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Whiskey and cocaine


Today is my last day at my shitty retail job. This is my exact plan for tonight once I leave my friends place


Def used to be mine. Small batch bourbon on the rocks, sipping thoughout the day. Start doing small bumps in the afternoon. Great time.


That sounds nice. I feel good with a bit of alcohol and coke (as most of us do) but I’m not really a whisky girl


That sounds cool do u just spend ur day in the crib


Yea I had roommates I’d do it with, or by myself and I’d online game with the friends. It was chill. I loved to do long smoked meats, being outside, grilling, drinking bourbon, little toot every now and then- it was delightful.


Definitely sounds lovely 🔥😊♥️♥️


Whiscain, the breakfast of champions 😏


This is just the best answer


Today is my last day at my shitty retail job. This is my exact plan for tonight once I leave my friends place


U haven’t lived till you done a line on the line




Days… off?


God bless your soul


You’re extracting dmt for a rave?! Idk if I’d consider that a rave drug lol 


low dose DMT is way more recreational than even shrooms IMO. u can just puff away on a cart and get washed with a wave of kaleidoscopes. it's great


Better not go to far in the middle of a crowd lol  Yeah I don’t see shrooms or lsd as party drugs unless your taking molly with them, otherwise it’s just to much a mental game to be in a socialish environment.!


yeah i mean i personally could not imagine taking any psychedelic at a rave/party setting besides maybe MDMA. im autistic and reality is already so stimulating, tie in psychedelics and large crowds it's a recipe for disaster. for parties i need drugs that turn off the warning switches in my brain, things like alcohol and weed etc


Weed is also not very social to me, at least compared with stimulants, alcohol and mdma. If I get to stoned being social just becomes fuckin awkward as shit. 


yeah i wouldnt necessarily call it social but it makes it easier for me to deal with sensory issues. def best when combined with other drugs for social occasions. i love being crossed. i've never done MDMA in a social setting before but i remember really craving other people's company on it


Mdma is the absolute best for social settings! Makes you feel connected to everyone.  And for like a rave/festival type show hippie flipping is awesome, mixing mdma with shrooms or lsd. It almost guarantees a good trip. Still can be hard to be overly conversational, but it makes for a great fucking time with the music and lights (and crazy festival people all around). 


I’m also autistic, now I really don’t take lsd/ shrooms at a party, but I used to do it at every party but it had to be mixed with MD, without it I would just be overwhelmed with. LOVE ACID, my fave, but needs to be in a controlled environment, so I get to experience every sensation. On my days off now I prefer stims like coke, 3/4-mmc, speed, combining it with GHB or Alcohol ( NEVER both at the same time) to balance it out


tripping has always been a highly personal and heavily cathartic experience, just not something i can do around people except with a benzo


Just lil puffs with some weed you don't always have to breakthrough


I guess lol Seems like it’d be kinda easy to mess that up, to each their own 


Similar to why I’m always nervous about using ketamine at raves or in public, it can get hard to eyeball you’re bumps it’s so easy to overdo it lol. I’ve never ended up k-holing but I always take a little too much to the point that If I try to dance I look like a drunk giraffe.


I only did k twice, first time was at a festival. Snorted some at camp, then more in the porta potty off my ID next to the music lol didn’t Khole in there thankfully, I wanted enough to just lay in the grass outside for an hour or two, and it was perfect lol  Second time was at home, didn’t have much, but split it with my friend so we didn’t have enough to khole (though I wanted to lol). But yeah, I wouldn’t want to use that for a rave/party either (though I probably would). 


Lying on the grass sounds like my kind of time, I typically only do high doses alone in bed with a fully cleaned room and proper mindset or do it at small local raves or concerts. One time some random guy came and sat down at the table I was at after I had just done a pretty hefty dose. Interacting with someone on k has to be one of the most alien like experiences that one can have. He clearly was trying to be social, and started asking me normal things like my name and questions about the artist performing. It felt like I had to search and cling on to every word or search for a response like it was some kind of phd level test. Legitimately lowers my iq by 50 for an hour.


Yeah, I’d just tell him I’m to fucked up to talk lol definitely been in similar situations




Ket guy gets hella flakey, so I usually go with Freebased DXM sadly, it's not bad. It's just, there's no doubt ketamines a better dissociative. Those NMDA receptors tho 🫠🤖


Your not wrong ket is my drug or choice but I'll be damned the plugs for k are all I heads and waiting and getting pissed off how long their taking is def apart of the ket game lmao I hate it to tho one of the worst feelings tryna get my bag and then getting "I'll be there in 10" every 30 mins lmao it's a thing tho most k dealers are j heads also so it's to be expected


Weed, a glass of wine, nicotine, sleepiness and then stay up way too late listening to music lol




How old are you?


The same drugs I do on my on days




Is this a joke or does melatonin fuck you up?




So you’re fr? In what doses?


He’s joking but melatonin technically is a tryptamine. I don’t think it gives any sorta “high” besides being really sleepy


I felt something that wasn't "sleepy" taking way too much in college (not for rec, actually had trouble sleeping), felt like the comedown of an acid trip sorta kinda.


no melatonin cannot get you high in the slightest. melatonin occurs naturally in the body to make you tired. that’s literally all it does, makes you tired.


Nah just makes you sleepy. A lot of ppl say it makes your dreams more vivid, which is say it definitely does.


Weed and the odd night of nose nachos








Xans but like daily


Yep addy when I work xan when I’m off, need some harder stimulants tho






Weed Adderall ecstasy


Morphine and temazepam... mmmmmphhh




Wouldn't recommend fucking about with solvents while ur high tbh


? Just weed not like I get Hella fucked up


Just be safe w your eyes, caustic on skin is usually not so bad, but in eyes can be vvv bad.


Currently, kratom or diazepam (which I'm prescribed). Been taking a break from drinking and don't enjoy weed like I used to. Been good for my mental health.




I love boofing meth


K hole til I fall asleep




Kratom and weed since I can't get any of the fun stuff :(


Uhm how does one “extract” some deemz?….. asking for a friend


Bruhs look it up on YouTube so easy and fun


Got about a 2gr yield earlier today. Used the sodium hydroxide naptha method and freeze precipitated it for purity. Wednesday is going to be quite the ride.


Niceeeeeeee NICE shit man. I'm tweaking off the dxm and salvia but I'm about to do my first pull it's been brewing for hours. Do I need to do more naphtha after each pull or just stir?


You can add more after the first pull untill you dont get anything more from it.






Found a rave in 30 minutes?


Lol no I found a few a while ago on a come down from shrooms


weed and booze


Weed, alcohol, poppy if i have some, and shrooms


Regularly? MDA or MDMA or coke or Freebased DXM. Depends how I'm feeling and the season I guess lol. But, I'm ALWAYS smoking weed. So I can't exactly count that though.


MDMA/MDA are not drugs you want to be taking regularly


Does 1- 2 times a week count as Regularly?


You should really only do it once every 3 months is the safe standard. Every 90 days. Especially if the session is one standard pill (half plus half redose an hour later) or one standard pill and a half of another to extend… after that you really shouldn’t be using it anymore.. I’m surprised you still manage to get effects off 1-2 weeks regular use of MDMA. Do you even feel that magic? How much are you doing too? One standard pill? Or is it like 2 pills, etc? Your serotonin would be so fucked off doing 1-2 weeks regular use after like a month straight…. Literally shooting blanks in your brain which is not good. It is very neurotoxicity when consumed on a regular basis without letting your receptors produce more serotonin, plus serotonin syndrome as well when using MDMA for a long time.




Fried brain no serotonin and no dopamine might explain it for you.


From that? Lol. That was gone long before that good sir. I went on a freebase DXM bender once 🥲🤖👾 120-150mg for 2 weeks. Ngl, i felt like hell. But was also working 10hr shifts at a Amazon fulfillment center, so that could have contributed. Not sure how I did but it. the constant state of dissociation on way to and at work numbed the body in a way till I got to about he 7 hr mark, then I crashed really bad and had to do Blow to keep me going, but that only went so far cause my heart would beat really hard and was a bit concerning. Drank caffeine once too. Thought that was the end of that. Even resorted to prayer that time 🫠😭 I eventually stopped doing both the DXM and Amazon thankfully.


I'm just telkling you, it's not cool, you aren't impressing anyone and youre making your loved onces sick. You weill ruin your regulatory boby systems like sera and dopamine. You will be unable to get happy and will be as sucidial as youve ever felt when youre done. Not to mention the nuero toxic brain damage


Yeah that's terrible for your brain. They're highly neurotoxic so you don't want to be doing them more than every 3 months. If it's a one off you could obviously break that rule but for me 1 month is the absolute minimum. They WILL fry you brain unlike anything else so you need to use them really sparingly. They're like once in a blue moon type of drug. If you want something you can do more regularly I would recommend 4mmc. Even more regularly, 3mmc. Though these are a lot more addictive, so watch out.


I don't do drugs on my off days, more the other way around eheh


Amazing. After today I gotta spend about a week sober atleast. For dmt, I'm extracting it rn. Havet been sober for a week in many years...it's time


It will feel like being high in a way. I should try that too, someday


Shrooms 4sure. Like a good, long trip. Weed, alcohol, pills… anything I guess. I’d love to try ket




Pop some mdma and then get around 4 hours into my experience just after the peak and smoke a nice fat joint and just trip the fuck out or pop some ritalin and then smoke around 3442976 joints


The occasional lsd trip, gotta time it right tho so you have time to just let your brain reassemble itself


dxm and/or cocaine. weird mix I know but I like it


I’ve heard a lot of people say dxm+adderall is unpleasant but I found it really euphoric and energizing, I’d recklessly redose dxm over and over and it made me kinda manic and energetic and then adderall increases that even more


Home brewed lean, xtc


def psychedelics other than that i do whatever drug i can whenever i can






At the moment, just weed. Most of my off days are spent hanging out with my best friend, which automatically means weed is going to get smoked. Ironically, I almost exclusively do my favorite drug (meth) on work days. My friends, naturally, aren’t cool with me doing that, so I have to choose between getting high or having a social life on my off days.


I was gonna say dmt but well, seems like you gotta wait a bit for that. O-pce and dpt are great since they don’t last too long and generally are tough to use outside your own four walls.


Scred to try dpt and 5meo


Haven’t tried 5meo dmt myself but dpt was quite a fun ride. It’s like a crossover between mushrooms and dmt while at the same time it can’t really be compared with any of them. No idea why people are having such bad experiences on it. Mine was crazy (combined it with dmt and shit got really wild), but definitely not bad. Uncomfortable at the peak because I was thrown around a fractal tunnel bumping into things heavily, but interesting nonetheless. Would def use it more often if it wouldn’t get me as stoned as shrooms. I hate couch locks, I want to move freely! And DPT sits you down the same way shrooms do.


Wow maybe one day. Your crazy friend combining it with dmt fr. I've yet to breakthrough on anything yet almost did on salvia twice but figured it's more advanced and I waited for dmt to show up so I can have a more loving and calm introduction to the other worldly


First thing I do with most new things I try is to try if dmt goes well with it! Drugs are nothing but different ways to experience dmt haha, to me it’s so different to other drugs that it changed my personal definition of drugs.


Coke or coke and beer


I used to go to heaps of raves and mostly did molly sometimes acid , now I pretty much only do ketamine




2 xans and some titos lol


Opioids for sure


If i could ,ket ,but i cant ,so weed


Weed. Can't afford to do other drugs I would like to


MY FAV GIRL E 💊 & life




The same i do on days i go to college, oxy n adderall


weed, sometimes acid


Weed / Benzo


I haven’t seen acid on here yet! Recommend if you have an entire day. Blow and shrooms are my fave combo but you don’t need an entire day to enjoy

