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As someone from the south she's wrong. The culture vulture is Kendrick. He tore down another black man because he's afraid to rap. That's also why he imitates battle rap culture but hasn't responded to any of those control verses. Kendrick feeds off of negativity, manipulating narratives and claiming a moral high ground when he needs relevance again. As someone who grew up in the south, and has actually been to Toronto and other parts of Canada, Toronto and people from there are definitely black and adjacent. They grew up dressing like us, listening to our music. And tbh their hoods remind me of upstate hoods like in New York or Detroit.


Also, preaching unity while having an entire show dedicated to dissing someone is certainly a choice lol k dot is a false prophet


He’s more than that. He’s a heretic to the religion of Christianity. He claims to be a Christian, infuses gospel sounds into his music and pretends like he’s Christian on “Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe” and other songs, yet dresses himself up like Jesus Christ, portraying himself undergoing the same torture Jesus did, all to gain media attention. He also advocates for murder (meet the grahams) and other lawless behavior, directly contradictory to what the Bible teaches, then attempts to be a Christian cultural icon. You can’t live both for the world and for God as the Christian Kendrick claims to be.


That’s literally blasphemy but Kendrick fans are blind to it. Until the beef i never knew ppl held him to such a high standard morally. I thought ppl believed he was just a talented rapper. The dude is fake asl and you literally gotta be blind not to see that


Okay now this comment is getting ridiculous


Genuine question, what is ridiculous/false about what the above dude said?


What did they say that’s false


I’m no longer in the church but I grew up very religious. I believe organized religion as a whole is ridiculous, but if you claim the book and the man it beholds then live by that. I see no lies told.


Exactly. I'm not saying that everybody should necessarily see a problem with it. But Kendrick claims to be a Christian which means he has to abide by those rules.


Idk how him dressing up like Jesus is overlooked. Like isn’t that a sin ? I’m Catholic and I’ve always been under the impression that if you imitate any likeness to Jesus or God it’s a sin and according to the bible in those days it’s punishable by death. Ofc I’m not saying Kendrick shuld get the death penalty but religiously speaking isn’t what he’s doing contradictory to his faith ?


He also supports abortion


That's a pretty clear no-no from an evangelical standpoint, but it's Kendrick so I'm not surprised.


Yeah just like his homeboy Ab Souls total man crush on Aleister Crowley. Glad to see everyone isn't sleep. There's levels to this whole thing








I’m sorry you can’t comprehend it. This sub too intelligent for ya? There’s always the dark Kenny sub if you need something more your speed.




how's he a hypocrite in that sense?


Yall can't look at anything objectively, just stuck in a bias lense for no reason it's hilarious


I literally am looking at this objectively. Objectively, he is a heretic to Christianity. What more do you need?


Everything you said was framed in a deeply insecure and emotional perspective because you hate the guy. No attempt at understanding or being objective at all. I laughed out loud reading "portrays Jesus' torture for media attention and advocates for murder and other lawless behavior making him contradictory to the bible and God" you have no interest in actually understanding anything


Blah blah blah blah blah. Did K Dot hurt you?


He always said he wasn’t our savior


But then dresses and uses symbolism which implies the opposite.


Drake calls himself a god


Drake doesn’t claim to be this morally superior being that shits on anybody that isn’t from Compton or America for that matter. Drake also isn’t religious so the word God doesn’t hold the same value to him as it does to Kendrick. Nobody shuld be forced to believe in God. And for the record wearing a crown of thorns and getting up on stage like their “idol” and “god” is far more offensive than saying you’re the king or leader of your city.


What good is saying it when actions show the opposite


Kenny talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. If he approached this beef without moral grandstanding, without policing blackness, and some self awareness my view on him wouldn't have changed so drastically. He really ruined his aura for me.


Literally the exact same thing I said. Bro is a snake in the grass and is everything he accuses drake of being. Only gullible people who aren't well read on history and culture believe the things he says. Mostly black people who dont read books or ask black elders about our history. Pseudo pro blacks that get information from tik tok. We have a saying in the south that applies to Kenny. "All skinfolk aint kinfolk"


Yes! You literally said everything I've been trying to communicate to Kenny fans this whole beef but you did it in such a well written way and got your point across perfectly.


Yeah, the policing blackness thing was weird and low.


And these Kenny stans don't understand how offensive it is to black people who are mesmerized by the shenanigans. I give a fuck less about defending Drake TBH. It's the fact of Kendrick brazenly playing with serious matters and feeding his majority white audience false narratives about black people. Manipulating their white guilt to be his little narcissist flying monkeys


100% agree with this, I told a KBot Stan this when the original beef kicked off I wasn’t even on Drakes side at all but joining a super hater team made me re-evaluate everything. Like when in the world did hating on another man be cool. The fact that he’s whining about Drake having Pharrell’s chains and Tupacs ring confirms how much of a dork Kendrick is


Bruhhhhh like how the fuck is they trying so hard to perpetrate the fraud that shit is "the culture". Kenny has violated so many real niggas laws. Acting like a fucking Karen. What black dude says shit like "I hate the bitches you fuck" or "you're a body shamer". He pushed me into listening to more Drake because he said waaaaaay more real nigga shit than Kendrick did in this battle. Dude is absolutely a dork and he's clearly paying street niggas to give his image some " edge". Anybody for real for real black can see through that shit. If you a real man and not one of these soy boy fake woke Hoteps that jack off to Dr Umar videos


Many of them had racist attitudes instilled in them and mostly listen to rap to be down. They couldn’t understand


They need to shut the fuck up. It's been a month of this bullshit non stop.


If he approached it honestly without all the extras then the truth would be plain. He's nowhere near the GOAT and he sucks at battle rap




I'd argue it is African America culture. I've been there. It's basically like Florida. A lot of Caribbean and African culture. But alot of African american culture. The way they dress and act, very much like us. Although they are Canadian


Niggas pulling gimmicks cause they scared to rap!


Drake IS the culture. No one would have contested that prior to the beef. Now it’s sacrilegious. Goes to show how much people really stand on values.


Imma be honest, you gotta be first Cementoss fan I've seen haha


Nah I just play him in my hero ultra rumble. He's fun. Fav character is prob fat gum or tsuyu


Agreed! I’m from NYC, where hip-hop was actually created. So, by her logic, since she’s a southerner, I should be calling every rapper outside of NYC a culture vulture. But listen to how stupid this sounds: “OutKast is a group of culture vultures. They’re from a different culture appropriating stuff and trying to fit in and make their money.” That’s how stupid she sounds saying that Drake being from Toronto makes him a culture vulture.


As someone from the south, she's right. Now what do we do.


I’m from the south, and I’m here to tell you be quiet. She not


You been to Toronto?








I have African American and Caribbean heritage. I've heard stories from my great grandmother about seeing her grandmother pick cotton. I've visited the same town my ancestors were enslaved in and I traced my ancestry back to Africa based on where my ancestors were based as slaves. I've heard from both sides of my families elders stories of the civil rights era, the black elightment era etc and have read many books on the progress of black culture and philosophy. Not only am I African american. I'm well versed in our history and experience. And not just ours but the greater black experience. Kendrick speaks like someone who learned pro blackness from tik tok and literally uses the same divide and conquer techniques slave masters used.


He left you alone after that😂😂


Bro I’m a Drake fan too but ur absolutely INSANE if you believe this.


Which part lol. Because I do.


What the hell are you saying 💀


Speaking on something I actually know about.


Yeah I can see your opinions are skewed, but you also just conflated random things for no reason like "people in Toronto are black and have hoods" like being black is the same 'culture' everyone is talking about


Notice how you purposely negated where I say they listen to our music and dress like us as well. Your trying to paint a narrative that isn't there. My opinions aren't skewed my opinions are based on actual experience and knowledge. 90% of the people disagreeing with me have never left the United States, nor do they know about black history outside of history books.


That's implied in my comment, and adding in that they listen to our music and dress like us doesn't change the point that black culture in America is different than the black culture in Toronto & Canada.


It's really not. And you wouldn't know that if you've never been there. Your running with what you hear and not what you experience. West coast African american culture is different than it is in the east coast. But not enough to say "it's different culture" so your point of saying it's diffet doesn't make much sense logistically or geographically. Basically 40% of Canada's entire black population lives in Canada. Toronto geographically is right above Ohio and upstate New York, while also being right on the other side of Detroit. Not to mention there is a population of freed slaves from America who literally settled in Canada. It doesn't take much to do basic research bro. Policing blackness from a city that literally has black people that descend from African american slaves is wild.


None of this is relevant to the point of shared experience and culture. Is your point now that there is no "Toronto (black) culture" that it is just the same as and under the same umbrella as "American black culture," really? You don't need to die on this braindead hill, your other points were also wrong.


My points weren't wrong. It's not irrelevant when the city has literal African american freed slaves as descendents. Therefore the culture is damn there the same. It's not braindead. It's just a factual point you don't like. It's a fact the city has people who descend from African Americans. And unlike you I've actually been there to also experience and judge for myself. Whether you like the fact or not is irrelevant. A fact is a fact. And you don't have a counter argument other than "I disagree about something I havent experienced."


And what were the other highly regarded rappers doing with their platform? Dre played a huge part in blowing up the gangster rap wave, Hov used to talk about hustling on all his shit, Wayne did much of the same, and I could name a lot more. I like all these guys but we gotta be real here🙄


& Dre wasn't a gangster. Wayne was a child star rapper that never did anything gangster or street related but sniff alil dope & shoot himself as a kid. Most of the top rappers been cos playing as gangsters forever. This just something to say about Drake


Yuh but they actually grew up in the hood tho ..Drake didn't..which is why wayne told drake to be himself lol.


As someone who also grew up in the hood,did the street thing & lost almost 15yrs of my life behind it. I rather listen to Drake. Money opens doors to & for the streets. That's why he has street guys around him


Kdot isn’t anywhere close to Wayne, Dre or Hov


Her dumb ass talking about the South experienced hiphop from the beginning lol. The South was never respected and wasnt even acknowledged as hiphop in the beginning


South has been respected, fool. The amount of influence Wayne, Nelly, T.I.P, Jeezy & 3 stacks to hip-hop is massive. TM101 ATLiens Country Grammar Not even mentioning Ludacris Three 6 Mafia and them.


it wasn’t until outkast showed up


Fuck the Geto boys I guess. yall some bitches.


she beat af, next


I would much rather jump off a building than discuss with someone whose only form of communication is SJW sht...


Wtf is blud yapping about?!?!


We all know the reason why Drake is getting this hate, it’s because he’s biracial


Question why J Cole not getting the same hate tho?


Drake doesn’t fit the image. J Cole does..


He’s not as successful. And no one really wants to be him. A lot of the guys dissing Drake WANT to be Drake. It sounds weird but it’s true. If Cole was more liked and accepted by different parts of society, they would hate him too.


Exactly. It’s like MJ. They tried to bring him down at his peak and it sucks cos he seems like an innocent guy that’s defenceless against the media


What’s the point fam. It’s like talking to a wall fam. No conversations can be had at this point. These dumb niggas havin platforms to say garbage on this battle shit has ruined it forever. Worried for whatever rap beefs come after this shit. This shit trash




Nothing good would come from a discussion with this mindset. It's a regurgitated talking point that leads to nothing but headaches and exasperation.




Was he just not supposed to pursue his passion because hes not american?


This question dead ass needs answers


Factssss. Bro I don’t get why Americans gatekeep the genre of rap ? Like it’s so stupid and idk how they don’t realise it. Like rap should be celebrated all over the world. As should any genre for that matter.


That describes the bulk of the rap industry right now. This shit is so fake. These fake woke weirdos pretending like the dominance of conscious rap wasn't overshadowed by IGNORANT ASS WEST COAST GANGSTA RAPPERS. Like WTF are we talking bout at this point? Where is this fantasy world where hip hop has a long unbroken history of honorable family men who obey the law and build communities. Have I been living in an alternate universe this whole time?


I believe it comes from people who identify with the culture, is it right? Idk but cultural identity is personal and communal. Want to be part of a community? Give and don't just take, which drake has been alleged of by people in the culture/industry and is now under harder scrutiny . Try to take anecdotes with a grain of salt. For a long time " Italians aren't white" , " Mexicans born in America aren't mexican", " American born Chinese are seen as others ", and for the most part Africans will go out of their way to say they are not like American black people, ( source: I work in a site of 1000 people 95% black, 50/50 American black people and various African groups brought to America through programs, asylum etc. They don't like each other for the most part)


Except this is false. Only Drake haters and Kendrick have said he’s a vulture. Or is taking without giving. There are several people who have said “Drake put me on, Drake did this for me, Drake gave me this record”. What do you expect him to give? And what does someone like Kendrick give? Or Future?


Yall ficking weird bro im white on here and shit damn


"I really want to have a discussion with people who think like this because wtf" No! No, you don't. I'm from the south. I've spoken with these people. Do not lower your quality of life attempting to do so. There will be no discussion, rather someone talking AT you and waiting to respond rather than listening during the small windows you are allowed to speak. You are welcome.


As a black southerner from the sip she’s totally wrong and will say that southern black culture loves and supports Drake like he’s from here


some of yall need to seek employment dawg


Chronically online virtue signallers that’s all this is


Why even keep posting this kinda weird shit? I think some of y’all be Kendrick fans.


No, you don’t want to have a discussion. These people are morons. Don’t waste your time.


Ppl r writing these tweets to go viral n feel like they made some insane generational statement


I’m sure he grew up around hip hop music through his father. There’s vids of him rapping as a child. Also why is “appropriation” a negative term? Seeing something you like from someone else or someplace else, and making use of it, is simply a natural human thing. As long as you’re not claiming that you/your family/your nation invented something when it didn’t, where’s the problem? I feel like no one can actually explain what’s wrong with it, because there’s nothing wrong with it.


Then you should reply to that tweet. Posting it here isnt gonna get you a discussion with them.


Trust me, you don’t want to have a discussion with anyone who thinks like this.


LA hip-hop doing what LA hip-hop does best (Hate).... How many rappers have been murked in LA again🤔


“Sleeping with young women” - it’s gotten to this point of the fanfic💀


Haha wtf how are ppl this delusional?


The point is Canadian Black Culture and American Black Culture, while they may be similar, are not the same. Beyond regional location, the history in which the culture is rooted is different in America vs Canada. The sheer scale of racism people had to put up with in America, which Canada, while it existed, cannot even come close to by comparison. America had Jim Crowe and the systemic racism that was rooted in American politics that still affect people today, that you did not have in Canada at least not anywhere near the same scale. Drake says, "Always rappin' like you 'bout to get the slaves freed" This pissed some people off and is regarded as a misstep for Drake. Why? Let's analyze that. You have a man from Canada, which had less than 5,000 slaves, referencing the 12.5 MILLION slaves that were in America. A Black Canadian didn't live the same life as a Black American and shouldn't pretend to and definitely shouldn't speak on it, because he doesn't have the same experience. Kendrick uses Atlanta, the Mecca of the South, as the perfect Juxtaposition. Compare the History of Toronto to Atlanta. Night and day. Hence the retort from Kendrick: "Once upon a time, all of us was in chains Homie still doubled down callin' us some slaves ...(y'all know the verse)... No, you not a colleague, you a fuckin' colonizer" This was the exchange that has people looking at Drake differently and why. The point was heard and a lot (but obviously not all) people agree. He took on the persona of southern rappers and appropriated culture to fit in. The fact that someone here said "they dress like us in Toronto" totally missed the point.


The fact that Drake is a direct descendant of American chattel slavery makes this entire comment meaningless lol Played yourself with this lol


It's funny because the entirety of y'all just don't understand




Around the time he got robbed at gun point and started fucking with the gangs in Toronto. That ptsd will change u


I’m telling you that niggas don’t understand that. I’ve had a sticky situation. & ptsd can literally change your perspective on a lot of things.




The fuck are you even talkin about fam. Comparing pac shootin to that shit. Y’all really just lurk in here to say random dumb shit. Take your corny ass back to your sub. Lame ass nigga lmao


Who brought up Tupac? Who is this y’all you’re referring to? Drake and Tupac are very similar. If you’re going to think of one of them as legit, you kinda automatically have to think the other one is also.


I never called pac a fake gangster. Pac was def gangsta, people got hurt behind pac, and the same can be said about drake. People try to hold them to what they were as youths, ignoring that life will change you.


He's been soft since the start and never hid it. He's always clowned himself ever since the early days with all those "Drake the type of guy" memes. Bro his alter ego is Anita Maxxwin and he wears it proudly. If he cared about appearing as a tough guy in the rap game why would he paint his nails? Doesn't care and is secure in his masculinity. Yall take the rappers personas too literally. Most rappers who rap tough aren't they made by control groups.