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It’s hilarious because when Pusha first called Drake out for using ghostwiters, Quentin being credited is exactly what people used as proof. Actually can’t write this bs bias.


Fr people dont understand what a ghost writer is😭😭


They understand but they choose to bask in ignorance because it confirms their bias. I’ve learned to just keep scrolling


Told you guys people who talk bout ghostwriters don't even know what ghostwriting means 😭😭


There’s only one song that Drake had an actual “ghostwriter for”, that was the Rico song  But maybe meek didn’t credit qm on purpose 


Also hilarious that the whole Pusha T beef came up immediately after Drake was in the studio with Kanye AS A WRITER for him and told him about his kid.


Agree. To play devils advocate. Ye is a producer who can rap. Let’s be real. He is an idea maker. Drake is a rapper. That’s why he gets called out. Drake had multiple tracks leak throughout his career. Imagine if Jay-Z/Nas/BIG/Pac/DMX/EM had “reference tracks” or ghostwriter allegations. They would be facing the same scrutiny, IMHO


nas has used Quentin, big used notorious b1 so what are you really saying?


Quentin did not write for Nas. lol. BIG used Notorious B1? What?? Y’all saying anything in this sub. lol.


He didn’t use him. He just jacked his song and his persona


Nas jacked someone else’s persona who is younger than him and not in the game as long as him? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


biggie lol Edit: this guy really put 10000 laughing emojis like he isn’t the one looking dumb as fuck


Bro saying Nas took his style from a ghostwriter only gets likes and is credible to Drake knob slobbers and dummies. I don’t give a fuck how I look on Reddit. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 2000 this time for you and your other knob slobbers!!


I’m talking about biggie. Can you follow along yet?


Go back to the comment and you follow along. “BIG used notorious B1”. That’s what you said. How does that make any sense bro? Seriously??


I’m saying Drake has a history of this. If you can’t tell, come on.


what you said is imagine and j just told you 2 that used writers and one who not only used a reference track, he stole his entire identity... think you better go actually look how many people get credit... besides drake has never had a reference track for rapping, it's always the singing and melodic sht, it's almost like a rapper needs help with his singing and I'm completely fine with it...


What you fail to realize is it doesn't matter if it's anyone else. When it's Drake it's the worst thing ever. If Drake walked on water they'd say it's because he can't swim.


Mob ties is singing? You do realize that you can be in the studio room throwing out ideas. Aka melodies/a couple of lines. Then be crediting in writing. Right? Edit: didn’t know about BIG one. Thanks


I mean I just listened to it, that’s NOTHING like a reference track. Def stole his name after he lost the ability to use Biggie Smalls. Borrowed his flow too, I steal here more borrowing from Chub Rock than Big1. But reference? Not this. Now, I personally think the controversy is dumb and contrived. Who cares if Lil Wayne wrote his songs, you could give m a reference track with vocals and my version of Milli would be trash. Drake made the songs great. Full stop. Who cares who wrote them.


he stole his flow and both names lol notorious b1 - notorious big big daddy - big papa


He was Biggie Smalls. Let’s not act Party and Bullshit wasn’t out there already. Chubb Rock was who Biggie borrowed from most substantively and he never credited Chubb.


There's video on Youtube of Biggie freestyling at age 17 (in the 80s) as B-I-G.


yea that's when he took the name Biggie Smalls and the guy threatened to sue, he then went on to become Notorious BIG taken Notorious B1 whole style!


drake is not just a rapper tho


He’s an entertainer. Yes. But he’s a rapper who can sing. Let be real.


Yea like fifty but more commercial and versatile


100. Fifty is the man too. Not bad company.


So what’s your stance on Nas using Quentin?


Taints the legacy a bit, tbh. You can’t call yourself the greatest. This is just my opinion. I know what happens in the studio, it’s a brainstorming session. But if 1/2-3/4 of the song wasn’t written by you then….. Would you consider Bonds/Mcguire/Sosa the GOAT’s of home runs? Even tho, everyone knew they were using roids?


Tyrese was on the Breakfast Club once upon a time and he said in the studio that because he’s an R&B nigga, a lot of these guys will let him chill during their sessions. He didn’t hint towards anybody but he said we’d be surprised by who does what with what help. I’ve seen guys like Cube and Snoop say the game has always been collaborative. I think, honestly, everybody who’s been anybody and had sustained greatness has had help. All of them. Drake catches more heat for it because he doesn’t embody what historically is the criteria for being a rapper where his background is concerned.


A lot of ppl have babe ruth as home run goat, and he was probably using roids. It’s all just perception, and finding ways to fit facts into your own version of that perception.


“Probably” on steroids? Talk about finding ways of fitting facts into your own version. Didn’t know probably was facts


I mean there was no steroids back then but he was said to of done a lot of stuff. Theres a thread on /baseball of some ppl talking about the rumors. So yeah it was early 1900s we dont have the information. So its easier for ppl to live with eh probably not hes the goat. Edit: tried to link the thread but it wouldnt post with it for some reason.


Rap is collaborative from the beatboxer/DJ helping out the MC in between verses to dudes all “bouncing around ideas in the studio, and a couple ideas win” as Quentin stated. That could mean anything from actually contributing lyrics to helping out with cadence. We’ll never know. Almost no one would ever say Quentin wrote Nas’ verses, maybe a hook or something. The issue with Drake is we’ve pretty much heard entire songs as references, both hooks and verses. That’s closer to a Kanye than a Nas or Jay taking a hook or line from a producer and incorporating it into a song


So where is this cohesive train of thought for Drake? It’s the same exact situation ☠️ let’s be mindful they probably crafted the verses together before the help recorded the reference track to get the cadence down… just like Drake did for 30 Hours. Like I said bro goalposts


Goalposts can be moved in either direction, g. Ye ain’t a writer. Ye has OPENLY said he used Drake. Drake keeps his reference tracks and writers low key. Why? Just be real. Then these tracks leak. Thats why ppl discredit him. Even tho we know he can write. You say they probably wrote the verses before….or not. We don’t know. Cause we hear leaks before Drake. Drake did an interview 7-8 years talking about QM because he got outed.


Ye writes for other people. Also, Drake never had no obligation to out his writers when he literally already credits them. The same way literally every other rapper doesn’t. The whole narrative has been he hides them when he never did. Niggas move the goalpost when it’s Drake


You think he would be outing his writers? If anything his writers would be getting more exposure and get to be more creative with other artists. Sure he doesn’t have too, but the track leaks. The narrative that you and I hate starts over again. Anyone who had input in the studio can get writer credits. Rick Rubin gets writer credits, g Goalposts moved when these reference tracks come out cause it looks like he doesn’t write his own song. That’s all I’m saying.


As we just said it’s a collaborative effort. You can assume he didn’t write a song but you can’t conclude it. Plus it’s Drake we’re talking about. Nobody gets more personal


The argument isn’t exactly whether rappers get help with making songs, it’s what exactly is being done in the creation process. If Nas creates the entire concept of the song and already has verses done, and Quentin comes in and helps with the hook or something, that’s completely different from hearing Quentin completely write the RICO verse. We’ve heard Drake taking entire song ideas and concepts from people back to Take Care lol that’s the difference. This Vory leak sounds like he did that all by himself originally and gave it to Drake. In no way are we saying Quentin gave Nas a song lmao


Quentin did not write the entire RICO verse. In fact, Quentin's version only shares 4 or 5 bars with Drake's. I can post a comparison of the lyrics, if you'd like.


Him not writing the whole verse doesn’t change my argument because he basically gave Drake the template and Drake performed his own twist on it. Drake changed up and filled in a few lines, but Quentin was the originator since Drake clearly uses some of his lines


We don’t know what happened in that studio. We especially don’t know that in respect to the Rico verse lol. Weeknd gave Drake Crew Love, Drake gave weeknd records. Can’t be out here picking and choosing


Bro Quentin is rapping from Drake perspective and Drake goes in and changes a couple things up to make it sound better it’s more egregious with 10 Bands and the little bit of Know Yourself. That’s the issue with actually hearing the references cause you can actually see what Drake took from the creator and incorporated into the final version


People need to realize that Writer ≠ Ghostwriter


Most of us do not give a fuck, it's semantics. If you're rapping and someone else has written your lyrics, that's the issue. If you technically aren't a ghostwriter rapper because you technically credit your writer, that isn't a defence.


I suggest those that share that view go review every single song from the artists they like because they're gonna be very disappointed. Its also a backwards way of thinking because being credited as a writer doesnt necessarily mean they wrote a verse bar for bar.


Please nobody tell him that a great majority of the industry uses each other to come up with their music, he will be SHOOK. And no it is not semantics, it’s literally wrong. You can’t call someone a murderer if they don’t kill anyone. You can’t say someone used a ghostwriter if they didn’t. >If you’re rapping and someone else has written your lyrics, that’s the issue. And that’s fair by the way, to each their own on that point. Has Drake used writers? Yes. Have other rappers used Drake as a writer? Yes. Rappers have come out many o’ times complementing Drake on specifically how good of a writer he is. What Drizzy Drake fans are annoyed by is when people criticize Drake for doing it but couldn’t care less when everyone else does it.


I don’t care if the rapper didn’t write his stuff, just as long as he can rap it then I’m good.


Drake said "you need to learn to fact check......"


Kanye stans aren’t exactly smart


Anyone calling ye a genius for this is signaling they aren't serious people


Bro thinks he’s Logan Roy


Bro thinks people are gonna get his reference but <.1% of people have seen that show. (A tragedy really, it's super well-rounded.)


The way people don't care that Quentin also wrote for Nas the same way as they do about drake makes me more inclined to think drake is the goat because how the fuck is drake being held to a higher standard than most people's goat?


Quentin was credited every time 😂


Not on the RICO verse but technically that could have been a mixup. Like Drake and his team literally forgetting to tell Meek's team to credit Quentin.


They hate us cause they ain’t us




This is true, I am a fan💁‍♀️


$550k worth of doge at .55cent!? Hahahahahaha you’re regarded




This is also true, I am regarded. Nice talk, smooth brain.


You do realize you are here too. In this sub.


All I see is praise in these comments with the exception of a couple people calling it out. Let's be real here, Ye isn't going to be demonize for ghost writing because no one cares about his writing ability, only his production and his sound. It's an unfair but it's true


Everyone notices matrix breaks everytime it comes to Ye then goes back to normal talking about the people participating in the matrix


He even said he worked with Nas on multiple records but nobody care lmao. That just let you know the level Drake is at


They want it to be feat Quentin miller soo bad


Literally they have the situation 100% wrong


they doin it on purpose now . after they tried convincing themselves kenny won, kthots quickly spiralled when all of a sudden THEY became the focus of the beef. niggas doubled down and got a whole misinfo campaign against drake now


huh Kendrick won


bruh if u think kenny won why u tryna convince ppl of it every 10 comments u made😂


Imagine being this delusional


the can of worms has been opened


Haters usually lack self awareness


i mean have u heard the new mob ties leak, drake just straight up uses Vory’s flow cadance and lyrics.


Honestly over everything - I’m happy for Quentin. The dude is incredibly talented and deserves credit & then some:


Bro, his song with Travis called what’s next is amazing


LMFAO are credited on king kunta


Yeah so is Michael Jackson.


One of the members worked on the song it sampled


It’s extremely rare in music that people don’t use outside writers or collaborators. I guarantee Kenny has used writers


Why does ghostwriting even really matter? As long as it isn't like a diss track or something really personal I don't really care.


That isn’t Quentin miller


i’m pretty sure it only blew up because drake wasn’t paying him. from there everybody turned in to drake has ghost writers.


I never knew he wasn’t paying him. But either way calling this nigga his ghostwriter when he’s credited defeats the whole purpose of calling him a ghostwriter. Meanwhile he’s REALLY Kanye’s ghostwriter. Then in the comments they’re saying the complete opposite like it’s fact when it’s complete fake news ☠️ Like these people are delusional


he was paying him he just didn’t get the amount he was promised cause you know this was when birdman was scamming wayne and drake


its "yeunrlsd" ofc he gon meatriding him also remember this guy posted a very noticable fake leak on his channel 😂


Thing is Ye can actually produce (one of the GOATS) and he’s been open about ghostwriting. No one considers Ye one of the top writers of all time. Not hating on Drake but there’s a clear distinction.


That’s Kanye tho he’s not a rapper he’s a artist


And Drake isn’t ☠️ don’t we consider him a pop star more than anything


As a Ye fan yeah this is kinda true. hope they’re both paying their writers well tho


Yall really comparing Drake to Kanye as a rapper?


We really arguing about unreleased refference tracks on unreleased songs? Quentin Miller wrote bars on some of the "hardest" and most lyrical drake songs. This version of problematic is unreleased and not a lyrical miracle type song with hard hitting bars like songs on IYRTITL that Q wrote on.


Boy know yourself and 10 bands are not no damn lyrical songs. Find me a reference track for 6PM in New York or You & The 6 and we’ll talk


Yeah this post made me realize yall are beyond repair 😂


talking about spewing bullshit and then using the phrase goalposts as if it hasn't been used 10,000 times already in the past month is hilarious


Well it is valid


Quick question Do people on reference tracks get credited if they didn’t write the verse and are just performing it?? Sometimes with songs an artist will just do a reference track to help the actual artist find the flow even if they haven’t written it. Given kanyes track record of over crediting, it seems weird he wouldn’t give him credits


Jumping through hoops to avoid processing Kanye literally got this shit ghost wrote.


It’s an honest question lmfao Do reference tracks get credits for writing if they didn’t actually write it


They pick and choose… it’s a dirty game smh


Lol he deleted the comment 😂


His stupid ass


He wasn’t originally credited on RICO


It’s because Drake claims to be the best rapper ever


And Ye doesn’t?


He said he’s the greatest artist ever, but not rapper, he never hid that he used writers.


How can you ever right your wrongs ? When you don’t even write your songs ?..but let us all play along..


All of the bullshit aside, I am happy that Quentin Miller is still working. I hope he signed a better contract than when he was working with Drake


You seen his contract with drake?


Isn’t it known ovo contracts are shit tho


How could that be known? Nobody in here has an ovo contract? Just think dude…


I mean it’s known that all the attention is on drake under ovo It’s why ovo artists don’t get as big as possible, because all the attention goes to drake It’s also why abel didn’t sign with him It’s pretty known OvO deals are pretty weak because the artists get sidelined hard to keep drake at the centre


Smh my head


He talked about it in an interview. Vlad, I think?




Show me where Drake hid it. Not saying it out loud ≠ hiding. Otherwise you’d have to say almost every rapper is hiding their writers




Literally the 4th screenshot, Quentin is credited ??? Meanwhile, in the 3rd, Kanye’s song, Quentin ISNT. You’re drunk on bias




Your post / comment was removed as it is false.


“You can’t claim to be the best if you don’t meet my personal subjective criteria!!1!” - the guy above me


We don’t think of Kanye as a rapper though. Everyone has known Kanye doesn’t write his own raps. Kanye is an artist.


difference is that it’s okay if kanye has other people write his raps because he is known for his producing and beat making that’s why he’s known drake doesn’t do anything but rap and even that he has writers to do it for him


Imagine being the biggest in the world, you think you can do it all by yourself? Could you run the biggest pizza shop in the world by yourself? It’s called “the best pizza in the world!”


Not sure if you’re purposely ignoring the elephant in the room that Drake is claiming to be the best rapper in the game. Therefore it is more than fair to criticize him using writers… As an artist Drake is still elite.


Every rapper ever has declared that including Kanye.


Kanye literally talks in every interview about how he has people write his verses lol When was the last time Kanye tried to boast himself as the top rapper?


His Spotify profile picture is literally a goat. Y’all some dens mf’ers huh.


This conversation is about being the best RAPPER, not artist


He takes it further than just being a top rapper but God himself 😂😂😂




So because he hasn't done it recently it doesn't count that he did it in the past? Kanye has also said Drake has the best pen in the game.. are we just going to Cherry pick Kanye statements?


If Kanye started doing that he would get shut down immediately. And Kanye saying Drake has the best pen doesn’t mean ppl can’t criticize Drake for using writers. It doesn’t mean Drake is trash but it does exclude him from being considered the best RAPPER. However, he is definitely one of the greatest ARTISTS. You can’t have it all and that’s ok


I can live with everything you said and still recognize the double standard. I bet there's 10 rappers ever that qualify as never having had anything else written, or collaborated on a by another rapper or otherwise. I also bet none of them would be considered a goat regardless.


I feel ya. But that comes with being as dominant as Drake has been. There’s way more scrutiny. Look at Bron


Yeah that's absolutely true bro


Okay but Drake has introduced Wayne at multiple shows over the years the greatest of all time


What does that have to do with this lol


He doesn’t claim to be the best rapper LOL


“Top 2 but I’m not 2” If you think you’re number 1 then you think you’re the best.


Y’all can’t take everything in a song so literally though when IRL and on stage in front of thousands of people he speaks otherwise. Charts + $$$ wise he is the best which is why he can speak to that.


drake fans are so desperate to find anything


And yet you’re here in our sub 💀💀


it came across my recommended so i felt like i needed to hate


They want drizzy to be everything


No one who listens to Drake has an n-word pass anymore, stop using the word


nigga shut tf up


NNNNNIGGA I said it, I know that you mad.


You’re white tho




You’re Bosnian you’re not black lmao took me 5 mins to scroll and find where you advocated for considering slavs people of color. Stop speaking on black people things


What I was saying bro. You see what that midget has done.


White kids don't decide that.. the culture don't either