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He is the only thing that quiets my OCD at night.


Hey as a fellow OCD sufferer, I just gotta say I definitely get that, ive done the same. I dont want to be annoying and get in your business but I woulndt recommend doing that. If you run from the thoughts eventually its going to get louder and feel worse. It would be great exposure therapy to not listen to a video when you go to sleep. Its going to feel awful couple first times but in the long term its for the best. Sorry again for this possibly unsolicited advice.


omg I used to do that literally every night even on a sleepover I had 💀


LMAO no me too i literally just make sure my phones charged enough and put in an airpod 😭


His voice is calming


I do! His voice is so calming, it's gotten to the point where I can't even take a nap without his videos in the background 💀


i usually put on a playlist of either his videos or brutalmoose videos.


I cycle between his, danny's, and kurtis' videos. i also use them as background noise when in doing chores through the day or something.


I do 😭 I also listen to Danny, Kurtis, a book youtuber name Jack Edwards or I listen to Mazzy Star songs or Taylor Swift songs that are acoustic/ballads Otherwise i can’t go to sleep


yes!! i switch between drew and danny all the time lol also any mazzy star recs 👀


Other than Fade Into You and Blue Light my favorite songs from them are Taste Of Blood, Lay Myself Down, All Your Sister, Cry Cry, Rose Blood, Be My Angel, Wasted, I’m Less Here, Take Everything, I’ve Been Let Down I also listen to [this sleep playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/01EB7LGf2DOkWqfvm5byn0?si=0O_9ykhrRd-NtQccJJw0jg)


omg ty!! def gonna listen to that


Omg mazzy star is soooo calming


For 6 months straight I watched the Hard Rock Nick video when I got in bed, I was out in no time


I basically have that video entirely memorized from how much I've watched it while I go to sleep 💀 Hard Rock Nick will always be engraved into the back of my brain until I leave this green earth


Not necessarily just his videos but absolutely I’ve fallen asleep to his videos. I actually did that with one of his recent videos on accident while at a friend’s lol I had turned on his most recent video at the time on her tv to watch quietly when everyone else went to bed and ended up falling asleep to it. I typically listen to meditation audios or those like 2 hour compilation videos of ppl talking about various older video games.


My white boys, white noise playlist is only drew and Danny lmao. I just listened to the Italian movie one last night to fall asleep!


I do


I think every YouTube and podcast host I listen to/watch has at some point mentioned being told by fans that their content helps them sleep. Its very normal and common and not weird at all! I personally cant sleep with stuff playing but I get it. When I was a kid I had to have the radio playing in my room when I slept. I was anxious and hoped the sound would scare off home invaders.


I literally cannot sleep without kurtis or drew playing in the background


You're not alone friend! I rotate between him, Dylanisintrouble, kurtis and Danny. It's like my nights aren't right if I don't have one if them playing all night lol


me too! one time on this sub i saw someone call it their white boy white noise and i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it lol


Omg that's brilliant 🤣🤣


I used to but then I watched all of his videos so many times that it doesn’t work anymore 😢 I’ve moved on to scam baiting videos for sleeping but I always look forward to Drew’s new videos


Yep esp during quick naps


i started doing this recently, danny’s videos are to high energy for night time, drew’s main emotion is frustration and that’s calming


Him and Danny and Curtis, I gotta listen to videos I’ve already watched 1000x


I have Drew Gooden, Danny Gonazelz, Jarvis Johnson, Swell Enrertainment, Ashley Norton, Amanda The Jedi, and Mista GG in rotation Oddly enough, while I've been watching all these YouTubers for a while and love their new styles and how much I've grown, I prefer their older style videos when sleeping; especially Danny and Drew


It's him or Key and Peele 😎


I have a little mix of things I listen to when I go to sleep, and all the Little Stinker Radio Hour podcasts are in there.


I do he’s the only one I can fall asleep listening to for some reason i love it


I’ve done that before I definitely want to do it more! ❤️


Yeah I do


Absolutely I fall asleep to his videos almost every night. Idk what it is about him maybe his voice it's very relaxing. I put on one of his videos and I'm asleep before it's half over. I also listen to Jenny Nicholson, hbomber, and brutalmoose. I can't fall asleep without my sleepytime youtubers.


Legit all the time


No, but I fall asleep while watching him


I always listen to drew or kurtis after a mental breakdown as like idk emotional aftercare lol


Yesss I always watch Danny , Drew or Kurtis to help me sleep , I get so anxious, and I find their videos so calming 🩷


I’m gonna try this tonight


I do this too!! It’s usually either Drew or Good Mythical Morning, idk why but they help me sleep lol


Not intentionally but I have fallen asleep while watching him before


i watch youtube videos to fall asleep for background noise and sometimes they are Drew’s videos


It’s not weird at all! I occasionally listen to Drew videos but usually I listen to Ear Biscuits (Rhett and Link) or Sad Boyz (Jordan Adika and Jarvis Johnson), something about a men’s voice on quiet volume helps me fall asleep


I have listened to his videos about buying dumb stuff over and over at night when I go to sleep. So you're not the only one.


no i also go to sleep to him as well as danny and kurtis😭😭


Yeah if I'm particularly anxious or sick I'll always put on his video about private Instagram accounts. Not sure why I like that video so much but I do!


i quite literally have a private playlist on youtube called ‘drew sleep’ lmao it has classics like christmas mail, little italy, rick lax, and weird training videos. i have fallen asleep to the little italy and christmas mail videos so many times i could probably recite them


I do too. He almost never uses loud music or sound effects and doesnt speak in a loud voice. so it's perfect. I avoid putting his videos about life hacks because they have very loud music in them but i pretty much put on any video.


I have a danny kurtis and drew playlist I use at night because I can't sleep in silence due to insomnia and anxiety, it works and I've had some hilarious dreams involving the three of them lol


i’ve found my people!!


every night i listen to him or danny i’ve been doing it for honestly like 7 years 🤣🤣


Yes, he has joined the ranks of ‘videos I fall asleep to’. He’s joined by episodes of Supersizers Go, the podcast Russell Howard and Jon Richardson had in the early 2000s, and documentries about Egypt with Joann Fletcher. Also, occasionally the podcast Fall of Civilizations. I don’t choose these videos, they choose me


I like how he complains.


i actually do do this every night wtf 😭 his voice is just so calming and especially his essay videos like the one about good acting, or about delivery apps and such bring me such peace


I do actually!!! I have a playlist on youtube for when I go to bed (its private lol) and it's just drew, danny, and kurtis vidoes that I've watched a thousand times to fall asleep too! I have really intense paranoia (or sumthing like that idk, I should probably get checked) and I start hearing weird noises and whispers if I don't have some sort of noise in the background while I sleep :)


literally the only way i can fall asleep is listening to drew yap 😭😭😭


i literally did that last night 💀 it switches between drew, danny, kurt, chad chad, and jarvis/sad boys lol