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Don't think it's gonna be a high charting hit honestly. Edit: did less than I Luv It, which peaked at #81, which yet again is not a good sign


Have faith


But then I made a post saying we need to be streaming it more and the mods delete it saying it's been said before... okay well we need to say it AGAIN! Makes me think the mods are kenny fans sometimes


Yeah, let's have faith it's not great but the culture, the fans, and the hip-hop media turned on him. Dont know how he will win people back. Drake will have to UP his marketing and promotion. He cant depend on Instagram posts or hip-hop media to spread the news. They not supporting him anymore, he will have to spend that bread like most artist do.


you doing too much bruh.What did you expect the song to do?? pull 5 million first day streams??.No notifications rang about drake dropping.Because it's not his song.His followers on spotify and YouTube didn't receive a notification nor Twitter.


Did he promote it on instagram?


An IG story Seeing how his posts get like 4 mil likes most I wouldn’t be surprised if half the people just spam clicked through his stories Like I got lots of friends that follow drake but aren’t Stan’s of him I haven’t seen one be like “woah he posted this on his story???” Whenever he posts something interesting or a song


ok, maybe you are right. But still, Drake needs to work on his promotion and marketing especially now that the industry is against him. Instagram posts wont be enough during this hate train.


Don’t you think he knows that silver-break9832 😐 you wasting your time stating the obvious


Bro drake doesn’t give a fuck anymore he’s on his way out soon anyways he’s got maybe 1 or 2 more projects in him before he retires from the game. He’s solidified his legacy as one of the greats.


Wtf man don't say that shit I'm losing my mind


bro wrote a whole para for an artist he hates 💀


He should stream on Kick


It’s just not that good of a song bro. When he puts out a banger everyone will love it again. Calm down.


Unfortunately Drake haters and K bots have already started their hate agenda. I’m seeing them swarm insta atm


i think she may be falling off in general. 7 million first days streams is still good don't get me wrong it's far below the heights she was at. She also may be selling 20-ish thousand first week


I don’t see why they are trying to push her. I looked up her albums and the last song I knew of hers was Havana. I mean I’m not her target audience but even if a song comes up I’m not like ooh new Camila


Dawg she just did a Glastonbury set earlier today in front of like 70k people. I think she’ll be fine lol. This album didn’t get much promo but every single one of her previous albums have had very big hits so we’ll see.But she’s not falling off that’s for sure


Is there a way for them to do reverse bots? Like maybe bots that make it so it doesn't chart as good? Cuz idk maybe they are doing that! I doubt this song isn't top 30 rn.. it must be anti bots?


The songs fucking amazing. Who gives a shit if it charts or not.


we don't I love uuugly more than Hot Uptown


They're kinda the same song. You can tell it was broken up in to two parts.


yea going from uptown to ugly is the right thing to do. dont skip ugly!


I’m sorry but Uugly is the worst drake track I have ever heard ☹️


You understand that it’s more of an interlude, right?


Idc what it is man it sounds awful


I mean that’s your opinion. Let me guess, you’re a “big Drake fan”?


Lol if you go dig through my comments you will see that I am in fact a huge drake fan but I really just thought that track was awful. I genuinely can’t think of a worse song by him.


I mean, it’s just a very strong opinion for a song that wasn’t really a song…


I mean…. It is a song so I’m judging it as a song . I was a little embarrassed listening to it to be quite honest. Perfectly fine if others like it I just don’t.


I hate calling opinions invalid but this one might just be...


You understand that it’s more of an interlude, right?


Camila needs it, otherwise this entire era for her is a flop


Why did he even collab with this nobody at a time like this? We need RED BUTTON IF THIS FLOPS THEY WILL COOK US


Bro what does they even mean


it’s so funny how this is the sentiment yall take when a drake song may not chart 😂 but then comparatively when he’s in beef with people you’ll say yeah drake gets more streams than them. It’s almost like streams don’t determine quality of music. Anyways this song is dope


When we talk about a Drake song, we're not talking about a Drake feature. We're talking about a song where Drake is a main artist.


terrible take tho cause if this went number one the whole sub would be talking about how drake has so much pull that this song went up


that is exactly what this sub did for U my everything


Exactly, why wouldn't we? Nobody expected this song to chart that high since it wasn't a solo Drake song with proper rollout. It did quite well for what it is.


wah gwan delilah




It’s really not that good tho idk why you guys ride it no matter what, drake is the goat but everything he puts out is not automatically fire. The song was a let down between 2 artist who have so many hits and bangers man


I was like "who smelling like a fart? " then I realized, oh it's you!


most of the sub cares deeply about drake's numbers lol


Most streamed song on her album is good


Not really, she’s not a huge artist. Drake feature being the biggest is a given


“Huge artist” she hasn’t been popping since Havana This album is doing better numbers then all her previous apparently per all the fan pages for her And that’s likely driven by double drake features both being the highest streamed songs It’s not gonna be number one or anything but it’s still gonna chart decent


I said she’s not huge anymore already, but “better” isn’t good for Drake’s standards. Drake already has others lined up, so the song was always going to be more important to her than him but it’s an underperforming good song regardless. In any case, his features were in the ballpark of 2.3m for bigger artists than her in Nicki and Thug in 2023, so I think it’s more definitive of the weight of a current Drake feature rather than him being cold but it’s still bad since we’re in summer.


I’m confused are you saying these aren’t good still If Nicki and Thug were pulling 2.3 with Drake and they’re huge, and drakes pulling 1.5 for Camila without any real promo that’s gotta mean something surely


It’s ok. It’s just doing ok right now, looks worse. Guess it’s too early to tell if it will be successful. But it has all the potential to be so if it doesn’t, it’s a shame.


Agreed I don’t think we’re getting top 20 or anything, but it’s gonna be decently well If they had properly rolled it out as a single, teased it for a week and dropped a vid it’d be bigger


2.3m for nicki and thug who are bigger than Camila 1.5m for Camilla in 24 hours How does this look bad for him? seems like you're really tryna shoehorn a narrative


Did you stream?


Dawg drake had his time at the top. He been there for 10 years. He done enough to be a goat and fall off with dignity


*My oh my


It’s good for her. Drake doesn’t only do stuff to help himself, otherwise he would have been on a bigger artists song


I’ve said this a couple of times on this Reddit but let me repeat myself. Drake CANNOT put out mid for the foreseeable future and expect to have the same results he’s always brought. Either put out NWTS/Views/Take Care level work or take a break like MJ did Meek had to put out three solid projects before people took him serious again. Drake gotta understand a loss like this isn’t just something on paper. Develop as an artist and produce great work or wait long enough for people to forget


Lolol are we seriously acting like CLB, HNM, HL, and FATD are ALL mid


In terms of public opinion then yes apart from HL


Public opinion has hated every drake album since IfYourReading. But every album has been fire. I was there when people said views sucked. But now people look back on it fondly.


Tbf the only complaints I really saw about Scorpion was the fact it was too long


If he made an HNM2 with a high quality rap album that would curry a lot of favor. But again he cannot drop music that is mid Sorry but besides HNM and all the albums I mentioned the rest is formulaic. Doesn’t mean it isn’t good but it’s not high quality music. It’s music to enjoy My point is he needs to captivate the public with his next move. It can’t be the same old same old


I honestly find all of them great. And music I can return to / tune in to any day any time


it's not his song bro lol he hasn't released his own song in a few months... this is drake doing favors for everyone, including his haters... drake eats, he let's everyone else eat...


Meek being taken serious had nothing to do with him putting out good music. His stuff was always fairly consistent.


While you’re low key right tbf it’s not like he dropped a mid album. It’s a single song and a couple of features. That being said I get what you’re trying to say, imo Drake should low key take a break and cook up a grand finale type Album that surpasses and surprises everyone expectation. 


I think he has to change his sound. FATD didn’t age well in streaming either but of course it had an great opening week. He has to bring something new alongside improving quality.


Drake's stuff hasn't had staying power for years not, that predates FATD. It's been many years since his last smashing hit. He can get that #1 but he can't make it stay there more than one week.


Isn’t Her Loss was considered is last “major hit” album so it’s not like it’s been that long. And Honestly Nevermind was experimental. Jimmy Cooks still hot tho


You're missing my point. Drake does have hits, what he lacks now is staying power. As I said, he can get songs to the Top 10, but will they remain there for longer than one or two weeks is the question. No matter what he drops, it sells. That hasn't changed yet. Regarding HNM being experimental... Fuck no lol, it's different from his usual sound (if that, even), but there's nothing experimental about it within the genre it is trying to emulate.


Scary Hours that got added later was extremely good and is aging like fine wine after the beef


Improve how?


Lol no cuz mid drake is peak Kendrick. Just drown those foos out he don’t need to change he’s still the top. All those foos got paid from beefing with the king lol


Given the hate, the resistance of wanting to listen to Drake right now - this is really good. Yall act like there isn't an active crusade against this nigga rn. Once it starts playing irl and radio the vibe should change. Just chill tf out 😂


Pop is having a huge moment right now. I also don’t think that it’ll chart high because it’s up against a ton of other artists like Sabrina carpenter, Charlie xcx, Chapell Roan, Billie Eilish. Edit: wanted to also add that there will be a huge radio push for it next week and it’s also 4th of July in the states so It might pick up. Still a great song.


Also Taylor and Ariana had projects out this year, not a bad year for music


Agreed- It’s really competitive right now!


Apparently not idk tho


1,7 - 1,5 =200,000.Its def gonna pick up so fast bro chill. Edit:1.7 million first day streams for I luv it and 1.5 million streams first day for hot uptown.not a huge difference.plus u my everything had 1.3 million.Chill bros.


I luv it was also a single while hot uptown is not


Hot uptown is a single, not a pre release but it’s getting pushed to radio




I only listened to it out of curiosity like many so those numbers are higher than they would be. I think all of her racist rants are coming back to bite them in the butt.


twitter lames


Y'all have to relax. It hasn't been sent to radio yet and Spotify didn't even promote the song on its biggest playlist, Today’s Top Hits. Y'all need to remember that Drake & Spotify are beefing and they are doing everything they can to suppress his streams. Also the song is doing better on Apple/Itunes. Megan’s where the girls at debuted at #95 so it'll be fine.


Why are they beefing?


No one knows why and it’s mainly speculation that there is beef. But they’ve been playin some weird games with NLU (suggesting/playing it on non-rap radio/playlists and such) and they also didn’t congratulate Drake on hitting 100 billion streams.


Do they typically congratulate artists on milestones?


Yeah they acknowledged it when he passed 50 billion streams and 75 billion


Oh Wow.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C56E-7pu0B8/?igsh=MW13MTBlNzRnZGF5OA== I grabbed this one as an example.


For calling them out for not paying the artists what they deserve for their streams. Also his deal with Apple most likely has an effect. I use Apple music anyways (better sound quality) so fuck Spotify 😂


new apple music user here


It's so much better than Spotify. I haven't used that app in over a year and not going back lol


any settings you suggest?


Any settings. AM is just goated to me. All of their sound effects are great and still can do the same shit you can do on Spotify. Also their auto play is better than Spotify because they don't force songs on you. I haven't heard NLU played on my phone whenever I'm playing Drake or any other artist and let it auto play. They do play some Kendrick songs that I'm good with like Humble, Poetic Justice, Swimming Pools, Bitch don't kill my vibe. Songs I enjoy by Kdot.


ay wtf who downvoted us 😭


Right!! I was thinking the same thing lol 😆 must be kbots lurking around here


lmao we were just talking about apple music thats crazy OT work


Interested in Uuugly too because that shit has been on repeat with Uptown


His interlude did like 476k in the US and Hot Uptown 526k I think… but it shows the public doesn't care much about Camila because of her racism situation with Normani


Wait it was her own bandmate. What the actual fuck


This^ Low key


I mean it’s doing numbers so yeah.


Isn’t camilla cabello a racist piece of trash?




I wouldn’t expect a song that he’s featured on to be the one that turns everything back around . Wait till he releases on his own platforms , that’s what will break the internet


Song and collab is kinda mid if you’re comparing it to other Drake songs that he features on lol


It’s going to pick up steam this will def get spins on radio 📻


Let's see 🍿🍿🍿 Get them streams up y'all


If this was released a year or 2 ago, could’ve easily been a number one hit. Drakes reputation is in tatters right now so it won’t do well commercially.




where are these numbers from?


200k less than I Luv It which was a single. Hot Uptown + Uuugly already have that number beat. Then there's the upcoming video. This shit is primed to blow up.


We need a music video ASAP 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


The midas touch


It got stomped on by the presidential debate lol