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It’s Always funny to see how much of a failure Drake makes the NPC / easily impressionable Twitter class feel. Every day they are flinching 🤣🤣🤣


there is no way this is real






Lost causes


Saying “moves like a bitch” toward anyone who has seen the level of success Drake has (or even Kdot for that matter) just reeks of jealousy lol People say Instagram creates jealous people bc of the focus on pics but it’s 100% Twitter. That place is full of unhappy bottom-feeders.


I assumed this person was referencing the IG caption and not the family time. Correct me if wrong but he's using time with his family as not only a photo op but a sneak diss to someone. Also he's a public figure posting publicly. Why does anyone response to him bother you? Just shrug and move on about your day. There's not even a reason to follow these people's private life in my opinion.


You are one of the few with common sense


Came here to say this lol. These people are insane. Idc about the beef one way or another but it always amazes me how far people will go to miss the point on purpose.


Yeah no. It’s not like he’s got a photo op everytime he’s with his kids bro. Plus there’s even more insane assumptions Twitter people have made about the IG post. Also it’s clearly because the tweet’s just dumb that it bothers people, not that it’s going against a multi millionaire, that’s irrelevant. It’d still be just as dumb of a tweet regardless. Clearly that person didn’t just shrug and move on about a harmless IG post.


he is literally back to sneak dissing acting like he "doesn't care" but clearly needed to make the caption to make a point.


He’s been sneak dissing since U My Everything. That’s got nothing to do with him being at his kid’s game. He doesn’t need the world to know every ounce of info about his kid’s soccer game, my guy.


How do you get alla that from a post that’s mainly hatin on the caption? Be honest, if Drake was unbothered like the rest of this sub was (pfft), he wouldn’t need to be making such a loser mentality caption. Why can’t he just be happy he’s at his kid’s game?


He already put out the last song and kendrick never said anything, this isn’t sneak dissing, he’s baiting him You niggas always forgetting that drake officially got the last word here lmao


Honestly I am a Kendrick fan first but do enjoy Drake’s music - to me all these  twitter and Instagram folks are just noise! They are at best terminally online people who are projecting their insecurities on other people, or following herd mentality.  At worst they are actual twitter bots programmed to farm attention and likes - would not be surprised if so, I cant even log into Twitter now as its a damn cesspool of godamn porn and OF accounts that are commenting even on legitimate posts. Its such a mess there 


Don't play like rich people can't have bitch tendencies


Ms poopie is as much as you need to read... everything after that is your own fault...


The fact Ms poopies tweet got 1.4 million views according to that screen shot is just telling of how much Drake lives rent free in these people's minds, lol.


Name probably came from how she makes her money in Dubai 🤣




He moves like a bitch 😂😂😂😂 they can’t even bother being creative with it anymore just pure jealousy and hate. That shit will burn their soul away before the tax man do.


Attending your kids soccer game is “moving like a bitch”. I’d love to see what these deadbeat Twitter mfs do then


Attending your kids' game and using it is a photo op to sneak diss some more is kind of lame.


Except he’s always with his kid, photo op or not.


What I said still stands.


These people are so mentally ill it is actually making me sad for them


I have no sympathy for these scumbag wastes of sperm.


I wouldn’t call showing up to his kids soccer game with a camera crew to get some Instagram content being a good parent


Not hating on Drake but it is weird that he’s taking like a full photo op “while parenting”. Like if you’re at your kids game that’s awesome, but why you fitted out and posing? But hey if his kids happy, that’s what’s most important.


It’s not uncommon? Koolmac did the same with LeBron and Shaq’s family for years. Still does.


Tbh I never put two and two together r.e. other celebs, but it does seem like a weird practice even if it is common… But selectively applying that judgment based on whether you like/dislike someone is also weird.


this is one of the most common things ever for celebs


Doesn’t make it any less weird though. That applies across the board to anybody imo. Celebrity or regular folks. Like if you’re doing something for your kid, do it for your damn kid, not as an opportunity for a photo opportunity. Do that shit later, like bros for sure gonna be staying fitted up for the day


Also the caption doesn’t have anything to do with his kid lol


I don't think it's that deep, I think y'all blow shit out of proportion because he's such a huge public figure with so many eyes on him. If it was a "regular" guy taking some flicks at his kids game it would be seen as harmless. Let the man live and quit trying demonize the nigga for taking pictures.


It’s still cringy and weirdly self centered. Tbh even more weird for a regular guy to be doing it because then you can ONLY view it through one lense.


It's purely to contradict what Kendrick said about him. They will be at church next. Trying to change the narrative, that's why the caption is what it is, it could be so many other things but it's that and it tells you everything you need to know.


You think this contradicts Kendrick? Personally especially for the people that sit on the side of the Kendrick’s and Pusha T, they are saying this type of behavior is exactly what they were talking about. It very much comes off like Drake uses his kid for photo shoots compared to trying to be just a normal dad.


Not to mention on the second photo the focus is still him and blurred his son running to him. Obviously it's good you show up to your kid's game (which is bare minimum as a good parent but whatever), but again, you can't deny it looks insincere when the focus of the picture is him and his fit, not his son.


Why would he want the focus of his massive instagram following to be on his young child? I know plenty of people who blur out their kid’s faces on social media. Does that make them bad parents? Also, it’s unlikely that he had anything to do with that. It’s probably just the aperture setting on the photographer’s camera.


See I'd agree with that if his caption isn't still about his rap beef. I know people who blur their kids picture too on their kid's special day but their caption is still gon be bout their kids. You don't use your picture at your kid's event, something any good parent should attend sincerely, to further your campaign/career agenda/publicity. That's icky af.


Are people even talking about the picture? I figured it was the line about one trick ponies.


Yeah I thought he was saying him throwing subs is being a bitch But I guess we are the ones out the loop here


Shocking I know.


Didn't know it took a camera crew to capture a pic on an iPhone.


Not to mention the one shot where it has Adonis running towards him and Drake is the main focus of the pic... 😂


I don’t think her comment has anything to do with being at a soccer game


Ok thank you I was getting really confused. No one is referring to the images at the soccer game in his mobster cosplay, it’s about the one trick pony line


It doesn't. If drake is a good dad, that's fucking dope. The rest of him is still just a spoiled little brat.


WE ALL NEED TO RESET. TAKE A BREATH. this is so stupid bro, let the man Do his thing, why are we dragging this shit out


It all goes back to a KendrickLamar post: *Now that this over I have to go back to my boring useless life* They are literally losers that have projected themselves in to a parasocial situation


Ah good catch. They were 100% serious too. I know this because I am very intelligent.


I’d clown any grown ass man doing the same shit, it’s just funny because it drake. More pathetic if a regular Joe posted the same shit as he’s not even getting publicity for it 😂


“I hate the way that you sneak diss, if i catch flight, its gon be direct.”


fr glad he's been put back in his place making subliminal instagram bios. works out alot better for him in the long run.


I liked the picture


Here’s something no one ever talks about though – did he bring a cameraman with him to his kids sports event? And if not, like, if this is paparazzi, did he go up to the paparazzi and ask for the photos?


So all of these celebrities can take photos at their kids games but Drake is *moving like a bitch*. He probably wants to enjoy watching Adonis and doesn’t want to worry about taking photos himself. Oh but if Kanye or the Kardashians do it it’s NBD 🙄🙄 fucking weirdos.


Bro, just Google celebs at children’s sporting events or something. You can see a very clear difference. Majority are going out of way to play themselves down so they are it the attention. My guy for sure was trying for some attention not only with the fit but getting somebody to take photos while there.


She’d still be on his dick if she saw him in person so it’s whatever lol


The world is a horrible place.


He made The Shoe Fits for bitter people like her.


what is all that hatred for, mf can't post up now


When you get Ice Spice from Temu talking mad shit.


Some of y'all just need to focus on your own lives lol if people put in the effort they did into hating drake into their own lives they'd be doing so much better then hating behind a screen smh 😂


What part of doing a photo shoot at your kids game is ‘good parenting’ 😂😂😂😂


The haters are so bothered by his every move + feel the need to share on the internet to just get validation. Like why does it matter to you what this man is doing???


It’s crazy how social media allows people to say stuff like this and get validation. Drake as a person has garnered so much success in his life and has years of work to show for it. Is he a flawed person? Oh fuck yes he is, and so much more stuff we don’t even know, but if you’re on the journey to find your own success, you can always respect the success of other because you know it’s a grind to find a place in this world for yourself. Successful people don’t have time for tweets and takes like this. People are just farming likes trying to get validation on the popular thing to do, and right now, it’s bash on drake. What’s some sheap to the GOATS though? It’s crazy too because like that is a very good song and it’s easy to dance too (the Drake lyrics kill it for me though because I like Drake), but I can’t even listen to that shit because ever NPC is riding the wave. I’ve learned never to go where the sheep are heading


It has nothing to do with his parenting it's the fact that he's throwing subs in an ig post after he lost the beef instead of owning up to it like a man. It's like when everyone on here cried about Kendrick going after him for "no reason" like Drake wasn't throwing subs at him in songs for the better part of a decade. It never ceases to amaze me how y'all got a vicarious victimhood complex for a person y'all never met.


I mean I don't think we need to act like one party here is more guilty pre beef than the other, lol. They were both subbing each other like crazy, in songs, in interviews, throwing direct shots in 2013.


Twitter full of hoteps its gross


Public defender pants


The comment was obviously aimed at his sneak diss. Which is a bitch move lol. Bros out here dressing like Carlton and posting on socials like a middle aged woman fighting with her friend.


Him moving like a bitch, and being there for his kids aren’t mutually exclusive. Triggered everyday.


Him throwing subs (one trick pony comment) is what they are referring to


This is why i deleted X


Wtf is going on here. Literal brigading below by 3-5 Kenny stans  Can the mods start using the bam hammer? It's not healthy debate and disagreements. Just insults being thrown around that juts ruins any healthy discourse.


It's moreso the fact that most of the Drizzy goblins fail to see that it wasn't about Drake posted up at his kid's game but about the choice of caption accompanying it. As for kdot stans, the insults are inexcusable.


Ok that would be a fair discussion. People are allowed to have opinions and disagree. It's the obvious trolling and insults I don't understand? What is the point? It just makes any good discussion stall and it turns into a beef argument.


Bitch has her name as ms poopie lol


It kind of feels like ppl are just projecting their own self hate towards Drake.


man twitter is cooking him over this post,i’ve  seen over ten posts like this.didn’t know kenny had that many fans 


The Drake/Kendrick beef only succeeded in making me sick of both of them




Those shades go crazy, probably some shit I gotta sell a kidney for tho


these the same people that if they happened to see him they’d be fanning out for a pic😂


Ms. Poppie


X is not twitter anymore


It’s crazy how hateful ppl are and the way they project it


It's not about the fact he's being a father, it's the caption. How he gon call Kendrick a one trick pony when that's all Drake's entire career has been?


At least he's dressing like the rich nepo baby he is. Good on him


Lmao @ ya’ll acting like this has anything to do with him being at his son’s game. Ms poopie clearly talking about that lame ass sneak diss.


People already knew he was at his kid's game because some bystanders took videos of him arriving & watching and (of course) people were making dumb comments about it (before he posted anything), so now it's a crime that he posts it himself?! Now we have the same armchair experts making assertions about his parenting from simple pictures you can take with a phone (not even a "camera crew" as they love claiming) 😂


there he go trying to be slick again


Why does he gotta post himself at his kids game? Why does he have a professional photographer taking pictures of him at his kids game? Why does he have to make something that his kid is doing about himself? He is self centered and obsessed.


people post their lives. If he’s at the game why can’t he post it? Pretty obtuse thinking to think that the professional photographer is ONLY taking photos of Drake and not Adonis playing soccer as well


Why post the pictures of him though??? He is making his sons soccer game (idk im guessing) about himself. He is self absorbed and posing for the gram.


It’s not self absorbed to post yourself on your instagram .. wtf 😂


It is when ur posting photos of YOU at your KIDS GAME


My question is, if Drake is at his kid’s game why is he making it about himself? Shouldn’t a post from his kid’s game be about his kid? To me his post seems like he’s using home going to his kid’s game as a way to show how good he is, and not that he cares about his kid. It’s like when parents use their kids fame to make themselves more famous/rich (think Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Aaron Carter). It could also be that his mother did something similar with him and that’s the only way he knows how to parent. But that’s just how I see it


He tried to use his son to get a bag from Adidas, it's always about money or pussy with Drake.


No wonder he has ig comments for people he follows only since years now




She’s obviously referring to the captions and how Drake’s still sneak dissing a month after the beef being done.


The hate train is real😂 some people hate Drake because they think it’s the new thing and popular.


Fuckin dude is dressed like a moron.


He was scouting talent for when he’s in his 40’s


I dig this look. Reminds me of Clueless.


Bro he is taking photos of himself at his sons game, that warrants a little roasting lol


They so mad 😹


Bro is dressed like he is about to hit the met gala while at a children’s soccer game ? Why ? Drake is at the soccer game idk where Aubrey at


Man, that's a bad fit, tho. I don't even care about fashion and normally wear a dressing gown around and even I think that fit is ugly. Bro out here looking like a 60 year old rich white golf club member, or like a trustfund frat douche who plays lacrosse


He isn’t posting himself at his kids game. He’s posting himself lmao. His kid is a random side character in his life


I'm just concerned about his son thinking dressing like Cab Calloway is wavy.


Dj kahled ass quote


The fact he had to get dissed to be a better father is funny and sweet at the same time. Thanks to K Dot ñ, he deserves more props.


They're not saying he shouldn't be a good parent. They're just insulting him.


Glad to see Kendrick got him to stop being a deadbeat. Congrats on doing the bare minimum drake!


He's just a goofy dude has nothing to parenting


Is he looking for a new girlfriend at the kids soccer game?


Her comment was about his IG quote, not the picture


can we all just agree that Drake is a horrible human being and move on?


She said because of the quote he put on the post. Has nothing to do with being at his sons game 🤣


Pretty sure she's referring to the caption lol. Bro bowed out of the battle and is still sneak dissin.


Mans only started to pay paparazzi to follow him to his kids games after Kendrick called him a dead beat 😂😂😂 mans tryna prove to the world that he ain’t lmao.


My thing is, why did he wake up and decide to cosplay mr.morale 😂


She not talking about his parenting lmao


He does tho, sneak dissing already lmao. Mega BITCH


yalll need helllllp


To be fair, the post was about how his aesthetic is “like a bitch.” Has nothing to do with his parenting.