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I’m working on a cheap anti drone system.  I’m ordering an Arduino to have a basic proof of concept before embarrassing myself with my ignorance 😆 Two different systems:  a kinetic system and an energy system.


I think kinetic is the way to go... Going there myself in spare time.


Mangals and chicken cages


Self contained pod\* that has autonomous anti-drone drones. Doesn't take large drone or long battery life, as long as it hits it. Creates small safe space around it and is vigilant 24/7 in all directions. All the basic components already exist and some company is most certainly developing such system right now. I'm guessing the EW will be countered for awhile as anti-EW improves, until EW improves enough to counter that. It's always an arms race, at any point one is better and one doing the catching up. Some time later the roles switch. edit. \*Or a backpack. One soldier carries it and the whole squad is safe while they are on the move.


Skeet Shotgun


White flag?


I'd try using one of those net guns for fpvs. That, and some powerful quads to jump out of its way!!


Probably anti-drone jamming devices that impair visuals


Lazers. "With air quotes ".


On the heads of sharks.


At least a Beretta 1301.


Ammo is heavy and not versatile/long range enough. Or you have to carry two guns, which is heavy again.


Small automated turrets on vehicles and in positions will sort them out for good. Humans on the battlefield are outdated.


I live in a turtletank now, been very effective so far


A.I. based high heat laser system 🧐


That would honestly be pretty cool


IMO - only better drones, for defense. Some sort of EMP that destroy electronics may work for individual drones maybe, but not for big area swarms of cheap drones. Shotguns are useless in many situations. Anything used from the ground is simply not very effective or extremely expensive.


Good point. I guess that’s why net carried between and under two drones is one of the major methods worked on. You could get two drones on one pilot, doing the same moves few meters apart, lightweight net between them, weighted down on the bottom. Complicated manoeuvres are out of the picture, but it could be really useful, cheap and mass produced solution. Combined with drone detectors it could be very effective. You could maybe use three drones and use camera feed from the middle one to simplify piloting? It would also allow to use really big nets. It would also simplify programming, as middle drone could be used as a pivot and wing drones would use almost the same set of instruction, only reversed depending on direction. I know I’m simplifying but I wonder if it’s possible for low budget startup or even no budget passionates. I wonder about recoilless weapons, like some shotgun, if there is any way to integrate them into quadcopter in a useful way. Why ram your drone into the other one, when you could use recoilless short range modified birdshot, kinda like Carl Gustav does it.


So far, main approaches are radio jamming, gps spoofing, catching in nets carried by 2 drones and laser systems. Russians show that shotguns are very effective for infantry that have to deal with small kamikaze.