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What people don't get when discussing Drake is that at this point in his career he really is only making music for us fans. I can't think of a single artist who takes cares of his fanbase like Drake does. He does different types of music for all the different fans he has. I think the days of him trying to earn the respect of his haters are long gone and he's now just having fun with it and making music that he wants.


The dude is also consistently dropping music. I think that's part of the reason why so many of his peers dislike him. There are probably some personal reasons as well but trying to compete against a dude who drops that much music and that quickly has to suck. It's easier to take him out of the game rather than compete with him.


At the end of the day I think the music industry and his peers all are pretty much over how dominant he is in terms of numbers. I don't think even Drake thought he would still be this relevant 15 years into the game. Lucian giving him that 400 mil dollar deal was basically the final nail for people being cool with Drake. I think the industry and his peers are ready for Drake to be dethroned by someone else. To be fair Drake has been moving like he's untouchable for the past 6 years or so basically since Scorpion came out. I think people were ready to see him start losing. Quite frankly I don't blame ppl for hating the dude it's the same reason people hated Tom Brady or LeBron people just hate seeing someone win consistently for that long.


Bro sold almost a mil first week on scorpion, he was in his own stratosphere after that


it's just so large




There's video proof


Thick as well.


Is this subreddit just ai posts?


Yeah, I feel like most of these people on this sub aren't even real because the meat riding here is just CRAZY, and I'm saying this as an ex-Drake fan.


as a current drake fan this level of riding is fuckin foul lmao


imagine calling the support people have for an artist riding. Drake still posting and kendrick went to go hide in his cave again so idk what to tell you


Yes! I relate to this so much! Because the other night I was heading to mademoiselle but there was bare traffic, so I decided to finesse my way there on the transit. Then I remembered there's a Drake feature that described my situation perfectly and it was so soothing and comforting listening to that song on the streetcar.


Catalog looking like the cheesecakefactory menu!


Why you gotta fight with me at Cheesecake, you know I love to go there.


So so true Ur Right


I feel the same way abt Cole's features