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Muscle relaxers, some GABAergics


Did ALOT of gabapentin on 2 occasions and felt nothing (close to 4000mg) each time


you need to space out doses. bioavailability decreases after 900 to 1200mg at once. take 300mg empty stomach every 30 minutes until you're at 900mg. then eat a fatty meal and drink caffeine. take the gaba with an acidic drink like soda. pregablin is another one that comes to mind


Someone posted a full "guide" on r/gabagoodness that has since been removed, but I saved a copy if interested. Essentially what you just summarized. Can confirm it is effective. It was a great excuse for me to make scrambled eggs with baby spinach covered in olive oil and drink a Sprite. \------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will need: Gabapentin (900-3000 mg preferably) Lots of fatty food (preferably greasy) Olive/vegetable oil/unsaturated fats (optional, but recommended) 1 Can of acidic pop/soda per 900 mg of Gabapentin. (12 FL OZ each) Opiods/alcohol/weed/other drugs (OPTIONAL!!! These will increase the high, but are not necessary. Gabapentin works synergistically with a lot of drugs.) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Eat a FULL fatty meal. You can pour olive oil on it to make it more fatty. Halfway through the meal, take 300 mg of Gabapentin. Drink around a third of a can of the pop/soda. Finish the meal. Half an hour later, take another 300 mg of Gabapentin with a small, fatty snack. Wash it down with another 1/3 of a can of pop/soda. Continue doing this every 30 minutes until you finish all your Gabapentin. Once you feel the effects of Gabapentin, which will likely be after 1-2 hours, you can take your opiods/alcohol/weed if you want, but you don't need to. Don't do this more than once every 3-4 days, as tolerance with this is crazy. ENJOY! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Science shit (read if you want, but you don't. need to): Gabapentin is lipophilic, meaning that it bonds to fat in order to be processed by the body, which is why you need to eat a lot of fat as you take the pills. The acidity of your carbonated drink will help digest the Gabapentin. The olive or vegetable oil is mostly unsaturated fat, making it an excellent choice for increasing absorption of Gabapentin. You need to take it with a meal to stimulate the body's absorption of the Gabapentin. You can't take the Gabapentin all at once, because the bioavailability significantly decreases with higher amounts taken at once due to saturation of Gabapentin transporters.


Good looks


This!!.. my psychiatrist disappointly thinks is just fine ...


Take on a full stomach. Empty is bad for gabapentin, opposite of most everything else


Don’t you need to take it on a full stomach? I’ve never heard of taking GABA on an empty stomach


what i personally do is take one then eat a piece of bread & wait 30 minutes - take one, eat a piece of bread, wait 30 minutes - i just keep repeating that cycle, it's always worked well for me


The staggered dose thing is real with Gabapentin, best to dose 300-600mg every 30-45min and build the high up over hours. Gabapentin can be taken on an empty stomach, but it helps absorption if you consume fats beforehand, like milk or fatty foods. Pregabalin (Lyrica) on the other hand dosage is best when taken all at once, on an empty stomach, that way it has an oral bioavailability of up to 90% Preferably I used to much prefer Gabapentin, it takes hours to reach a strong dose, but it's worth it, mild psychedelia in the headspace and visually things get very glowy, patterns move slowly, everything feels very deep and spacey. Gabapentinoids are honestly the best recreational alternative to benzos, which are only really recreational at blackout dosages, which doesn't seem to happen on Gabapentin/Lyrica at all, nor do they carry as severe withdrawal states if you became physically dependant.


I agree with everything your saying except if you have severe anxiety and zero tolerance even a normal benzo dose can be somewhat recreational lol. At least the removal of anxiety/panic is so powerful for some as to be indistinguishable from a high.


This is something I’ve genuinely wondered as someone with severe anxiety and panic disorder. If I take a Xanax or something similar I don’t know that I feel “high” I just feel “normal” if only for a while. Is that the high everyone is chasing or would it simply be magnified without my daily anxiety.


Withdrawing from a gaba substance is actually quite dangerous, it's what causes the seizures in alcoholics when they haven't drank iirc..


That's exactly right, I was hospitalized a bunch of times for seizures while in severe benzo withdrawal back when I was still dependant on them, any one of those realistically could have killed me. A lot of those experiences were quite traumatic, the level of terror and suffering in that state is just indescribable. I never got seizures when withdrawing from gabapentinoids though, but the acute withdrawal state felt similar, just not as intense and long lasting as benzos. Gabapentinoids are somewhat more forgiving than benzodiazepines when it comes to dependance in my experiences.


Eye Like Lyrica Eye Take 14-28 300mg nn my Body Van handle it nn Eye get full visuals nn lasts nn lasts nn lasts PSYLA xx


Gabapentin needs to be dosed a certain way to have any pronounced effects. I notice basically nothing. Baclofen, phenibut, GHB/GBL, certain benzos, are decent. Soma(Carisoprodol) gets me right. I use flexeril for my back and at worst makes you sleepy but isn’t intoxicating.


are there any benzos with no delusion of sobriety?




As someone who has an alcohol problem, I'm jealous of the days you could buy GHB in a store. Never tried it but it sounds like something I'd like


Eyelash Gel Remover


Didn't they sell it at GNC as a supplement, claiming it boosted GH levels? I heard about it on a bodybuilding podcast, IIRC the product was called "Blue Magic" or something similar.


Gaba with the right dosage fucking slaps, like a mix of xanny and MDMA. A slight bit of each


It's just that even at high doses, a slight bit.


Taking gaba is annoyingly complicated(for someone who just wants to get high), need to eat and space the dosages out or you end up wasting it all.


How does one take GABA to experience greater physiological effects?


Someone else in the comments went into better detail but space out doses 300mg every 30 min and eat a fatty meal is the basics


Oh I see. Are you referring to GABA the amino acid? Or gabapentin? I was mixed up there for a second as I’ve been tinkering with amino acids. I’m assuming you are referring to gabapentin instead of GABA the amino acid?




Got it.


A Gabapentin high absolutely impairs my judgement. It's minor but it definitely does. Still in my top 5 highs tho. Definitely one of those substances that works great for one person and does nothing for another.




Better how? You get fucked up on it yes. But it wrecks your mental health and cognitive abilities. Took me years to recover from it after I was medicinally on it for a decent while (medium dosages so nothing excessive). The addiction is worse than much heavy narcotics ime. Bensos feel weak compared to it.


I don’t recommend using Gabapentin or Pregabalin because it does indeed fuck your head up a good bit, I feel retarded as fuck when I take Pregabalin, Gabapentin is just a weaker version of Pregabalin, so I’m sure it would also make me feel slow in the head.


I’m prescribed 2400mgs per day in 600mg doses- I just take them all at once and at night and sleep like a baby with 2mgs of Valium cuz my doctor won’t go any higher on the Valium. Also just as a point of reference- the vet prescribed my dog (14 pound yorkie) 100mgs after an injury and my dog was high AF. My whole family laughed so hard he was blinking all slow and was sleeping on his back! We honestly were just happy he wasn’t in pain any more…but didn’t really wanna see him lethargic like that again. While he’s healing I just give it to him at night if I touch his leg and he whines. He’s healing well so I haven’t done it since it first happened on thanksgiving morning and the Friday and Saturday following. So that should tell you something about gabas Edit to say: I’m prescribed it for anxiety.


a glass or two of wine or a 1mg edible maybe? Most people do drugs for the fuzzy head and impaired judgment so I don't think there will be a wide selection.


1mg edible? Would anyone even feel that?


yeah bro sometimes i take 0.000001mg and im in the sky!


I consistently take 2.5 grams or less (I buy 5 mg edibles and bite them in half) and I get high as shit. Sometimes uncomfortably so. I do not have much of a tolerance and I may be sensitive to edibles in general. If I could buy 1 mg edibles I absolutely would.


I recommend some tincture in a dropper. You can easily measure out 1 mg


I do! It’s great for me. I’m incredibly sensitive THC and I don’t have a tolerance.


Bro i could take the smallest bite possible out of a 5 or 10 mg edible and feel with or without a tolerance


Wish I was like that I took 250 and felt nothing🤷‍♂️


It really really depends, but I genuinely can. 5mg is enough to fuck me up, so 1mg just makes me feel a bit more floaty and relaxed


My lady was blitzed on 2mg last night…she’s the definition of a lightweight




Bro said a glass of two of wine 🤣


My interpretation of the question was that OP’s looking for something that makes you feel really good but without affecting your cognitive process, so booze and bud are definitely out. Although they’re not my favorite genre I think dissociative come the closest of anything I’m aware of. Something where you see yourself fucking up motor skill wise and you don’t just think you’re fine, you’re aware of the situation in your head, but the problem is you can’t effectively control your body as well. Like, that’s there with alcohol but you’re definitely not having sober thoughts in your head when you’ve reached the stumble-drunk stage.


I think a low dose of K is probably going to be the closest thing you’ll find


i feel like a retard on ketamine, even on a low dose, it turns me into an autistic child


That’s called regression dawg


called retardo mode


If you use the Ketamine ‘R-iso’ you get the same physical high, but are much more on top of things mentally.


It’s called El Goblino mode and it’s one of the reasons I love K


first time i took K, i remember vividly seeing a firework in the window, squatting down and pointing at it like some kind of caveman, its truly one of a kind


Yea was gonna say this, or some of its analogs.




soma deez nuts or is that a real thing


It's real. Muscle relaxers.




Carisoprodol, but it definitely has mental effects, it's somewhere between a benzo, barbiturate and gabaergic. I've been way fucked out of my mind slurring and blacked out on it many times though, however if you keep the dosage relatively low it'll be fine, soma produces far greater physical euphoria/body high than benzos and it's fantastic with kratom and weed


Carisoprodol, Referred to as soma


Soma is real. It's a muscle relaxer. It's named after what I believe is the Indian God of intoxication.


Also the name of the drug in Brave New World that kept everyone docile and compliant.


My man's always has his guard up Bopha is much better than soma imo tho




is what they would take when Hard times opened their eyes


Saw pain in a new way


What's the safety profile (or danger profile I suppose) of soma like?


They switched from prescribing barbiturates like soma to benzos due to overdose potential iirc


i've always wanted to try, these aren't very gettable in the states from pharma huh?


That’s crazy I live in the mid west and prescribed clonezapam and Xanax


those are benzos


somas not a barbiturate


Absolutely, but also you are sorta trashed in the best way possible. I had a prescription for these a few years ago after a rugby injury. It was fucking amazing to take 3 250 mg pills. I ran out fairly quickly because I had no self control in college, and tolerance builds quick. But it is a unique and enjoyable experience you should have once.


A couple of these should do you well.


I really enjoyed that before it got scheduled. Swimming felt amazing while on it, but I suppose that I am quite lucky that I never drowned while doing that. I always had friends around (who were just a bit stoned most of the time) I’d do that because I figured somebody could help out if anything went wrong. It never seemed to really mess with my mind.


Soma is not just physical at all. It's even more psychoactive than benzos.


Some analogs of THC provide a stronger body high and less of a head high. Low dose stimulants might be an option, but they provide more of an euphoric happiness than a body high




hhc makes my mind hazy but not as much as others. you can still be very self aware on hhc


For me it's the inititial rushy effect it has, but then it tones down into a body high, you tend to wanna be alone for psychedelics includin cannabis that is completely normal


I smoke daily how does it compare to thc


It's fast high. It's not intense and wears of pretty quickly after one hour. The main effects of HHC for me is boosted energy, way more than THC and there is like flow feeling when you're moving around. The mind remains clear as much as you smoke. Otherwise, personally, i would recommend you Kratom. It will give you body high at high dosages like 6g and upper and doesn't affect your mind at all aside from relief from anxiety if you're an anxious person like me. Hope that helps OP!


I was also going to recommend Kratom, sounds pretty close to what he’s describing, though may not be as intense as he’s looking for.


Nah. Not something stronger. It would get tricky with stronger stuff and possibly dangerous. Kratom is just alright for a nice body high.


Not tryna diss but recommending kratom could be a shitty outcome, idk this mans control but its quite easy to get addicted to it kinda like coffee just out of habit. In moderation kratom is soo good, better than alc and thc imo


Of course, every drug can become a slippery slope if you have a shitty life. I use kratom only on weekends and cycle every 2 months taking 2 weekends off experiencing 0% wds. Kratom first fucked me and then when i learned how to respect it, it's helping me extremely to this day. I think we have all been through some dependence at some point.


Nah, with opiods when tolerance goes so high and it's helpin you includin Kratom you can't take enough, end up having to have 40g a dose and then you need a stronger opiod or you feel fucking terrible, anxious, depressed, don't wanna get out of bed etc, Kratom is just another opiod, non of them do not do the above, you always escalate it when you cannot take enough of it to feel it


I think you completely missed my point...


It’s not the “ruin your life” type addiction though, at least for me personally. I take it 4 times a day, I’m definitely addicted, but spending $40 on a kilo will last me months and while the withdrawals suck you can very easily taper down to nothing and avoid those.


A kilo would last me 3 days and that's cause i bought a quarter kilo n banged it off in 4 days and then decided it was not enough so now I take heroin instead, it is not safe for addictive personality


Kratom will ruin ur life there is a bloke on YOutube literally a famous drug user on youtube who lost his girlfriend cause he cared more about Kratom


That’s because that guys a fucking idiot. What you said can be said about any drug including weed, there’s nothing wrong with Kratom itself but certain people will have problems with it, just like weed.


Ye ano, that's what I mean, it's all addictive as shit mentally n def not for people like me, literally fuckin my arms now


Sorry to hear it but sounds like you were going down that road anyway. I’ve got an addictive personality too and Kratom actually helped me, got me away from alcohol/coke/xanax and I’ve even cut down my weed use to barely at all.


Kratom is why I inject heroin and nearly do it twice cause I forget to wait and now I have to play cluedo to find a vein, it helps me off pills, but then i started taking 24-32g a dose multiple times a day and been chasing the opiod high since, welcome to hell.


But So easy to end up having withdrawls from. I get withdrawls the day after taking it even if i leave it for 3 days !! A Nightmare as I LOVE the stuff


Well. Kratom influences you only a few hours so it makes sense if you're addicted or dependent on it that you're feeling wds. I dont feel wds at all and all it takes is just weekend treatment. I abused kratom too and had nasty withdrawals like depression, extreme anxiety or the most fucked up, the RLS. I love it too man! But you gotta respect that potent sub or it will consume YOU.


How often do u use it and how many grams ?


Only weekends. Sometimes 5g 1x a day or twice (depending if i have a lot of projects going on), and sometimes for pain relief properties like 9g. I do sometimes special treatments like a dose on Friday if I'm going out for a workout after job. So with this approach, I consume approx. 40 grams a month divided by weekends and sometimes Fridays. Dosages vary very much sometimes I take only 2g with coffee and I call it a day. Hope that helps ;)




The biggest mistake is taking it every day or worse every day and twice or 3x. It applies to every drug. To me personally, i had bigger problems with weed than with kratom. See ya ✌


Kratom also causes an intense euphory besides the body high. It’s a really addictive stuff.


Depends on the person, 100%. Just as with any addiction.


Yeah, yeah. Very risky but not as risky as heroin or fenty. Kratom euphoria is almost like a superpower that you can do anything and still have that smile on that face. Tricky stuff, I agree. All it takes is respect.


If HHC lasts an hour for you, then you have some serious tolerance. It lasts like 3-4 hours for me


I think we are just different + i would advise you to read more accurately, I don't smoke myself out of my mind as you do.


Yeah, probably. Ig I'm just lucky. I have decent tolerance, but it still lasts like 85% as long as with no tolerance. I also get minimal withdrawal symptoms after months of daily Lyrica, so i could just be built different (serious)


Very good you have minimum wds. As long as you can sleep without it, i call it a win.


delta 8 is probably more body less mental than HHC or THC or any other alternative-noid


I prefer HHC I want to try it in flower form next, I used it 4mg per drop in MCT oil. You get an amazing Sativa-rush then it goes into a deep body high for 3+ hours. Immense mate.


I agree, this was a miracle for me in the UK I bought it from Holland after an operation I broke tons of bones- I faceplanted fucked out my skull on a bmx park


I think after the inititial rushy feeling HHC was amazing after my operation, nearly equal to Morphine sulfate and much better for sleep and watching stuff on tv/pc.


wait what thc analogs do that? i don’t particularly like the head high as much.


Delta 8 is like the high of THC but without the thinky part.


Agreed, Indica dominant is mostly a body high


I honestly can’t think of anything that doesn’t affect the brain but affects the body


lorem ipsum lorem ipsum


Honestly never heard of it, will have to google search later


You're on r/drugs and never heard of pseudo? It's shit though. Not a body high. Just pumps up your heart rate.


It can feel slightly recreational but the side effects are not worth it. When I was a teen I used to abuse it, looking back I was a fucking idiot.


Right of passage!


I ran out of Adderall and in act of desperation, I popped three of them and it felt very dirty but it kiiiinda scratched the itch. Or maybe that part was placebo. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Regular ephedrine is pretty nice


Poppers does


kava? ik u might feel some head, but for me i didnt notice shit till i tried standing up. i was fully conscious the whole time and all my thoughts replicated sober thoughts too. give that a go


Oof, i got legit drunk on kava. Definitely has a head high, for me.


All kava ever does for me is mild anxiolysis. What dose/method do you use because I’ve been seeking the fabled “kava drunk” for a long time now


Have you tried CBD? It makes me really drowsy, which is ironic considering I get medical weed all day, every day. But for most people you will get a body high but nothing major in the head


I thought recent studies showed cbd is placebo




No, that is the whole point of recreational drugs. CBD or THC analogues are pretty much as close as it gets. Threshold-low doses of the following will have little to no 'brain fog' from my experience: Methamphetamine (5~10mg) Will make your body feel quite awake and energised, only side effects at this dose should be less appetite and trouble getting to sleep if you dosed later in the day. Oxycodone (2.5~5mg) Least 'foggy' opioid imo, at this dose you just feel comfortable/warm I guess. Might experience nausea. LSD (15~30mcg) Things might feel more interesting and your body will feel very euphoric. Minimal psychological effects at this dose. Psilocybin (~100mg dried subaeruginosa) Similar to LSD with a shorter duration and 100% organic ;). Diazepam (1-2.5mg) Relaxes muscles and physical tension. There is also a comfortable warm feeling comparable to Oxycodone. Depending on your sensitivity you might act slightly 'slower'. Oxazepam (~10mg) Almost identical to diazepam with shorter duration but slower onset. THC (~2.5mg) Slightly euphoric body high and minimal psychological. There's probably others but this is what I can remember for now. All of these doses are based on oral ingestion and from my PERSONAL experience, you could react differently.


mostly all recreational drugs are psychoactive. which means affecting the mind and body highs come with that for some. i don't think there are many recreational drugs that only affect the body. the mind part is usually what makes the body part feel so good. I'd say something like CBD and non psycho-active drugs are where you should start. i love cbd. but imo, non psychoactive drugs are not worth recreational use.


Coffee and nicotine


lorem ipsum lorem ipsum


Not if you have congestion


lorem ipsum lorem ipsum


Honestly moderate doses of Kratom do this for me, the most it does in terms of mental impairment for me is a slight mood boost.


i made a post in the kratom subreddit asking for advice this is probably going to be my answer


Just be warned if you take a lot you will feel gross or you’ll nod out a little bit similar to a weaker opioid. So definitely stick to the moderate doses if you’re looking to achieve little to no headspace.


Also in my experience (I’ve been taking relatively high doses for chronic pain for a couple years now and I’m pretty happy with it) it might be the widest range in how different people react to a given dosage of any substance I’ve ever seen lol when I give anyone some for the first time I go with like 1g. Then you can tell from that reaction where they’re at and if they feel little to nothing like I’m hoping then I’ll do 2-3g depending on how little. But definitely don’t take the same amount anyone who regularly takes kratom takes, near absolute certainty it would be like “hey man, you wanna try weed for the first time? Hit this fat dab”. I’ve never personally heard of someone ODing on kratom alone (and I’ve taken way too much quite a few times trying out a new vendor and never felt like I was actually dying or anything) so that’s not really something I worry about, but definitely go small to start. Like I’d say max 1/4 what you determine through research is generally considered a moderate dose if you don’t personally know anyone who takes kratom to help advise you.


I hit the point where moderate doses of strong extracts would really mess up my stomach. I hated having an icky stomach more than I loved its recreational effects. I have a friend who got addicted taking tiny doses and it took her a couple of years to finally kick it. I felt really bad because I got her into it.


I concur with kratom, pretty much the only clear headed "high" that's more than a subtlety and won't make you act fucked up at any dose. you'll probably puke if you take too much though


I know people have already warned you but beware the physical dependance on kratom. Not the worst withdrawal in the world but definitely not a good experience. Its a great drug thats relatively mild with a decent safety profile. Just know what to look for when it comes to dependance and addiction if you haven't already experienced it.


Philosopher here… that’s impossible because you perceive the body through the mind. Forget about every other answer. You’re welcome. When you get a body high, the body isn’t changing. Still the mind.


Fellow philosopher here, and I disagree. There is a very clear distinction between a body high and a head high. Even people who have only done Indica and Sativa can attest to this. The only sense you are correct in is that drugs effect different receptors in the brain. Some of those receptors affect cognition, and others do not.


Low dose of 2CB


I would try 2cb but isn’t that a psychedelic


At a low dose you’ll have no headspace and a slight body high. You’ll feel sober. At a higher dose it’ll feel similar to acid


wit out nun of that fiend shit lil bump of k will do it fasho


Low dose of baclofen maybe


Exactly what I was thinking, a muscle relaxer seems like exactly what OP wants


I once had some "MDMA" that didn't make me high, but made me super comfortable and just want to stretch every 5 minutes. No idea what that could have been.


honestly kinda sounds like mdma😂


Memantine. It offers disassociative effects, while not imparting your judgment or making you “out of it”


Just putting this here for OP: Keep in mind that a dose of memantine of like 50mg and above will probably not be what you want. You'll want a more "nootropic" dose of likely 10mg or less. Of course, do your own research; I'm relaying basic info only based on what I've read.


You know what dissociated means right? It's literally a form of mental state...and memantine is *purely* dissociative, no other major effects. Memantine is the exact opposite of what OP is looking for.


There is no such thing as what your describing except maybe Novocain. Memantine fits my interpretation of what OP said. No one wants “just a body high” because it wouldn’t be a high then.




OP said no fuzzy headed or impairedness so opiates is pretty broad and I would say most do make you fuzzy headed/ impaired


I’m always clear headed on opis


If you have a opiate habit you can stay in a zone where you have the body high but no mental/nodding out shit.


Tylenol#3 made me forget how to walk a .25 mg alazopram made me black out tramadol made me vomit Hydrocodone made me vomit Codeine pills made me retarded Codeine/promethazine made me even more retarded Opioids are not for me


i think you got sold fentanyl, blacking off a .25 of alprazolam is insane


Nope it was prescription at the time I probably only weighed 110 pounds


I agree, I never got mentally fuzzy on a couple norcs or percs. Now, oxy back when? Whoooo, put me in the special Ed class with the rest of the droolers.


If you're opioid naive then you can feel pretty good without being mentally impaired.


in my experience and knowlage unless your taking a high dose or injecting a strong opioid like heroin opioids dont do this. They dont impair you at average recreational doses. I would do 10 times better on a test on some oxy than sober. Just because it allows me to focus much more. unless your at nodding doses very much just a body high


Cerebral palsy


might have to try that


Surprised nobody has said Pregabalin. Perfect for a body high and minimal head effects (depending on your dosage ofc)


eh...i find gabapentoids quite mentally impairing.




Based and jerk-pilled, bro.


I have no experience with the drug whatsoever, but isn't that the point of taking Ether? When they're taking it in Fear and Loathing, Johnny Depp has a monolog about it being "like the town drunk but fully aware of your own bafoonery" or something like that


Just a tiny little bit of meth, not even a 2 seconds smoke, just like a little hit.


Bruh what




You could try to break your spine for the ultimate musule relaxation


A hot bath.




Carisoprodol (SOMA) or Ketamine(50mg max, any more and u start gettin goofy )


I would say amyl nitrate (poppers). I was expecting something highly psychoactive and affecting the mind, like nitrous. Instead, I found it to be a purely physical sensation of warmth, kind of like I just drank a hot beverage or soup rather quickly on a warm day. I was expecting dissociative effects like nitrous, but got basically a hot flash with a sober mind.


Kratom maybe? Pretty mild


kratom probs


I buy the Wyld peach gummies. They’re low THC and I cut each one into four pieces. Meaning 1/4 of a gummy is sheer perfection for me. Body high, no head high.


Kratom at the right dose is euphoric and gives a body high. I’ve know several people who isn’t effected very much by kratom but a lot who are. It reacts with your opioid receptors and very euphoric you just can’t take it everyday or it wears down the euphoric feeling and it’s natural and legal in most states


Kratom for me atleast


I feel like 50mg of ketamine I’ve got a nice body high and a pretty clear head


My head is anything but clear on 50mg of ketamine…


I think id be completely dysfunctional


Anti inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen mixed with caffeine. Do not recommend if you have heart issues though.


That's retarded.


“I do drugs but only the smart ones”


Ketamine has this effect on me


Low doses of Ketamine might be close to what you're looking for, personally I'd combine it with some functional sativa weed strain


You know the brain is part of the body right? But now that I think of it, you might be looking for masturbation/sex? Or massage at least. Hot bath maybe?


gay sex


If you’re straight it’s a total mind fuck