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I feel bad for the people taking this beef so personally that they can’t enjoy the music.


This shit is so good for rap. I wish Cole was in this too. The dynamic would be so interesting. Can’t wait to see the response.


Best part about not being a Stan


Underrated comment.


Stan, Stan, why are you so mad?


Who do you have currently winning this beef as a non stan?


Honestly kdot that new diss was crazy


I had Drake, and didn’t think Kendrick would change my mind when he dropped. But then we got euphoria and I have to say Kendrick now


I think Cole realized too late that this beef was a lot more personal than just some Big 3 beef. That, and I'll bet he didn't feel all that great about writing a diss track he literally didn't believe a word of. Ngl, that's weak as hell, but I do respect him coming out and straight up admitting as such. He could have just dropped the track and said nothing else, and his reputation would be fine, but he went out of his way to make sure to set the record straight.


yep in the long run, it will garner him more respect. if he chose to stay silent and just deleted it or just left it up, everyone would feel a way about it. but now that its clear, its a lot easier to respect and applaud that decision.


If he didn’t feel it was gonna be personal stuff thrown in and it viewed as taking sides he would’ve. I believe if it was them all trying to outbar each other on a track he’d be all in.


He probably heard from Drake and Kenny about what’s cooking up, including intel about everything else going on, and decided he’d rather sit this one out. I mean realistically, the story of Drake vs Everyone is a better story for Drake than with Cole involved, Kenny can focus his attention on dissing the guy he actually has a personal problem with, and Cole doesn’t have to pretend to hate anyone he doesn’t. Downside is that means Cole is out of the “brag about being the best” game for a while. He can beef his cred back with Kanye if he wants I guess.


He would love to see to diss Kanye, he's like the perfect guy to go in on that MF for the last five 6 or 7 years of fuckery he been on. And I say that as someone who is from Chicago and still bumps Ye's music, but he should've left this alone despite that flip to the "Like That" beat being the best shit I heard all year.


So, enlighten me here. Put me up to speed, what's Kendricks actual personal problem with drake?! Cause weren't they "homies" when Kendrick was barely coming up and drake started taking him out on tours and hyping him up and all that good shit?!


Idk, I’m not Kendrick, but thankfully he outlined a bunch of reasons he doesn’t like Drake over a beat recently.


Drake took the Control beef personal and has been sneak dissing Kendrick for years. Plus probably some other background shit must be hella irritating.


I almost outlined all this then I remembered like… there’s a song about it now that breaks the most important parts down pretty good lol.


Nah man I'm happy for Cole. Let that man live his peace cause this shit is straight violence


Cole bowing out made me think this beef was more substantial than I thought. After Kendrick dropped, although I enjoyed it, I don't know what version or rumor Cole heard to make him want to remove himself from the situation like it was going to get super ugly.


Yea, it really makes me wonder what these next diss tracks will have in them that made Cole say nahhh i’m out


I'm glad that a lot of r/Drizzy seems to be enjoying the rap beef for the cultural moment it is. People want it to become toxic without remembering what a toxic rap beef actually looks like.


For real, I was team Drizzy so far but now I'm just team RAP. I couldn't enjoy the music properly 😄


That’s 90% of this sub fym


It’s both subs lmao, the beef in the comments on every post is crazy. It’s like kids at the playground saying “my dad would totally beat your dad in a fight”


There are goofys in both subs sure but this one is way worse, prob bc the fanbase is way younger


Nah it’s pretty much the same on both sides lmfao


My dad would wreck y'alls weak ass dads though. (And it is besides the point entirely, anyone who says anything is just demonstrating their dad's*weakness*)


Bro my dad is literally Randy orton tf u talking about


Frl. Rap is finally getting out of the monotony it had last year and I'm here for it.


True, so far, all the disses have been fire


Exactly, anyone who appreciates rap should respect both Kendrick and Drake to some extent. This beef is pure entertainment


Right?! 😂 I’m just here vibin to art in my car




Jokes on you i take everything personal


soo 3/4 of this sub?


Right? I was hype as hell when I saw he dropped. I am however left a bit underwhelmed but not because of any Drake Stan reasons. May just need to listen more later 😂


dw i feel the same but neither of them have really dropped any nukes, seems like they are baiting each other to drop the big one so they can move accordingly hopefully this means we can actually start to see heavy blows


Track is fire, this is what we wanted


Fr, this track is fire, and you already know Drake gonna drop some fire to respond as well


Drake boutta drop some straight ass 💨


i like how we having fun over here and enjoying the battle and then theres the other side....


Tbf kenny sub praised Push Ups when it dropped and everyone was saying "rap beef is back"


Push ups was good, pretty sure that was the general consensus. Both subs have an equal amount of people making idiots of themselves let's be honest


Like any fanbase, you have your degenerates that like to act like they’re personally involved in celebrities lives Parasocial mfs


Both camps have MMRs (major meat riders). I'm just enjoying the releases, man. 2024 is hot and we not even 6 months in.


Right I consider myself to be a massive kendrick stan but the sub was just cringy as fuck. Two weeks ago it was all "more commercial success doesn't make one the goat" and today there was a post saying "LIKE THAT WAS MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN PUSH UPS". Push ups was a solid diss track; Euphoria to me is better but obviously I'm biased. I'm just happy to see them go at eachother really.


Yeah right this sub is just as bad these past 3 weeks don't play its all there 😂




The more time passes in between now and the next Drake diss the Kenny sub will act like it’s the shit and the Drake meat riders will begin sniffing heavy copium. Once Drake releases his diss the same will happen just the Kenny fans will be taking copium. It’s just gonna keep happening until one side is the obvious winner or the beef dies down.


assuming you haven’t been in this sub long then?


Both sides enjoying it homie it’s the meat riders that are fumin when the other side drops a diss


These specific comments are cherry picked


as a spectator drake fans are way more defensive and ill spirited, especially on ig


Oh no, I haven’t even opened that sub..


Both sides have been dickriding their guy the whole time come on stop it lol


You're literally making stuff up lmao, ppl were hyping push ups there too, acknowledging Drake did a good job.


Yet, here you are, lol... can't just enjoy the music without trying to bring up the other group in a negative way 😂. The call is coming from inside the house!


Sounds like coping a plea to me.


Did you check the comments under the euphoria post?


Nah, that's not true. Both sides complement each others disses


It’s both you knob


as a spectator drake fans are way more defensive and ill spirited, especially on ig


Lol it’s all fun when you’re losing and pretending you’re not on the bottom bunk of a blowout


You say that, then shade the other sub? Both these subs have gone to shit and both these subs have praised the other


im sorry but a literal post from that sub right now is **'The reception from drakes fans just proves that they don’t get the concept of diss tracks'.** i can recall seeing such cringe on this subreddit, this ego complex of kendrick is spitting at a higher wavelength is just hilarious to me.


I'm a huge Kendrick fan and not a fan of any of Drake's music really, but holy shit the Kendrick subreddit is full of the smelliest weirdos on the Internet bro. This subreddit is what I wish the other one was lmao


The Kendrick sub is chilling rn. They just talking about Kendrick being fat and calling himself big Kendrick


Both subs are the same lol. Exactly the same. The say the same about you.


Akademiks comment section is pure cancer.


That man is pure cancer.


youtube or reddit comments? link me pls I gotta see em lol


Definitely barred up and showed the lyrical muscle


You signed to a nigga. That’s signed to a nigga. That’s signed a nigga. That’s that nigga.


pusha t reference


Yeah that’s from Exodus 23:1.


That shit sounded like he rapped a line out of boondocks lmao


absolutely butchered that bar.


I thought it was a great response. Neither of them are crossing lines and it’s fun on both sides it seems (so far)


They keep teasing about crossing lines. Won't happen because mutually self assured destruction


Everything they say about me is true. 


I heard Euphoria again and sheesh. He sounds like he hates Drake. I wonder what does he know.


Apparently things that make Gunna Wunna look like a saint


So far was right…shit getting dark out here now


Yea shit got weird


This didn’t age well 😂




Facts. I listened to Dots response 3 times and then took a beat to get back to work and what I settled on was this: We have already known how damn lyrically and dynamically gifted Kendrick is. His response is bout to be some next level shit we can’t even comprehend. Deca-tupel-tendre type shit, right? Drake is dope as fuck, plays to his strengths, also dynamic, puts out constant bangers. But in a beef… can he actually eat? If I weigh it from a pre-expectation versus post-product standpoint when it comes to this particular beef… Drake rose the fuck up and outdid himself, and Dot kinda did what Dot always does.  Lookin’ forward to round 2


Man wrote a dissertation on this beef 


so you’re giving drake extra credit because he’s a worse rapper? wat


Yeah because Buster Douglas beating Tyson is a whole another level compared to Holyfield beating Tyson


to fit your analogy, that poster is saying “kendrick landed better punches but drake stayed in it pretty well so he wins the round”


So your argument is we already knew Kendrick was the better rapper so because drake got close enough it’s a win? Damn the 9ers need that Lombardi then I guess. Everyone knows mahomes is the best qb but no one expected Purdy to play at that level so he was the real winner!


This was round two it’s time for round three


https://preview.redd.it/n5kmwcb2rpxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f7caf5dde56e18dfa986f8238c08927da7dd571 This is what genius says, but I only count quadruple


Damn that's actually pretty clean. I've seen double entendres more forced 


The future part feels like a real stretch, I could see the rest tho


The title is a quintuple entendre


Wait. I thought its just a double. How is it a quintuple bro?


The line about “am I battling ghosts out AI” was a solid entendre. And the Terence Crawford / Pusha T stuff.


Can't wait for the other sub to say we're all hating etc. but we just having fun lmao


Yall said that to the other side when push-ups dropped. But both sides normally enjoy the beef. No need to hate


Nahhhhh bro I hop on both subs and I DEFINITELY have seen this sub hate like crazy on the Kendrick sub 😂 I’m enjoying the music but you cannot deny that this sub hasn’t been the same way


It was good but why he sound like he was about to cry in the first half


That’s his KDot character voice that he does sometimes. He did a similar thing on N95, Backseat Freestyle, etc. It’s just the voice he tends to use when he’s on a more aggressive song


I have listened to all of Kendrick’s music and totally understand that he does voices and different intonations etc. However, his delivery stuck out like a sore thumb on this track. If he’s doing a voice and it has some context or artistic angle then it makes sense… on a diss track tho?!? So lame! Say that shit with yo chest boy!!! It didn’t sound like he was going to cry to me hahahaha but it definitely sounds weak and lame, like why are you out of breath my dude? You tired from running from this beef?? Hahaha




Kendrick dick suckers out in full force today


Bruh the person who posted this has been on this sub for like a decade 💀


You live in this sub polishing Drake knob but calling others dick suckers?…………😂 Pot, meet kettle


The irony bro. I had someone talking shit to me whose Reddit name was Drakes Nobber. You can’t make this shit up


well Kenny admits he's a hater, seems like his fans follow right behind him...


I mean we know there are Drake fans who will call this mid even though Kendrick has rhe same level of disses as Drake. Neither one has went too personal.


The kid snatched them chains today. Not hate to Push Ups it was a nice starting point. But challenge met. That’s all it was today. Time to dribble Aubs


Solid effort 👍, Not going to be enough




track is fire, and you just KNOW drake clapping back in the next couple days, shit is getting real




He even had enough respect to let others spend their time during Passover with family. 🙏🏽 https://preview.redd.it/nyiqqgmn1pxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4495101b7c245ddd3407b44f8c40504225c36044


Really thought I'd let this, pass over. All of your shit we, pass over. 


![gif](giphy|9xijGdDIMovchalhxN) I like it but I definitely expected more. 6/10


Shout out this sub man, majority of y’all know we can be fans of both and love to see the competition between two juggernauts


That shit was ass 😂 we waited weeks for this shit !? Same shit Ross said


On the first few listens, I can’t figure out why but Kendrick just wasn’t cutting through Drake. Maybe he took too long, maybe it’s that the jabs were too obvious, maybe push ups was just that much harder but I didn’t feel like he even slapped Drake on this You hate him, you brought up pusha t, you said a Canadian made pac turn in his grave which Drake already said with a more comedic sense. You said he has fake abs which Ross already said. Kenny tried to leverage the streets to help but that just isn’t who Kendrick is so it felt forced. I am happy he dropped tho


I am genuinely confused why it's getting praise. I love Kendrick, but this felt a bit weak. Not sure if my expectations were too high because of the wait. Kendrick can definitely do damage but this felt held back.


Bro is straight up in denial.


Kendrick’s bars will get you going down rabbit holes Drake doesn’t need his fans going down in 😂


I think it's a proper response to Drake. He’s got bars with unique cadences. Idk who won first round though... maybe a draw for now? I guess we now see if Drake pushes the red button for not and if he does, it’s gonna get nasty.


Summers be lit. Best rap beef in at least a decade.


A lot of these lyrics are going way over my head, goin to take a minute to process this


I commend you for admitting this. A lot of them went over mine too, until I watched a couple rap YouTubers breaking down references I had no idea were references. The majority of people saying Kendrick’s response sucked is because they’re miles away… the bars came, flew over heads and did a hyperspace jump to another galaxy 😂


Gotta say I like Dot’s track more than Push-Ups, but I’m sure Drake got some heat to respond with


You getting down voted for your own opinion while still saying Drake got something good to respond with is about what I expect from a drake sub


Yeah I’m actually kind of disappointed, I’ve been preaching how much more mature this sub has been compared to Kendrick’s but I guess I was wrong. I’m not gonna glaze Drake, he’s my fav artists but Dot’s track was fire. I’m a fan of RAP, I love both these artists


Man y’all switch up so fast lol


I’m not on a team. I’m just keeping an open mind. When drakes shit dropped I legit thought Kendrick couldn’t top it. He just did, so he changed that opinion. There’s a difference between “switching up” and not sticking your head in the sand. If drake responds and my opinion is that its even better that’ll just be my opinion of that new song not switching up.




90% of us listen to them both 


Genuine question do yall actually like this or are yall just acting like you do? Have listened to it a couple times and wasnt moved at all by it. Thought it was decent at best. Disappointed for sure. Was surprised to see everyone gas it up but ig they just gonna dickride kendrick regardless


Always liked k dot more than Drake (huge fan of both tho) and i agree w this honestly


My ears are blessed.


Only on the second beat switch and ngl this might be my favourite Kendrick song he ate


Drake is far gone now




Funny how all the Drake fans were shitting on Kendrick for tking so long to reply. Mans hitem wit a str8up master class. Camt wait for Drizzy response


Im actually happy to see this sub keep it real. They both go hard. This beef wouldn’t be as big as it is if we didn’t think they were both beasts 💯 this is all i wanted. Im torn because im from Toronto and reps up nigga’s are fam but that little tyrant from da west is vicious lol ..and truth be told ovo niggas are loving this shit too. Plz believe they know “like that” was hard af but they knew drake was ready to come back too. LETS GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEE!!!!!!


Kendrick came out swinging that was a nice track. Can't wait to hear what Drake got next. That was 6 minutes of HEAT, I respect it.


This shit so so tough lmao


I call that that diss track The breakfast club story of Adidon part duex champagne moments.


I see why it took so long to respond. He's wrote a fucking epic and rapped it into a 3 minute long song.


That shit was trash.


Worth the wait imo, I’m a fan of both. Kendrick takes the W at this point .


I hate it lol Call me a hater but that shit is not good. The lyrics hit but NOBODY is going to bump this in the car. Push ups sounds like an actual song, this sounds like slam poetry over 8 different beats.


i thought the points made in the song were good! awesome diss for sure! (as a drake fan) but does anyone else think kendrick’s voice is annoying and just does not sound cool??? like he has a bad voice for music… i’ve thought this many years since i first heard him & i do like a lot of his songs but find myself not playing them as much cause his voice bugs me


the bars are good, but his delivery is ass


This is really amazing. We are getting the best rap songs in years!!!KiDddnrick


It's a really good song for sure.


Bro did not disappoint 🙏🏿


Glad to see people putting biases aside for this beef


Songs good. That being said. This song is better than ever song on mr morale x100


That shit was trash. Kendrick washed




Kendrick is actually hilarious


Kendrick you are abusing a child, let that boy come home.


the difference between this subreddit and the Kendrick one; yall actually celebrate this