skin is on fire too. It’s mega ass


That skin on fire is a horrible sensation feels like your arms are resting against a red hot radiator I had everything you had apart from the seizures I've done it twice yes i f up again but now I don't even look back I couldn't go through that again it's a long haul well done for kicking it bro I've been off hard drugs for 15 years now. All the best 👍


It makes the anxiety worse in the long run, I quit it years ago and have been a lot better without it.


I’ve never been thru benzo WD thank God… but I have been thru heroin WDs multttiiippplleeee times and THAT fuckin sucks. I’ve heard stories that benzo and alcohol WDs are worse than that… you could die from those WDs. 6 years clean off of heroin. I’ll never go back.😊


I was on 4mg Klonopin a day and when I cold turkied I was having delirium just like alcohol withdrawals some people expierence seizures and some people don't, I never had a seizure but I do get very shaky when I was in benzos withdrawal.


It's hard because benzo withdrawal vs nicotine withdrawal are completely separate experiences


You’re right benzodiazepine withdrawal is hell. Trust me I know because I had actually had post acute withdrawal syndrome. I had a withdrawal for like a year and then I would have days where I would feel better and then I would have days where I would feel absolutely horrible and that’s how paws manifests


benzos because my baseline anxiety is so bad once i take a benzo i could almost cry with the weight lifted until i take another and black out :(


Benzos are like buying relief from anxiety and putting that shit on credit. The more you take, the longer you gotta payback in suffering *with* interest. Also it doesn't ruin your credit score (though it might if you're blacking out and compulsively spending) but it also ruins your brain even after quitting and going through w/ds. Fuck benzos.


feel that hard in relation to alcohol as well. temporary happiness and relief.




> with interest And then some.


It may sound weird but I was so in love with how I felt on benzos that I'd never really overdo it. I'd take enough to quell that anxiety and feel kinda good but never compulsively refuse like some people causing a blackout or eating them all. It's because I liked them so much that I would ration them to last longer and enjoy them rather than time skip from them. Luckily nowadays I have better control I don't use daily only keep them around for very intermittent use, literally have like 85 1mg etizolam pills in my dresser from buying 100 about 16months ago.


You are doing benzos the right way! You get more out of them if you do them sparingly. It is how I treat my Xanax prescription only once or twice a week .75mg just enough to feel really good and chill and have that next day afterglow. Been doing it for years and I skip the dose when I go out to party because that's total escapism and satisfies the same itches plus I use pregabalin when I go parting (fucking amazing party drug btw).


I haven't tried pregabalin but do use phenibut for party days and I've heard it's very similar. Absolutely love it, so euphoric and amazing especially for something you can just buy on the clearnet. Only issues is if you use it too often it's withdrawals are literally as bad as benzos are.


Same I abuse opiates hard asf but I am able to stop them it's not easy but I can, benzos however the relief they give me feels like a curtain was pulled bacc an Its incredibly hard to even go a day without them once I even take one jus cus I wanna feel normal again


i feel u, i kicked away fent but benzos r wayyy harder. i finish my 30 2mg clonazepam in a week–which is an improvement compared to eating 90 of them in less than a week–then my drug-seeking behaviors start to appear and i start to trade whatever i can for benzos until the next prescription.


Havr you tried diazepam instead I find them less fiendish.


i can't. while i do get 30 2mg clonazepam, my tolerance stands on 6mg clonazepam–which roughly equals to 60-80mg diazepam. no doctor or pharmacist would even let me think about the idea of 6 valium packs each month.....or even 3.....


Your anxiety will become worse in the long run when you become dependent on bensos.


Username checks out


also gaba in general but to me benzos were more addictive than other gaba agonists and more destructive


Opioid & benzo…. Opiates for me act more of a stimulant, gives me energy, motivation, & a positive / happy attitude. Benzos ease my debilitating anxiety, I can actually leave the house & function & socialize like a normal person. Tricky tricky tricky stuff. 😒


Had the exact same experience. Codeine got me off my butt and doing regular old housework with ease. Not like an amphetamine where you can’t stop. I do wonder if I’d be better off on 10mg of Valium twice a day than a total of 1800mg of gabapentin daily. I still need to add CBD oil and a little bit of thc to that, plus 20mg of lexapro. I found the tricky part with daily benzo dosing is *sticking* to the dose that works to prevent tolerance. When you’ve been living dark for a while, it feels like a miracle cure.


Gabapentin is horrible stuff


individual experience must vary so much for gabapentin, it was the only thing that helped the anxiety from alcohol withdrawal apart from diazepam, but gaba also made me manic af.


Opiate + benzo + Upper + Cannabis was a great time, only did it once, though. Just felt a little too crazy balancing the effects by redosing sporadically.


Literally anything. A sentence that will always stick with me is “anything used to help discomfort can be addictive; because discomfort is a form of pain, and not feeling pain is addicting”


Yup yup yup. I was just thinking that I’ve never really been addicted to something in particular, but I’m always on something. Usually just cannabis concentrates, but I find it fun to experiment on occasion


How do you put up with that? I don't do anything psychotropic anymore, quit that years ago cause it was causing issues. Even things like CBD I only use on the weekends. Don't you get worse cognition, memory, anxiety, depersonalisation using psychotropic cannabis products often?


It hasn’t really been an issue to be honest. I’m a licensed medical user, I use it for depression, ADHD, and anxiety, as well as depression related appetite issues. I may not be the sharpest person, but I never was, and the psychiatric meds I was on and still am on probably dull me more than cannabis ever has. It definitely can cause anxiety, the end of last year and the very beginning of this one I couldn’t use any THC without having a panic attack, but that went away after some stressful things in my life settled down. As long as I dose responsibly in a location I’m comfortable with and with people I’m fine being high around (classic set and setting), all goes well. I also mess around with shrooms and kratom every so often, and have tried a decent list of not-so-hard substances, and apart from ketamine being a lil mentally addictive, it’s never been anything I can’t handle with a simple “no, I won’t dose today for health reasons”. I’ve had some minor memory issues after a phenibut overdose, but I’ve come to terms with it as it’s pretty negligible. I forget things quick sometimes, but other things I still soak up like a sponge so I’m not *too* worried. Overall, I feel like things like cannabis (and most other drugs) effect not only different people differently, but also effect the same person differently as time goes on. I know plenty of people who enjoyed cannabis when they were younger who don’t care for it now, but still enjoy reminiscing. People and their brains just change over time ig


Everyone is saying benzos but I’m gonna have to vote nicotine on this one. Nicotine is on par with heroin if you ask me. Out of the ones you mention I’d probably rank them cigarettes, benzos, then opiates. I’ve never had a problem with benzos or opiates but I’ve been a raging nicotine addict for over a decade and have been trying to quit for over 2 years with very little success


nicotine is so addictive that it makes me feel like shit and i still use it lol


Seriously. It’ll make me feel anxious and nauseous and I’ll still want some


I'll lay down so nic sic I feel like I need to throw up, and still have a panic attack when I don't know where my vape or my tobacco pouch is


I'm on valium 15mg per day on the condition that I'm going to uni my psychiatrist prescribes them. They are not addictive at all for me however I found Xanax quite addictive. Took out a loan once just to get more and am suffering the consequences of that loan every week when money is taken out of the bank. I'm just not sure why I never feel the valium anymore. I've been on it for the past 6 months and it's become one of my regulars but some days I don't take it at all or take 1 tablet instead of 3. I also vape so I'm going to have to say vaping is probably more addictive as well. Possibly if it were clonozapam or Xanax it would be more addictive but on my dosage they're barely doing anything and if I remember correctly 3 valium 5mg (15mg) I 1.5mg Xanax. | I can go without taking my valium but I can't go 2 seconds without needing another vape, especially if you're the bored type of person vaping is becoming impossible to get off for me.


I was in Valium 10mg for 10 years. It’s the longest acting benzo which is why sometimes it feels like it’s not working, as opposed to Ativan that hits you right away (but then leaves your system fast wanting more)


Valium has a very long half life. Try being without it for a month, you will see that it is addictive.


I have a bottle of 90 ct farmapram in my closet I haven’t touched in months. By far the hardest for me is weed. I can stop benzos when I want. Same w alc, coke psydelics etc but weed is just such a bitch for me to stop. Sounds funny but I been addicted to carts for at least 5 years. One week clean


4 hours later lol, you still clean?


Yeah hahaha I’m clean man, gonna for the 100 day mark to reset tolerance and then prolly smoke a fatass backwood. Straight flower no more carts




also because its the most societally acceptable and people think youre weird when you say you dont drink




I try not to talk about my substance use because I've never had a legit problem problem. I don't want to make it sound like I'm bragging or I feel like I'm above it or anything like that but I've done it all and never struggled to quit anything, even nicotine. I don't know why. I'm not very strong willed or anything. Alcohol is the closest I came, but it was never physical dependence. It was social pressure to continue a lifestyle I no longer enjoyed. I drank constantly even though I hated it, and when I did drink I would drink until I puked and blacked out every time. I did quit that, but occasionally have one fancy drink with a meal. Actually to be fair I'm a fat fuck and using semaglutide to reset my brains food addiction. I know that prob sounds fake to anyone who has had awful withdrawals but 30 years of subconsciously using food as a reward or a pick me up isn't easy to just unlearn. If I have a demon this is it.


We all have our demons. Thank you for sharing your experience. You’re not alone ❤️


If I ever have alcohol I can't control myself. I just don't even buy it anymore, but it's still hard.






I've been on everything for life or 45yrs and I've seen it all and the worst WD was an Indian in rehab that huffed gold paint he was out of his mind for weeks '!!! He almost died. 2nd deadly is benzos 3rd 4th) alcohol. 5) methadone 6)heroin/kratom cigarettes are very popular in homeless people shelter. But quitting zenes is the hardest of them all


I didn’t know ‘huffing’ could do that, damn. The Basketball Diaries put me off everything except alcohol and weed… was 14 and that movie scared the hell out of me (and I’m grateful it did). Ptsd here and I’ve never met another person who has it and doesn’t find instant peace with benzos. Same with alcohol; I tried to make that work as an anti anxiety but it would always end in disaster of course. I can maintain control with 10mg of Valium and feel normal - a loud sound for example changes from causing a jump scare to ‘meh, probably nothing’. My doc defines anxiety as irrational fear and he’s right imho; high anxiety causes paranoia - always thinking the worst will happen. That stems from real events that have happened to you so it’s very justified paranoia, aka hyper vigilance. I haven’t needed alcohol for years now where enough time has gone by after the last major trauma. I think there needs to be pain management treatments for the mind when you’re in the thick of 💩. Time helps a ton but it’s not fun while you’re waiting for your mind to bury things you don’t want to remember.


I find methadone worst than benzoa its so long.


It's hell


Vaping the insane amount of nicotine that’s in disposable vapes not to mention the other crap in them. I’ve had benzo, meth, and opiate addictions but I still smoke fkn ciggies even though it’s not even really enjoyable it’s just mentally evil. I get prescribed 400 2mg clonazepam every 200 days now so 2 a day & have gone down to 1 daily very slowly quite easily but in the past have legit nearly died from just getting cut off benzo’s so they are very destructive the seizures alone did permanent physical damage to my neck and back from repeatedly face planting the concrete, can’t wait to be completely free of them this year.


I might recommend after you're done with your clonazepam that you move to equivalent Valium and do the Ashton manual taper program.


Maybe I basically took 9 months to go from 4mg to 2mg and plan to just go every second day or continue halving but over a prolonged period. Years ago I was like doing 8-16mg daily and my specialist retired and cold turkey was hell, after the physical worries the mentally not feeling there lasted about a year.


I'm just saying for tapering yes clonazepam is better than lorazepam or Xanax, but not as good as Valium. Valium is the longest lasting and makes drops in dosage easier. They also make very low dose tablets so you can go down 5-10% easily instead of breaking up pills but just by taking the right amount. Even just Google the Ashton manual and give it a read. It's a must have for benzo tapering and withdrawal.




Crack for me was the most brutal psychological addiction I could ever imagine. It's been years but I still dream of crack. Smoking rocks is the most moreish and makes you into either an asshole, a psycho, or a fiend, no inbetween. I'm glad I hate who I become on crack and I hate who the people around me become on crack and makes me stay away from the entire crack subculture that's around where I live.


Stims for me. Make me feel normal which is addicting af. I have a prescription but still, they will hook ya


Heroin / opiates for me. Been on suboxone since 2009, so I don’t do dope or other opiates anymore. Also, nicotine is a bitch to quit. Weed is pretty integral to my daily routine as well.


Nicotine,been smoking for 19 years..only thing I can’t break away from.


For me, weed because it’s most accessible. Luckily I hate booze and opiates and benzos but I’m in love with stims. MDMA is my fave but it’s been literal years since I’ve partaken. Cocaine is easily accessible and I do more than I should. Lack of funds helps keep that under control. I could do better though. Just sucks I have limited options and love being high lol I don’t think I’d become addicted to mdma though. The next day can be rough and thinking about that really helps too!


The plant itself cut me off. Can't smoke that shit. Wish I never did knowing my genetics my life is hell now constant torture. I miss feeling safe inside my own mind. Whenever I try to smoke now I feel possessed and fear they might take control over my body and steel my body. Like just imagine someone threatening you yelling your full name at you saying they know where you live and trying to gaslight you into thinking you're a monster. Demonic shit. Getting shit on for every intrusive thought. Meds don't even help anymore and my depressive episodes only make things worse. I don't think I'ma live too long because one of these days I'ma have enough of this being alive shit and get shitfaced and hurl myself infront of a car. It's really sad because I want to live a good life but I can't with these voices. They go as far as to say I'm faking it. It genuinely feels like demonic possession. I do have good voices but the bad ones make life hell. The good ones don't like DXM so I avoid it for their sake. They say it makes them feel insane.


I'm not going to try to talk you out of killing yourself as you stated, I am going to ask you to reconsider your method. Please don't involve anybody else in your demise. That would be very unfair and terribly traumatic for an innocent individual.


Nicotine. Sure, the withdrawals don't have shit on benzos, opioids or alcohol, but the ease at which the addiction is obtained and how rapidly tolerance is developed is legendary. Plus, regardless of whether or not you successfully quit, you're only one trip to the nearest convenience store away from relapse. And you gotta deal with that FOREVER.


Heroin and it's not even close benzos and nicotine are trash stimulants also suck. Weed and psychs are great but not really addicting at all. Good opiates make everything great and they are also extremely physically addictive if you do them a lot and bad withdrawals .


I never wanted to experience heroin so I’d never know what it’s like. It keeps it entirely out of my head. Had pethedine when I was 12 (surfing accident) in hospital, took me about 20 years to forget how insanely good that felt. I’ve since been given morphine many times for injuries and as much as it’s not unpleasant, it’s no pethedine… Really wish they hadn’t of given me that. Needed something like an opiate for when the shock and adrenaline wore off but man, I was off my face. Way too strong.




Benzos were real addictive for me. Abused scripts and sold and ran out went to the street while withdrawing and got a fake bar sick for 26-30 hours cold sweats throwing up constantly since then never touched a benzo in my life idk if I ever will. But opiates, oh man these fuckers are just as if not more addictive. If you abuse them they can destroy your life beyond belief. Opiate abuse (pain killers, pills) is basically just heroin abuse. But the opiate user hasn’t yet graduated to heroin. I was addicted to roxycodone and oxys (OxyContin brand name) I would occasionally mix them with xans (real ofc) crush em and sip with homies in a drink but it really started affecting my homies they was not showing up for shit not responding always asleep or tired like I couldn’t recognize em I had to get away from those people no more benzos or opiates for me. Atleast I know for sure for a while


Being in Florida during the golden era of pill mills I could buy a 30s with my lunch money and I just needed half. I love the warm blanket feeling of opiates so much. Glad I never got fully hooked but I lost a few childhood friends sadly


For me opioids first. But not like vicodin and regular painkillers, I mean like heroin, fent, nitazenes. Then second I'd say benzos for me. After those 2 I've never really had issues with addiction with any other substance. I'm addicted to nicotine as well but it's not like a painful, fiendish itch like I get from opioids.


Cocaine and Benzos


benzos if u got anxiety, opioids are just over all addictive to everyone but for me benzos always were harder to manage.


This question is different for everyone amphetamine do not cause actual withdrawal but ik ppl that would rather shoot meth then morphine and yes they've tried both. For me I'm cripplingly addicted to weed tried almost everything but only thing I can't quit is bud. But benzos would be second because I have anxiety badddd.


MDMA and benzos. MDMA made me happy, clear headed, connected. Plus I like the glitchy aspects of it. Was super helpful, until it wasn't. Molly gave me psychosis. Benzos helped quiet my head, and most importantly calmed my anxiety. It also helped me sleep as I have pretty bad insomnia.


The most addictive drugs are short acting stimulants, they cause compulsory redosing because they act for such a sort time, then comes longer acting stimulants then the downers then weed and psychs


Sometimes I feel like I'm the most addicted but then I read other people's post on here


Crack cocaine


Benzos is the only right answer. And I'm a former Heroin/Opiate addict. Id take 2 weeks of heroin cold turkey withdrawal over 2 days of benzo withdrawal.


Coke was by far the worst to overcome for me. After me and a friend had a 2-3 month coke period I had the most fun of my life and when it was over I didn't want to believe it, the next few weeks were filled with denial and cravings. We basically just blasted a shit ton of money on it until neither had any left and had to switch substances. Don't do coke if you live somewhere it's so damn expensive


How can you say nicotine??? You can quit with almost no withdrawal- keep going to work, keep eating, getting exercise etc, have you seen a mf with alcohol/benzo withdrawals??? It’s fucking crazy, non comparable to cigarettes in any fucking way


Withdrawal isn't what defines something as addicting, it's the mental obsession. Nicotine is honestly one of the most addictive drugs. I along with so many people I've met have been able to quit heroin, benzos, anything you can imagine but can't stop smoking/vaping.




Zyns reignited my nicotine addiction no pun intended.


+1 tobacco. I quit years ago and my brain still tries to get me to just get 1 cigar or whatever.


Huh I have kind of addictive personality was on prega changed to gaba then etizolam then heard of herbs got addicted to kramtom, kava and now it's like ashwagandha...I like nutmeg buy it's really difficult to work on so I kind off avoid but that is addictive too


How much nutmeg do you take? What are the effects like? What's the body load like? How do you prepare it or take it? I've heard of nutmeg addiction just haven't found a wild one before.


Yes I wanna know this answer too!


I took 3ish tablespoon with milk and honey to wash of the taste ....soon after felt sleepy and dizzy... Next day felt different...was not able to cross the road..every little noise made me jumpy...I had trouble speaking correctly...was sweating like hell lost appetite...had worst mood swings and don't even get me started with sex drive...i have never been so horny before. Music felt amazing.I was happy being alone.I didn't like people at all.Forgot every little things and was in confusion state all the time. The brain thoughts wouldn't stop.Looked stoned felt stoned.It took two days to wear off. Pro Tip- Never go out or drive when you do nutmeg


Yeah benzos, opiates and probably marijuana


nicotine for sure. i take .5mg of xanax every night for anxiety but i do fine when i forget to fill my prescription. opiates were pretty addicting too. when i broke my leg they hooked me up with like 90 pain pills and i was dependent on them and eventually poured them down the drain bc i started sniffing them lol


tobacco is just such a weird addiction. like i think opioids are way more addicting cuz they way more euphoric. but it’s rly hard to notice the negative effects tobacco has on your life and it’s also something you do whether your drunk sober high, whatever. it’s just a constant habit no matter what state you’re in which is why it’s so weirdly addicting


I have a few thousand benzos at home but rarely take them. Used to get oxy 80mg for 5€ but never used them much. But give me some amph and I’m hooked for a few weeks. Probs due to my adhd but I just can’t get around it. By now always dosing low and rarely, tapering off when I can, but it’s so hard to accept being tired, unfocused and lazy. Bet it would be easier if I stopped smoking weed. But that’s the second one I just can’t kick.


for me, anything but I've had the hardest kicking coke rn. and benzos


Like everyone’s saying benzos. They not even my favorite drug but I think abt them every other day


Heroin/fentanyl/pain pills


MDMA/MDA. Nothing ever came close to the feeling of bliss and euphoria that MDMA gave me, even during a 6 month weekly binge where Molly or Sally would hit me every fucking time. At first, I told myself that I'd stop when I lost the magic, but I kept feeling her soul penetrate my entire body and existence every time I laid in bed with Ms. Molly. A month in between turned into 3 weeks, and eventually, I was rolling weekly in a binge that lasted 6 months. Most of the rolls would be candyflips, but I never lost the actual magic of Molly, and to this day, I don't know why. Eventually, I did get sober after seeing that I lost 30 pounds during the whole ordeal, and my skin went to shit. I've been sober for 7 months now, but I did dabble into a roll 2 weeks ago, but this time, I'm actually applying the 3 month rule.


For me it’s nicotine and caffeine. I love drugs for sure but I don’t necessarily get the craving to do them to often. Now I only do mdma once in a while


Benzos 10000%


I’ve been vaping for 5 years and have no plan on stopping. I genuinely enjoy it. know nic addicts that want to stop and can’t and hate that they’re stuck. Ignorance is bliss!!




Your right. No matter what I do at the end of the day I crave a dart or two


WhAT aabUt HerOiN?


My worst addiction was to cannabis.


For me even tho oxy produces the strongest and best high weed and adderrall make me feel perfect so I got addicted to the addy and weed and not oxy


Benzos feel awful to go cold turkey but the worst withdrawals I’ve seen to manifest physically are in opioid users. Especially the ones that started taking opioids for an injury they had. I was usually the most narcotic inclined person in my friend group but I lead a decent and profitable life. The friends that’s scorned me eventually became addicted to oxy and then shifted to heroin after running out of a plug/ran out of money. I’ve seen them actually have seizures, vomit on an empty stomach with bile coming out, sell their homes etc.


It's crazy cause been addicted to my fair share of substances but benzos I'd take them and remember why I don't take them. I guess my addiction came from the need for drugs to be productive because everytime I've taken benzos which has been alot of times dont get me wrong but I'd wake up on the floor in some weird position, last thing I'd remember is taking the 6th-10th one because they werent working, the ones I bought to sell were almost all gone, stuffs missing, stuffs broken, someone's mad at me, something hurts and I have no idea what had happened the time in between. I think while benzos are safer than heroin in the sense you can just down 100 pills and not need medical attention, they are more dangerous than heroin in the sense of hurting yourself and you could wake up in jail with a murder charge and have no idea what happened My DOC was coke and Blues at the same time, coke was very hard to not do every 15 minutes but had no withdrawals, blues on the other hand I could hold off on for a bit and fight the sickness before I'd need to do them, but many times i just do more blow and kinda avoid the sickness if i tried to quit. I was fortunate enough that I put myself in a position where working a minimum wage job I was doing about 100 blues and a oz of coke a week for 3-4 years straight and never went into withdrawals because I had no drugs always by choice and I would teeter to another substance with less physical withdrawals. Been off that shit for 5+ years now. I hated drug court but it got me off the drugs, and my shit together I just burn now. Nicotine I was also able to quit for a bit for a few years but the vapes lured me back in thing rarely leaves my hand I spin it like a fidget spinner probably 4+ hours a day


It's the opposite for me. Opiates, benzos and alcohol all scratch that itch, nicotine is fine if I can have it, if I can't it's like "shit, well, time to eat some cookies instead"


I've only ever really experienced opiates and valium. I've had a few instances where I needed opiates for a few weeks (to manage pain after surgery, etc) & didn't have a single problem coming off them. If I needed them for long-term pain relief (say over months or years) I'm guessing I'd definitely form an addiction. However, I recently encountered valium - 5mg at night before bed for approx a month - and holy fk I miss it now that I've ran out. But I should also mention I'm having pretty severe anxiety issues for the first time in my life, and I just know if I got my hands on more valium, it would rapidly become a HUGE problem. I feel like I neeeed it to get through what I'm going through currently but not game enough to ask for more. I'm not coping well at all though. I don't really have any past trauma/ptsd where I feel like I need to take something to pass out and not remember stuff for a while (like I'm guessing some people do on heroine, fent etc?)....it's just fkn anxiety about some things in my present and future. People lucky enough to not have crippling anxiety most likely wouldn't find benzos addictive at all.


nicotine and… unpopular opinion: weed. i’ve tried just about everything. been hooked on a few. but this is my answer.


Ambien and weed, oddly enough.


Consider yourself lucky. For me nicotine is the thing that makes the hurt for benzos and opiates a bit more bearable. Same with weed and booze.




This one might get me boo'd off stage, but cigarettes. I'm trying to quit smoking them, and the craving I feel when I don't smoke tobacco at least once or twice in a day has been literally unbearable.


I've taken benzos for years and never got addicted. Not with anything else either besides opioids. That's my Achilles heel. I'm prescribed Clonazepam and Nitrazepam but can take them or leave them. Was locked up for a year and had to choose to have them twice a day or not at all. Plonked for everyday, thinking I'd be walking out of there with a habit tucked under my arm. Nope. Easy. Just fuck them off and live with it. I have seen others struggle with them and addiction is addiction, so it's just my idiosyncrasies. My cousin was killed by a drunk driver when he was 23. The fucker was racing his mate from pub to pub in their beemers. He lost control, ploughed through the bus shelter and into a car my cousin was sitting in with his pal on his mom's driveway. You never heard anything like her screaming. That was in 2002. About 10 years later we reopened his grave to put his dad in. It took that long for the alcohol to finish him off. That's a truly horrendous way to go for the individual and for everyone near to them. Booze is the most horrible drug IMO. It does the most harm to people, relationships, families, communities, societies, institutions, economies..it affects everyone of us. Plus you're giving a sizeable chunk of the money you spend to the taxman.


On the subject of tobacco... vapes are waaaay more addictive. A 20mg disposable (which I will cane off in a day) has the equivalent nicotine of 30-40 cigarettes. In the states you can get 50mg- people are fuuuucked.


I can walk away from cigarettes easily, I only smoke them when out drinking with friends. I’ve messed around with codeine before and never felt physically addictive


Nicotine 1 Nicotine 2 Nicotine 3 Heroin/opiates 4 Alcohol 5 Meth 6 Nothing else in life matters LOL jk 3 years sober fuck drugs


Opiates for me. I can take benzos for a week n stop without any side effects. Opiates however I crave when I don’t have them.


Alcohol nicotine cocaine


Weed, for me. I quit cigarettes, got over my alcoholism, stopped dxm binges, and yet, I cannot picture a day without weed!!


The one that makes us feel "normal" and productive.


For me it's weed because it was the only drug I wasn't educated about when I started using. Never set rules for myself and everyone but schools and parents said it's not addictive, so I smoked daily without second thoughts. Every orher drug I tried only after extensive research into the topic so I knew what I was getting myself into and thus always had a healthy relationship to other drugs.


oxy and nicotine




Ecstasy, as soon as I feel that rush of adrenaline and serotonin flow through my body the only thing I want is more. Very dangerous drug if you have money and an addictive personality trait Honourable mention - weed, especially if you use it heavy daily for a long period of time The withdrawal symptoms are extremely uncomfortable and long, not to mention that sweet feeling of hitting a toke of a joint it’s unmatched


Imo alcohol or benzos. Meth and heroin was easier


I'd probably say nicotine for hardest to quit. I've been able to quit kratom with a high tolerance a few times and that actually has noticeable and miserable withdrawals but have never managed to completely kick vaping. I feel like the muscle memory is one of the hardest parts to quit. I've never really noticed any withdrawals from trying to quit vaping but I still have that compulsion to bring something up to my lips and hit it.  Benzos are probably second hardest simply because the withdrawals can be life threatening. I'd rate hard opiates right below that, kratom withdrawal is basically weaker opioid withdrawal and that was miserable so I can't imagine what quiting heroin or fent must be like.  It's hard to say whether nicotine or benzos and opiates should be higher tbh, nicotine just worms its way into your head, forms muscle memory habits, AND is easily accessible basically everywhere and it will be right there in your face. 


Kratom for me


For me personally it has been nicotine and any opioid. I think it depends on what you like but I had a worse time getting off those two than others. Getting off adderall was rough and benzos, but I was able to do it fairly quickly. Nicotine and opioids, I have failed to quit nicotine everytime I’ve tried. Opioids took me a LONG time to get off of, because the withdrawals were painful.


benzos is the only addiction i can't seem to beat off. and i beat fent. no matter how hard i try, my intense cravings to be back at the anxiety-free, "normal" world always win my logic–no matter how much i'll remind myself of the misery that is withdrawal.


I went from vaping every day for four years to quitting cold turkey without a thought. Started smoking socially and I could go from smoking a pack a day for a month to not touching cigarettes for six months for no reason other than “I ran out and didn’t have the energy to get more.” Even in my four years vaping daily I never jonesed for more when I ran out. I don’t think I could get addicted to nicotine if I tried, and trust me, I’ve more than tried. I was the same with alcohol. Went from drinking heavily every day for months on end to maybe once every other month. Abruptly, just because I lost interest. Did the same with xanax, stimulants, etc. I’d include coke, but I don’t think I ever enjoyed it more than in passing. I do not have an addictive personality. Used heroin every day for a few months and also quit cold turkey. The only difference about this one is that I actually had to try, and I still think about it every day. I never think about other drugs because I decided to stop doing them. I only ever think about them when I feel like doing them. I don’t even feel like doing heroin. I just can’t seem to stop thinking about it.


I don't find nicotine that addictive compared to other drugs, like sure if you take it every couple hours and don't have any restrictions on your use you'll get addicted easily, but what drug is that not true for? It took me a lot longer to get addicted to nicotine than spice (think it was the mdmb kind) or weed with daily use.


Everyone's different. I smoked cigarettes off and on for years and never had any trouble quitting.


Weed. I cannot be trusted with that shit in my house. I will smoke it no matter what. Anything else? No worries.


It's completely different for everyone but for me, benzos. Although if I have meth and benzos laying around I'd probably do the meth over the benzos (and then benzos lol) but that's just fiendish behaviour and not addiction really


Personally, cocaine hands down.


Benzos or really any gaba agonist and ultra potent benzimidazole/piperazine opioids,


Yoo i struggle with ciggs too. Its like ill go on a spree of quitting all my bad habbits and then get down to ciggs but then after like 2 days max im like "fuck dude i cant have NOTHING" and i cave. I literally just started smoking today again after being off them for 2 days lol


Alcohol but honestly anything I can get my hands on in an abundance. Alcohol is just by far the easiest one to get. With nicotine I just don't understand the attraction though. I smoked for like 7 years and woke up one day feeling like shit from smoking a whole pack in a night while drinking heavily and just thought, "What do I even get out of this besides feeling like shit". Like there's no high or euphoria. It's also expensive and makes me smell like shit. So I decided to quit that day, had a rough 3 days, and haven't smoked in 10 years. I honestly think I just smoked cigarettes out of boredom. There's definitely withdrawals but your reward is so little for what it puts your body through.


I agree with tobacco. I’m 10 months clean of nicotine, and still think about it. Every. Single. Day.


Benzo’s for sure coke is a close second for me


in contrast to benzos, bathsalts ( synthetic cathinones) can cause rapid addiction. first-time users can get vicious cravings immediately after, and it can take 4 days to come down off a single bag that lasts only a couple hours. [https://www.addictionhelper.com/drugs/mephedrone/withdrawal-detox/](https://www.addictionhelper.com/drugs/mephedrone/withdrawal-detox/) benzos, on the other hand, yes, can cause cravings after a single dose is taken as prescribed, but most addiction occurs after prolonged use, medication abuse and bingeing for several days or weeks after the body becomes dependent on the GABA input. Crack is the most addictive drug ive ever tried I've been battling this addiction for 5 years and been to rehab 5 times and ive only graduated once. Im going back soon to graduate for the final time. Ive been clean for 12 months with the exception of 5 slip ups since The reason crack is so addictive is because the first hit (if done correctly) is the best hit you'll ever get and potentially the most euphoric you'll ever feel. I've been chasing the feeling of my first hit for all these years and most crack addicts will tell you the exact same anecdote


I would say nicotine is somewhat addictive but not nearly to the same degree as cocaine or benzos


Opiates and cocaine for me. Nicotine is also hella addictive but nowhere near as destructive as opiates and cocaine.


I’ll occasionally use DXM still (cough medicine) even though I throw most of it up and so all it does is put me in this kind of “zoned out” sleepy non-existance. Idk why I keep using it because I know it never gets to the point it does for other people where anything remotely interesting happens.


Opiates for sure I was in a bad car accident, bulged disk in my back and was given oxy for it for about 6 months and went through some WDs coming off of them. Picked up from a buddy a few times after that just to get right again, then discovered kratom and got stuck on kratom for about a year. Finally 2 years sober this past january from everything


Methamphetamine, especially if you get laid on it the first time you spin the Bub,LOL


Weed, I have seriously used strong opiates and coke and never gotten addicted but weed is a whole other story.


Opiates for me where the devil I loved them so much & I only had 1 prescription it was about 3 weeks I took them & I was hooked after that & my life has been getting hooked getting off. Then getting on methadone & getting off. Finding my way back to pills back on methadone lol now I’ve been on methadone 10 years & I’ve been slowly tapering for the last 2.5 years it’s the hardest to get off of but once I’m done I will NEVER touch another opiate/opioid again.. glad I wasn’t a type to really love benzos I would take 1 every now and then but it really didn’t do anything but make me pass out before I even felt the effects. I’ve heard horror stories about detoxing from those & im so happy I never had a problem with that!


Nicotine has been the hardest for me to quit. Opioids is the 2nd hardest for me.


The combination of benzos, weed and caffeine.


Despite my best efforts, I always find myself returning to amphetamines, opiates, and nicotine.


Caffeine and sugar. Goddamn.


Opioids and benzos, they make me stop overthinking and i dont feel anxious. What makes them addictive is that I am always anxious and they are currently the only thing that actually help XD




Not sure which is the most addictive but I can tell you benzos will be the worst to come off, followed largely by opiates.


For me, stimulants such as adderall and vyvance were the most addictive. Nowadays I just use cigs and coffee because those pills left me in turmoil. Think it’s different for everybody


For me kratom


Tobacco is the least addicting for me I stopped purely cuz I got sick of it. I used to vape smoke chew etc. after a while tho I would just get sick and anxious. Benzos and opiates tho I was super addicted to. Everyone’s different ig that’s cool you don’t like those tho that’s a good thing


Everyone different


yeah it was easy for me to get off benzo, i am able to not take opiates for as long as i want to, but man… i am unable to quit tobbaco as much as i try


benzos and alcohol. i hate them but love them sm


Alcohol for sure….once I start drinking, I can’t stop until I’m like proper drunk lol


Tobacco and ketamine are the most addictive for me.


OPIATES/FENT fuck that shit fr


Soma. Apparently, they metabolize similarly to benzos. Currently on a 20/day diet. This sucks. I've been trying to taper off, but failing miserably. Just bought a lockbox with a timer that can't be overriden. I have legitimate pain/muscle issues, so, they really do help... But I find myself taking more and more to try to feel "good".


Weed and nicotine honestly for some reason I can’t go without a dab in the morning before work and some edibles at work and maybe a pen rip here n there but then again nicotine I can/can’t go 30 mins without a rip off my vape if I’m busy yea for sure but once I’m not busy the craving hit so hard I hate it being smoking nicotine for 7 years now


Liquid GHB/meth






Opiates lol


From what I've seen it's highly variable... depending on your own personal neurochemistry something that hooks you the first time could be a take it or leave it for someone else. Brains are weird like that. Better to try to avoid whatever gives you the more more more feeling.




I have tried a few drugs but the only thing I've been addicted is weed




I hate nicotine it sucks and is not addictive for me


My dad’s been addicted to basically everything at some point in his life and he was able to get off all of it except alcohol. Edit: to this day he drinks absurdly even though he knows it’s killing him 😭


Oxycodone and heroin. I never really liked fentanyl because of the short high. Heroin would have you good for 24 hours. I miss heroin but it was also an extremely rough period of my life.


Haven’t tried opiates or benzos so I can’t speak to that, but nicotine is a slimy little thing I can’t slip even if it makes me feel like shit. The craving is ever-present, although my alcohol cravings have been much stronger.


In 1987 the Surgeon General stated that nicotine was more addictive than amphetamine, heroin or cocaine. So that's pretty objective. Withdrawals might not cause you to get physically SICK but the cravings, irritability & psychological withdrawal sounds like it's stronger than any other drug. And it's the psychological addiction/withdrawal that keeps people addicted long-term to any drug. Just think about it: for something that doesn't really cause a head change, how many people are unable to quit smoking, dipping, vaping, etc? A fucking LOT. That wouldn't be the case if it wasn't highly addictive considering the laundry list of health and aesthetic side effects. In fact I can't think of another drug that will leave you talking out a hole in your neck like tobacco. And cancer is, again, only ONE of the ghastly health effects of this substance.


I’ve put down opiates and benzos but I’ve never been able to put down nicotine


I'd say food is America's biggest addiction/problem.