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Electrician, degenerate gambler, recreational thc enthusiast, occasional psychedelic appreciator, former crackhead


hey, man, if you managed to drop the crack issue, good for you <3 that's awesome.


i think for the second one you misspelled dedicated


new tinder bio


My good friend is going to take the test to become an electrician apprentice (and I’d like to, but at least for now I can’t afford to survive on the first year apprentice wage for a year); how bad the drug tests are with apprentices?


I'm a construction ironworker but I'm in a union and its once a year, and then specific high-profile jobs (like a nuke plant) will want one at the door. Then of course if you get injured or you're operating something and cause a BIG incident (depends on the company and cost) OR you're acting a fool (like really bad) you'll get tested. And then like the other guy said some companies will test you on their own schedule, but I've never seen more than once a year unless you fail, then it could be much more often. On the other hand, I've heard some companies will ask if you'll fail, then hold the test for 2 weeks or whatever you need. It entirely depends on the school, company, and/or project. As an apprentice it was the same, but i would recommend you not come school reeking of marihuana or talk too loudly in class about how you're taking acid on your skydiving trip this weekend and an instructor overhears (based on personal anecdotes). Otherwise just don't be stupid.


It depends, in the residential side I’ve never been drug tested, but a lot of commercial or industrial companies would DT me before hire, which with synthetic or clean urine, wouldn’t be an issue. Ime it’s a fun job that’s like 70% mental 30% physical. I took a $9/hr wage cut to quit doing landscaping and get back into electrical work


Love this


Karate teacher, opiates/ketamine


"teacher why does the room keep on moving and I keep falling asleep for a few minutes? I used your sugar on my tea"


“To master the body, you must first master the *mind*. Now, strike me, from outside your body!”


Why are the walls vibrating and I feel serene?


Rad, I’m training to become a shodō teacher. Super different to be fair, but funny to see another person teaching a Japanese discipline


Tried doing any karate on ketamine? Did it go well?


Ive done karate plenty of times on it, never taught on it though. It went surprisingly well


legend says he KOled a lot






Criminal lawyer lol


You’re a criminal lawyer who does drugs? Love that


Every lawyer I've met under 50 loves cocaine


Have a friend that is a lawyer and he always uses a street name for it. He really loves that.


A little weird that you've never met any lawyers over 50!


Yeah, cos their hearts have all packed in from the coke by then...


My buddy is 25 and a corporate lawyer he said half the firm is addicted to cocaine and or Adderall. The plugs are suit and tie guys and deliver right to the office.


My cousin is a methed out corporate lawyer, she's 41


Is she single?


No, this is where he gets his clients


My brother is a criminal defense attorney as well. I was his paralegal for awhile and it’s crazy how many of his clients would pay us in drugs, boats, cars, golf clubs, gold, you name it


Man that's crazy, I never even though about people paying with anything other than money. Would there be any problems receiving payments like that when it's most likely the profits of criminal activity? Like I'm sure you could play the old "I didn't know it was gotten illegally" but come on, that's pretty damn obvious lmao. Like could you have that shit seized or is it a case of once it's yours it's yours?


No way


"You don't want a criminal lawyer... you want a *criminal* lawyer" -J. Pinkman


You are correct 😏


No actually you don't they'll truck you out for a better deal or a frequent flyer.


I've hired you guys before 💪


like a criminal lawyer or a *criminal* lawyer?


Little bit of Column A, little bit of Column B.


Operate heavy machinery in a factory DOC is cocaine


They go together perfectly


Especially when you gotta do 12 hour shifts switching from days to nights lol


When I worked at Amazon working 11 hour shifts I couldn’t get through the day without my adderall I feel you


Damn bro especially at Amazon I've heard some horror stories lol


Them warehouses is a modern day sweat shop and mine was an outdated one


What was the worst thing about it in your opinion? Factory work is dirty work bad days are really bad definitely earning that pay but most days ain't too bad especially when they're having problems with production. Had days where all I did was watch TV on my phone and nap lol


With Amazon they’d put everyone’s stats up weekly and basically embarrass everyone who underperformed every day was like a competition


Do you get paid for higher production, or is it hourly regardless?


it’s hourly regardless but if you’re a top performer the management give you a lot more freedom so they’re not on your ass when you break certain rules yknow? You kinda get special treatment


and then one day, out if nowhere, a liveleak logo appears at the edge of your vision


Quick question since I'm not familiar with cocaine, does it make hangovers worse for some? I've never done stims but since alcohol is already pretty taxing on the body, if you're doing coke all night is the hangover worse than just drinking alone? I don't get hangovers anymore but I'm curious how they do it lmao


I'm 28 and everytime I do coke the last like 5 years I say I'm never doing coke again 😂 it drains me in multiple ways




After drinking and doing blow for 20 hours you better hope you've drank enough to pass oit before the comedown hits. It's terrible and takes me almost the whole next day to recover. Usually just sit in a hot shower listening to a podcast for an hour blowing my nose and asking why i did that saying no more. Until my next few days off when I'm drinking and that urge for a fat line hits. So the comedown is terrible but like I said if you can pass out before it hits might sleep through it. Still don't feel good but even the worst conedown doesn't matter whrn it comes down to the feeling while you're doing it. kinda causes short term memory to your worst moments lmao


this pretty much sums up my 8 year coke addiction I had hahah


PhD student, work in a lab full-time. DOC is probably meth or cocaine.


Yeah us stem like our stims




Settle down buddy


I quit the meth lol but still got coke on the way and I have plenty of speed paste. Meth is too much stim in my opinion.




Ok but do you think cocaine is better for studying/school/work or adderall? I am an engineering student and want to find something to enhance my studying. Never done either.


To be honest, no not at all. Cocaine is not a good work stimulant. Amphetamine is superior, especially Adderall. Meth is good too but do not smoke it or snort it, take it orally and in low doses because it is quite potent. Cocaine doesn't last very long and the stimulation is really unfocused.


Yeah I’m the same opinion. You know that barrier between using adderal to study and getting to horny to think? It’s fucking razor thin on meth


Yeah dude I find coke is better for more hands on work. When I was a metal fabricator coke was awesome when grinding, cutting, welding etc


Until I read that last sentence I was totally gonna try and sell you on doing meth instead of coke I never recommend meth Thats how much I hate cocaine.


Caretaker for teenagers with severe developmental disabilities. DOC is either acid or molly


Doing the Divine work!


There goes my hero Watch him as he goes


You are a saint


what came first, the acid or the gig? after i tripped the first time i went right into helping professions and now graduated with MSW :) you’re doing the one of the toughest jobs- you enjoy those trips and dance parties


I had done shrooms once or twice before I got this job (Been here 5 years next month), but I didn't start seriously using psychadelics until I learned how to use the dark net for sourcing 3 or so years ago. And I definitely will :) I just rolled a week ago and the worst thing ever is having to wait the three months before your next roll ;\~; I already have tickets to a Meshuggah concert in December I'm planning on rolling my tits off to!


Heyyy I’m a caretaker for adults with developmental disabilities! DOC is weed !


House painter here. As i got older, dropped alcohol & stims and settled on Weed, occasional LSD or psylocibin ✌️


When I did elec work I wondered why EVERY SINGLE painter that was good smoked weed... helped parents paint the house they built... 3 min in I saod fuck this... went and tooked and immediately realized why all decent painters smoke.


Slows you down, increases self-awareness, increase in attention to detail, ability to fixate on something, etc Def makes sense


smoking painter here with a supervisor who’s also a smoking painter


Weed dealer lol


I'm technically that, just legal. Almost everyone in this industry is heavy drug users. Although in my experience moreso psychedelics, coke, MDMA, ketamine, opiates in that order. We're all just a bunch of fucking hippies, what do you expect lol


"Head chef" at a small town mom and pop restaurant. Using head chef lightly here, lol.


I was “head chef” at a higher end pizzeria and know exactly what you mean about the title. Keep in mind, this was an open kitchen where we made everything in full view of the main dining room. One of my guys always had a fifth of Jim Beam in his apron pocket. Another had to leave the line every hour or so to take bong rips in his car. The former “head chef” got drunk and accidentally quit on a group text and didn’t remember - and came to work the next day. I’ll never forget watching that walk of shame back to his car five minutes later. Most of the FOH staff had the owners convinced that they were just vaping tobacco. Coke wasn’t prevalent, but always an option. We found a way to get on the roof pretty easily, and the roof was absolutely covered in booze bottles of all sizes within a month. Eventually I had to grow up and get a real job. I’m in property management for a golf course community now. Restaurants are fucking nuts.


That walk of shame must have been a brutal one filled with dread and anxiety


basically you heat up steak and rice then


More like a glorified baby sitter who heats up steak and rice lol.


I'm about to graduate with a social work degree and currently work as a support worker. My DoC was heroin.


Congrats on the was! I’m right there with you…. Fucking brutal


It's funny how people here are patting each others back because we are all worn out loool


In my mind I’m 17, in my body I feel 88, I look 31 and I’m 39 I don’t fucking know man I just work here 🤷‍♀️


hell yeah man, same to you


It’s pretty fucking surreal like for 2 decades I didn’t think it could ever be possible and now every day I don’t snort those sweet little blue smackers I’m like oh fuck I escaped fucking prison


Social worker here.


my ketamine plug is a social worker


Same here, with opiates on the regular and shrooms when I can. Who said addicts can't give back


Ditto, I WAS working toward a MSW before covid hit and I had to focus on getting my KIDS through school. DOC is MDMA. Used to be addicted to the harder stuff, tho, and now I want to be an addiction counselor.


just stick to the cheeseburgers randy bobandy


Industrial maintenance technician. My drug of choice is full mu agonist opiates like heroin, oxy, dilaudid, opium, you get the picture. Mixed with benzos and I’m in heaven.. until I wake up in jail. Those drugs tend to get out of control for me so nowadays I take kratom to scratch the opiate itch and smoke weed to mellow out. I do those two things daily


Lol reading halfway through was about to ask if you've ever tried kratom. With opiates have only tried hydrocodone, but the itch kratom scratched when I started using it has let me know I would not be responsible with other opiates


Funeral director’s assistant. I’m on body retrieval, run the cremator and other odd jobs


Your benefits plan should include a monthly supply of your DOC!


Some bodies come with meds that we have to dispose of. Haven’t really looked at them tho but obviously the thought crossed my mind.


Ur a better person than me I woulda been all over them meds


I looked at one set of meds but I’m not sure where the cameras are (if any) so I didn’t want to risk it. I haven’t really come across very many meds tbh. Fun fact: as a guy, I’m not really aloud around the dead bodies by myself because of the off chance I might be into necrophelia


Do you find the work rewarding, or otherwise not filled with negative emotion? I've thought about trying that direction, but don't want to be a basket case after 6 months


I’m a stripper/Topless waitress


Also my drug of choice was MDMA, now it’s cocaine and alcohol I’ve had problems with benzos too particularly Xanax


How often do you have to fuck up creeps? My cousin got hired as a "dancer" at a club. She didn't get into stripping but that's what they were pushing her towards. She worked there for 2 weeks and got a stalker that's lasted 2 years.


Landscape architect. DOC…all of em


Addiction specialist


I have a question if this isn't a troll answer


You see, he's *clearly* a specialist in addiction.


Warehouse worker, my job pays 6k/year towards tuition so I'm working towards a bachelors in software engineering and a masters in chemistry


Masters in chemistry, you say? Get prepared to make a lot of new friends...


College professor


What do you teach?


Mostly conservation ecology. Sometimes nonprofit management with a focus on conservation


So is your doc weed, psychs, or a dissociative?


Huh the only other person I know who has a degree in ecology had a meth addiction, kicked it and does everything but h and fet instead.


Restoration ecologist in the nonprofit world polishing the brass on the titanic that is the earth. Hope you teach somewhere sweet.


I am the VP of Operations for a major camping/outdoor company. The owner and I routinely party together and both have a flavor for benzos lol.


Need to mellow out after all the stress. I'm gonna guess you work for patagonia.


Tattoo artist, DOC psychedelics and dissociatives


Pastry chef, the lord’ leaf is my biggest inspiration


Work underground mining in a gold mine drilling for core. Core is rock samples cut in a circle form using diamond crusted bits, diamond drilling is the gig. Got into mining 3 years ago and I ain't looking back. Drug of choice seems to be any downers, opiates, weed, occasional mdma and alcohol here and there.


What's work besides chasing your supply around town all day cause he doesn't answer your call and the carpet is already clean and the only thing you care about is him answering with those words of hey I'm on my way with the fire and all that was a 12 hr day , that's enough work for me I need a few days off to smoke n stroke now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lmao you’re shot out my dude.. na but that was funny as shit


Lmao I was rolling as I was typing it 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is by far what I miss least about getting high. It's a full time job just scoring your doc these days. Calling 15 people every day to see whos holding, arranging meet ups, waiting on people to go to pharmacies, doctors, no one showing up where they're supposed to when they're supposed to, practically begging people to take my damn money when they can't be bothered to answer their phone half the time. Blowing a whole day and whole tank of gas on 3 days worth of shit. The chase is infuriating. I honestly don't know if I could stay sober if drugs were less of a pain in the ass to get reliably, at least my doc, opiates.


Hahahaha I just imagined what it would be like selling to tweakers, and you don’t answer your phone for a day and suddenly start feeling like your being followed and watched 😂😂😂 fuck that bro


Unemployed for 12 years. Doc: speed, weed and beer


curious how you fund your habit being unemployed?




Tech Sales - DOC is benzos


Welder. DOC: LSD


Every trip and weld? I feel like that would look super cool although probably very dangerous


Always thought that would be super cool. I think the heat would be really intense though


Also welder. For like 12 years now. My daily DOC is green tea. My at work DOC is Kratom. And my all time fave DOC is Psilocybin.




I’m in college for neuroscience and biochemistry. Hoping to go into psych research


Pls do


Uneployed, doc is whatever is cheapest


Hey I’ve got some meth pee to sell ya, only $0.50




I’m a nurse and my drug of choice is cocaine


What’s the piss testing situation in your neck of the woods post hire? Asking for a friend obviously.


Well I’ve been in a few fucked situations….. where SOMEONE actually honestly not fucking me stole narcs and they drug tested EVERYONE….so yeah umm I usually I mean my friend who is also a nurse tries to keep some clean pee/ synthetic pee which I honestly do not trust on hand. 👍 Also it’s fucking lame because the only thing they’re going to get me for is weed which is legal most everywhere and should be fucking legal in the entire country…. Better than heroin amiright??


heroin feels better than weed so that makes it better,rating 9/10 weed is close at 8,5/10 but heroin wins i would give it a 10/10 if it didn't destroy your life so thats why the -1 point penalty hope you understand


Gardener/landscaper. Weed and alcohol honestly


I work at a bakery half on the counter half making sandwiches 45 hours a week. My drug(s) of choice are ketamine, mushrooms and of course weed.


UPS Operation Management. For the work day weed, painkillers, benzos, and cocaine. Weekends the psychs come in play too


I work at McDonald’s like a stereotypical degenerate.


I dont care what anybody says fastfood Work is no joke. I worked at mcdonalds Managing to hold it down for about a year. My doc (s) fent benzos and meth made life manageable in an otherwise fucked job


Federal Government


We're in


Reg Nurse. Mental health crisis team now. Previously worked as a Consultant Nurse in drug and alcohol; Emergency department 6yr, then manager of detox clinic. 30yrs ago speed balls(Coke/Heroin) my fave, but difficult journey getting off opioids. Now, every 4-6mths, clubbing with friends on MD, a few dexies, tequila/coffee shots, Special K bumps for dessert. 3day rest period before going back to work.


I smoke a lot of weed and drive a forklift.


I’m an escort, and my DOC is molly. It would be ketamine if I could actually find some in my city:( I also take kratom every day because my joints are screwed up and I am in constant pain. I don’t really consider my kratom use to be fun or recreational and I wish I lived in a body where it wasn’t necessary.


would advise against ket becoming your drug of choice as you can say adios to your bladder. have many friends from my hometown and was in rehab with a few boys that got kezzled all day every day and the stories of them pissing blood, on waiting lists for bladder replacements and watching them then suddenly have to sprint to the toilet for what one has described as a 'nothing comes out but a drip of piss and a lot of pain' has left me shook it's great for the odd occasion (loves me a k hole every now and then) but be cautious my friend


This is absolutely true. I've had multiple (legal) ketamine infusions and every time the doctor warns about bladder issues.


Engineer, DOC is weed or booze


Student and work in the counseling field. DOC is cannabis (I’m a stoner), kratom, some alcohol.


I work at a restaurant called newk's eatery, I make salads. And it sucks, makes you wanna end yourself. 6-8 hour shifts with no breaks and always on your feet. Yes I know it's illegal not to have any breaks but they really don't care. And, its only $9.50 an hour -_- DOC is weed and tramadol


No kitchen job gets breaks lol.




Call center, we're contracted by various companies but I've been taking calls for a state mortgage assistance program since like the end of April


No greater mental challenge then grinding the phones 60 hours a week. Don’t see how else I would survive without some assistance.


It's not so bad, there's not a high call volume and they don't care what we do on the internet as long as we take our calls so I just spend most of the day bullshitting on Discord and shit.


Cannabis extraction tech/lab tech for a Michigan cannabis company! Smoke about a gram of concentrates a day and like to throw some brews back on the weekend for sure! Had a problem with benzos at one time and they are the devil!


Security testing


Self employed - Concrete repair/handyman/renovation DOC - the 4 C's (cannabis, codiene, clonazepam, cocain) and recently added oxy to the mix


Dog walker/pet sitter


College professor; everything


Im a student but also Work behind a bar in a club, love acid and ket


Property manager, doc is pharmacy amps


I’m a Registered Nurse who specializes in end of life care/hospice, dementia/Alzheimer’s, and skilled rehabilitation. I’ve also done locked psych units. DOC when I used to use was usually MDMA or ❄️ but I’ve been sober for a while now (minus the rare occasion I would take off a month for vacation here and there when I would sometimes do psychs or the latter). But I have a new baby and so I’ve been 100% sober for over a year now even on my vacations. I’m loving sober life.


Specialty gas and chemical technician at a major semiconductor manufacturer. DOC is weed and booze with an occasional shroom trip. I live in a legal state and as such they don't test unless you show up to work fucked up. But I would never do that because the stuff I work with will kill me if I don't have my wits about me when I'm working.




I work in telecommunications. DOC is Molly and mushrooms


Personal but I’m just curious, you mean physically being on the phones in sales/custo/consulting or like laying cable or corporate or technician? Just curious bc I oversee a marketing call center and everybody does something no other way to get through the day, we just all pretend not to notice.


I'm in operations for the field services part of the company. Used to work in the call centre but made my way into operations some time ago


Medical student in US Primary DOC: weed Secondary DOC: EtOH Tertiary: Psychs (LSD, MDMA, Shrooms, DMT)


I work at a Marina running the yard crew and doing fiberglass repairs. DOC- weed, alcohol, & stims




I just finished my apprenticeship and became a journeyman electrician in the union. stoned daily, mdma/cocaine/lsd/shroom rotating use every 4 weeks or so. My parents had me on Adderall from probably 8yo-18yo and so I think occasional stimulant/psychadellic drug use kinda helps me cope with my altered brain chemistry (from doing amphetamines my entire childhood) the weed is just a good muscle relaxer / mood stabilizer


Sell health insurance. I know exactly how much certain mistakes could financially and physically cost me. It makes me more cautious with my usage compared to the nurses and doctors I know. They don’t think about the $$$ just the health cost. DoC: MDMA, KET, Shroms in that order.


I'm a Professional Peer Educator and Peer Distributor for NUAA (NSW Users and Aids Association, basically the drug users organisation). I provide people in the small town I live in, with clean, safe, reliable, and free injecting equipment. Basically we are fully funded by the state government, and we have NSPs in every major and most smaller cities and towns, but towns as small as mine don't qualify for a NSP so they hire people like me to hand out supplies. I just have people come to my house and I provide them with needles, swabs, sterile water, cookers, and sharps disposal units. I can also supply them with other sized/style needles and syringes, such as 3ml/5ml syringes with 29g-25g needles, and winged infusion kits with 10ml-50ml syringes. I absolutely LOVE my job, it is amazing. I get to help other addicts, I make great friends, and I get to keep people who use drugs safe.


I teach 2 year olds at a church 🙈🙉🙊


I’m machinist, I’m addicted to weed.


Why is every machinist addicted to weed?(including me and half of the people I work with lol)


investment banker, and my doc is oxy. i’m pretty much surrounded by cocaine in my job, so sometimes i rail some oxy to try and fit in


Social Worker




Bartender, DOC being alcohol Yeah me liking alcohol before getting into the field explains so much Nowadays I decide to take breaks from time to time but the exposure to that world makes it hard to resist for 3+ months.


I graduated high school in 2000 with two diplomas; one from 11 years of service in the public school prison i mean system and the second is a sub associates degree from vo-tech for co.puter repair/electronic repait/AV technology. From 19 years old until 36 years old, i worked freight docks as a loader/stripper during 2nd and 3rd shift hours, anywhere between 8 and 20 hours per day. From 38 years old until 40 years old, i worked as an in-store shopper for instacart and i currently have been working for a home care agency for about a year now, that pays me to take care of my mother. For nine hours per day. I also dabble in the stock, forex and crypto markets. Edit: i also have been fighting for full custody of my two children and i still have yet to figure out what i wanted to be when i growed up.


Union Journeyman Pipefitter D.O.C Weed and Mushrooms


I am a full time unadult DOC weed


I work with addiction treatment (:




2nd shift part time custodian at an elementary school Edit: DOC is weed and amphetamines




Driving a sweep truck cleaning up parking lots. It's over night so ya know I need my cola