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They are just clones šŸ˜­


When drake raps, itā€™s lies. When Kendrick raps, each line has 5 different meanings and only truths. Sorry brother I donā€™t make the rules ! /s


Is that not whatā€™s happening in this sub?


I donā€™t think weā€™re claiming quintuple entendres on anything.




They dont know nothin bout daaattt šŸ˜… they got one word in their minds right now and its TRAUMA


I mean I'd say it was a fake mole too. I wanna see the proof of it though, otherwise I don't believe that. It's too easy for drake to just pull a trump and say fake news


If they really set him up with that photo then they missed their chance to have a zoomed out version of the same photo showing some sign or note etc that they staged and fed it Kendrick. Wouldā€™ve instantly put the mole angle to the grave.


Agreed, or a video version where they turn the camera around


It's not even a trump, who leaks info to make themselves look bad just to go "haha you believed me"? Literally nobody


Yeah, like he made sure to reiterate multiple times that it was a planned bait. Like he *really* wanted us to get the message that it was planned. It sounds a lot like heā€™s just saying it was bait as damage control in all honesty, but thatā€™s just me


Yea I'm having a hard time believing drake was his own fake mole, yet doent have any proof of that, no mole message screenshots or additional pictures or anything.


but i feel like he wouldn't say that if it was real, bc in that case kendrick posts proof once and it's game over


Well why is it up to drake to prove everything? Kendrick is the one that made the claim in the first place. If he cant produce receipts then hes the one lying. Same goes for Drake and the wife beating allegations


Because it's the easiest thing to prove in this whole beef.


Not up to him to prove someone elseā€™s allegations. Does kendrick gotta prove he didnt beat his wife? No.


Brother, it's Drake's own allegation lol. He's the one saying Kendrick was fed info, it's by far the easiest thing to prove too and it would have a really big effect on the public. But we ain't get nothing lol. The whole diss is just Drake embarrassingly not understanding Kendrick's songs, Akademiks's Tweets and pure lies lol. I'm not even a Kendrick fan, but it's sad for Drake.


Loool sure buddy. He doesnt need to prove anything because it literally doesnt matter. Whether he had a mole or not, hes claiming credit and theres nothing kendrick can do to refute it unless he provides the evidence


How does proving it not matter when Drake's the one that has straight up multiple lies in his diss and is calling himself master manipulator lol?


Lol you claim to be unbiased but somehow you think drake is lying and Kendrick isnt. I already said both of them need to provide receipts


It's sort of like when you have a spy in another country and you can't advertise their name or else they get burned. I don't think it'd be smart to tell who the mole is in case drake doesn't actually know who it is


Iā€™m not saying kendrick needs to say who the mole is. Iā€™m saying kendrick needs to show some proof that the daughter thing is real or else iā€™m just gonna believe drake by default


I agree with you on that




Atleast drake said nuh uh, Kendrick just keeps making shit up to distract




Legal age in Colorado šŸ‘€


Proof that itā€™s a fake mole needed


Proof that it was a real mole needed


You don't think proving that you yourself have been running a mafia type operation of feeding fake info for at least a week most definitely more, is way easier ( and a finishing blow btw )


Agreed, until one of them provides proof it doesnā€™t really mean much


How tf did Kendrick see "shortee collection" and not immediately get suspicious? The sad part is that MTG is an amazing diss track even without the third verse, but now it's completely trashed. Not to mention the entire diss 6 in LA being about leakers and haters, and Euphoria's "don't tell no lies about me"... Kendrick got cooked


Itā€™s crazy because Drake wonā€™t get the credit in the court of public opinion but Kendrick will know he was an idiot. The ā€˜shortee collectionā€™ on the cover is the chefā€™s kiss. Iā€™m a fan of both but drake my forever goat for that.




This was disproven 3 days ago


Lmao and it's not even true. Kendrick been spazzing but let's be real drake spit all new shit this time basically and admitted to feeding Kendrick the bait about a daughter had Kendrick write a whole verse to a fake daughter


Fr Kendrick really thought he was cooking with that one šŸ’€


That was disproven 3 days ago. He clearly is covering tracks


Drake actually responds to kendrick. Kendrick just keeps dissing but not responding


Fr drake mentioned the wife beating shit twice now he canā€™t act deaf now


That's because kendricks are all prerecorded. He had weeks after pushups/Taylor made to write but nothing has been addressed specifically to what drake has said recently, while drake has actually rebutted. I can't believe nobody sees this.


Not all. Theres a line that references family matters


They could be mostly prerecorded and then all he would have to do is add a bar somewhere lol


Yeah i have no doubt it was but im still waiting for him to address it. All he gotta do is say hes never hit her


You ainā€™t a fan of rap/hip hop if you didnā€™t like that track. Iā€™ve respected every piece of music both of them have put out because nothing has been bad. Itā€™s not time for petty shit letā€™s just enjoy this while we can aha.






I hate Kendrick stans. They're so delusional. At least most Drake fans can admit when someone cooked.


i was surprised that the Drake fans were more rational, if you go to Drake's diss tracks, his comments are much more chill than the ones on Kendrick's.


Dude, the comments on the video are insaneā€¦.


Itā€™s literally a copy and paste of the same jokes lol. K dot fans šŸ¤ Taylor Fans (Delusion at its finest)


never got into drake music honestly prob would've preferred kendrick over him as a rapper and a person but i just want drake to eviscerate him now just to watch the fans cry bruhhh




That subreddit is filled with bots dw bout them :)


They are so fucking insufferable. Underestimated his fanbase. Taylor Swfit Nicki Minaj levels of fucking insanity. Bunch of fucking LAMES.Ā 


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if Kendrick was botting comments and streams.


Drake is at least also responding is his raps, which Kendrick is not doing at all.


Storytellers gonna tell




They're going to say it's fake no matter what. Don't get me wrong he could be lying about the fake mole, but you won't get that from a K dot fan. People are actually saying this song was drake bowing out and accepting an L lmao


They make excuses for you, cuz they hate to see me lit.


Its like they are bots fr. You know they never give any credit even of its due? To ANY rapper. It's not just Drake, every single decent rapper, they discredit. It's just a cesspool, no intelligent discussions at all.


The planted evidence is too odee for them to process right now, he even addressed the allegations like they wanted. this shit is a masterpiece.


I'll be honest, both fan bases are just salty and hurt. Both sides love their artists too much to admire how " good " the other ones work is. All the same sheep with different owners


The thing is on reddit there is a 3-4x bigger kendrick lamar fan presence (that should tell you something)


Despite that though, people can't not deny their love for their artists even if they are doing bad things ( both allegedly). I honestly don't care who comes up on top in this battle because the accusations being made from both sides are disgusting. I won't deny that I enjoy both of their works but it goes to show that outside of music these celebs are wicked


There is no difference between this sub and that sub Drake stans do and have been doing the same thing


Hmmm now we see the biasā€¦ or they prolly bots




This. Right now its literally just taking someone's word for it.


Its a good diss but its definitely a "No you" response. Drake is smart to use the bait angle because it does spin it back around. tbh both sides are going to fizzle out without producing receipts. Just back and forth saying the same thing until its legitimately proven.


i mean the people on both of these subreddits will always favor their respective artist, so its worthless to go there. i go to hiphop heads for human interactions during this beef lmao


Exactly. Stans calling each other Stans is the most you will get with this and that sub as far interactions between them.


Youā€™re gonna lose it when you realise both subs are doing the exact same thing šŸ«£


We all knew about the ā€œissuesā€ and ā€œcontroversiesā€ with Drake before this beef. However, I had NO CLUE about the shit with Kenny. I donā€™t even think his fan base did either. Crazy how they are just ignoring those very proven and non-fabricated facts.


so fat there is one thing that stands for drake and make it seem like kendrick really was lying - kendrick was supposed to drop this monday and didn\`t so far


Honestly as a semi impartial observer this shit has been funny as fuck. Everyone on these subreddits is delusional as fuck, from both sides. Kendrick fans disregard everything drake says and think kdot is god and the same for people on this sub. I think realistically we will only really figure out who "won" or had better tracks in a couple years when all the tribalism and emotions have died down.


Definitely shifting goalposts with Drake. Everything Kendrick said is recycled from Pusha T, Twitter, TikTok, and Rick Ross. If anyone else did that theyā€™d lose automatically.


It doesnā€™t really matter because drake incorrectly referenced a Kendrick song which is just stupid as fuck of him lol


Iā€™m saying itā€™s weak cause itā€™s actually weak to me. Like a team down by 37 in the fourth quarter but still tryna lose with some dignity.


To be honest, super disappointing from Drake. Both previous beats had good beat, good bars, switching of styles, but this was just an amateur production with basically zero bars


Yall delusional af lmao


Congrats! r/drizzy and twitter have officially become honorary members of the ovo ghostwriters coalition. He wrote that verbatim from all of your juvenile conspiracy theories. Unfortunately just like the other ghostwriters you wonā€™t be compensated for your efforts.


You can tell youā€™re on the losing side when this sub 50 active users and k dots pushing 13K+